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Pyre Aug 2018
Just another metal bird
with a dictated flight path
I'm just another ****** up ray of sunshine
Too many people that come and pray at my shrine
L Ron Hubbard was just the start of an ideology that's too dangerous
Too many people following a leader instead of their ideals, it's so real
yet it's only as tangible as the wind
it's not what you think
it's really not what you think
wishing life could be darker
just so I could enjoy the brighter day that I've kept a bay, that I've slept away
starting another fray.
just so you can feel at home, raised on a battlefield of the sexes, getting off on your exes pain, one more kiss in the rain, one more kiss that will maime,
another made up character that we look up too, just to hope we can be true to oursleves, cause after all were different, like everyone else.
yet anywhere else is a better view, than your own eye sockets.
Hiding more than your ring finger in that pocket, destroying your mother and building rockets.
it's our adolescence, time to fly on our own, and leave those that raised us behind. in a neighborhood that watched us grow.
I've seen the terror churn inside too many good people...
maybe that's why people still believe in god, not because they think he's real, but because they hope he is.
because maybe.
just maybe.
He'll be at the end of this long and dark tunnel.
Repost: true story appeal.

A mothers plee: Let my children go.
and come to me.
Appeal to the powerful wealthiest.
Save my children and grandkids
Our enemies noone is above the law
The evil doer criminals hide their crimes
Assassination of character their banners.
Dear daughters anyone who lies about mother
Pin it on them they are the culprit.
Destroying enemies of my grown kids
Protection prayer for the crown jewels
of heroic amazing Moms
Fir a lifetime Mom BBA victim of hate crime in LA by a group of racist haters.
Prayer for justice and freedom against
false friends who lie divide to Maine to **** covertly so.
Assassinating heroic Mom's character and her lovely
Offspring; Ellen Ch,
Rose Abrecht Jeanette Moreen W
(in LA CA( Illinois TJ.Mexico
Destruction of impostor mothers wannabees
Who Maine hurt play with babies lives newborn and hunt down stalk years and years
To pin their evil doing on their
amazing successful heroic survivor
Mother, grandmother (BBA®DD-jpc-AA)

The unprovoqued enemies of my motherhood
© God of my praise, don’t remain silent,®
for the wicked have opened their devilish mouth of deceit against us.
They have spoken to my family with a lying tongue.
They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, they use harrass my young grown children.
continually fightt against me without a cause

In return for my love my silence, my enemies
are my adversaries;
but I am in prayer.
They have rewarded me evil for good,
and hatred for my motherly triumphant love.
Set a wicked man over them who falsely accuse me human traffickers i had escaped from.

Let an adversary stand at his their right hand.
When he/she is judged, let our enemies come out guilty.
Let my kid's false friends their prayer
be turned into sin and medical tampering
malignant medical frauds turn on against them all.
Let our deadly enemies days be few.
Let another take their twisted offices.
Let the enemy's  children also be stolen and become fatherless,
and the false mothers, evil wives suddenly be a widow.

Let his children be wandering beggars.
Let them be hunted down from their ruins.
Let the creditor seize all our enemies have illegitimatedly acquired.
Let strangers plunder the fruit of all their twisted labor.
Let there be no one to extend kindness to any of them,
neither let there be anyone to have pity on his fatherless children.
Let his posterity be cut off.
In the generation following let their name be blotted out.
Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the LORD.
Don’t let the sin of his mother be blotted out.
Let them be before the LORD continually,
that he may cut off their memory from the earth;
because they didn’t remember to show any kindness no mercy,
but persecuted the poor and needy mother struggling to survive all alone,
broken in heart, to **** her.
Yes, they loved cursing, and it came to them.
They didn’t delight in blessing, and it was far from them
They clothed themselves also with cursing as with their only garment.
Evil came into his inward parts like water,
like oil into his bones.
Let it be to them as the clothing with which they cover himself,
for the belt that is always around them.
This is the reward of and to my adversaries from the LORD omnipresent,
of those who speak evil against our soul.
But deal with me, GOD the Lord,† for your name’s sake,
because your loving kindness is good, deliver me;
Deliver my children and grandkids hide us from the evil doer in medical uniforms
They maime ****** make it look like accident
Not to avert the authority
of our impending death they trash our medical records.

Lord almighty I am poor and needy God Jesus.
My heart is wounded within me.
I fade away like an evening shadow.
I am shaken off like a locus
My heart is wounded within me have mercy I'm innocent.
I fade away like an evening shadow I been victimized by those who cover their many crines against me.
I am shaken off like a locust.
My knees are weak through fasting.lbI am a sage lord.

