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Nigel Morgan Nov 2012
There’s a film by John Schlesinger called the Go-Between in which the main character, a boy on the cusp of adolescence staying with a school friend on his family’s Norfolk estate, discovers how passion and *** become intertwined with love and desire. As an elderly man he revisits the location of this discovery and the woman, who we learn changed his emotional world forever. At the start of the film we see him on a day of grey cloud and wild wind walking towards the estate cottage where this woman now lives. He glimpses her face at a window – and the film flashes back fifty years to a summer before the First War.
It’s a little like that for me. Only, I’m sitting at a desk early on a spring morning about to step back nearly forty years.*
It was a two-hour trip from Boston to Booth Bay. We’d flown from New York on the shuttle and met Larry’s dad at St Vincent’s. We waited in his office as he put away the week with his secretary. He’d been in theatre all afternoon. He kept up a two-sided conversation.
‘You boys have a good week? Did you get to hear Barenboim at the Tully? I heard him as 14-year old play in Paris. He played the Tempest -  Mary, let’s fit Mrs K in for Tuesday at 5.0 - I was learning that very Beethoven sonata right then. I couldn’t believe it - that one so young could sound –there’s that myocardial infarction to review early Wednesday. I want Jim and Susan there please -  and look so  . . . old, not just mature, but old. And now – Gloria and I went to his last Carnegie – he just looks so **** young.’
Down in the basement garage Larry took his dad’s keys and we roared out on to Storow drive heading for the Massachusetts Turnpike. I slept. Too many early mornings copying my teacher’s latest – a concerto for two pianos – all those notes to be placed under the fingers. There was even a third piano in the orchestra. Larry and his Dad talked incessantly. I woke as Dr Benson said ‘The sea at last’. And there we were, the sea a glazed blue shimmering in the July distance. It might be lobster on the beach tonight, Gloria’s clam chowder, the coldest apple juice I’d ever tasted (never tasted apple juice until I came to Maine), settling down to a pile of art books in my bedroom, listening to the bell buoy rocking too and fro in the bay, the beach just below the house, a house over 150 years old, very old they said, in the family all that time.
It was a house full that weekend,  4th of July weekend and there would be fireworks over Booth Bay and lots of what Gloria called necessary visiting. I was in love with Gloria from the moment she shook my hand after that first concert when my little cummings setting got a mention in the NYT. It was called forever is now and God knows where it is – scored for tenor and small ensemble (there was certainly a vibraphone and a double bass – I was in love from afar with a bassist at J.). Oh, this being in love at seventeen. It was so difficult not to be. No English reserve here. People talked to you, were interested in you and what you thought, had heard, had read. You only had to say you’d been looking at a book of Andrew Wyeth’s paintings and you’d be whisked off to some uptown gallery to see his early watercolours. And on the way you’d hear a life story or some intimate details of friend’s affair, or a great slice of family history. Lots of eye contact. Just keep the talk going. But Gloria, well, we would meet in the hallway and she’d grasp my hand and say – ‘You know, Larry says that you work too hard. I want you to do nothing this weekend except get some sun and swim. We can go to Johnson’s for tennis you know. I haven’t forgotten you beat me last time we played!’ I suppose she was mid-thirties, a shirt, shorts and sandals woman, not Larry’s mother but Dr Benson’s third. This was all very new to me.
Tim was Larry’s elder brother, an intern at Felix-Med in NYC. He had a new girl with him that weekend. Anne-Marie was tall, bespectacled, and supposed to be ferociously clever. Gloria said ‘She models herself on Susan Sontag’. I remember asking who Sontag was and was told she was a feminist writer into politics. I wondered if Anne-Marie was a feminist into politics. She certainly did not dress like anyone else I’d seen as part of the Benson circle. It was July yet she wore a long-sleeved shift buttoned up to the collar and a long linen skirt down to her ankles. She was pretty but shapeless, a long straight person with long straight hair, a clip on one side she fiddled with endlessly, purposefully sometimes. She ignored me but for an introductory ‘Good evening’, when everyone else said ‘Hi’.
The next day it was hot. I was about the house very early. The apple juice in the refrigerator came into its own at 6.0 am. The bay was in mist. It was so still the bell buoy stirred only occasionally. I sat on the step with this icy glass of fragrant apple watching the pearls of condensation form and dissolve. I walked the shore, discovering years later that Rachel Carson had walked these paths, combed these beaches. I remember being shocked then at the concern about the environment surfacing in the late sixties. This was a huge country: so much space. The Maine woods – when I first drove up to Quebec – seemed to go on forever.
