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Big Virge Mar 2020
So Things Have STEPPED UP Now ...
To What Clearly Amounts ...
To A ... GLOBAL Lockdown ... !!!
Cos We’re Facing A War ...
UNLIKE ... ANY Before ... !!!
But Who’s Really Sure ...
What They’re Fighting For ... ???
Fighting For Life Is Reaching New Highs ...
While Political Guys Now ... POLITICISE ...
How It Is That The Masses Now Live Their Lives ...  
Inside And Online ...
NO Going Outside ... !!!
Unless Your Willing ...
To Make A KILLING ...
By Showing Off BUTTS And The TOP of Thighs ...
For ***** Guys Still Willing To Buy ...
A Lapdance While Receiving Food ...
And That’s Some Truth That’s Now In View ... !!!!!!!!
Incredible Yes But Don't Ever Forget ...
That The Selling of *** Will Never End ...
That’s Right Even When Contact Can Cause Death ... !!!
Dollars And Cents ...  
Are Still Needed YES ...
At A Time Where The Dow Is Going ... DOWN ...
Due To LOCKDOWNS Across Numerous Towns ... !!!
So The Pound Right Now ...
Isn’t Quite As Sound On Foreign Grounds ...
Because It’s Value Is Going ... SOUTH ... !!!
So It’s Causing Frowns And Furrowed Brows ...  
And Clearly Now ...
Is Sending Markets CRASHING ...
Economic Panic Due To This Pandemic ...
No Crunch Or Credit ...
But When You Really Check It ...
Now Monetary Moves ...
Are Being ... Suspended ...
Instead of  Just Being ENDED ... !!!
Lockdown Loans And Mortgage Quotes ...
Ah But That’s A NO GO For Corporate Folks ...
They’ll Want Their Dough When The Virus Slows ... !!!
... Think About It YO ... !!!
Do You Think That Cashflow ...
Has The Virus In Tow ... ???
It May Well Do ...
And May Well Affect YOU ... !!!
So Play It Cool ...
Don’t Make Dud Moves ...
That May Well Prove To Not Be Shrewd ...
Don’t Spend Like A Clown ...
Cos’ of Government Mouths ...
I Suggest You Take Time ...
To Really THINK About ........................................
The Long Term Affects ...
of This ... Corona ...
........ “ Lockdown “ ........ !!!!!
Well folks, the inspiration for this, needs no explanation !
Just please try to be wise and thoughtful people ......

This is the third of my, Corona Poem Series !!!

The First two being,
The Corona Virus and Heading .....
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
oh right... no social criticism... just a bomb will do? mm, yes, a bomb will fair much better... no social criticism... and only the political class are allowed a backdrop of satire... now i have to be thankful for a 7 year old schizophrenic simulator, the "inability" of the medical profession to misdiagnose... oh yes... i'm really thankful for all of that.

philosophy and its rigid vocabulary,
clutters up the range of ******
expressions, scientific atheism
is still measuring the non-existence
of something via the occator crater
of ceres as: ah... look at that... a cute puppy!
enlaraged eyes of a kitten pleading!
ooh ah! so so cute! mm.
actually, in #a, philosophy is the original
divination of divisions - centimetre in man
to distinguish him into a spider-web
project of thinking, feeling, consciousness,
sentience, animate, zombie,
it cuts cuts in, slashes away at so many
meanings, you end up with shorthand
of 140 character allowances -
so this scientific negativism - i can't
see any scientific positivism right now,
calling something cute as a puppy will
not really do justice to the measure of things,
unlike atheism in humanism,
where the projection of will is paramount
to define life, of how one human influences
another, if at all, atheism only matters in
how humans politicise, i love the fanciful
individualist definition that does not
really wish to congregate... and there we have it:
atypical to the English, the invention of
utilitarianism, the best moral action is
to be polite, or simply *nice
, to say
'yes, thank you' and 'no, thank you',
to say sorry a lot when commuting in the
tube... ah, mm, oh... and the other grand
pillar of utilitarianism? REMEMBER PERSONAL
SPACE... well spinoza could tell you a lot
about this principle when the rabbis
****** him: about how people were not
supposed to stand at a certain distance
near him... sardine **** of human sweat
on the tube during rush-hour.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2016
the slavs never left europe,
which makes the language
of western europe
riddled with missing accents
noted and seen spoken and unheard of likely
so bemusing you almost wish
they stayed, and played that game
of small town boy, liked khaki,
said khaki was ***** brown,
twist the star of david not the *******:
21st century;
then the care to speak the language,
and riddling politicise the language
of that what's spoken for ego as master censor
make ***** of f*ck... please do parabola -
i'll just graffiti in chalk across all fives of the keratin.
Rory Herd Sep 2014
To watch the clouds roll on the firmaments plain,
Both within, and without, their expression won't wait

