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thoughts to dump Aug 2015
Don't try to make me wait
In the cold dark night
I am my own ray of light
You will melt like snow
You're an awkward firefly
Losing its glow.
Title credits: Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran
teni Dec 2018
he calls me
lumiere de ma vie
which means
light of my life
in the language
of love.
for me
he is the
docile light
melting through my window
making for the most beautiful morning.
he is the
warmth peering from behind
the darkest cloud
on a bone chilling day.
he is the
overwhelming feeling
of comfort in your skin
when the sunlight hits you
just flawlessly.
he is the
lumiere de ma vie.
and i will never be cold as long as i have him
Danny Adams Oct 2013
What drives men to do such terrible things?
Am I exempt from such a judgment?
From chaos given and innocence stolen
This world is hellbent

On suffering,
One writes
to be left
On misery
one night
is enough
On loneliness
Oh, how I greet it

With open palms raised to the sky
Tonight is a fine night to die
My belly full of pills
Only prescribed
By men and women
Garnished in white
Oh, this will help me sleep
with kings and counselors
For if you look too long,
bloodshot eyes,
The abyss will grab you from your home
Ode to joy
Hallowed be thy name

My eyes burn as I grip this pencil
And an odd smell lingers in this room
The smell of sterilization.
The smell of cleanliness.
The smell of godliness.

It's far too white here
It's far too bright, I fear
I fear for these students
Fellow and brave
Taking this test
While I'm painting my cave

My cave is solitude and I have picked it out from it's mountain
Rocks fell soon thereafter
Now I cannot leave
This was my choice
But I have one regret

I wish I could have stood still
and been crushed to my death
Much like Giles Corey
I am a sinner
More weight, he cried out
From his pressing board
And much like me, his please were ignored
What drives man to do such terrible things?
Passion, my friend
The same passion for which
I sing
Antony Glaser Mar 2014
Each room has a  glow
a basking room, an aural one
if they were  circumferences
would they arc beyond the horizon?
and by unfurling  my imagination
why would  I not choose to unloosen my  certainties?
a  certain light quality permeates
only to  find  a hallway
even more intense
an antechamber in a  prism.
Victor Marques Dec 2009
La belle lune qui dort dans la nuit,
Sa couleur de lumiere , elle est si jolie...
La belle lune qui j'ai vu ce soir,
Un trainen chaque gare.

Douce comme toi,
Elle est indécise, sa joie.
Le café qui tu as pris,
L'espérance pas encore finie.

La belle lune froide dans l'hiver,
Je t'offre une quimére.
La belle lune si claire, si amoureuse,
Je t'aime lune farceuse.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Yitkbel Dec 2017
"I feel things
Different things in different
Volumes, shapes and forms
That I interpret to be messages
Or signals
Rather than mere one sided
Mental and psychological manifestation
On my part
Wishful thinking

I have assigned
Or rather
I have noticed a pattern
Among the differing
Twinges and pangs
I have experienced

Some were felt clearly
As a result of some
Action on my part
As I were the one
Conjuring up thoughts
About the receiving

Were sudden
And unprovoked
And these
Are what I perceive
Communication from
The Exterior
Of one's own mind

For that.
When one feels
True intuitive guidances
One knows."
Cyan Tendency Jan 2013
You're gone.
It's my fault.
I'm deadened.
la lumiere
it's gone
I'm bereft.

the choice to fan the ember to blazing flame
was there
I ran
I'm empty.

match-perfect, close to narcissism
I can pretend we were torn apart by Fate
it is I who did the tearing
we're deleted.

I'm a coward
oh, mon chéri seul
please find in your heart to forgive me.

You're perfect
but poison
I'm nine-tenths to numb
Don't forget me.
Anna Patricia Nov 2018
i. you never ceased to begin and end your day by saying “i love you.” it’s the little things matter. it’s the little things that make my day complete.

ii. i know nothing with certainty about most things, but with you i am more than certain. with you, i’m entirely sure. i hope you are too.

iii. let me be your cigarette so i could touch your lips.

iv. i have tired eyes and a tired mind from running away from my demons all day. you know exactly how to calm me down. perhaps you and only you can help me feel at ease. thank you for slaying my demons for me.

v. i feel the sting of the sun. the moon has set. i sacrificed sleep just so i can spend more time with you. i want more hours with you.

vi. i’m fighting off sleep yet again just so i can hear your voice on the phone. sing for me, my love.

vii. i have never felt safe anywhere in this world, until i felt your embrace. your arms feel like home.

viii. you made me listen to a new song today. it’s beautiful. you’re beautiful.