It was later in the day, after tennis, after trying to lie on the beach, I sought my room and took out my latest score, or what little of it there currently was. It was a piano piece, a still piece, the kind of piece I haven’t written in years, but possibly should. Now it’s all movement and complication. Then, I used to write exactly what I heard, and I’d heard Feldman’s ‘still pieces’ in his Greenwich loft with the white Rauschenbergs on the wall. I had admired his writing desk and thought one day I’ll have a desk like that in an apartment like this with very large empty paintings on the wall. But, I went elsewhere . . .
I lay on the bed and listened to the buoy out in the bay. I thought of a book of my childhood, We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur Ransome. There’s a drawing of a Beach End Buoy in that book, and as the buoy I was listening to was too far out to see (sea?) I imagined it as the one Ransome drew from Lowestoft harbour. I dozed I suppose, to be woken suddenly by voices in the room next door. It was Tim and Anne-Marie. I had thought the house empty but for me. They were in Tim’s room next door. There was movement, whispering, almost speech, more movement.
I was curious suddenly. Anne-Marie was an enigma. Tim was a nice guy. Quiet, dedicated (Larry had said), worked hard, read a lot, came to Larry’s concerts, played the cello when he could, Bach was always on his record player. He and Anne-Marie seemed so close, just a wooden wall away. I stood by this wall to listen.
‘Why are we whispering’, said Anne-Marie firmly, ‘For goodness sake no one’s here. Look, you’re a doctor, you know what to do surely.’
‘Not yet.’
‘But people call you Doctor, I’ve heard them.’
‘Oh sure. But I’m not, I’m just a lousy intern.’
‘A lousy intern who doesn’t want to make love to me.’
Then, there was rustling, some heavy movement and Tim saying ‘Oh Anne, you mustn’t. You don’t need to do this.’
‘Yes I do. You’re hard and I’m wet between my legs. I want you all over me and inside me.  I wanted you last night so badly I lay on my bed quite naked and masturbated hoping you come to me. But you didn’t. I looked in on you and you were just fast asleep.’
‘You forget I did a 22-hour call on Thursday’.
“And the rest. Don’t you want me? Maybe your brother or that nice English boy next door?’
‘Is he next door? ‘
‘If he is, I don’t care. He looks at me you know. He can’t work me out. I’ve been ignoring him. But maybe I shouldn’t. He’s got beautiful eyes and lovely hands’.
There was almost silence for what seemed a long time. I could hear my own breathing and became very aware of my own body. I was shaking and suddenly cold. I could hear more breathing next door. There was a shaft of intense white sunlight burning across my bed. I imagined Anne-Marie sitting cross-legged on the floor next door, her hand cupping her right breast fingers touching the ******, waiting. There was a rustle of movement. And the door next door slammed.
Thirty seconds later Tim was striding across the garden and on to the beach and into the sea . . .
There was probably a naked young woman sitting on the floor next door I thought. Reading perhaps. I stayed quite still imagining she would get up, open her door and peek into my room. So I moved away from the wall and sat on the bed trying hard to look like a composer working on a score. And she did . . . but she had clothes on, though not her glasses or her hair clip, and she wore a bright smile – lovely teeth I recall.
‘Good afternoon’, she said. ‘You heard all that I suppose.’
I smiled my nicest English smile and said nothing.
‘Tell me about your girlfriend in England.’
She sat on the bed, cross-legged. I was suddenly overcome by her scent, something complex and earthy.
‘My girlfriend in England is called Anne’.
‘Really! Is she pretty? ‘
I didn’t answer, but looked at my hands, and her feet, her uncovered calves and knees. I could see the shape of her slight ******* beneath her shirt, now partly unbuttoned. I felt very uncomfortable.
‘Tell me. Have you been with this Anne in England?’
‘No.’ I said, ‘I ‘d like to, but she’s very shy.’
‘OK. I’m an Anne who’s not shy.’
‘I’ve yet to meet a shy American.’
‘They exist. I could find you a nice shy girl you could get to know.’
‘I’d quite like to know you, but you’re a good bit older than me.’
‘Oh that doesn’t matter. You’re quite a mature guy I think. I’d go out with you.’
‘Oh I doubt that.’
‘Would you go out with me?’
‘You’re interesting.  Gloria says you’re a bit like Susan Sontag. Yes, I would.’
‘Wow! did she really? Ok then, that’s a deal. You better read some Simone de Beauvoir pretty quick,’  and she bounced off the bed.
After supper  - lobster on the beach - Gloria cornered me and said. ‘I gather you heard all this afternoon.’
I remembered mumbling a ‘yes’.
‘It’s OK,’ she said, ‘Anne-Marie told me all. Girls do this you know – talk about what goes on in other people’s bedrooms. What could you do? I would have done the same. Tim’s not ready for an Anne-Marie just yet, and I’m not sure you are either. Not my business of course, but gentle advice from one who’s been there. ‘
‘Been where?’
‘Been with someone older and supposedly wiser. And remembering that wondering-what-to-do-about-those-feelings-around-*** and all that. There’s a right time and you’ll know it when it comes. ‘
She kissed me very lightly on my right ear, then got up and walked across the beach back to the house.
jeremy wyatt Feb 2011
Sir Gregory I pledge to serve
my loyal heart it will not swerve
so as I give my vow to you
I promise always to be true