Observe sun-lit rain falling all in silkened threads,
Descending to proclaim 'earths rock be thy dream bed'

There water grew static as a new storm of green
An epoch of floral tempests only the sky had then seen

Inspired perhaps by radiations spectroscopic artistries
They desired to wear waves from 495 to 570

What mad dreams the clouds cried out of such passion to be
Miraculous life, the nuclear fruit bore from star to tree

Matter motioned towards conscious devotion to survive
Unconscious becoming conscious predation of others nuclear awareness' to stay just a while consciously alive

Electronivorous cardiomagnetics emanating fields of matter fine
Introspective auric spheres vibrate to harmonies a'chime

Such hearts all a-hum to dimensions they defined
And so from a singularity there would be a beautiful mind

What flowers that bloom on these electric fields,
The art-forms, machinations that matters personal reality yields

Richest pollen for the mind is the written fantasy
Colourful petals formed by guitar pedals is one beings audio-mis en scene

How many depictions for the eyes there are of Venus' divine bodies
No greater art form than complementing aspect, force, and frequency

Oh First Cloud, sailing horizons where one never sees the limitless sky
For there is naught else to compare, no antithesis or edge to help define

We find there forms for pleasure, pain, ideals, but not answers to the neu(t)rons darkest, heaviest dreams
Flung through a universe without Dao, only gravity and dopamine

Matter would politicise, while surfing a rock in a black sea round just one of many long blazing days

Their surfing worlds, mirrors of radiation coursing through an existential void-walled maze
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
you excluded me... and i’m not even mussolini! ah, imagine... i’d bring black into vogue and politicise size 0 in fashion on a political level... imagine... ****** would do a strip can-can dance playing the flute on his moustache; ha! (*

like this one english tea lady royal i asked when she said:
boys... really *******.
i asked her... can you philophise as in synonym
psychiatry with neurology
within the grit of being entitled with the title dame
or a unicorn?
ah... no... enter applause!
who’d want to **** a pensioner if a pensioner herself?
ooh oh cherry picking paved a way for cucumber
goosebumps... left the right-wing intellectual, gay,
completely imbarassed...
ah **** happens... spelling mistakes... terrorist plots...
you know... cheap education, the iraq war... worth a handshake
if you ask me... if you really ask me... egypt has no
place in islam... it has a place in christianity
and judaism... egypt of my mother in ambitious
realisation of the ambition of reading a book...
and the mother of his act...
then the confusion comes: you were born from a
pigeon egg! you born from crocodile egg!
now we can begin... pooh wait! tee-ger was just about done
on the bongo nullifying the battered bounce.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2016
then my voice be heard among the night's rains
of sparrows singing the next oxford dictionary,
perhaps, but sooner you will hear
that no unconscious fabric delves so easily into narcissism
for ego-centric exhibitions: learn that dreams are not
ego-centric exhibitions but ego-centric inhibitions,
thus you will walk a mile undo the pluralism of the distance
known as miles free of the dream(s)...
with two bypassing me in the arabic
tongue i ended my search... and took less of freud and more
of intrigue, part come sparing part come searching a depth of:
would fools' words delve into not speaking but utilising spoken
symbols in order to attempt speech?
i think not, for fools speak in pure verb / action
rather than think out a distinction
of nouns between
said hammer                     and              hammering in
without                              the               nail
of prepositioned in
thus missing prepositioned nail:
of the hammer's intention of a non-warring purpose
fulfilled: an utility heard of but not a skull of member
in two planks of wood.
- germania -
                       TO'H IPHST'A ***!
                                        TA SYPHTA HYPHLTA UNA!
and thence it came, in a mountainous overcrowding
like an avalanche of spirit
a hoarse calm of native tongue against the invasion,
it came,
and it came against all former eloquent hoarse screech,
who felt unnecessary to note speech
for a dire need of trust once kept now lost,
they who kept the tongue in the mouth
but not the cranium to be over-invasive
of the complexity of the brain as kept lightning
bolt as rhythm of heart
who didn't invent psychology placebo due
to the over-complication of sponge tissue...
who said trust and honour and have rather died
than politicise into old age...
who then honourable of the conquered?
only virgins peasants and old men of the crippled senate?
of what was said, as much was unsaid.
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
anyone can tire of the belittling hippy pacifism hiding Stalin in its underwear like it was the höchste lösung without nappies; because the left believes we were born with drink-hardened-bladders!