ix. as the band sang on stage, you held my hand. you looked at me while you sang the sweetest line from the song. in that moment, i felt like i’m the luckiest girl in the crowd.

x. for the longest time, i’ve been afraid of heights. “you can do it! close your eyes and jump,” you told me. my hands were trembling. my legs were shaking. i was barely breathing. i took a leap of faith and jumped, knowing that you were there at the bottom waiting there for me. not even my deepest and darkest fear can stop me. you make me fearless.

xi. i only have the silver moonlight in me but you wouldn’t even dare trade the brightest star, the glow of the sun, with the light gleam that i have. you make me feel like i can outshine anyone. “lumiere, darling, you’re beautiful” you said.

xii. i was cold and you gave me your jacket. i saw you shiver while you handed it to me. i knew in that moment that you would sacrifice everything for me. i love you.

xiii. how i wish you would defend me when someone talks **** about me. i feel betrayed. you know me better than they do. don’t do it again, i beg you.

xiv. i’d open the door for you again and again. that’s what scares me.

xv. when we spent time apart, i asked myself, how can emptiness feel so heavy?

xvi. we were talking about our future, and i’ve never wanted to fight for something so much in my life.

xvii. someone stole my color and threw it to the wind. i don’t know if i will still find it, but you still looked at me like i’m the brightest rainbow.

xviii. you said you are afraid to lose me. i am hoping that you wouldn’t have the strength to face your fear and leave. not now, not ever.
noi May 2022
Did you catch the ethereal light of a passing torch
like the repetitive whistling of a Northern Cardinal cupped in your hands
red in its infumation drawn away from the heat of a woodland fall
Let’s run away from Leeds as far as the sun casts your shadow
everyone’s thoughts are passing over our heads
have you found your voice in the hallway choir?
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Bright up the Lagoon
                               with beacons of light,

                               The Doge had his day
                               let's crusade for the night.

                               Views from the Palais
                               will be seen from afar

                               On a night without cloud
                               one will see Harry's Bar.

                               When Polo returned to the
                               square of Saint Mark,

                               It was well after midnight
                               and Venise was in dark.

                               So let us all heave
                               and let us all **,

                               Give Cardin the all clear
                               Serenissima will glow.

Si j'avois un riche tresor,
Ou des vaisseaux engravez d'or,
Tableaux ou medailles de cuivre,
Ou ces joyaux qui font passer
Tant de mers pour les amasser,
Où le jour se laisse revivre,

Je t'en ferois un beau present.
Mais quoy ! cela ne t'est plaisant,
Aux richesses tu ne t'amuses
Qui ne font que nous estonner ;
C'est pourquoy je te veux donner
Le bien que m'ont donné les Muses.

Je sçay que tu contes assez
De biens l'un sur l'autre amassez,
Qui perissent comme fumée,
Ou comme un songe qui s'enfuit
Du cerveau si tost que la nuit
Au second somme est consumée.

L'un au matin s'enfle en son bien,
Qui au soleil couchant n'a rien,
Par défaveur, ou par disgrace,
Ou par un changement commun,
Ou par l'envie de quelqu'un
Qui ravit ce que l'autre amasse.

Mais les beaux vers ne changent pas,
Qui durent contre le trespas,
Et en devançant les années,
Hautains de gloire et de bonheur,
Des hommes emportent l'honneur
Dessur leurs courses empennées.

Dy-moy, Verdun, qui penses-tu
Qui ait deterré la vertu
D'Hector, d'Achille et d'Alexandre,
Envoyé Bacchus dans les Cieux,
Et Hercule au nombre des dieux,
Et de Junon l'a fait le gendre,

Sinon le vers bien accomply,
Qui tirant leurs noms de l'oubly,
Plongez au plus profond de l'onde
De Styx, les a remis au jour,
Les relogeant au grand sejour
Par deux fois de nostre grand monde ?

Mort est l'honneur de tant de rois
Espagnols, germains et françois,
D'un tombeau pressant leur mémoire ;
Car les rois et les empereurs
Ne different aux laboureurs
Si quelcun ne chante leur gloire.

Quant à moy, je ne veux souffrir
Que ton beau nom se vienne offrir
A la Mort, sans que je le vange,
Pour n'estre jamais finissant,
Mais d'âge en âge verdissant,
Surmonter la Mort et le change.

Je veux, malgré les ans obscurs,
Que tu sois des peuples futurs
Cognu sur tous ceux de nostre âge,
Pour avoir conçeu volontiers
Des neuf Pucelles les mestiers,
Qui t'ont enflamé le courage,

Non pas au gain ny au vil prix,
Mais pour estre des mieux appris
Entre les hommes qui s'assemblent
Sur Parnasse au double sourci ;
C'est pourquoy tu aimes aussi
Les bons esprits qui te ressemblent.

