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Sharina Saad May 2013
I am lost in this play land
Surrounded by toys in a magical land
A choo choo train, a laughing clown
An incredible circus in a Toy land,
Is this the place called Peekaboo Play land?
If yes...
please call me Alice in Wonderland
a poem for my niece Qalesya
Calli Kirra Sep 2013
She's screaming, she's crying
"**** this system! They don't even know us, lets go **** em!"
The moon never rises like it did last summer
And even though it's good
It can always get better
He's yelling, he's shouting
"You're a **** liar! Got into his car, who knows what happened?!"
Hey I know a place
It's so **** nice
All you gotta do is take it
Then blackout, you're fine
The stars always come out
To play card games with you
And there ain't nobody
To tell you what to do
The air smells like honey
And your skin will start to glow
Sugar dont think about it
That's just the way it goes
Bob B Nov 2016
Ah, Pinocchio--povero burattino°--
Always in a scrape; always in a jam.
The irresponsible, wooden-headed numbskull
Couldn't help but fall for every scam.
A walking, talking stringless marionette,
Pinocchio really would have had it made
In a modest home with babbo°° Gepetto.
But, instead, the foolish youngster strayed.
Ignoring the advice of the talking cricket,
Pinocchio EVEN smashed it with a hammer.
That right there should have been a reason
To throw the little rascal in the slammer.
The Fox and the Cat had no trouble
Dissuading the puppet from going to school,
Thus involving him in a series of adventures
Which often made him look like a fool.
The Fairy tried to be a good influence,
But Pinocchio's lies caused his nose to grow.
Constantly ignoring responsibilities,
The misguided boy, suffered constant woe.
(Swindled of his money, hanged on a tree,
And saved just in the nick of time
From being eaten, Pinocchio had
Too many adventures to fit into this rhyme.)
Fleeing with his lazy school chum Lucignolo
To the Paese dei balocchi,°°° there Pinocc
Turned into a donkey. Of all his follies,
This one had to be a masterstroke.
Once again a puppet, Pinocchio was swallowed
By a giant Pesce-cane,°°°° and then guess what!
The foolish boy was finally reunited
With babbo Gepetto in the fish's huge gut.
NOT until Pinocchio thought about others
And proved he was an honest and caring boy
Did his fortune start to change for the better,
And the stringless puppet became the real McCoy.
Does Pinocchio by any chance remind you
Of any politicians out there at all
Who fail to listen to expert advice
And thumb their noses at common protocol?
And speaking of noses, we can also see
Politicians' noses grow as they tell lies.
Lying to themselves and to others as well
And ignoring our best interests and flouting compromise.
Such politicians--unlike Pinocchio--
Have strings to pull when performing for the masses.
The more they avoid solving REAL issues,
The more they end up looking like *****.
They also love--these clever burattini--
To sell a bill of goods and promise many things.
But someone out there--or some corporation--
Is slyly and cleverly pulling their strings.
Do you ever wonder if these same politicians
Ever think about or care how you feel?
Will they eventually--as did Pinocchio--
Prove they have what it takes to be real?
°(burattino/i) - poor little puppet
°°(babbo) - dad(dy)
°°°(Paese dei balocchi) - Playland
°°°°(Pesce-cane) - shark

- by Bob B
fill me with your ****
until its running out of my pores
****, I've always wondered what that smell was

drown me in pity and kind verses
until my countenance is beautiful to you
because spaghetti knows!
I can't be complete unless I'm beautiful
to you

and all this time I've been running
broken pottery quotations up your
shivering spine
without thanks for the cold stares
you pierce through my fingertips

hold my hand and drag me through
the cosmic playland you soar your
broken hang glider
without regard for the fact that we
were always the center of the universe
and globally has constantly been flatlands

I want nothing less than the very cells
composing each and every cancerous tumour
exploding through your veins
because Allah knows your breath freezes my neck
solid when you lick down my..

