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Tim Knight Feb 2014
The rain makes your
veins look like
dark black bra straps
underneath a veil of Topshop sale items-
the bangles were bought elsewhere.
Though it's not their size that worry me,
it's what look lives within your eyes
every time you run a finger up your arm
and back down your arm again;
the charm in your slightly curling autumn leafed smile
curls a little more, turning smooth lakeside skin
into Nile-esturay wrinkles that say save me Tim.

Your red delta cheeks pulsate
in the late afternoon sun coming in on
a diagonal through the newly installed,
doesn't quite close properly, velux window;
you ran through fields only
to end up teary eyed in the kitchen
doorway threshold.

But here, here is where your river 
meets my sea, and turbulent tides
swell up to ferry us away to new coastline
forget we ever swimmed and swam,
poured sand from our shoes,
held hands and ran, and
forget we held hips on train station steps,
shared lips, left and then hid.

*When you see this you'll know it's an apology
From, Visit for more poetry from around the world.
Kezia Ann Joseph Dec 2014
All the way along
you will be there on my  side.
Through good & bad, day & night
till my last time.

You breathe in me with thy spirit.
Purify my heart & soul.
I look to  you with all my faith
because you love me more than anyone.

I may lost the vision of my life
but your heavenly voice directs in uncertainity.
Though I'm in a violent ocean,
I have my anchor fixed in you.

I was a sinner before my first cry.
You cleansed me with your holy blood.
I deserved nothing less than death.
With everlasting grace you picked me up from hell.

I felt all alone in daily life.
I locked my dreams in a room.
I lost its key in my life's journey.
But God opened the door for me.

I floated like a deadfish along with flowing river.
Alas, I got struck on a mighty rock & shed blood.
With pain & pleasure, my sail renewed.
I swimmed against the river.

I sat as a dew drop on leaflet.
Winter breeze slided me to the tip.
I  turned around & looked for options.
I fell down, not on rocks or thorns,but into safe hands.
Susana Jul 2014
i've whispered your name to the wind
i've swimmed in oceans of thoughts of you
you're haunting me, and you love it

you love how you make me weak
everytime you touch my skin
how my guitar's strings play for you
and how the song they play is so perfectly out of tune

i love the way your eyes stare into mine
and how they say "sweetheart, i'm yours"

because we're a lost wave darling
and we love how we're never going to find the shore
He knows not that I watch him
He might be quite appalled
But in my head I'm joining him
Swim out past the sea wall

At first it seemed he'd chicken out
His trunks were past his knees
The belly fat that hung in front
Said, Macaroni Cheese!

His head was round with balding hair
But I have always thought
It was a sign of genius though
Well maybe, maybe not

And then he dove like he had known
The ocean all his life
He sliced right through the crashing waves
Like mother's butter knife

He swimmed and swam,
and swam and swimmed
Impressed? Yes, I was much
For balding man with cheddar flab
Seemed like he knew his stuff

He stopped to scan horizon and
With no one else around
He then stood up to my surprise
In water three feet down

He started making noises and
I thought I heard "Hurray"!
He splashed his arms and jumped around
Like it was his birthday

But still he didn't see me
From his play place in the sun
And it was very clear to me
That he was having fun

And maybe I'd have joined him
If I was somewhat more bold
But tell the truth, I can't abide
The water when it's cold!

Written by Sara Fielder © Mar 2014
Courtney Ja-Vaé Sep 2016
***** you snitched  
Now your in a ditch  
With fishes in your stitches
When you could've swimmed in riches
Hitching a hint
Your sleeping in itches
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
In a dream i am falling,
Into the deep abyss,
I once swimmed in...
I once lived in....

Trapped between reality & fantasies,
Trapped between sanity and insanities,

Breaking the thorned vines, ripping them out of my way,
Climbing up the vines to the light above
Oh so bright, i see....
Hoping that soon I'll be able to breathe.
My hands & feet are covered in the thickest blood,
Pain crushing the toughest bones....
Feeling my skin ripping I'm alive I'm alive...
I'm in the clearest of skies...
Clouds so bright, pink & white...
I click,
The loudest scream of a daughter,
I close my eyes , as it rolls to the back of my head...
I'm back in the world of despair and to the thinking of being chained with thickest chains but its just a tiny thread.
Thinking that I'm Ina tight embrace by the neck, facing the worst enemy...
My killer entities.
How can live when I'm battling me .
Tallie Feb 2018
Freckles danced on her skin
Dolphins swimmed in her eyes
Caramel strickled down her hair
The shield held well for her broken soul
tee2emm Nov 2017
Dear queen of this deserted throne,
The chirping birds and crickets;
The croaking frogs behind our home seem to have traveled with you.
I have swimmed this deep sea of space and silence,
It is warm and it is cold.
I will study stars if they can foretell your return.
I have felt the frostbite of our memorable moments,
Bringing you close to my heart and further from our bed.
I argue with myself if we are better apart or together
But teeth and tongue have taught me better.
Dear queen of this deserted throne,
Return and breathe life into this clay-moulded Adam.

Dear warrior of my kingdom,
This city is beautiful with its golden monuments.
The birds here fly with pride
And the people walk with majestic strides,
But, in spite it's beauty and glory,
It feels like a beautified royal cemetery.
Its monuments look like tombstones,
This is where beauty exemplifies ashes.
I have wished to fly home on milky ways,
To lay my weary head on your bossom.
Dear warrior of my kingdom,
Keep the gates locked, I'll see you soon.
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
A dream on a beam
Swimmed in to view
One without a seam
On warm breeze blew

A goddess pure
In aura resplendent
Sweet, demure
Witt light replete, transcendent

A blessing from
The upper world
To show me path
Out of here unfurled

— The End —