Well, lad I'll take you as my man
we'll go to fight for the Englishman
Berwick north we stand and fight
facing Scotland's rage and might

But tell me first why do you come
to follow Richard's savage drum
A Welshman stong and fair as day
now fights beside some he should slay?

Owain set his mind to tell
his secrets this man would keep well
and as a Welshman of renown
would never cast a fellow down

My heart is full of dreams to roam
before I return to my home
and as this world does change and swing
I dream of Wales set fair to sing

By fighting for the English flag
though in my heart the merest rag
my service and loyalty will save
my people from some English Knave

For powys Fadog is beset
by guile and deceit like a net
to persevere and keep it free
is the task that God has given me

So serve he did the crown indeed
shed blood in lands above the Tweed
his steel was shap his eyes afire
his glance could light a funeral pyre

Thus serving Richard out in France
he led the French a merry dance
bore the shield for Englands King
whilst harpers in his heart did sing

Fitzalan's fleet acknowledged him
he made one hundred Frenchmen swim
defending all the southern ports
all admired him as he fought

Then squire to Henry son of Gaunt
his strength and fire he did not flaunt
at last a knight he travelled west
to the hills and fields he loved the best

But Ruthin Grey was still nearby
a neighbor evil dark and sly
always waiting in the mist
to strike out with his English fist

Now Owain was still Richards man
usurped by Henry's secret plan
but loyalty goes deep in Wales
just read the true and ancient tales

Cronies of the dread new King
conspired to soil his name and wring
out all the misery and lies
to hurt this Welshman they will try

Proclaimed a traitor by the court
their plans were quickly turned to naught
men whose names forgotten since
named fair Owain Wales' Prince

Hotspur rode into the north
striking blows for all his worth
Owain like men of ancient yore
struck  all he faced down to the floor