we can't fathom the new intellectuals
and their soberness
like we can't fathom the fact
that some went into battle
with amphetamines and some with
alcohol; we simply can't accept
a sober enemy, the fear of death too dragging
in a reggae of a continuum
and bedrooms' pleasure racked
in lacking a womb -
found the index imitating a fly,
and a king with it too - who's to kneel?
thus they fought intoxicated, but argued sober?
why not reverse?
why let these schoolchildren, these hitlerjungen
fight intoxicated while the bulging argue sober?
the fighters intoxicated and the politicians sober?
sombre? did i hear it right?
the berserker fight intoxicated while
while the old men squabble sober?
send the old men to fight sober and the youth
to politicise intoxicated!
i take to war the intellectual concern for
your piano and your wallpaper and your pseudo
Marxist class struggle -
where war knocks via intellectuals, war will come
and intoxication will be the new intellectualism -
where intellectuals knock for ginger
they will reap Blitzkrieg...
where war comes intellectuals exploit first...
with intellectual agitation war comes easily,
dumb-**** animal readied...
you cleave from the vacuum you created
you will meet the tailor and the barber...
so must intelligence gone to waste...
your little post-communist intelligentsia...
with us not involved come party come the new
right and *dei neu nord
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
too often has english society
designated intelligence
a status of premature dementia -
idiots have to quack
in the european government i guess;
and many a martyr to
provide a patriarch of a nation;
to politicise without voting -
to say i.q. is kindred of the idiocy quotient
(which was never checked or
measured) -
                         leave me to it...
i'm probably the next Embankment artist
in a hoodlum mask of resistance -
fluorescent graffiti luminescent -
twins of explanation of antimatter -
granny on a bike,
                               beef stock
elsewhere -
                       and yes, contrary to
popular belief i'm twin-conscious -
not the prime or sub- or un-,
i know nonsense when i see it -
but better lingual nonsense than possessing
a third yacht and selling the B.H.S.
for a quid to someone who was bankrupt twice!
now the roller-coaster of a £571 million
black-hole pension deficit!
      ensure nanny makes a rhyme
with dole dolly dollé - hence the troubadour
                                 kindred of a torero!
ah... populist as ever - pitchfork and
         stake-burning ready, should you mind,
you have a forever evergreen trail ahead of you!
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
the internet... give me a break... i'm trailing on lost bookmarks and postage-stamps, ******* i'm trailing, i'm making up time, the invention is new, i'm making the most of it, you start telling me it's like the wild-wild-west and... well... don't know, i'd be praying to be employed as a cowboy.*

hard time killing floor always excavates the best in me,
never mind Howlin' Wolf or Jay Lee, or the deafman
and Muddy - blind Willie Johnson and Delta Bob...
there's just too much humanity to encapsulate it all;
and perhaps that's the foremost sadness,
a sadness that states: too many of us to choose an idol,
and choosing an idol crucified won't help either
even if literate with the Bible or not;
Jehovah's witnesses won't help you either,
the scourge comes
lessened in magnitude of *****'s locust;
you go be on your way politicising
the African demise, but i got to celebrate
that from the Slave trade...
agonising memories of Mozart and Beethoven,
the blues, then jazz, then the **** ****-burger Elvis,
go back and moan me a blues than you politicise
in a baptist church blind to archaeology of 19 45;
some too said too often the Olive Garden and
the historian Josephus making it contemporarily true;
sing me the blues man exported, than this Ivory Coast
enigma crucibles of what i too would moan about
concerning noble birth; and that too, with inverted commas
gladly forgotten given the silken shawls;
Seb Jul 2015
I could never love a woman
who does not write poems
It may not be the way
things are said these days,
but I am a man out of time.
I need the blood
that flows through them
for I am weary of bloodless women.

