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Dry Saphhire Gin Nov 2012
Me gustas cuando callas porque estas como ausente,
y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca.
Parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado
y parece que un beso te cerrara la boca.

Como todas las cosas estan llenas de mi alma
emerges de las cosas, llena del alma mia.
Mariposa de sueno, te pareces a mi alma,
y te pareces a la palabra melancolia.

Me gustas cuando callas y estas como distante.
Y estas como quejandote, mariposa en arrullo.
Y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te alcanza:
dejame que me calle con el silencio tuyo.

Dejame que te hable tambien con tu silencio
claro como una lampara, simple como un anillo.
Eres como la noche, callada y constelada.
Tu silencio es de estrella, tan lejano y sencillo.

Me gustas cuando callas porque estas como ausente.
Distante y dolorosa como si hubieras muerto.
Una palabra entonces, una sonrisa bastan.
Y estoy alegre, alegre de que no sea cierto.

I like you when you are quiet because it is as though you are absent,
and you hear me from far away, and my voice does not touch you.
It looks as though your eyes had flown away
and it looks as if a kiss had sealed your mouth.

Like all things are full of my soul
You emerge from the things, full of my soul.
Dream butterfly, you look like my soul,
and you look like a melancoly word.

I like you when you are quiet and it is as though you are distant.
It is as though you are complaining, butterfly in lullaby.
And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you:
let me fall quiet with your own silence.

Let me also speak to you with your silence
Clear like a lamp, simple like a ring.
You are like the night, quiet and constellated.
Your silence is of a star, so far away and solitary.

I like you when you are quiet because it is as though you are absent.
Distant and painful as if you had died.
A word then, a smile is enough.
And I am happy, happy that it is not true.

Selman Akıl Oct 2017
Here I am
Like a failed poetry
Like a direct meaning
Like an apparent melancoly

I don't remember
                    when exactly
I forgot
what was written
                       on my palms
and who wrote it
                   for what purpose

and why now it worths
                  to be said to the world!

Was it the true poetry?
Was it the life's secret meaning?
Was it a smile to the melancoly?

I don't remember
                        I don't remember
Where it comes the power of my palms.
midnight prague Nov 2010
My eyes cant hold the beauty in this world
and my soul cannot hold its pain
my self leaks like watercolor falling out of my heart
blistering into acid rain

my awareness is dug in a pit of melancoly painted
with the light of so many of my dreams
at the bottom of every hole creasing me
smiles the infant woman within me

Im gradually sinking deeper into things I cannot stand to handle
I speak for every woman who has had herself torn apart
whom pain has become a way of living and a art
whom thoughts rage how will I overcome this
tell me where to start
they tangled me once again
how in the **** are they so smart

thick black density in my eyes overlap crying laughter
I set my eyes to every human Im after
I must stay away from you
I must stay away from you

my memory will latch onto you like a warriors tatoo
there has been a breakthrough
no limits anymore
mental curfew

the stench of pain rotting away somewhere in some wasteland
extracted tons of weight, the burden mildew

I outgrew the thoughts of us
I shed like dead skin

and realize this is not the type of love I was born to rescue
"Moon, if you see him, tell him
that I love him"

Please moon ask him
where he goes,
away from me.
Why he is not seeking me
begging me to be his
He is this deep melancoly
I feell
that drives my heart and dream,
the thorn on my flowers.

It was easy at first
when we were young
our love was a game
but dear moon
now it's a game of life or death.

It was easy at first
when our kisses where that motor
that started our emotions
and we touched the ceilings,
the skies and  
and heaven.

Now that he is far away,
I still feel his love inside.
Moon if you see him please tell him
that I love him more than the air I breath,
my heart is wide open to love.
Without his love I will die.
I will die.
I will die.
Moon tell him please...

