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Victor Marques Jun 2013
Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe

Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe,
Carinho eterno que Cepães por ti nutre,
Pomposa e Mãe celestial,
Rainha dos verdes campos em igual….

Gente simples que trabalha na agricultura,
Os proteges com leveza e doçura.
Tua devoção serena como a natureza,
O trabalho campestre tem nobreza.

Por ti Senhora com enorme devoção,
Apareceste no México ao pobre João,
Tudo no mundo é obra do nosso Deus,
Terra impar de filhos teus…

Aqui em Cepães tens um naturalista com amor,
Um pároco amigo e Bem feitor,
Passeia com alegria pelas vinhas do Senhor,
E labuta por ti Senhora com mestria e valor.

Victor Marques
Cepães, 3 de Junho de 2013
Cardboard-Jones Sep 2018
Are our lies and truths.
How the definition’s lost
Through the trials of our lives.

And I should have known that the crown
Was too heavy for me.
Will they lay down flowers
When they bury me?
And I cast my tears in the puddles of my misery.
My heart and soul has detached from me.
And all my convictions paved the way
For proteges to see.

Vitality and destruction
I command at will.
How the variable of love
Can sway my hand.

And I should have known that this burden
Would have consumed me.
Please say a few words
When they rest me in my grave.
And I cast my tears in the puddles of my misery.
My heart and soul has detached from me.
And all my convictions paved the way

For proteges to see.
I pray they never grow to
Ya oakland lets gather all the black men
And load em up with guns and ammunition spittin'
Nothing but hundred round clips
Plus extra
Open up the scriptures
To crack the pressure
Break textures
Through the necks of fake messiah
Spittin' flows hotter than a california fire
I am hip hops sire
Even made the devil retire
Punishment and sin goes together
Like birds flock together
In stormy weather we can endeavor
Much more than an overcome
Mlk had a dream
But then got murdered son
In cold blood souls stuck in mud
They say im holding a grudge
Naw just a ******* to the judge
Cuz the system gotta problem with the people the color of fudge

yea homes I said it before came through the door
starting war making gore
through the white house as I pour
out a blessing
ease their pain
with the bullets testing
nerves they couldn't dodge or curve
my potency or prodigy which be deadly
gotta proteges
that be my lil babies
gotta teach my sons
how to be a man
hold them nuts
without use of their hands
crazy come as crazy goes
I go for the jugular cut throat quick with the knife as I smote
my own justice
**** the police
and they can quote this yea I wrote this
maybe get a sentence from this
but ill get dismissed
uh got my apes to guerillas getting hella illa
turn bodies ice ice baby like vanilla
born a cap peela
on the for reala
got a pile of dollaz
talking bout scrillaz
uh reach the minds of the minorities
then eradicate the system who holds the authority
as the revolution starts boostin-
let the guns began shooting as souls began to get lootin' uh
Street talk revolutionlife
frankie Nov 2013
We are here to preach the dream,
to share the good word
of passionate fantasy
and the desire for happiness.

We are messengers,
of the things that help us
reach the moon and back.

We are slaves to art,
and the emotions that inspire it.

We live to create
and destroy that
which hinders us.

We are here to preach the dream.
The dream to be
who we want to be;
the lust for satisfaction
with ourselves.

We breathe to make others

We are the apostles of innovation,
rising from dust
where light once shown
to shine light forth
into obsidian hearts and ashen souls.

We are bandages for the bleeding,
braille for the blind,
and cotton blankets
for the faint of heart.

We are for those who need us,
and for those who don't know
what they need.

We are poets,

And with our pencils and pens,
brushes and hands,
guitars and hearts,

we will call to arms
all of those who
have ever felt something
move like we have.

We are a romantic tragedy,
an exuberant atrophy.
We are anonymously outspoken.

Hear us,
An ode to artists everywhere.
Michael W Noland Dec 2012
I am

the end of the world, falling from the edge of a cliff.

The captain of a sinking ship

I am

Woeful cynicism

of your ghosts and visions

I am

A prisoner of the flesh, in the fishing nets of contempt

I am

Consumed by the lust of distrusting *****, giving two ***** against their word

I am

The blur, in the rear view
when nothing is near you
but a hisssss
from the silence
of the radio hating you

I am


But reserved and undeserving

Shaking my fist

Scurrying for scalpels in the subtle tactics of arachnids

Slicing the webbing  upon the antics of the tragically romantic

Heavy static

Attracts the stasis of all the places, loathingly desired in the wish for death

Always admired the tried and true, even desired to fly the coup and maybe **** a flock or two, as i too, could be you with my blood on the floor

Loved and adored only after ever more, in the after life of a burned out light

I Mock

The empathic stalking of my superiors in their inferior fandangos of foolish angles, strangling the dangled meat made from the proteges of kings

Meandering the wingless cities in piecful paradise


In the blaspheme of loose rings from the corpses of dope fiends

I am

Dagoth I Am Oct 2010
Hey, where's my pills?
They were right here on the window sill.
Should have known something was wrong
When last week you took my favorite ****.
Now it's gone.