Castles fell rebellion spread
to Owain's flag a nation led
**** of Strata Florida's shrine
made mad-men of the Welshmen's line

You strike our stones you strike our hearts
but though to you our days seem dark
the blaze you light within our breast
will stand forever any test

The evil Grey they captured him
a ransome paid his dark life grim
faded away and left so weak
no more of Grey this tale will speak

As quick years drew and fleeted by
all Welshmen came they drew anigh
from farms and universities
to battle through adversity

Veterans of Englands savage wars
Welshmen flocked back to settle scores
the blood of Llewellyn still does stain
but Ap Iorwerth's legacy will remain

Back to the laws of Hywel Da
the wise and kind king known afar
so good a man our Hywel was that
He'd punish a man who harmed a cat

Court at Harlech strong and fair
Machynlleth Cynulliad held there
Scots and French men sent their aid
many a fiery fighting raid

But  French kings change their regal minds
and Avignon fooled with their designs
no hope from them was due to come
England's blockades were hitting home

Sat in the darkness of doubt alone
Owain dreams of his wife and home
fair things that he is fighting for
the reasons that he went to war

Now with the sight of ancient days
the future fell before his gaze
his Marred fair locked in the tower
dying slowly his poor bright flower

His castles fell his men were slain
the power of England strong again
a hunted man loose in the wild
though loved and sheltered like a child

Despite rewards of riches vast
his people hid him to the last
he faded slowly into the stones
that make up Wales' strong old bones

He died an old defiant man
clear in eyes and heart
the time was not for a free Wales
a land to stand apart
but freedoms song and fair blood spilled
for causes that you love
still carry on the mountain air
as Owain stands above
Down at the end of Charters Street
In a dim-lit part of town,
There stands the old Alhambra and
They’re going to pull it down.
We warned them up at the council, but
They said it’s a waste of space,
There’s not been a film for twenty years
Since the Carol Ransome case.

Carol was found in a pool of blood
By the curtains, up on the stage,
Somebody took a knife to her
In a crazed, death-dealing rage,
They never discovered just who it was
But the cinema closed right down,
Nobody wanted to go again
In this hick, one hotel town.

That was the end of our childhood fun
Our own theatre of dreams,
No more Saturday Matinées
Or milk shakes or ice creams,
Nothing to do in this one horse town
But to chase the girls in the park,
And get some serious kissing done
When the day was getting dark.

So Al and Joe and Mary Ann
And me, I must admit,
Broke on into the cinema
And found ourselves in the pit,
Right in front of the dusty stage
Where the curtains hung in shreds,
Barely hiding the giant screen
That was covered in old cobwebs.

We’d played in there for an hour or so
Running between the rows,
Making the Hammond ***** screech
Like a fat man touching his toes,
When suddenly there was a swishing sound
And the curtains began to part,
And something flickered up on the screen
As if it was going to start.

We stood stock still and we held our breath
When the speakers grumbled and groaned,
‘It looks like we’ve got an audience!’
A voice on the speakers moaned.
Then faces peered from the ancient screen
From the days of black and white,
But there wasn’t a single projection beam
From the room where it used to light.

A shimmering glow from the screen fell on
The first few rows of seats,
And one dimensional girls appeared
With ice creams and with treats,
The figures spilled from the silver screen
And onto the wooden stage,
Dracula, framed in black and white
And Frankenstein in a rage.

We were all of us petrified by blood
And Al was thinking to run,
But ‘Don’t you move!’ said an ugly hood
On the screen, and pointing a gun.
They made us sit in the second row
And paraded their long-gone fame,
Bela Lugosi’s fangs and cloak
And the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Then as they faded a woman walked
From the wings, and out on the stage,
And a man that we knew as Grocer George
Flew suddenly into a rage.
He knifed the woman a dozen times
And he beat her down to the floor,
And over the screams of Mary Ann
We made a break for the door.