I have aged 100 years since
the dead of this last winter
My skin is paper.
My nerves are bare
and my eyes will soon be chalk
So read me from your heart -
read me with your soft blue eyes.
Let me dream of the wine of my plunder

I could understand a woman
who’d turn her back on poems -
but for love, not
to define herself by –isms
and politicise her  –asms…
I need a woman who is the author
of her own life, not the client
of what others would have her think herself to be.

Come lover, we’ll go walking -
hand me down my boots and shoes
I’ll hobble on my
numb and stumbling stumps
for one last ramble through the sands.
See the trees?
Their hands beseech, from the hill,
your voice to rise in poem one last time.
Big Virge Jun 2021
My Purpose Is BIGGER... !!!!!
Than To Earn BIG Figures...
For Using Rhyme Scripture...
That's WEAKER Than... Tigger... !!!!!

It's Purpose Like Fixtures...
Holds FIRM and Delivers...

Mixtures That TRIGGER...
Verse Built To FEED THINKERS...
And BEAUTIFUL Pictures...
That Linger Like Mixtures...
of.... POTENT Elixirs... !!!!!!

ACTUAL... Natural...
Thoughts That Are FACTUAL... !!!!!

Visions of LIFE...
That I Find Fuel My Mind...
To Write and Transcribe...
These... Poetic Vibes...

That Purposely FLY... !!!
Like Eagles UP HIGH... !!!!!

It's Purpose Is... RIGHT... !!!

MORE THOUGHT And Less Fights... !!!!!
More TRUST And YES... LOVE... !!!!

Instead of This Stuff...
Like... Usage of Guns...
That Takes Peoples Blood... !!!!

And LESS Ignorance... !!!!
That CLEARLY Now Runs...

From People Like Trump...

Whose Purpose Is Worthless...
And Makes People NERVOUS... !!!

Like... Internet Servers...
That Seem To Now HURT US....
Because of These PERVERTS... !!?!!

Whose Purpose HURTS Persons...
Like... ” Poisonous Serpents “... !!!!!!

My Purpose EMERGES...
To COUNTER Aversions...
That Leave People BURDENED... !!!

A Purpose That NEEDS...
To Be Neutered With SPEED... !!!!

Like Greed and Deceit...
And KILLINGS On Streets...
By... Thugs and Police...

Whose Purpose Would Seem...
To Be THAT of A Team...
Who Feed NIGHTMARISH Dreams.... !!!!!

To... Young Families.... !!!
And Older Ones TOO... !!!!!!

Actions UNCOUTH... !!!
That Some Peoples Purpose...
Is Something That WORSENS...
Like... Funeral Sermons... !!!!!

My Usage of Letters...
Has Purpose To BETTER...
The Way That WE ARE... !!!!

Because My Words Chart...
In Times That Are DARK... !!!

By Offering LIGHT... !!!
In These Rhymes That I Write...

Their Purpose Is BRIGHT...
Word Clever and SHARP... !!!

And ALWAYS Makes Marks...
With Those Whose Minds' Light...
Wants MORE Than The Prize...
Between Peoples' Thighs...

... Chicas' and Guys...
Whose Purpose Is WILD... !!!!!

While Mine Is Now Wise...
And Much MORE Inclined...
To Search For The HIGHS...
That... ENERGISE Life..... !!!!!

My Purpose Has Style...
And Numerous Files...
of Verse That's Observed...
From Things That I've Learned...

It's MUCH MORE Than Words...
It's More Like GOOD HERB.... !!!

That HEIGHTENS My Mind...
And Body With... " VIBES "...

