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RebelGirl Oct 2017
be positive they said
it will be fun they said
yeah mmm nope not for me
i will admit i am a negitive nacy
bi ******
and i have 0 common sence so at least i have the ***** to admit and not run from it!
Kaley Dec 2016
You cant believe every thing you in every source your given... there fore you cant believe every thing your told..
Your not worthless.. or trash..
Or just existing for no reason..

You got to Believe in something..
Trust in something..
That your not as bad as you think you are..

Often people See the flaws more in themselfs then others..

You have to follow your Heart..
Find an Trust in your Heart
But think alittle also..

You cant live your life based on how others want you too..
You cant please everyone..
You'll fail if you try.

You have to do what you believe is right, even when most of the world tells you its wrong..

Have you ever been told
You cant make it,
Your a failure,
Your not good enough..

Well they're wrong..
You have to follow your courage,
Your heart, your believes,
Have the intuition an audacity to over come your fears, your bad thoughts, others negitive oppinions.

your gonna have
some ups an downs..
its like a roller coaster,
You have to have downs
to have ups in life..
An ups to have downs..

Its what you do
when you get
knocked down,
trampled apon,
An fall flat on your face that counts..
Its how you act,
how you handel the situation..

Like have you been talked about either behind your back..
Or even right infront of you..
Well I curtaintly have..

But guess what..
Thats not stopping me from living my life.. you cant let others oppinions or lies or words get you down..

You know what you are?..
You are outstanding..
You are amazing,
You outshine most people
An they cant handel it..

Sometimes when life gets hard..
You know your doing something right.. an they want to see you fail.. dont give them the time of day.. the satisfaction.. dont even listen to them.. they dont even know you..
You know better then anyone else who you are..

When you've been defeated..
It takes courage to start over again..

You are more then capable..
You can make a change..

Behind every principal is a promise..

Hear me out!..

Dont wear your feelings on your sleve.. base things on your feelings.. (at least not everyrhing)..

Procrastination.. Man do humans know allot about this word...

Okay, so here it is..
If you dont do something..
If you say.. I dont want to go to school or work today..
Because "I dont feel like it"
Especially  consistently,
You might of just pushed back your future.. you dont even know for how long.. maybe a whole year..
A month maybe...

Emotions -
Disipline an control them
Or they will use you..

You got to change..

No one said life would be easy..
Or even changing.. but
If thats the case everyone would do it..
It takes work an effort..
But in the long run it will be worth it

Ask yourself
"How much do you want this"
An go all out on it..

Your in control..
Of you life
Your future
You emotions
Your body
Your self
Your thoughts
Your decisions..

Get a grip..
Your coming back
You'll be twice as much stronger
An better because of it..
Stand up for yourself..
Stand up for your Dreams
Stand up for our piece of mind..

Stand up for your country
For your name, for your life,
Stand up for your freedom..
For who you are!!!!

You are not Destroyed!!
You are not Damaged!!

Take full responsibility for your life

Accept where you are an move forward with where you want to go

You decide..

You know most people.don't take the time to enjoy life..
They get old an say I wish I did that or I wish I did this..

Dont be serious all the time..
Enjoy an be.yourself..

Live life as you were
to die tommorow..

Live your life with passion
With motivation with drive...

Decide that your going
to push yourself..

Be like a book..
Live life.. fill each chapter..
Make changes
Make turns..
Decide an think for yourself..
Whats wrong?.. whats right?..

An with every page turned..
Dont give up..
Thats how a storys made..
Keep going with it..
An you'll be remembered!

Just like it ends..
Dont end cause you gave up..
End it because you died trying..
You have to live to die..
But to die.. you have to live!!!

So what is your story?..
What are you gonna do?..
Who are you to be?..

Dont listen to the negitive things!!
Tell yourself.. You Can!!!
An you "Will"...

You want to know what
the impossible is?...

The impossible is something someone else
failed to get too..

But you CAN Achieve
The impossible if...
You Never Give Up!!!

Dont give up
Dont give in

"Theres always an answer..
To Everything"

You're not broken/ but Unbroken

2 corinthians..ect.

persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
Skai Oct 2014
Don't hate someone just because they hate you.