The screen went dark and the stage was bare
And the curtains hung like shrouds,
We said that we’d never go back in there
As we lay, looked up at the clouds,
But we each went in to the grocery store
And we whispered, ‘Carol’s back!’
‘We know what you did,’ said Mary Ann
And George’s eyes went black.

He chased us out of his grocery
And he closed the store for good,
Then policeman Andy found him hanging
Down in the Maple wood.
They’d better not take the Alhambra down
Or the ghosts of the silver screen,
Will all get out, and they’ll roam about
Without a theatre of dreams!

David Lewis Paget
Lexie Jun 2015
We like to get high on emotions
See people kiss in the rain
Want to scale building in our dreams
Fly like a bird
And capture sunsets

But we hold our life for ransom
Say you have to pay to get it back
Between communication and tip jars
Life is lost and darkness thrives
why cant they let him go set him free instead
just for helping people they want to take his head
why cant they let him go he did nothing wrong
why cant they send him home where he should belong.

just another hostage held for ransome fee
another way of blackmail in order to be free
why cant they let him go this is not his fight
give him back his freedom its his human right
Michael Parish Oct 2013
Crazy perfume you smell when the doors swing wide open.
Crazy tiny hour hands tell every manican your shopping
You buy summer dresses 50 percent off.
You watch my world slow down because I am
hanging like a hat on hooks.
I saw John crowe Ransome buying a suite
for a friends funeral.
Still I think he just wanted to leave.
Before the mall closed toaday I wanted to
become a waxed tile.  Or even a plastic tree
next to the recliners.  ( I coudnt be anything I wanted in here)
My painted jeans arnt for sale anymore.
Because years made them fade.  
Now im inside new stores, new venues
to make happiness continue.  
Some how its all the same.
When did I shift places
because the racks seem full
of sadness.  I know where to
find mirriors even if no body
else actually wants to see
themselves reinvented again.
Nigel Morgan Oct 2016

swinging at her mooring
the Albatross sits out the squall
rain driving down the loch
its crew ready to launch
the tender to greet dry land
At last ! (said *****)


Reading Ransome
(before sleep takes over)
celebrates this northern clime
Diver or no Diver preoccupied ****
leaves the shore party to find
adventure above the secret cove
where Captain Flint and the scrubbers
make the Sea Bear fit for Old Mac
. .  . but I am seduced
(until she comes to bed)
with Ms Jamie’s Sabbath Day
on Collinsay finding nothing
more necessary to write than
Sea, Birds, Wind


Yesterday it rained all day
so the museum beckoned
and we became enthralled
by the artefacts of daily life,
images of times within
the memory -  just. The things
of living mostly at home and
further from the world we know
and somehow cope with stand
testament to a way of life
now passed now gone.
Between bench and stove,
dresser and wheel,
the chest and personal
things, their short distances
collect in memory.


sky blue
clouds grey and white
hills green and brown and purple
rocks grey and black
sea green and turquoise
tide brown
sand khaki
all the colours come together
on this afternoon beach
where the tide rising
dogs the footstep
These poems are part of a collection of forty-five written during July and August 2016. Thirty-six of these poems were written in the Outer Hebrides on the islands of North and South Uist,  and on Eriskay. They are site-specific, written on-the-fly en plain air. They sit alongside drawings made in a pocket-size notebook; a response to what I’ve seen rather than what I’ve thought about or reflected upon. Some tell miniature stories that stretch things seen a little further - with imagination’s miracle. They take a line of looking for a walk in words.
kategoldman Nov 2013
I've always felt a strong pulling towards the earth in my palms
Something beautiful about dirt filling the cracks left gaping
Band aid measure of a tired fault
The sun burns holes in my paper skin
Leaving behind a ransome note for my spite
Little days find longer months
Bringing telephone heartbreak to the girl made of angles
She pulls the mud over her eyes
Bringing warmth to a time of no sunshine
No time to sit, she sleeps under her old grave
Tuffy Mutombo Sep 2017
Rain drops dropping on your dry soul
Wet hands now clap of laughter
Low in self-steem now flying higher
Weak in imagination
scared to see a future without her
She is deeper than the ocean floor
You shallow as a river filled with rocks
Emotions fueld by your insecurities
Now you are scared to be
who you are supposed to be
Stagnate in progression so you regress
Take a million steps backwards
Scared to move forward
Fearing the future
lacking the idea of growth
That one knee will never see the floor
Because you can't see a future with her
But you hold on to her like ransome
While her next one is dying to find her
Leave her be so she can be
free to find her one true love
Her next one
Dada Olowo Eyo Oct 2022
Beaten by nature,
Beaten by fate,
Abandoned by the future,
Shackled by hate;