With Thinking That FLIES.... !!!
ABOVE Peoples' Lies.... !!!!!

From Government Types...
Who... " POLITICISE "...

Like Gangsters Whose Purpose...
Is Simply To.... HURT US.... !?!?!

POOR EXCUSES For People... !!!
Who Seem To LIKE EVIL... !?!?!

Much More Than KNIEVEL'... !?!

I Guess That's The Way... ?
They Feel They Must Sway...

To Me They're Like Merchants...
Whose Service Is WORTHLESS... ?!?

CLOWNS In A Circus...
... INSURGENTS... !!!

Because They Are SURPLUS....
To Our.... Epidermis... !!!!!

Humans Whose MAIN Urge IS...
To Learn To SERVE A GOOD...

....... " Purpose "........
It took me a while to find it, but I think it's fair to say that writing this material, was meant to be at least, one of the purposes for my being here ......
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
it's kinda funny, but all i keep thinking about is the clipped tooth and the 3 pancakes awaiting me gnashing the smoothness into poached pear baby goo; i will not allow language to subordinate me... i, will, subordinate language! language will be my clothes, and not, my, tailor!

i abhor people owned by language,
it's a bit like debate
between portishead vs. poliça...
          love a *****-fight...
              scratching, itching,
my type of replacement when it
comes to being entertained by
cockerels or bulls (terriers) -
got i love petting those beastly boy
pig snouts!
the problem with me?
            i love drinking more than
conversations with people -
synonymous with:
animals make more sense to me
that humans...
i gather.
                  i have a 10kg / 20+ pound maine
**** that i bite for fun...
              bite a maine ****
get an apache headgear...
     ****** kicks like a kangaroo
when i tickler his hind paws...
               sings the **** out
of a reincarnation of Pavarotti...
either that or it's ***** 'arry,
or simply *rudy
(ginger) -
              i love cats for their
                   it will never end up
being a death-stare match:
there's always "something" to
be preoccupied with cats...
usually? nothing,
                 the anti-thesis of
narcissus was a cat.
                people never have stories
about dogs,
other than: lick my *****, take a nap...
i hate the cat i own...
                  man originated
with a heart,
while woman originated with a mind...
notably the grand-schemer
locusta  -
hell knows no fury for a woman scorned,
           heaven knows no peace
                              for a man: pardoned.
since we're on equal terms,
  we can only politicise language,
rather than the, infantile,
politicising of language...
               i always wonder how
an exhausted meow exhausts the mind
of a cat, with no cognitive notion
of a a meow...
     how does a cat meow...
when there's no thought of meow...
in the same exhaustion...
           how does man speak of god,
when he think nothing of god?
    if god is a beyond word,
yet trapped in (moral) action,
can we discuss the case by merely
using onomatopoeia?
               i.e. onomatopoeia,
an etymological return to the prime
of syllables?
    prior to letters having names
akin to A - alpha -
                                  or O - omicron?
cut short pretty jesus?
                     oh, what, a, shame!

p.s. sure, he can be the alpha and the omega,
but i'm the omicron in between.
Big Virge Jan 2020
Just Like ... " Dr. King " ...

... I Have One TOO ... !!!

But It Seems MY Dream Is WASTED On YOU ... !!!

Those Who CHOOSE To IGNORE .................................. Proof ....
That Those Who RULE Have Reduced Some Youths ...

While THEY PROTECT Their WEALTHY Friends ... !!!!!
Who COLLUDE And ABUSE Whilst Feeding FAKE News ... !!!!!

They USE Issues And TV Crews To INDUCE Feuds ...
That Reduce The Truth To ... " MIRAGE-Like Pools " ...

See Those NOT Schooled Are EASILY Fooled ...
By What They Say About The World TODAY ... !!!

When Kids Get SHOT ...
It's The SAME OLD SONG And Usual Response ...

" Bureaucrats Are SHOCKED ! " ...

"What On Earth's Going On ?" ...

Well Pretty Much THE SAME ...
As THEIR ... " WAR GAMES " ... !!!

"Aren't CHILDREN KILLED By Bombing Airplanes ?!?"

Well OF COURSE They Then Have Ways To VINDICATE ... !!!