2. ALWAYS be the bigger person.

3. Don't quickly judge someone.

4. You may lose people, but you will gain ones who are better.

5. Everything changes at one point.

6. Try to see opinions from both sides.

7. There are two sides to every story.

8. Some people aren't going to like you, and that's okay.

9. Speak up in class, no one is going to laugh at you.

10. Don't be shy around the person you like, they're just a person as you are.

11. No one is going to die because you failed that one test.

12. School isn't just about grades.

13. Taking one day off of school won't **** you.

14. If you put negitive thoughts out in the universe, chances are, fate won't be on your side.

15. Don't push yourself to the point of a panic attack.

16. You will always love the person you fell in love with, and you need to learn to cope.

17. Just because you're posting about them, it doesn't mean they will message you.

18. Wear a dress to school, who cares if people judge you.

19. Look on the bright side of things in every situation.

20. Always be youself, and don't change for anyone.
Things I'm learning through being in high school.
Death-throws Feb 2016
**** rats and **** boy caps
Gas cans and empty beer cans
No dams in my way
No bills to pay
Just desperate days catching sun rays
Skin decay
Too much play.
I miss the summer months of drug addiction
Planning our lives out like a good fiction
Where the boy gets the girl.
And the premotion
No one told me id have to cross an ocean
Not of water, but sin
Fearfully thin.
Anger took my soul.
Withdrawl has refused to release its hold
Positive actions and negitive reactions
How do i get back to the good old days
Where all i worried about was getting paid
We each had our own way
No fear in the old days
I No longer hold Today
To those who have depression you know that it fills our minds with dark thoughts of our past, present, and future.
It makes us second guess why we are still alive.
It takes a strong iron grip on our chest and makes us struggle to get out of bed in the morning and makes us choke on words like "I am fine." Or "Don't worry I will be okay in time."
It twists the positive words we hear to form negitive thoughts of self-doubt and self-loathing.
It makes us want to hurt ourselves till we can't hear the words of hatred anymore.
It consumes our souls that were once bright and cheerful and turns them into darkness and sorrow.

To those who do not have depression do not understand why we can't just be happy.
They don't understand that every day is a battle of life and death.
They do not understand the effort it takes to get out of bed in the morning and to face another day.

To those who do not know that the words they say hurt us.
We take your words seriously.
When you tell us "Go **** yourself." We actually want to.

To those who don't know that they just forced a peer of theirs in the closet when you said, "If I saw a gay I would beat them up." It makes it harder for them to accept who they are.

To those who don't understand why people with eating disorders hate themselves enought to starve themself or make themselves sick after they eat.
It is more then trying to be thin.
It is the cure to all our problems if we just don't eat this week.
Or we eat and make ourself sick.

To those who don't understand social anxiety.
Loud noises scare us.
Large groups of people freak us out.
Talking to new people makes us worry.
Socializing is difficult and doesn't come easy for like the rest of you.

To those who don't understand why we stay in that abusive relationship.
We feel like they will change.
They said they loved us.
They apologized and said it will never happen again.
They threatened to hurt themselves or us if we left.
They make us feel special at times.