OOH that tickles, you gotta avoid my funny bone
or I'll squeal without worrying about your parents
right outside my door
much less the police stating overbearing bricks
cemented around your walls

break them down and expose your innards
to the outwards and lie reposed in the vulnerability
of your last breath.
Swathi eruvaram Dec 2014
Half-asleep on my lap, embraced against me
The dim light of a soft box paints your face
Formulating the perfect pose
Preserving the unspeakable beauty in my arms


Except for the constant clicking of the camera
A few flashes and wham your eyes open, a shred too wide, too curious
And you smile your best

I wrap myself around you
Three clicks happen real quick
My smile mirrored in yours
Pictures of us together
Glimpses of real love caught in the moment
Mine. Yours.
Pure and true
Perfectly happy

Then you go waka waka on the giant bean bag
Sprawling around, contouring its shape, expelling your body in all directions
I holler your name from the top of my lungs
You respond with a scream displaying two pearly whites and a hint of bare gums

As the breeze cools your skin, you splash into the inflatable pool
Rubber fishies swim along, you dunk them one by one
Soapy bubbles blown in the air circle around you, gleaming in the sunshine, revealing your face and burst with a pop
Still unable to sit unassisted, bam you fall into the water
My heart escapes my chest
There is water dripping all over you
I comfort you and brush hair away from your eyes

But I wasn't quite finished yet

You curl up in the fuzzy charms of a teddy
A new found hero in the making

My darling then arrives as a prince entering his humble kingdom
I fall in love with you all over again at the first glimpse
Bitter, reserved, aggressive, brisk, fresh, strong, assorted moments

I said one last photo

The softness of your young skin glowed in a playland of toys
I sit, stare and sigh at how delightful you look
Capturing candid photos of your innocence at play

The evening was getting tired, you drifted back to sleep
It wasn't easy as one would think

I saw you coming from the start
I rewind the times in my heart
A whole world of just you and I
I want it to be more than just a memory
A reminder of the road taken

Here I am, taking in every bit of you and smiling because I know you are all mine
Jackie B Dec 2014
I walked by the playground. The little kids- reminiscent of little versions of me- were bundled in puffy parkas, scarves, gloves and hats tied under their chins so tight that their chubby cheeks poured over the bow. They can barely lift their arms. They stumble and wobble, rolling around the playground, up the pyramids and down the slides. The crisp air of a warm winter engulfs them as they think about their new friends, and how they enjoy playing tag on the playground. The kids, they’ve been there forever it seems.  

Couples walk dogs. Women with curly black hair frizzing out of wrapped striped scarves, with glasses, with wrinkles. Men walking slowly behind, undistinguished, unremarkable, but peaceful nonetheless. The grey of the city pours into the park, a timeless grey filling corners that are easy to mistake as empty. Filling the cracks in the old cement all along the paths between playgrounds. Buildings stand right on the edge reminding you of where you are. Marking the minutes left you have in a playland. Soon you’ll hit the bustling streets where coats, scarves, mittens, socks mix with people walking so fast down the sidewalk in a cocktail of cold, pain, business and ambition. Sometimes cheeks flush as new lovers hold hands. Children laugh and tickle one another. But more often than not, everyone drinks the cocktail and keeps going- destinations unknown but going nonetheless.

When you’re alone you drink the cocktail, and think that you’re the only one. It makes you tell yourself to keep going, that you’ll go far. You pick some imaginary destination and push yourself towards it with all your might. Just like parents push the little bundles of pink and blue sitting on the swings at the playground.

Someday, maybe you’ll bump into someone- who will help you remember that you aren’t the only one. You aren’t the only one drinking the cocktail. And you’ll feel like maybe you can walk together, bundled now not only in your coats, but in each other. In the warmth of someone else, and the softness of their embrace.

But all too soon, one of you will trip- holding each other – one person holding on too tight, or another tripping over shoes. It’s inevitable.

There’s a bench. A bench at the intersection of three paths, one that is incredibly hard to revisit, but one that doesn’t move. It’s hard to find- at that intersection. It’s under a bridge, behind a museum, covered in shrubbery, and overcome by passersby. Under the bridge there’s a man who plays his flute. It echoes though, offering a trail of crumbs to find this place.
Whit Howland Sep 2019
I'll see
your edges of memory
with again
my carousel of slides
clicking by
so fast
on a white screen
and like you
I'm old enough
now to ask
were we ever
really there

© Whit Howland 2019
Joe Aug 2017
Fire at playland
Two fire engines
In attendance
Great fun

Carnival week
Comprised of the ever popular
Pram race, a resounding success, once again
In spite of adverse weather conditions

Tributes to the late great
Popeye rolled along the
Main strip

An eleven foot Guy Fawkes looms
Over the tarmac
A tractor towed lifeboat leads
The way