"We're making a stand,
against terrorist plans,
to protect the state !"

DREAMING Up ... INDEED ... !!!!!

How About Contrive ... ?
To let The INNOCENT DIE For OIL Pipelines ... !?!
So That They Can BLEED The Survivors ... DRY ... !!!

Dreams Like THESE Are NOT My Type ... !!!

I Dream of Times When ENERGISING Lives ...
Becomes What DRIVES Our Leaders Minds ... !!!

PROTECTION For The OLD When They're On Their Own ... !!!
And PROTECTION For The Young From Those with GUNS ... !!!

... Criminals And YES POLICEMAN ... !!!!!

Those Who Seem To SHOOT For FUN ... !?!

And THINK ... " APOLOGIES " ...
Will Then APPEASE Their Families ... ?!?

It's CLEAR Their Dreams Become NIGHTMARES ...
When It Is The Police ... They SEE In Them ... !!!!!

I Dream of PEACE And LESS Problems ...
And LESS Repeats of KILLING SPREES ... !!!!!!

Affecting Parents ... of CHILDREN ... !!!!!

My Dreams Consist of So MUCH MORE ...
And Will PERSIST To ... My Deaths' Door ... !!!

Which May Be SOONER Than I'd Choose ...
Because of SHOOTERS ... NOW In Use ... !!!

THINK It ... Through ... !!!

Can We Blame The Youth For DREAMS They're SHOWN ...
of LUXURIOUS Homes In ... AFFLUENT Zones ... !!!
ZONES With Keys That The WEALTHY Hold ... !!!
For Companies ... Where SELL OUTS Go ... !!!

My Dream Is For The People To FIND Their SOUL ...
And STOP The EVIL Who ... CONTROL ...
And POLITICISE ... About OUR LIVES ... !!!
ESPECIALLY When Young People ... DIE ... !!!

The CURRENT Trend of ... Youthful DEATHS ...
Is Bound To Make MORE People ... "TENSE" ... !!!

VIOLENCE ... Is NOT A GAME ... !!!
People Should PLAY ... When Bullets SPRAY ... !!!!!

So Who's To BLAME ... ?!?

The GUNS and CHAINS And BLING Brigades ... ???

... "Have Got NO BRAINS !" ...

Well Some of Them YES It's ... Fair To Say ... !!!
But What FUELS Them To EMBRACE These Ways ... !?!

MUSIC That BIG LABELS ... Take ...

Or ... Video Games For Kids To Play ...
Where Images SOAK Inside Their Brains ...
of DRUG LORD WARS And GUN Escapades ... !!!!!!!!!

My Dreams Reduce THESE Corporate Crews ...
Who Are QUICK To USE ... ANYTHING That SELLS  ... !!!!!
EVEN If The Youth DON'T Use Them WELL ... !?!

Technological Tools ...
Are NOT ... " ALL GOOD " ... !!!
Like NUCLEAR Bombs ... !!!
Or Guns NOW USED For INSIDIOUS Moves ... !!!
Do You GET What It Is I'm Saying To You ... ?!?

From MUSIC To The ... " INTERNET " ...
Corporates COLLECT For THEIR RICH Friends ... !!!
Whether Or NOT They Cause ... PROBLEMS ... !!!

They'll Be ABROAD BEHIND ... " SAFE Doors " ...
When Street Wars SOAR And ... Young Blood POURS ... !!!

Their Causes PRETEND To ... Help The Poor ...

I Dream of PEACE And HAPPIER Times ...
Where Guns and Knives ... AREN'T Glamourised ... !!!!!

And RACE ISN'T Used To DIVIDE Our Minds ... !!!

Like Doctor King I ... CHERISH Life ... !!!
And SHOW THIS Through The Words I Write ... !!!

I Deal In What's REAL But Dream Sometimes ...
About A World Where ... WE DON'T Hurt ... !!!

So I Hope My Words ...
AREN'T WASTED On YOU ... !!!!!

Cos' When It Comes To ...
..... " A Dream " ....
of ... LOVING Human Beings ...

Just Like Doctor King ...