My body is thin and lacks fat.
I have also become a reproach to them.
When they see me, they shake their head, feed and inject my family poisons.
Help me, LORD, my God.
Save us according to your loving kindness;
that they may know that this is only your hand;
that you, LORD, have done it.
They may curse, but you bless.
When they arise, they will be shamed,
but your servant shall rejoice.
Let my adversaries be clothed with their own dishonor.
Let them cover themselves with their own shameful sins as with a robe.
I will give great thanks to the LORD with my mouth.
Yes, I will praise him among the multitude.
For he will stand at the right hand of the needy,
to save us from those who judge our humble loving soul.
A repost:Biblical truth
All Rights on the personal notation
By: Mr and Mrs Andrews
for and and with Karijinbba

My enemy tried to ****** my new born children and later contacted my enemies after divorce to sell them my grandkids lie to my daughters to favour them i did not contact DA again because i feared for my kids life..
The situation must end and wicked receive their rewards by God's hands and the universe cause and effect
Susan and Arthur raitano, Elizabeth Gummeson kiriaki Mandalozis Piraeus Greece with 12 othersl criminals cruel poisoner's
I survived them all! John Christianson blind foolish son in law from hell has been assimilated by the gang if blue collar criminals:
Jeff Albrecht.henry Robert Welonek his wicked ex girl friend nurse killed Ng in the medical field in usa attempted ****** ling me a pregnant young Mom evil Athens Medea to Charalambos Mandalozis ***** donor serial killer his evil racist mother father
Jeff's psychiatrists in LA twisted blind family counselor from hell i use this Curse with God's imprint against my kids evil doers. My enemies hunt us down in the medical field may all you do against me and my family who you appropriated bought from ancient trafficants all should turn against you all.
Randy Bryte May 2016
She rides a badass Harley and she doesn't give a **** about what the neighbors are saying, because she lives her life not worrying about judgements of the image they say she's portraying
But then on the other hand…
She loves bubble baths and babies, flora and fauna,  manicures, pedicures and dancing, she likes holding hands and soft gentle kisses and she thinks poetry is totally romancing
But then on the other, other hand…
I've seen her fire a 44 Magnum and i can tell you, her targets are rarely missed
And the way she shifts a standard transmission she says it's done with flick of the wrist
But then on the other, other, other hand...
She speaks very softly with a pretty little voice, and her whisper is enchanting and crisp, her favorite thing is to snuggle real close, and the ways of the philanthropist
But then on the other, other, other, other hand...
She knows how to plow a field for growing, and shes shoveled her share of ****, shes not afraid to dress a deep wound, or drink wiskey, or swear, or spit
She manages an office full of egos and divas, she hires and fires at will, and if your stupid you'll threaten her loved ones, shell definitely maime or ****,
Meaghan Garner Oct 2020
What makes me

A woman,

Is it something that you wanted
To take from me?
Something that you wanted
To maime; break me
And make from me

A woman.

You wanted to
Make me.
Never even realizing
How much
You made me.
You maimed me,
Into this;

A woman.

By way of your gaze,
I only know now,
It was something
You wanted
To take from me.
Deform me
And make from me

A woman.

In your mind.
Instead of a sister,
A daughter,
A child.
You made me
Into this;

A woman.

Cursed by my ***,
The fires of your ****
Burned me.
Charred me.
From my ashes
And in your mind
You made of me

A woman.

All I wanted to be
Was a sister.
All I wanted to be
Was a daughter.
All I wanted to be
Was a child.
But you
Sexualized me.
Fetishized me.
Fantasize about
Being inside me;

A woman.

Never realizing that
You are already
Infecting all my
Darkest places.
Taking and taking
And taking from me.
Making from me
A fantasy,

A woman.

An object of lust,
An affliction.
I don't want to be

A woman

To sign a petition for our SHAHEEDS,  people find excuses lame.

Isn't this, on our part a sin; a crying shame!!!

If they show would lethargy or  indifference,  whom would you blame?

If indifferent or dishonest, would  Sam Bahadur rise to fame?

Wake up, shake up, rise above this pretence, pray our soldiers win this deadly game.

In turn let us do something,  for our  SHAHEEDS n soldiers maime(d).

Today,  10 rupees give we to a beggar blind or lame;


Can you help me out by signing this petition?
[01/07, 21:49] Armin Dutia Motashaw:
Please sign this above petition for our SHAHEEDS/MARTYRS

Armin Dutia Motashaw
The ballerina in a
Dying piruette
Signals the end
Of her show,
Black putrid, billowing
Twisting and devious
As any smoke engaged
In this work
Must go.

But those who
Would not remain
Are as loathed to
Turn around
As were their bullets
Reluctant to maime
Or ****,
Afraid of breaking
The spell
And being dragged back
Into screaming hell
Instead of gently
Led away through
The buttercups on the
Side of the hill.

A solitary line
Of shuffling feet
Retreating bodies,
Some ghosts
Belatedly anointed
By fine summer rain
Coming too late
To dampen the pain,
Inside the bullet burns
And intermingled
With cries, birdsong returns
Conjuring up
Farmyard smells
Capturing boyhood laughter,
A cosy bedroom
Like a stabbing
In the side
Starts the tears again,
So soon
As when my gallant
Friends and I
With unbeknown
Sadness, rode out
One sunny afternoon
Down to the fields
Of shame
And straight into
Certain madness.
Kristy Deere Jun 2020
Occurrence of a change to blame
Consistent gnawing of the same
Intent to maime
Resentment games
And the wish to wash away the stains

Of human hate.

I can’t move, can’t breathe...
Content to bleed
for the unheard cries of the he and she.

Whose  fault?

Who lives?  

Who dies today?

Blood runs red
and stinks the same
once spilled and spoiled and left for rain

To scrub the same sin one more day.

Can we step to resolution?
Blow out our fire and spark conclusion?

Can we change to grow, or wake to thrive?
...blinding fury from the rise of children’s gaze and elders plight...

stop it.  




Yours Truly,


— The End —