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Helsy Flores Jan 2019
Mi amada Daisy
Ya no tengo quien me avise cuando hay alguien en la puerta
Quien se acurruque en mi panza cuando estoy triste
Quien me vea preocupada cuando estoy enferma
Quien duerma junto a mí en la cama, tapada de pies a cabeza
Era el paraíso despertar con un bultito tan bello y calientito

Mi chiquitita, my tiny
Tan fría que querías parecer, pero cuánto me querías
Todo el día pegada a mí, todo el día en mis piernas
Corrías a sentarte en el tapete para acompañarme hasta en el baño
Sabías perfectamente cuando me iba a ir de viaje
Te subías a mi maleta, y escuchaba tus lloridos desde la puerta

Mi vaquita, mi chilpetina
Ya no tengo quien me despierte en la mañana para ir al baño
Jamás te hiciste en la cama, ladrabas para que te bajara y te abriera
Ladrabas y corrías a tu platito de agua cuando querías agua
O frente a tu platito de comida exigiendo que era hora de comer
Solita lo aprendiste, "Such a smart puppy!"

Mi tinky winky, my ****** twinkle
Ya no tengo a quien soplarle en la carita
Y que como respuesta me llene de besos
No tengo con quien batallar para que coma
Ni a quien ponerle tus vestiditos todos chiquitos
A quien observar, morir de amor, e inevitablemente llenar de besos

Mi bébe, my puppy
Eras tan fuerte que jamás te quejaste de nada
Ni siquiera cuando tus pequeños riñones empezaron a fallar
Siempre estuviste alegre, moviendo tu colita
Excepto en tus últimos días, apagada
Sabías que ya habías cumplido tu misión, que ya era hora

Mi preciosura
GRACIAS por quererme, por hacerme feliz con sólo verte
GRACIAS por cuidarme, por absorber mis males y tristezas
GRACIAS por esperar a que llegara para irte
GRACIAS por ser fuerte cuando tu cuerpo más débil estaba, para poder decirnos adiós estando juntas, en casa
GRACIAS por escogerme como mamá

Mi florecita bella
Fuiste la mejor y más hermosa perrita del Universo
Tenerte fue lo mejor que me pudo haber pasado
¡Qué bonito habernos encontrado en esta vida!
No sabes lo inmensamente feliz que me hiciste
Te amo tanto y lo sabes, porque te lo decía cada 3 segundos

Mi pequeña angelita hermosa
Nos quedamos dormidas abrazadas, y viste el momento
Amaneciste aún abrazada a mi brazo, pegada a mi pecho
Con una carita feliz, llena de paz... pero ya en el arcoiris
Ya no tengo quien haga todas esas cosas aquí
Pero en todas partes te veo, y escucho tus ladriditos tan bellos
Te guardo en mi corazón mientras me esperas en el arcoiris
Jugando, corriendo, observándome y cuidándome
Espérame ahí, hasta que sea hora de que vaya a recogerte
I love you forever, my tiny
Daisy, 2013 (?) - 19/Ene/2019
Escrito el 20 de enero de 2019
*** inta a funky blues roll
swing silent low piano
trippin down tinky tink keys
stumble the mumbled muffled horns
wha wha the humble orchastra roars
it swings a choo choo
tracks changin
bass a bumpin
du du du du
walkin through the room
Spoon croons a bellowed ballad
an Ella cat do a hair raisin ****
tink tink
you don't have ta think
you know what you feel
dis blues is fo real

For Prez


Music Selection:
Count Basie Band with
Ben Webster, Roy Eldridge and Jimmy Rushing

I Left My Baby
Pagan Paul Jul 2019
The barrel hit the bottom
with a sound something like 'thwelp'.
The first was a 'thud' on mud,
the second definitely a 'Help!'.
Slim rolled from the wreckage
doing his best to look nonchalant,
and failing.
Its hard to look casual
sprawled face down in the dirt,
a help speech bubble floating overhead.
But he did his best
picking himself up slowly,
no-one else was going to do it.
Remarkably, or not, he was unhurt.

Kelm found a rib-cage,
the remains of a large fox,
and he was delighted.
Do barbarians dream of culture nights?
Kelm had, and he liked hitting things.
He had lost all interest in fishing,
in Bruce, in dolls, in girls,
even with the story he was in.
Because now he was, as stated, delighted.
He had his very own

She reached the bottom
blind panic in her open eyes.
She saw the figure of a man
picking himself up slowly.
“Poet!” she shouted at him.
“No” Slim said off-handedly
though he had a few select words.
“Then … I've killed him” she wailed
“Badly?” asked Slim
“No. Rather well actually. He's dead”.
Then she spied the sword
stuck fast in a rock, at a jaunty angle.
Aesthetically pleasing in fairy tales.
And a tiny figure grimly holding on,
reached up for a better grip,
touching the Green stone in the hilt.
Jerrica and Slim were blinded by a flash.