" I Have One Too ! " .......
Obviously Inspired by Martin Luther King .....
Listen HERE :
Big Virge Sep 2021
It’s TRUE That I’m A Guy...
Who Writes The Type of Rhymes...

That Take A HARD LINE...
Or Stance... If You Like... !!!

On Everything From Race...
To Things That Equate...
To Being... INHUMANE... !!!

In Ways That Dish Out PAIN...
And NOT USING Our Brains...

So HARD LINES That I Take...
Are NOT Made For GAIN... !!!
Or To Join... MONEY Trains... !!!

They Deal In Something MORE...
Like... HIGH Levels of Thought... !!!

So AREN'T Those That Are BOUGHT...
Like *** Acts From A *****... !!!

And What Some Call *******... !!!

Just Like The Musical Score...
That's Now Heard By Those...
Who Recognise My Flows...

That INDEED Are HARD... !!!

Like The Musical Tones...
That Flow With What’s Shown...
When I Drop Spoken Words...
Those With Brittle Nerves... !!!!!

When It Comes To The Cards I MARK... !!!
of Those Who LACK The HEART...
To Take Hard Lines And Stance...
That DON'T Submit To Chants...
of IGNORANCE That HARMS... !!!!

Like Those Who Wear The Garms...
of... Parisian Gendarmes... !!!

Who Seem To Want To BEAT...
Black People That They Meet...
Because of Racist Vibes...
That Clearly Rule Their Minds... !!!

These Days HARD LINES Invite...
A Load of Different Crimes...
According To The Tribes...
Who Like To... Politicise...

As If They Are ALL WISE... !?!

In Preserving Peoples’ Lives...
In Ways That Don’t Downsize...
And Limit The Good Times...
That Good Living Provides...

Well My...

Those Who Still DENY...
Equality And Status...
For Lives That...
... APPARENTLY Matter... !!!

When They’ve Got Skin...
That’s... BLACKER... !!!

Than Crude Oil In Tankers...
That's EMBROILED With Bankers... !!!!!!

Whose Cashflow’s HiGH...
Like Those Who Fly...
And APPARENTLY Supply...
*** Acts For A PRICE... !!!

And Garments Like...
Their... UNDERWEAR... !!!
As Well As Invites...
To Share Their Beds...
If The Price Is Right... !!!

It’s A CRAZY TIME... !!!
Where Hard Lines Now Find...

Green Miles That RISE...
Just Like Dark Knights... !!!

Who Now Have JOKERS...
... In Their Sights...
For Being BAD Brokers...
Who DESTROY Lives... !!!

Just Like The Movie...
BELIEVE... That’s RIGHT... !!!

WITHOUT Bram Stokers...
Or... IGNORANT P.O.T.U.S... !!!

But Leaders Focussed...
On... CORONA Vibes...
That Are Causing Fights...
And PROTEST Lines...
Where Policeman Try...
To Play TOUGH Guys... !!!

Because of The Spread...
of... CORONA DEATHS... !!!

While Government Heads...
Leave Freedoms DEAD...
Until Monetary Funds...
Start To Cause PROBLEMS... !!!

For Economies SHUT...
Due To This Virus... !!!

That Has Now UPSET...
A Lot of Businesses... !!!

Because of Lines Drawn...
That Have Shut Their Doors...
That Of Course Has Caused...
Jobs To Be... FORLORN... !!!!!

I’ve Never Been One...
To Follow Governments...
Or... Political Crews...
Whose Feuds Make News... !!!

Because In Them I See...
of... Humanity... !!!!!

Who Much Like THOSE...
Who TAKE AWAY Folks Hopes...
And Deal In Hate...
VANITY And Displays...
That Are... INHUMANE... !!!

Our... Human Race... !!!

When It Comes To The Rhymes...
That I Sit And Write About Their Kind...

The Rhymes That I Find...
That Define What I See...
In The Ways That They Be...

Are Those That Are Inclined...
To Take A VERY....

...... “ HARD Line “...... !!!
It's not always popular, but it's always straight, just like me !
Big Virge Nov 2020
Now I Have To Say...
That In These Strange Days...
My Use of Wordplay...
Is In A RICH VEIN... !!!!!