An array of competitive twirling troops
Dampen the mood

Fire at playland
Two fire engines
In attendance
Great fun
wordvango Jul 2017
The scenery, first I would need to be outside
where birds perch on telephone wires
squirrels scurry away unworried
on crooked limbs of scrub oaks
jump like circus acrobats onto a cedar five feet away
and then I would need to open my eyes to
the vast sky blue receding far away into deep yellows
buzzards on parade so high up,
crimson shadows foretelling the coming turn of day animals
from visual to stumbling creatures
possums  and armadillos
but I am entombed on a stool in my combo
living room kitchen dog port-a -***** cat
highway and playland with last night's fork
a bit of cheese on it still
a cigarette in the ashtray
wafting a trail of gray
into the air while
I study how to make sense of the
inner with outer
the fresh air with stale
the sun midday with
the foreseeable sunset
and sit and wonder in awe at all of it
Travis Green Nov 2023
He is so incredibly sexalicious
So appealing to the senses
So mesmerizingly dreamy
With his manly appearance
He has such a hypnotic hold on me

Charms me deeply
Makes me trippy
Takes me away
To his enchanting playland
Romances me round-the-clock

Makes me lose control
Float in his globe of dopeness
Penetrates my inner space
Takes me down
Goes all the way

Makes my body shudder
As he merges with me
Caress his outstanding
Dominating rears
Suffuse my smooth lips
With blissful, unforgettable kisses

Straight up slay me
Unlock the door
To my candy store
****** me to the core
Give me more and more

****** every inch into my innerness
Make me crave the sensation
Of his masculine touch
His closeness and machoness
Make me burst into an eruption
With his heavy-duty construction
Meshed with my voluptuous figure

Stoke my drive
Make me comply with his rules
Part my thighs
Stretch me out
Make me feel like

I am high on crack
Carrying a torch
For his extraordinary masculinity
So addicted to his imposing tumescence
Feel the magnitude of his passion
As he rises to a satisfying ******
Provides me with my prize
Slathers my superb posterior
With his hot, sticky love butter
Travis Green Oct 2023
I am so madly head over heels
For his passionately bewitching deliciousness
His squeezable cheeks
His expressive, impressive lips
So manlicious and beardalicious
So dopalicious and groovalicious

My totally kissable macho man
My chocolate brown eye-candy
He annihilates and dominates me
Hijacks and enraptures my gay world
Overruns and crushes me
Like a muscular ****

I hunger to taste him
Like a succulent sundae
With hot fudge
He tantalizes me in every way
Beckons me to his impeccableness

Makes me melt into his majesticness
Takes my breath
With his compelling gaze
Aggressive affectionate kisses
Skin-to-skin contact
Such a top-notch badass

He leads me into his dreamy playland
Surrounds me in his
Fragrant handsome manliness
Stings me like an energetic nectar collector bee
Entranced by the essence
Of his fresh, treasured sexiness

I float in his engrossing glowing machoness
Feel his **** breath
On my chestnut-brown neck
Concealed in his exquisite irrestibleness
I replay a plethora of brilliant minutes with him

Listen to his dreamy voice
Like intense serenades
That amazes me deeply
He compels every cell of my being
I revel in his heavenly manly presence

Worship his firm immersive charm
He devours me like a powerful forest fire
Tours my inner core
Pour his chocolate sauce
All over my hypnotic body

Envelops me in his machoness
Makes me sparkle
Like blossoms of opulence
My eternal cherishable flame
My unstoppable saucy hottie

I am bound to him
Drowning in him
Dwelling on him dancing
In my enchanting realm
A bright, indescribable sight
Of rare dapper attraction

I am so high right now
I lose control when he holds me closely
Consoles my heart and soul
Tenderly kiss my earlobes
Thrill my sweet physique
With his smoldering heat
Shining so brightly
I can’t resist him
Travis Green Jan 26
I was fond of him
Beyond measure
Lost in his spectacular perfection
His immaculate swagger
His tenderness and dreaminess
His masculine passion was electrifying

I drowned in his charming allure
Adored him more and more
His sensual stamina was contagious
His mountainous nation
Was the most breathtaking creation
That took my breath away

I was intoxicated on his
Radiant gorgeousness
His mesmerizing form
He affected me to the core
He was a sight for sore eyes

I was so wild about him
I surrendered to him
Cherishing the way
He held me in his embrace
I had so many explosive emotions for him

He was my sweet smoothie to sip on
My full-bodied coffee
To savor in the morning
My grandiose province
Of spellbinding enchantment
That had my gayness elevating
As I luxuriated in his stimulating playland
Of amorous adventures

— The End —