"I Love You"
I love you from the first time I saw you.
I love you. I define my feelings with these
three simple words; "Yo Te Amo"/ "I love you". Tomorrow is like a year and the moon calls for you, sings at you, and follows you, if you are far.
Inpired in "Luna" by Ana Gabriel
wehttam May 2014
The fret removed
from music,
the takamine rouge.
I had to pull the frets
remove them from
the bass.  A fretless bass
from top to bottom,
a very note trued.  
But the weight
its gone
from the tune.  
Hours upon hours
spent on 50 cents in
silver.  I said fretless
bass and they left
Oh, the tether
do they hang.  
As St. Jude proclaims...
"There! Shame!"
All of it do I play,
as do winged instruments
of this very day.
To due, I had too.
Say, his majestic melancoly.  
On two Harvard Squares,
I say,...
I had too.
Oh, how when I consider how my life is spent
It seems as though
it is some sad tell
told by some melancoly fool
who never knew the meaning of life
and never knew the way to a happy life.
Oh, all through this sad live that I live
I have ever been searching
and hoping to find its true meaning
like a man without a home
who restly trods this earth
for to know
why he should ever live.
Oh, I know that some great mind
and some great heart
conceived all that ever was
and all that shall ever be.
Oh, if my poor sad and forlorn heart
could ever become one
with that great heart
and that great mind
to know the love of all things.
Oh, to love beyond all mortal words!
Oh, for this I would gladly
let this mortal life
slip away between my fingers
and my heart beat no more.
Oh, how I know
that the one who formed you
and gave life to your lovely frame
breathed into you
a beauty beyond the beauty
of all other created things
and such a warm loving heart
like the one that beats
in his loving chest.
Oh, and all the beauty
upon the green hills of heaven
I can see in your eyes
and in your smile
I know there is a wisdom
beyond time.
Oh, and I know
that I shall never be the same again
for you hold my heart in your hands
and I have not the desire to escape
from the bonds of love
that hold me close.
Oh, for who when they have ever seen
such beauty
that has come from the heavenly realm
that makes all words
dead upon the cold winter ground.
Oh, can ever again be satisfied
with this base and lowly earth.
Oh, how I know
that I shall be held captive
by all the beauty that flows
from your soul
and all the music I hear
that comes from your beating heart.
Vanessa Marie Mar 2016
Her eyes a whisper
Of melancoly tunes
While her cries rang out in
Waves of shock
Crash onto the shore
Of my ever present worries
Please cease the pain
As the sun set
To meet the darkness
Sleep took her
And the stars looked on
In a looming somber
A blanketed peace
Soothed her dampened eyes
Even just for a little while
"Moon, if you see him, tell him
that I love him"

Please moon ask him
where he goes,
away from me.
Why he is not seeking me
begging me to be his
He is this deep melancoly
I feel
that drives my heart and dreams,
and the thorn in my flowers.

It was easy at first
when we were young
our love was a game
but dear moon
now it's a game of life or death.

It was easy at first
when our kisses where that motor
that started our emotions
and we touched the ceilings,
the skies and  
and heaven.

Now that he is far away,
I still feel his love inside.
Moon if you see him please tell him
that I love him more than the air I breath,
my heart is wide open to love.
Without his love I will die.
I will die.
I will die.

Moon tell him please...

"I Love You"

I love you from the first time I saw you.
I love you. I define my feelings with these
three simple words; "Yo Te Amo"/ "I love you". Tomorrow is like a year and the moon calls for you, sings at you, and follows you...if you are far, I will die, I will die.
Inpired in "Luna" by Ana Gabriel
I would be a great artist
If only i could sit still,
If only i could give myself permission to stop,
To pause long enough to create
Without this rush
Without this never ending, unceasing drive
To be finished already
To be on to the next thing...
This feeling
That im already too late
For action
For life
For love
For now....
Im too late for now!
Stuck on this merry go round
Which is neither merry
Nor travelling towards any destination
Except my inevitable death...
I consume my life with things not done
With what I should be doing but am not...
In the minutie of banall tasks
While the joy, light and colour of my life remains unpainted.
Just melancoly ideas
On a canvas strewn with trivialities....
Maybe this is my life?
The sum of these random scrawls which somehow spells the shadow of the word "trauma".
I sit in a pool of my own dissatisfaction
Waiting for... for what?
For better days?
For salvation?
To be rescued?
As i push away those who may help...
Such a strange thing
Stephen S Sep 2019
They say when autumn rolls on in,
beneath the reddish leaves,
There's a melancoly wonder that lives
just beneath the trees.

You won't find it there in August,
but as the calendar moves on,
There it will be waiting,
In the deep and early dawn.

There are some who love the harvest,
on the farms this time of year,
But there are others out there who
find only empty fear.

One day I saw a lonely girl,
On the edge of the rolling fields.
In a quaint moment of sadness,
a truth of the soul revealed.

Tell me darling, what's the news?
Is it summertime medleys
or September Blues?

She didn't say a word to me,
just stared long across the grass.
As if searching in the distance,
for some innocence long past.

A hint of coolness in the air,
carries echoes of the pain.
drowned out in the misery,
of a dreary morning rain.

Floating not too far away,
Is a lonely maple leaf.
Perhaps that's mother natures way
Of sharing in the grief?

At once a tear streamed down her cheek,
and the mystery overcame her.
It was as if right then the entire world,
had sought it out to shame her.

What road now, is it you choose?
The path of wonders
or September blues?

The little morning song continued,
the sun peered out from the clouds.
And in the middle of that field,
A desperate spirit tore the shroud.

The one that had ensconced her,
The one that shed her blood.
Trapped her in that inner prison,
and dragged her through the mud.

And here now the same girl, young,
but clearly somewhat broken.
Filling the sky with distant dreams,
and memories unspoken.

She looked back at me and smiled.
In her hand, a frail clover,
And one wish for a brilliant ride
On the fresh winds of October.

Do you see now, the misty ruse?
Is it a trick of the shadows
or September blues?

— The End —