The tingling increased
and the sword felt power
surge through its length
and explode in a bright light.
The connection was complete.
The sword sneezed.
It knew him, he knew it.
Neither of them particularly liked it.

The moment he touched the stone
he felt the tingling feeling
and he felt the connection hit
like a brick wrapped in wool.
His head exploded in pure light,
the sword sneezed
and his future was sealed.
He felt so powerful and … elastic.

“What can you see?” shouted Slim.
“Nothing” Jerrica replied
“Which way is it going?” Slim asked.
They had sunspots, flash-spots,
dancing on, in and through their eyes.
They both needed a *** ***.
But as vision cleared
a shape, a shadow, a form, a man,
greeted their returning sight.

The poet stretched and kept on stretching.
He took stock, he looked great.
From 6 inches to 6 foot
in a matter of moments,
he had grown up.
He took a look around him.
Jerrica and Slim were gawping at him.
The sword felt warm in his hand.
And very smug.
He was a sword wielding poet,
he spoke.

“I do thank thee kindly Princess.
For being my friend and rescuer”.
She blinked quite a lot.

Her body was telling her what boys were for,
but her mind was really not quite sure,
and what if there was no known cure,
but he did make her think thoughts impure.

Seeing his effect upon Jerrica
he smiled in that Poet's flirtatious way.
She blushed even more.
“What is its name? Slim piped in.
“What?” the Poet asked.
“The sword, what's its name?
Fairy tale swords have to have a name”.

Tink, tinky, ******, tong, tung.
Kelm hit the bones with a stick.
Each cracked bone had its own tone
but lacked volume.
He used a bigger stick
and invented bone-shaker music.
He even became famous
with his own backing band
The Clandestine Trolls.

He held the sword
and asked it its name.
It maintained silence
in an embarrassed sulk.
“Aw c'mon” crooned the Poet.
Silence replied.
“Come to think of it” said Jerrica
“what's your name Poet?”.
That got him right in the logics.
He looked back in baleful silence.
The sword chuckled.

The singing bowl woke up,
aware of the presence of Magick,
it started to gently hum.
The sword started to hum.
With its own resonance
aware of the presence of Magick.

Startled Jerrica stumbled
falling through the waterfall
that had with immense interest
being watching proceedings.
Her arm flailed
and knocked the small plinth.
Jewel encrusted, humming, alive,
the bowl landed upside down
on her head.
And the connection was made.
Tingling Jerrica, tingling bowl.
The sword joined in
with a song of joyful union.
Quick as a flash
Jerrica was up on her feet
smoothing down her attire.
A princess neither flounders nor trips.

The Poet had had his hand extended
to help her to her feet.
She looked and smiled
'thanks but I'm ok' at him.
Their eyes locked,
their hearts threw away the key.

Slim got the familiar feeling of
I don't need to be here.
He looked at the smashed barrel
and thought philosophically
'something to tell the grand-kids!'
He headed for a tavern, any tavern, anywhere.

And our hero and heroine?
Well ..
they lived fairly contentedly ever after.

Except for the incident with
the anarchist fortune cookies …
but thats another story.

© Pagan Paul (June 2019)
Finally! The last part of this story typed up and posted.
Please enjoy :)
M Clement May 2014
Death, and the stench of decay

Kaiju, Lala,
Kaiju, Po,
Kaiju, Dipsy,
Kaiju, Tinky-Winky.

From the depths of the seas came roars and quakes unimaginable
And from the depths of childhood dreams, and twisted realities came something far worse than we had ever imagined

Tongue-firmly in cheek
I can manage no longer
For the sake of this story
I must be stronger

The mountains trembled at the feet of the behemoth
The mighty lizard-creature
Stamping across cities as if they were
school grounds
Smoke lit the path

Lord only knows how the childhood characters turned
Deathly aberrations,
but alas, one cannot die quickly enough
When faced with one of those
Seemingly fuzzy
Ripping flesh
As you stare, losing life,
Staring at their tv-like chests

But the clash of the beasts was one for the books
Godzilla, the kaiju,
with a killer flame
And a terrible temper

And the zombified tv group: the telletubbies
With their great speed,
voracious hunger
And general thirst for flesh

For what purpose did these titans clash?
Solely so we'd speak of it for centuries;
of that I'm sure.
Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook prompts; this one: Godzilla getting ambushed by zombie teletubbies (the fast kind)
M Clement May 2014
In the center of town
The center of town
The center
The town
The bleak sky
oppressing the citizens
not caught in the tidal waves of blood
left over in the streets
where the quad-group
had been

