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Tommy K Sep 2013
Witchy Poo

Mary had a little lamb
She made chops out of it,
Ate it 'till she was sick
Her ******* felt like ****.
So she went to the Wicked Witch
To solve her ******* drama,
With a wand up her ****
Like a banana in a farmer.
With a poke and a shove
The witch knows the soul is hers,
But it's the only way
That this sickness can be cured.
There was a sinister bump
A noise was close by,
The witch looked through the window
Humpty Dumpty was outside.
Witchy Poo got angry
And cursed the dumb egg,
That one day she will get him
And that he will crash down dead.
So Humpty ran off
And told The Kings Guards,
Witchy Poo is in trouble
She's a fugitive at large.
Hiding in the mountains
Hearing Humptys cries,
Sitting on the wall
Blabblering Witchy Poos crime.
So she came down from the mountain
As quietly as she can be,
Sneaked up behind him
Climbing a tree.
Then she pushed Humpty off
From the high wall,
He hit the ground
And splattered on the floor.
Climbing down from the tree
The witch ran away,
Hiding in the caves
Doing her wicked ways.
While looking through the mountains
A guard spots some loose weeds,
Chopped them out of the way
And his eyes trickled with greed.
There was a hidden door
And he opened it up,
Looked inside
And he thought, what a grub.
He saw the witch
Snoring so loud,
His sinister grin
Was making him proud.
The guard thought to himself
Saying, the ***** will get it today,
I'm going to be rich
On a nice pay day.
So the guard told The King
The place where the witch hides out,
Squealing to the pigs
While eating with their snouts.
The King ordered a search
For this menace to the crown,
Wanted: Alive
So she can be burnt down.
The search party went out
And found the witch,
The guards came back with some casualties
And in shackles, the menacing *****.
Then The King announced to his kingdom
That the witch will be sentenced to death,
Then she was thrown into the dungeon
Waiting for the end of this mess.
Torturing the witch
In cruel and horrible ways,
Telling her she is going to suffer
So she better pray.
As the days goes on
Then The King set a date,
"She's gonna be burnt on August 28th"
There was a shout of joy
As everyone was happy,
Except for the witch
Locked up, feeling ******.
Rats at her feet
Chewing off her toes,
Cockroaches all around her
Cursing all her foes.
Starving and weak
Hanging from a chain,
Screaming to The King
To go and grow a brain.
Weeks have now passed
It is now the date,
That the witch will now die
Burning is her fate.
So they unchain her
She is so weak and tired,
Dragged her out of the dungeon
Her brain is all wired.
As they bring her out of the door
The sun hits her face,
Blinded by the light
Coming out at a slow pace.
With no toes on her feet
Stumbling and pushed around,
Rocks are being thrown at the witch
By everyone in town.
Tied the witch to a stake
Wood and hay underneath,
The witch is getting taunted
Yelling insults at the beast.
The King watches on
And raises his hand high,
Then drops it suddenly
Meaning it was time for her to die.
The Kings Men got their torches
And started the fire,
Witchy Poo started screaming
It smelt of burnt tires.
Burning and scorching
The witch is now a charcoal corpse,
Then everybody was celebrating
And their minds warps.
As they drink lots of wine
The Kingdom is now safe,
From the evil Witchy Poo
Who messed up this place.
Singing songs of praise
About how Witchy Poo died,
Here how it goes
And the story aint lies.

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall,
The Witch pushed him off
And he splatted on the floor.
The peasants were yelling insults
The Kings Men had the fire,
Burnt The Witch at the stake
Because she was evil and a liar.

And that was how Humpty really died
And how Witchy Poo got fried.

Tommy K
TObed Aug 2021
Gotta carry a .40 with me everywhere i go
So i can protect her property and let it blow
Whenever there's a person who wants to be a splatted roach
Touch me and I'm not afraid to glow
Sparks levitating in the air you'd think you saw a ghost
She keeps me grounded but my mind's in space at most
Enough with that happy **** I'm back to norm
I'm starting to think I won't be here for long
Mind acts like its not my own, then i get prone
To mind manipulation tactics on a low
I usually write free verses but tonight imma switch the flow
Forced to change my style cause I'm here for the show
I watch her stack her luggage on my door
I'll gladly take it in but slow
I know she was sent by God on a low
From the heavens she dropped
In the end it all comes down to Him
Wouldn't doubt him for a second i know
Time May 2018
It poured and poured,
The clouds were relieved,
trapped for so long,
Felt burden less as it splatted,
Creating a ripple
as it landed on the water
or landing softly,
On the green grass,
Making it moist,
Or crashing on to the compacted concrete,
Forming the pitter-patter sound,
Petrichor smell spreading everywhere,
It fell and fell,
Until the clouds realized,
That after the rain,
There was always sunshine,
And that was how her story began,
With a bit of sunshine,
And a bit of rain,
But she was the rainbow that was created,
In that beautiful combination.
WiltingMoon Feb 2016
Press the barrel with splatted dreams against my head.
Sorry that my only skill was to lie.
It killed me, bit by bit every time.
Just making this time that has finally come, easier.
I have slowly comes to love the sun.
To appreciate each blade of grass between my toes.
To love how a drop of sweat runs down my face.
Accept the pain that comes from laughing.
What I'm trying to say.
Can not be expressed onto paper with ink...
Now this is the point where I say how much I'm sorry for leaving.
And I truly am...
But as I write this letter.
I have removed the barrel.
And walking to your room.
To say...

The evil has gone from me now.
I'm gone.
What's left...
Is the one you feel in love with...
And I'm sorry I left for so long.