To those who understand everything that was writen above and that has been through any of these things.
Please know this.
You are strong.
You are important.
You are beautiful/handsome/perfect.
You are a fighter.
You are a winner.
You are loved.
You are cared for.
You are amazing.
This is a very rough draft of a poem I am writing. If you have any edits or suggestion please comment them. I need some feed back on how to make this flow better and make it sound neater.
Some nights I lay awake thinking about my day or about my life and I wonder did I do anything to see what I have seen to expeirence what I have experienced. I tell myself no I havent but that is not the reason why I have seen what I have seen and I have experienced what I have experienced. I know that I was put on this earth for a reason and who put me on this earth and that is God himself. He wanted to show me and have me experience what I have for many reasons. I may not know all the reasons and may never know all the reasons but I know some. I know that God wants me to become a great strong women of him and show people the right path to take in life. I may not know all the ways to the right path but I know alot of them. For instance drinking alcohol is a horrible thing to do. It messes up your life so much to the piont where you may not even exist to people that love you and you love. Yes those poeple will always love you and you will always love them no matter what but they pretend you dont even exist so they dont get hurt because they know you can do better in life. When you have family and friends by your side each and every step of the way it is so much easier you think. If it is an addiction or just life no matter who is at your side other then God it is not easier. He will guide you be there for you catch you when you fall and pick you right back up. Yes family and friends is a thing in life that you do need but not as much as God. (John 3:16 For God so�loved the world he gave his only begotten son for who so ever believed in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life.) So if you dont know him I deeply and strongly encourage you to get to know him and ask him into your heart. If I have learned one thing its that life is pretty much impossible without him well thats what it seems to me and my life. Everyone is different there lifes are to. For all the things I have seen and experienced I have needed him for either guidence, faith, or support. It has always been easier to me having him there each and everytime I have needed him. Even if the answer wasn't the answer I was looking for he has been there for me. There is a few more things like medications for mental illnesses. There is no such thing most of the time with peoples behavior its because the person wants attention from people they love. Some people were shown the only way to seek attention is doing dangerous behavior and making negitive choices. You have choices oppertunities in life to make the right decisions and you have oppertunities chioces to make the wrong. Let me tell you will know when you make the wrong choices and the right because it shows in your life. You dont need medication you need God he will give you the attention and wisdom you are seeking. When your family and friends are not there for you giving you what you need. I have had times in my life where I have had to go to him instead of my family or friends for wisdom and attention. He is a really good source and person to go to when you need wisdom and attention. He is also there when you feel alone and depressed you may feel alone but you are not alone he is right there beside you. You may feel that this obsticle in your life is impossible to get over its not just pray ask for help he will help you in ways you would never ask for or even imagine. He is such a great person the greatest person you will ever have in your life. He will always be there for you even if you slip more then once just ask for forgiveness and he will forgive you each and everytime you ask for it. You will never have to think about your slip ever again for when he forgives you he lets go never remebers it again. You may ask for forgiveness from your family and they may hold it against you forever but he will never do that to his children. Remember this always he is with you each and every step of the way and will always be there for you. He has always been there for me.
Kobbe Feb 2013
I'm looking for something else, you call it negitive
I call that reflection of self, why you make it out to be so devilish. If I shall perish I envision consumption of wealth. True wealth, the kind I once faced, embraced in darkness, a mothers womb, peace my soul did consume, forced into this world n told to bloom. No one knew they were sending us to our own perceptive doom.

We create it then debate it, because collective reality is to real to face it. Drop bombs n schedule cases, ******* it I hate it but I love what made it. Our own creations n we stand to em. What are we but all the same faces created at different paces. Humanity is our sanity, n we destroy it with vanity. How has it come to be that we no longer see, hate is enough to separate our forces that be. Sun Tzu's divide and conquer, history from a forefather but why bother? They never birthed what resembles your master, direct questions to your pastor. Who's the real parent, at times its no longer apparent. No lessons in direction, off to school cos no time to bother. A system not meant for blessing. Ancestors we fester out of regret of what we neglect, truth in our own history, it truely stays a mystery. Science made humanity defiant. It all Resembles truth in the message, if we could only make each other get it. Stop the ******* and teach the lesson. Its all the same message, only changing to keep us guessing, U'd get it after a smokin session.

If shame was an issue, making momentary thought an issue maybe we wouldnt have to tell our brothers we'll miss you. Send em off to battle, with out facts to go through. They're souls get burnt too. Blood for corporate greed, the same creed that feeds you your feed, controlling the source but ofcourse the conspirators make it out to be worse. All motivated to keep ignorance in our health. Feels like its programmed in fate to prorate hate to make you un equal to a few, who couldn't care if you be Christian, Muslim, or Jew. Buddah never asked to be praised but the love from his words made him more than he was. Spiritually enlightened to a perception, and that's my personal lesson. No judgment only my own interpretation, of what I am and we all are. People created equal.
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
Every day is new sunrises so do you. even if you feel like you have nothing to say nice.
day by day new challenges fly bye hitting you with out warning. when it rains i rather walk  in the rain so no one can see my eyes . have the time of your life. but it only last only a few min light when your high. when night comes the only thing to escape reality.
the music you listens to carry you along the way with all the wounds that riddle your body.
every thought you think twice but your own ideas have the weight like a ton. your friends have been there for you and so you both have each others backs no matter what.
even if your tired and have little patients all you have to say is ill just keep walking.
the emotions you drown in with every thing the day dreads and loses you in the mix.

but dad by day you have to face your fears even if it means passing you own boundries.

love that emotion is just a ord love is just something that means nothing.

for me i was told when i was little you should never sit down and cry cause youl never have the strong image in you.
emotions walk behind you but your shadow is the thing that has to fight your own evil side to push the demonic eyes away.

life is filled with lies and pathetic people that wast your time.

emotions are the whole thing that human society has to stand therer ground.

day night is the same except that's the way it is night people currl up and let the dreams slumber.

but night is a nother when people only come out when theres no light to hit them.