The buildings reduced to rubble
In the wake of the far-larger beast

Po had picked scent
Tinky had bled another dry
Lala was in full speed dash
And Dipsy was pouncing on another victim

Godzilla knew not of the approaching
Instead, otherwise focused on ships
hailing bullets
As he swatted yet another jet

He picked up scent

But by then
It was far too late
The group was upon him
And the desired what he held inside:
His... insides

I won't describe the battle.
We shall call it climactic.
I won't describe the ending
We'll call it dramatic
I won't describe this poem
We'll call it insipid

I hope you enjoyed this two-parter
Now to drown myself in alcoholic liquid.
Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook prompts; this one: 4. Godzilla getting ambushed by zombie teletubbies (the fast kind)
Brent Kincaid Aug 2018
Watching black and white flicks
From nineteen thirty four
With overacting stars and
Rinky-tinky scores;
Heroines with painted lips
To make them twice their size
And everyone with black liner
Smeared around their eyes.

Those were the big old movies
After school in the afternoon.
There were even snappy teasers
That told us ‘coming soon”
But television was free to us
And movie shows expensive
So, my backlog memories became
Inclusive and extensive.

I still can name most of the stars
And even say the name of the flick
And name some supporting actors
And I can do it super quick.
Because that was the entertainment
In a family with no movie budget.
If a movie came on I hadn't seen,
You can be sure I would watch it.

Later TV went to color shows
And it truly made my life great.
I’d see a favorite was coming on
Like Wizard of Oz, I couldn’t wait
To see it in color! Well, at least
Once Judy and the house landed.
It was enchantment for sure
No matter how heavy handed.

But for a decade or more, I watched
And was perfectly content to see
And not have a clue about their hair
Or color that their eyes  might be.
For happy in a black and white world
Pleased the young, unspoiled me.
After all, those fabulous stars
Were there for greedy young me!
how tempting and near irresistible
tuff hind me gaze drawn to the digital clock
chronograph constantly staring me back
from any electronic gizmo permanent at dock
side of the moon, where try as I might

to wrench letting thine myopic eyes alight and flock
affixed to time piece glaring at this mwm adamant
to become reminded of the passage ad hoc
of hours and minutes, essentially a contrived
modus operandi integrated forsaking those nada ****
within western civilization countless

hundreds years ago prescient insightful outliers, did lock
up present, whence practitioners of infant science,
handy dandy blues clues tinkerers ironed out nock
with an arrow poised to strike bullseye as precision
got perfected vis a vis dis cover for prefects pock
who devised a system to partition planetary revolution
of earth around the tilted axis; affected, devised, perfected
refined,contrivances to allocate equitable quotidian blocks
as dawn to dusk requisitioned some paradigm
to systematize how to know where to rendezvous

for risqué monkey business or maintain favorable rapport
with an employee/ though prior to the precision crafted timekeepers,
an innate sense inherent within the madding crowds
whose knead to acquire the basic commodities
slowly manifested into a more definitive precision
crafted gizmos as the natural circadian
sleep and wake cycles rhythm co opted

into forced system necessitating imposition on body electric
when advent of industrialization mandated
a work force to be jostled awake by town hall clangorous chimes
revving generic speedy Gonzalez to high tail their derriere
at manufacturer lest bread winner replaced by another eager desperado
to escape becoming DIRT POOR,

but pocket just enough legal tender to survive
a hardscrabble existence incessant inquiry
per the most asked question (*** hide from how big iz your ****)
turns upon the matter where space/time continuum
hums along with a silent tick tock
as if stone deaf, yet impossible to avoid the imprimatur
where air tight schedules disallow any wiggle room

inducing this *** spire ring Telly Tubby – Tinky-Winky wannabe)
accidentally bumping into Boobas, and while at a standstill
drops the urgent question "What time is it?",
without pausing to reflect what thee is and/or it iz comprende?
Jeffrey Schmitz Dec 2020
As a toddler at church daycare
upon a Roman Catholic lap in an armchair
the savage Father McManus
did ravage in a ****** slather Stan’s ****.
This grunge sacrament
the plunge of Stan’s excrement
damaged his ******, twisted & bent.
His colon sustained a permanent indent.
Thereafter whenever he defecated was ghastly torment.
He had no control. **** gushed in a torrent
drowning his nuts & tinky
cursed, the size of a pinky.
Growth stunted and bully hunted, stinky & hyper
for the rest of his short life, this dinky boy wore a diaper.
In the early dark he would awaken to his own scream.
Having creamed a fantastic dream
a shivering nun quivering her ***** for fun - so obscene
but realized he had ****** his ****
cooling in his diaper, a messy gloop.

— The End —