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cr Jan 2017
don't tell me how to write poetry or how to write stories or how to write at all. don't tell me there's a rhyme or reason to this; don't tell me that i should be using iambic pentameter or separating each line into delicate sestets or  molding metaphors out of things that were never intended to be meaningful. don't tell me that there are rules i need to follow and that nothing i ever make will be precious and valuable and wholesome unless it conforms to the artistic, intellectual way of doing things because i am not artistic and i am not intellectual and i will write however i please because my writing is imbedded layers beneath my skin, so far down i could never tear it out in any way that wasn't raw or real or rustic. don't make those parts of me insincere simply to hold them to ideals set by different old writers in older times with different old feelings and dreams and beliefs than mine. don't tell me how to write. don't tell me how to not be me.
i'm taking a class on poetry and it makes me angry. let me write what i want. let me feel what i feel.
Kushal Sep 2018
I think the biggest mistake I ever made
As I wrote these words upon a page,

Was the thinking that these lines were a limited stage
Thinking that my work was defined by a structure
Of quatrains or sestets or rhyming couplets.

Was thinking that there even needed to be structure
That there needed to be a rhyme.
My mistake was thinking that poetry has a look
That poetry has a flow, a correct way in which it has to be done
But poetry is not the amount of lines that you write
Or the amount of times you can rhyme the words at the end of a sentence

Because words that rhyme can still amount to no substance
Because poetry cannot be defined by AABB
Because my poetry is nothing but a depiction of me

So now I write from my heart
From my soul
From me as a whole
And if my emotion slips through the cracks
Filling this void with exuberant emotion
Then so be it
Because this is my showcase
And this is me
And on this page
Is my poetry
I wrote this years ago when a poetry workshop visited and we spoke to some poets. I have no doubt that this was one of those events that changed the way i write. It seems like a draft at a first glance, with a lack of punctuation and an odd structure but this was just something i wrote in one. I didn't go back or remove words, I just left it as it was when i finished it because to me it just seemed...pure.
Love touched my heart and I felt it’s warmth
It warmed a heart I had meant to keep cold but loving you felt different
When I write I never seem to have enough to say
How can I define it
Love might be complicated,sad,happy or anxious but more than anything love is you
A constellation of all these attributes
If space could tell our love story it would say the art of universal attraction made you a force in effect within my orbit

I bare my soul to you through these words
They might rarely rhyme but I hope these emotions and feelings resonate with you
Noticing you notice me
Love like a symphony
I’ve found my home
YOU the warmest embrace

There will never be enough words for you
Not because you’re not enough but because I love you
Without knowing how,when and from where
You are my inseparable lover embraced in the synergy of one with my entire self
Deep in our hearts where love begins,the language we’ve built together
You touched my life and soul and stole my heart
I might not know where I’m going where I’m supposed to be but you being in my life and me being in yours must mean something to me
That this was meant to be

The heart and mind may have different perspectives but being with you is one thing they’ve both seemed to agree on
That’s just the nature of being with you
You make all things make sense when they don’t
I’ve learnt to know that only you have the power to get my heart interrupting my thoughts before my mind could figure them out

You've made this poetic self live and write poetries that clasp the art of speaking truth
Each moment we together I've loved you more
And so I continue to love you even more than before
You're my sixth sense
Both in my heart and mind
My thoughts of you are in your dreams

This might not be a sonnet to a tearful lover
Divided into sestets and octaves
With 6 or 8 grouped lines
This is a piece of writing that speaks of the love i have for you
For loving you is easy
All I ever wished for
My past,present and future
Just like the memory I was born with.
Avery special poem for the love of my life - BO

— The End —