From Reflecting On Things...
That Are Proving To STING... !!!

Like Corona Pain...
And Societal Strain...
Due To Deals About Trade...

To Election Campaigns...
And Debate TIRADES...
From Names Now Displayed...
That Seem To Have NO SHAME... !?!

There’s Much That INFLATES...
That DEFINE What’s POOR...
And That’s Fa’ SURE... !!!

From Provisions For...
... A Corona Cure...

To... Media Views...
That Seem Far From Shrewd... !!!

From These Journalists...
Who Lack Balance So Twist...
And Then FLIP Scripts...

To... Right Wing Fascists...
Whose Views Seem RACIST...
To These Centrist Leftists...
Who To Me Are Now Visceral...
Liberal... CRIMINALS... !!!

While Words I Use...
Are Those That Peruse...
Todays’ World Issues...
Without Getting Confused...

Like Those That Ensure...
That Tough Times Are In Store...
For The Poor And More... !!!

Because of Those...
... In The Commons...
And Those In The Lords...

Whose NONSENSE AIN’T Shocking...
To Me... Anymore... !!!

And As For Those ABROAD...
From... American Shores...

Their LACK of Thought...
And ABUSE of Laws...
Is A Thing SO POOR...
That They Shouldn’t Be Ignored... !!!

Because I Wouldn’t Advise...
Ignoring Their LIES And Political Ties...
In These Days And Times... !!!

From The Left To The Right...
Their Talk CONTRIVES...
To Feed Bias And PRIDE...

That Is POORLY Used...
To Keep People Confused... !!!

With... Election News...
And POOR Interviews...
From Political Crews...
Who Choose To Allude...

Or To... What’s IMPORTANT...
Like Being Straightforward... !!!

What They Do Is TORMENT...
The Truth To Feed Falseness...
In... What Their Reporting... !!!

So Proceed With CAUTION... !!!

Cos’ It’s A CIRCUS Show...
That... Constantly Flows...

That’s POOR Beyond Belief... !!!
When You Hear Most of Them Speak... !!!

These Media Teams...
That Are TRULY WEAK... !!!

It’s Like Watching A Scene...
From Some Kind Of Movie...
Where The News Is Just USED...

To Sensationalise And SKEW...
Somewhat Like... PREDATOR Two... !!!!!

I Guess It’s Nothing New...
From NBC To Fox News It’s TRUE... !!!

Their Crews Have Got More Letters...
Than These Alphabet Genders... !!!!!

And Their Crews Are Those...
Who Have Them As Presenters...
That’s Right Women And Fellas...
Who Are FUELLING Agendas... !!!!

That Try To Play BOTH Sides...
of What’s... Now In Sight...

... Political Fights...
Everyday And Every Night... !!!

While People Now DIE...
From... Corona Vibes... !!?!!

I Wonder Sometimes...
If What They CONTRIVE...
Is What They TRULY Believe...
Or Do They Just Deceive...
Every Time That They Speak... ?!?

There’s A Lot That WREAKS...
In Their Daily News Feeds... !!!

of... HYPOCRISY... !!!

That’s POOR And Sustains...
SO MUCH That Is LAME... !!!!!

That I’d Rather Not Name...
Those Now In The Frame...
of Today’s News Game... !!!

As They’ve Already Gained...
And... Rates of Pay... !!!
For Their POOR Displays...
of What They... “ CLAIM “...

To Be Reporting That’s Straight...
Or INFLATE What's FAKE... !!!

Well While They Play...
Their DODGY Games... !!!

I Stick To What’s RICH...
Wordplay Through Lyrics...
That... DO NOT SINK... !!!!!

Like... TITANIC Ships... !!!

That Now Seem To Exist...
In The Media Links...
That Are Now Being Shipped...
That Now Need To Be CURBED... !!!

Because They Seem To PERVERT...
Rather Than... OBSERVE...
... Engaging Brains...
With The Type of Thought Waves...

That Like This Piece...
of Big Virge Wordplay...

Are CLEARLY Those...
……….. of A ………..

...... “ RICH VEIN “..... !!!
This years election news, has truly been something to behold, and much like the first debate, has been far from great !

— The End —