You're messing with my drug life.
You're messing with my drug life.

Dimebags flash up the union square.
People walk in serotonin pairs.
I remember it was only play
Devil's ******* in the proteges.
Just shuffle off through the golden mist.
Take a number 'cause you're on my list
And later on, second avenue
If it comes down to the drugs or you
Baby, Its you...
SonLy Feb 2019
Puede parecer difícil comenzar,
un mensaje escrito con simpleza,
cuyo significado es la grandeza,
para que tú puedas volver a volar.
Hace tiempo ya que te conozco,
desde entonces que no he dejado de sonreír
y quiero que cada día tú también puedas seguir,
con esas risas y sueños tan locos.
Jamás entendí el significado de la vida
ni siquiera de alguna de sus partes
pero con tan sólo entender tu imagen
siento que es lo único en lo que creería.
He visto como proteges a todos
incluso a quienes te hacen mal,
a quienes te quieren hacer callar,
siempre recibes las balas por otros.
Tantos años a pesar del sufrimiento
pusiste la otra mejilla
cuando cualquiera preferiría
huir lejos y evitarse un tormento.
Tormento que tú eliges enfrentar
cargando a los demás en tus hombros,
ellos sentados totalmente cómodos
y tú en la lucha, en la soledad...
Tienes una fuerza fuera de esta realidad,
no derramas ni una lágrima en vano
y si una aparece es un tesoro jamás encontrado,
tienen un significado muy especial.
Hoy buscan callarte y apagarte,
quieren doblegar tu voluntad
sintiéndose aptos para algo como tal,
buscan culparte y aprisionarte.
Cada día que he podido verte,
aunque sea sólo con el corazón,
noté que ocultas tu dolor
junto a ese rayo de luz tan fuerte.
Es del color más maravilloso que existe
sólo tú lo llevas a donde quiera que vayas
alumbrando aquellas vidas apartadas,
vidas que deciden sólo a ti seguirte.
Nadie es perfecto pero tú mi niña,
tú tiendes y te aproximas cual límite,
como la solución finita a esta vida.
Pero ahora debe importarte esa niña
que con dulces risas y miradas
contaba cuán alto sus alas llegaban
y cuán lejos en el futuro estarían
Que una vez cuando el mundo te golpeó
supiste sostenerte, una y otra vez
y si con más fuerza lo volvía a hacer
ahora una mano te ayudaría con valor.
Aunque el mundo esté en tu contra
y solamente sea tu voz la que se oiga
mi voz también se hará oír ante ellos
y no estarás sola de nuevo.
Tienes un espíritu maravilloso
y un potencial para tu vida inimaginable
y aunque sobre ti estén sus ojos
que no apaguen lo que te hace inigualable.
No te rindas porque este no es el fin
apenas comienzas, y no serás una más
de tantas mujeres que por querer salir
fueron controladas a conveniencia de los demás.
La importancia de tu ser y tu querer
deben prevalecer sobe cada cosa que hagas.
No me callaré y mucho menos te dejaré caer
Aún hay maravillas atrapadas en tus ojos
Infinitos como el universo
Infinitos como cada sueño
Infinitos como tu corazón
Infinitos como esta oración...
No te rindas aún chamaquita
Ralph Akintan Feb 2019
Recircled czars drenched
In the blood of despotic swayers.
Encircled proteges with the
Aura of treacherous thorns
Keeping vigils in the basilica
Of authority
Year in,
Year out .

Selfsame partners in politics,
Selfsame partners in crimes,
Selfsame partners in progress
Selfsame partners in poor
Setting subservient subjects
In perilous bays of hopelessness.
Scale of disengagement
Dangling carrots of
Intimidating threats.

Recircled ideas.
Recircled inhuman governance.
Recircled personages.
Recircled wasted years.