the thins you said the night before what do u really know what happened to your promises and trust.

my life i walk this earth trying to show my ideas to this world. but this world is afraid of ideas that will change society and every ones time to the good of it.

the emotions have so many things that will bring out in your words.

but i have no regrets or fear what happens to me. cause people fear me and are scared of me for my smarts. but i have nothing negitive to express in my words.

but the sun rises bring the sweet calm breez that flowls threw my long hair but what do u really hear when you listen close. just the music you have never heard of the beauty that will make tears stream down your face.

in my own words you cant fix every thing or every ones problems. all you can be is ears for listening and to suport them untille the end.

i have a life that is full of trapes and surprizes.

im not scared or threaten  by people but why do my ideas scare and threaten society.

but night falls my music plays sun rise comes and my music is still playing but thats the only way for me to deal with life and all its (****)

i walk this world creating my ideas writing away that will spell your name telling you im always listening.

but in this world i can only escape from societys gripps with my music playing loud and drowning people out so i can feel things. in my life as we keep going along.

my life is full of words but my voice will never be heard cause im tired of trying to talk over your voies.

have any emotions like your own appearance ******* you down ******* your strength away wearing you down.

have you just felt your life is and endless ride that leaves burns and blood stains.

my voice has the calming tone's that bring peace to your life.

in my life there's no such thing is war only the rules i have if you show any threat or threaten me i will do the same to you.

every emotion i have been able to control by using my music to drown out every one blaring it away tuning any scream or voice in my way that is only sufficating.

in my own words i have no fears /regrets but i walk this barren world just living and surving any thing hits or breakes me.

but in life/society/emotions. we wont be human if we didn't have any emotions that we have to live with.

i you want folow me  cause youl never have to be alone i am listening to our voice ill say just follow your foot steps and dont let go
emotions have just pathetic life but with out emotions we wont even be human
ashlee allee Dec 2014
no hope to relief on
When you just want to pray
Mother is in the kitchen
Making dinner while you think
who's the winner
On either side of the table
The fatherhaving trouble making
Payments with other mothers having
Financial trouble you try helping both
Of them when they talkto you get
Stress out and when you want to talk to
Someone like boyfriend hes missing out
And he doesn't want to be in there or out when
Hes having fun with his life you think to your self what u should do help them and punish you
What has this world come too you telling
What you fill inside but they just go on talking about there life so negitive no faith to relief on you think its there a God and. Is there angles watching over you does all this happen to teens is this world today why did it happen to me why did I get strike with lighting
And get crap from thunder that
doesn't seem right to me
jeanette korbel Mar 2015
You can call me stupid, you can call me dumb.
It wont effect me because my emotions are numb.
In the book of insults Iv'e heard them all.
Im use to people just letting me fall.
I am not dissapointed because, I know my purpose.
Doing everything I can , its always worth it.
Im sorry to tell you, no ones perfect.
Negitive comments , i breathe them all in.
As i breathe out, ill never think of them again.
You can't put me down but, you can bring me high.
I love knowing I can just let bad things go by,
People do change, this is true
But it's how they change, that confuses you
Some change for the better, some for the worse
Their descision is a blessing, or it's a curse

Let me tell you a story, about two people i knew
They were the closest friends, with differences few
Attracted to another, they began to date
It lasted not long, it was not in thier fate

This was the starting point, each thier own change
They became distant, their friendship strange
the pain inside triggered something deep within their cores
Each thought they were weak, they wanted something more

The girl, guilty of her weakness, chose to stand on her own
Not wanting to burden another, her spirit had grown
Holding her head up high, she refused to be brought down
Surrounding herself with happiness, her strength was found

The boy, hatred of his weakness, chose to push others away
Not wanting to be criticized, his anger was his way
Standing against others, he refused negitive words to be spoken
Demanding his own happiness, his strength was awoken

These two people chose different ways to be strong
The changes effected each other, their friendship lasted not long
They were too different of people to remain friends
Some choices harmed the other, it had to come to an end

You see people do change, the fact is true
But how you choose to change, it is up to you
Matters not just the reason, but the way as well
Always remember these two people and thier tale.
Michael Twist Sep 2024
We all know that you have a choice to make...

You can be arrogant and mean and still get it all, you can touch anything and everything and change the world. Why care? Is the result the same?

If your circumference of interaction was wrong after wrong to get what you want... would that be ok?

Your negitive impression surrounding every interaction, your influence felt by all those you touch... Are you sure it's ok?

— The End —