I love you.
preservationman Feb 2015
Catchville a place of lies and deceit
A battle between truth and retreat
A struggle of anarchy in ruling rights
A defined kingdom with subjects constantly uptight
Fire being the burn that destroys
Citizens being thrown like toys
Struggles over boundaries
Powers that be want to deploy
The facts in the town being used as a decoy
Colonies that want to be a new state
Royalty that wants to debate
Truce being in who wants to participate
Colonies at war
Warriors from the tower in what they saw
Blood splatted all over the ground
There would be quiet and no sound
Courageous men and woman who chose to conquer
Dignity and honor not being their mercy
Fight at will until
Determination at will
Once again fight on and remind strong
A colony with its own creed and its mission we shall succeed.
shanika yrs Feb 2018
I am infuriatingly out glowed with ecstasy
by  post traumatic serotonin rush of the accident of
that my law breaking motor bike hit in another car
whom purely taking his turn to the left

Now it is the dawn of dusk, last few seconds of the day
but I never wanted to wash the blood of the scratches I got
instated  I purely enjoy seen them drying up
nonetheless It felt to my juvenile mind some protagonist kind of a pride about me
keep walking with blood splatted white linen shirt and black shades
I am an ecstatic
I showed both the fingers to the docs and to the hospital staff
you know the prospect patient with an insurance

I was an innocent law breaker, Juvenile
thus no wonder why I see that turning to the left is never right
and of course neither to right is right because
the hospital , that was in the right from the junction
I only rode my bike straight in narrow bleak space of
all among the mid day traffic jam of insanely busy people

by the way car driver was a good guy
though he doesn't own that hybrid black boy he drove
we shook hands , shared good byes and  I came back home
then breaking the virtue of healthy non smoking
I lit a cigarette
© shanikayrs
Melissa B C May 2015
I've got a special power:
I can look at my body from the outside
and my hands are never really mine.

I am

                  I'm floating.

My name
doesn't sound like
a real word

       (I am not
       a real person

My brain
is splatted on the walls
like a Jackson *******
smelling like rotten flesh –
is it too late
to get back inside?
Honna Root Feb 2018
nothing to feel except anger and resentment
putting the cards on the tabl is me, my soul, my will.
There you were so perfect by definition, i thought I was your only one on the horizon
after discussing my  wants and needs
you said no problem
even without a plea.
My fear did not go away though, only increased with time.
Building,into pressure, my anxiety
to be only confirmed after investigation.
Just be honest is all that I said
Justbe_honest is that I read.
Anger and frustration filled my soul to the brim.
Bright Crimson was splatted on my face, nothing to show but my raw emotions
For that realization that I was captured in the web of lies you weaved.
6 hours,
6 ******* hours it took for you to check in,
Just to be on the safe side.
Feeding me more lies
Wanting me to continue to relinquish my power
My will.
To take pity on you ?
Ha maybe in another place and time but not now.
You know what you did for you to be alone at the end.
Now I start calling the shots to make myself happ
Bethany M P Jan 2019
Her soul fell below your feet,
As her heart poured out to you like a river  at a quiet beat,
Each drop of blood splatted unto your hands and face,
the blood stopped dripping and now there is no more of her race,
The blood is dry on your hands,
You murdered her with your lies down into the Netherlands..
Poetria Jun 2020

He smelled of
rotten dreams and cigarettes,
oozing, sprawling,
coiling in the wind
like a twisted art.

And he told me,
he fell in love once
with a woman of art
he met at the train station.

He worshipped her name
like a biblical face, free of sins;

As she worshipped
someone else, wrote letters to
someone else, fell for
someone else, never that guy
who smelled of rotten dreams
and cigarettes.


I listened to the way
his broken tongue
dropped words loosely;

and for the first time
i heard how a heart
fragile and vulnerable
breaks in front of me
like classic chinaware
held by shaking hands.


Last winter, the sadness-
thick as an avalanche-
got to him badly
a gunshot roared,
no one heard;
blood splatted
on the blue curtain
like an abstract painting
void of life.

His neighbors
found him 3 days after.
nobody missed him
the way
he should be missed.

One dead man, a lengthy poem,
and a dozen people in black
pretending they knew him
close enough
scattered on the cold tarmac
of the cemetery grounds.

Nobody cried at his funeral
not even the girl
he worshipped like
a biblical face,
free of sins.

And that was how
he chose to love.
My heart is lost look around and you could see
I am not the woman I use to be
I am looking, searching it cant be found
he is walking around with it and I am a mess
Don't you see me on the floor no longer whole
its the one thing you handed back in which you
Stole long ago
My heart is broken and bare lost in the air with
The pain that one gave along the way
You broke my heart without a care
You walked around with my heart and there was nothing
I could do but let you,
You are far away from playing me around like an old clown.
Together for some months and my love was strong
But you kept playing on
My love is so right but deep down I am dying
While you were playing along with my life
I know it's wrong putting my heart in your hands
But I thought you were a man of your words but I was wrong
You were a lie right from the start and you broke down
My spirit just like that.
I try to stitch up the splatted heart
The pieces shattered all over the place forever to be apart
This pain you replaced yourself with will always stay
But the tears in my eyes roll away
This pain I had I cried my cry's and now I dance in the rain
With someone, I have found new to replace the pain
but you're on my an undefinable stain
so always remember I once loved you
I was young and you are old I moved on to a better song.

- Judy Emery © 1985
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
A Poet Apr 2020
Let me tell you
   About a little boy
      who played house. .
         baked cookies
           dreamed of a family
              while wearing a dress. . .
Let me tell you
      About a little boy
         who ran
           from a group of boys
             blood splatted clothes
               while wearing a dress. . .
Let me tell you
         about a little boy
           who at 5
             said " I don't want to live anymore"
                holding himself at night
                  while wearing a dress. . .

This world is cruel,
   we crave love,
      we crave compassion
         only to find indifference.

That little boy was me.

— The End —