Deluge of prognostic plans
Sinking boats of tale.
Decades of experience yielding
Inexperienced tzars.
Torn garb of treachery
Covered up blazers of falsehood.
Stench of stasis enthroned on the
Stool of power, wrenching
      corruption from the grip
      of guilt.
Populace sitting on sulky
      directing the horse of
      hardship with the
      wailful whips of

Epochal terms of wastages
      roll in
      roll out
      like a spiraling
      viperine grass
      beneath the
      hybrids of weeds
      on a crest of
      spring cress.
Yet, promises promoting
Superannuated gains of
Effortless dividend.
She sells herself to finance her suicide
Surrendering to the seductive siren sensation
One more hit of his pipe translates to
One more hit of her pipe
One more putrid ***** transforms to
One more skillful stick

She murders dignity to pursue decadence
Mumbling monotone mantras maniacally
One more trip around the block equates to
One more moral placed in hock
One more greasy smile amounts to
One more dance with denial

She absorbs abuse to save souls
Protecting proteges poised for perdition
One more lash of leather corresponds to
One more tickle of a feather
One more session of spanks brings
One more gesture of thanks

She stifles all semblance of normalcy
Wallowing wordlessly within her weathered world
One more pain converts to
One more gain commutes to
One more pain to one more pain
Compañero remoto en tu fe de madera
alerta en la querella que no se desvanece
transcurres por los sueños y el incierto futuro
sin parpadear ni vernos / custodio de la noche

hacedores de inviernos y socorros mendigos
legatarios de brumas y expiaciones
se borran y te borran del próximo presagio
dictándote el olvido y olvidándote

de poco y nada sirven los residuos
de las dulzuras o de las borrascas
pero aun si proteges tu dolor bajo llave
igual han de llegarte mi alarma y mi consuelo

compañero de olvido / en el olvido
estamos recordándonos sabiéndonos
solidarios sin nombre / solitarios
de a uno o en montón pero insepultos

compañero de olvido / no te olvido
tus tormentos asoman en mis sienes blancuzcas
el mundo cambia pero no mi mano
ni aunque dios nos olvide / olvidaremos
T R S Jul 2019
I have wishes to grant,
Stories to finish.
Dreams that are still waiting to come true.

I have nothing.

I have jokes with no punchline
No breath to breathe into my proteges,
Nothing to give to my lovers.

Bread and bridles debriding spittle
and little glass lentils made of starch and silica salt.

Wrended and upended on a layer of greasy catfish.
I wish I were so slimy
And licked about with my whiskers out of me.

My meaty barbels are my eyes when I can't see.
T R S Mar 2019
I have wishes to grant,
Stories to finish.
Dreams that are still waiting to come true.

I have nothing.

I have jokes with no punchline
No breath to breathe into my proteges,
Nothing to give to my lovers.

Bread and bridles debriding spittle
and little glass lentils made of starch and silica salt.

Wrended and upended on a layer of greasy catfish.
I wish I were so slimy
And licked about with my whiskers out of me.

My meaty barbels are my eyes when I can't see.
Rewind back to the days of hip hop real **** to crop
If I should drop before I awake I pray my verses take
Ya higher than rakim follow the leader believer
Of the old tradition hip hop can't be revived jived
By enough phonies can we blame ourselves
Or can we blame the record companies
Big pimpin' most folks still simping I'm rippin'
All DJs ******* up the airwaves with ******* says
They ain't saying nothing no more not even *******
No social commentary rest in peace hip hop
Cemetery see her obituary with past honoraries it varies

Feel like AZ feel only write lyrics that make ya feel
Words to heal feel what I feel this ain't a thrill
Motion reel taking ya throughout hip hops will
Still holding the principles let the steel shield
My universal paradigms dropping dimes crimes
By the industry rap judge charging ya with penalties
Ya guilty with robbery aggravated assault no jury
See y'all flexing jewelry flashing calling money
But the lines disconnected broke the disrespected
Ties with the unseen guys I spot eyes with eyes
Y'all ain't got no crown must be in the ground
Buried with her ex-lover conscious this is bonkers
We screaming war all out at ya fakes loosing weight
Used to be about slammin' doors fine shorties galore
Now ****** rolling with ****** rocking triggers
No longer about gold diggers flexing figures
I'm throwing elbows forget homies over hoes yo