Everything against us,
Nothing works,
All conspire against us,
Nothing works;

Robbers gain entry,
Ransack our spaces,
With brazen effrontery,
Descecrate our ladies;

Kidnappers abduct us,
Demand huge ransome,
We sell the horse,
But ****, regardless the sum;

Terrorists massacre worshippers,
Leave trails of congealed blood,
Whole families in tatters,
Children cry, "why Lord?!"

Soldiers brutalise,
Intimidate and harass us,
Shoot with evident lies,
Then carry on without fuss;

The police betray truly,
Always hostile,
Never friendly,
Quick to open case file;

The government hate us,
From cradle to grave,
They rob us,
Then force us to behave;

The people, non wiser,
Mob and burn one another,
Rather than bond together,
They allow differences tear assunder.
we did not mean
to go to sea,
heads bound heavily.

we did not mean
to take the tide,
escape the crowds
and families.

we read arthur ransome
sensibly, sink gracefully.


i am now snaller, than i used to be.
Jason Cheney Nov 2021
The loneliness of the night
To some it is quite a fright
For this purpose God created "light"

In the wee hours of the morning
My mind begins churning
I often find that it's time to begin writing

I can't go back to sleep
I've tried counting thousands of sheep
Therefore, I turn to God, while others are asleep

My thoughts are often just my own
About the gospel seeds that I have sown
And how quickly my kids have grown

Or, how I wish to become like Nephi of old
Who did everything that he was told
He saw Christ, angels, and other things foretold

I think of God's expectation of who I could become
I am free to act, due to Christ's ransome
His ways have never been cumbersome

Talents that have been given to me
These have been a benefit to many you see
But my body aches, the hour is half past three

While upon my bed I do lay
I read, ponder, and pray
What more can I say

The night has passed
A new dawn has come at last
I feel somewhat downcast

As I wonder how to withstand another day
My body and mind must not sway
From my duties to perform, today

While others got a full night's rest
For me, today will be my biggest test
As my body doth protest

Why on Earth couldn't I sleep
Into thy hands, Lord, my soul please keep
As I travel, work, ponder, pray, and seek

Let this next night be more restful and kind
Into thy hands I place my tired, weary, old soul and mind
Please Lord, help me to fully unwind

As each hour swiftly flies
I gladly close my beautiful blue eyes
In hope that my body, this night, will reenergize

I know that through the silence of the night
I have come closer to my Heavenly Father's light
By reading about him, because I've accepted his invite

To become more like Him
Therefore, I sing my favorite hymn
"Oh My Father", this phrase fills my heart to the very brim

No matter what, to Him I'll sing
His matchless love gives me wing
He comforts me, when my heart is aching

What comfort, joy, and beauty is found in this phrase
I stand in all amaze
While looking upon Thy face

"My God How Great Thou Art"
Thou hast known me since the very start
In Thy embrace, my troubles and worries do depart

I deposit my life into Thy loving hand
My faith in Thee will help me withstand
The trials of this life which are just part of Thy eternal plan

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 6, 2021
Oh My Father by Eliza R Snow
How Great Thou Art by Stuart K Hine

— The End —