Now some may get super mad envision like Chad
That's the **** C or better yet ODB baby Jesus feel me?
Rocking ya hands with no claps perhaps I'll slap
The next radio stations I see them hesitating waiting
For the next plot of hip hop still living off residuals
Income damaged the stardom stop laying Malcolm's
****** twice they lied too many times slimes
In the ice machine say they ain't out for the greens
But you'll lean out see me spit out a demons snout
Blood baths done best on Sunday round way doomsday
Always take the right away government
Proteges sways in extortion no abortions
Birthed in a collateral world just a small portion
But let's focus back on the grounds of hip hop
Tried to plant my thoughts green still a mic fiend
That rakim yearned for against the world Shakur
A Warrior forever holding the seeds of hip hop
It don't stop until the next chick gets the ***** drop
LKenzo Dec 2020
Padre, me confieso, el castillo se derrumba
a mis pies
dejando escombros de papeles
Cada vez que de trabajar vuelves
y el cuento reposa sobre mis dormidas sabanas
podrías hacerlo pero no lo entiendes
podrías esforzarte, pero solo mueres
Y yo cansada de esperarte despierta
me acurruco a un lado de la fría cama
para no molestarte ni intimidarte.
Las grietas de la persiana de mi habitación
dejan pasar la luz de la luna al ocaso.
Y si pudiese ser diferente lo sería
si pudiese parar todo el caos que genero
lo haría
solo para que fueses feliz
sin quebrar la estabilidad en la que te proteges
los últimos dieciocho años de mi vida.
Te prometo que te querría
te necesito mucho más que a todos los demás
necesito ayuda
Es gracioso,
pensar en todas esas personas que me acusan
ellas nunca lo sabrán,
nunca sabrán cuan de fuerte es mi soledad.
Cuando todos mis amigos me traicionan
nada me importaría más
que todo el amor falso que he creído por real
todos estos meses atrás, ahora lo sé.
Es muy fácil reír por reír
aunque difícil llorar si nada te importa de verdad
Es muy fácil querer por querer
pero es difícil querer de verdad
cuando todo lo demás falla...
Si tuviese las fuerzas necesarias terminaría...
si tuviese razones para hacerlo lo haría.
Te prometo que mi amor sería sincero
te lo prometo
mi amor sería real
tan tan palpable y veraz
no acabará; ya que;
Amar me hace humano
amar me hará sentir viva
me da miedo herirme
me da miedo vivir
me da miedo sentir
me da miedo dejarte ir

Comienza el té de las diez.

Y madre, lo confieso, el castillo tiembla y tiembla
bajo mis pies
volando todos los pájaros de papel
papel papel pape... pap... pa... p...
Padre, me confieso, estoy roto y me destruiré...
como cuando rompió el alba al amanecer...
culpable de querer....
solo a gente hecha de papel...
y sí, madre... me confieso...
únicamente culpable de querer...
acabé y
lo maté...

Fastest vocab jab talk slicker
Hit cha where the doors
Split ya
Mister mister match maker
Over take the largest main
What's ya game words out my
That's what's insane speak
So fast
Flash couldn't even keep up his
The smooth moon walker sun light
Bricks over cement thick in every
Can't stop me from going and
Could make a wolf fold up and break
From what I say no need for prey
And pray
I'm still on top the mountain that
Ain't no slop
The devils wheat advocate to other bread proteges
They say what's going on what's all
I spin my thoughts like the speed of
One hear next is out of sight catch
The flight
Clouds tears being dried by the fall
Comprehend we don't die we just add amends
Never stop never stop keep talking til
I drop
A young girl peers through cracks of a locked stage door
with tiny limbs composed, she’s full of inspiration and awe
imagining she is a ballerina, nothing else, nothing more
as dancer’s plié, relevé and jeté across the stage floor

Up through the ranks she soars, building her artistic flair
pirouettes of hopes and dreams swirl through tousled hair
as she is elevated and transported into her magical place.
polyga-mystically married to musicality, beauty and grace

Choreography, strength and balance are honed into one
the pupil disappears, as the ugly duckling becomes the swan
in the Summer of her years, the pinnacle of her ability is clear
basking in the sunlight of applause, standing ovations and cheer

With her dreams realised, the stage door no longer bars her way
as she dances as though she has wings and could simply fly away
audiences provide fame and fortune as they clamour to see her
she is now world class and becomes the Prima Ballerina

When Autumn leaves start to fall, she enjoys her final curtain call
like a child she is still mesmerised by the thrill of it all
during the standing ovation listening to the audience make noise
inhaling the energy, she takes her bow with elegance and poise

Her legacy of proteges perform in tutus of silk and lace
the embodiment of beauty, dancing with passion and grace
aloft in the air on silken wings they flutter by like a butterfly
with clouds of dandelion seeds floating in the wind swept sky

A single tear rises and spills out in remembrance
of happy years fulfilled through blissful performance
her Spring alive with dreams, her Summer pure romance
Autumn full of drama and Winter…a joyous final dance

As Debussy’s ‘Clair De Lune’ fills the room her memory overflows
with thoughts of pointe ballet shoes, dancing in recitals on her toes
as the music dies, she is the Prima Ballerina the whole world knows
taking a bow with each performance after one of her shows.

Serenely content, peering through the cracks of the stage door,
reviewing the dreams she once had, but needs no more
under soft moonlight in the coolness of her Winter’s night
she slips away gracefully…once more taking flight…
After writing a number of darker themed poems I tried my hand at something light…based on a painting I saw, but failed to buy.

— The End —