Or pour le plaisir, quant à moy,
Verdun, que j'ay reçeu de toy,
Tu n'auras rien de ton poète
Sinon ces vers que je t'ay faits,
Et avec ces vers les souhaits
Que pour bonheur je te souhaite.

Dieu vueille benir ta maison
De beaux enfans naiz à foison
De ta femme belle et pudique ;
La concorde habite en ton lit,
Et bien **** de toy soit le bruit
De toute noise domestique.

Sois gaillard, dispost et joyeux,
Ny convoiteux ny soucieux
Des choses qui nous rongent l'âme ;
Fuy toutes sortes de douleurs,
Et ne pren soucy des malheurs
Qui sont predits par Nostradame.

Ne romps ton tranquille repos
Pour papaux, ny pour huguenots,
Ny amy d'eux, ny adversaire,
Croyant que Dieu père très doux
(Qui n'est partial comme nous)
Sçait ce qui nous est nécessaire.

N'ayes soucy du lendemain,
Mais, serrant le temps en la main,
Vy joyeusement la journée
Et l'heure en laquelle seras :
Et que sçais-tu si tu verras
L'autre lumiere retournée ?

Couche-toy à l'ombre d'un bois,
Ou près d'un rivage où la vois
D'une fontaine jazeresse
Tressaute, et tandis que tes ans
Sont encore et verds et plaisans,
Par le jeu trompe la vieillesse.

Tout incontinent nous mourrons,
Et bien **** bannis nous irons
Dedans une nacelle obscure
Où plus de rien ne nous souvient,
Et d'où jamais on ne revient :
Car ainsi l'a voulu Nature.
topaz oreilly Nov 2012
The spindle was polished, very brightly
to set the embankment's observations
of London a swirling,
- son et lumiere
because this French glass bottomed vessel
bobbled and flustered
in beseech
of the Isle of Meander.
Cuando Mambrú se fue a la guerra, llevaba una almohadilla y un tirabuzón. La almohadilla para descansar después de las batallas y el tirabuzón para descorchar las efímeras victorias.

También llevaba un paraguas contra venablos, aguaceros y palabrotas; un anillo de oro para la suerte y contra los orzuelos y un llavero con la llave de su más íntimo desván.

Como a menudo le resultaba insoportable la ausencia de la señora de Mambrú, llevaba un ejemplar del "Cantar de los Cantares", a fin de sobrellevar los veranillos de San Juan, un abanico persa y otro griego.

Llevaba una receta de sangría para sobornar al cándido enemigo y para el caso de que este no fuera sobornable llevaba un arcabuz y un verduguillo.

Así mismo unas botas de potro que rara vez usaba, ya que siempre le había gustado caminar descalzo y un calidoscopio artesanal, debido probablemente a que Marei, Edison y Lumiere no habían nacido para inventar el cine.

Llevaba por último, un escudo de arpillera porque los de hierro pesaban mucho y dos o tres principios fundamentales mezclados con la capa bajo el morrión.

Nunca se supo como le fue a Mambrú en la guerra, ni cuantas semanas o siglos se demoró en ellas. Lo cierto es que no volvió para la Pascua ni para Navidad. Por el contrario, transcurrieron centenares de Pascuas y Navidades sin que volviera o enviara noticias. Ya nadie se acordaba de él ni de su perra. Nadie cantaba ya la canción que en su tiempo era un hit.

Y sin embargo, fue en medio de esa amnesia que regresó en un vuelo regular de Iberia, exactamente el miércoles pasado. Tan rozagante que nadie osó atribuirle más de un siglo y medio. Tan lozano que parecía el bisnieto de Mambrú.

Por supuesto ante retorno tan insólito hubo una conferencia de prensa en el abarrotado salón Vip. Todos querían conocer las novedades que traía Mambrú después de tanta guerra. Cuántas heridas, Cuántos grilletes. Cuántos casus belis. Cuántos pillajes y zafarranchos de combate. Cuánto orgullo, cuántas lecciones. Cuántos laureles, cuántas medallas y cruces y chafalonías.

Ante el asedio de micrófonos que diecinueve hombres de prensa blandían como cachiporras, Mambrú, oprimido pero afable solo alcanzó a decir: -Señores no sé de qué me están hablando. Traje una brisa con arpegios, una paciencia que es un río, una memoria de cristal. Un
ruiseñor, dos ruiseñoras, traje una flecha de arco iris y un túnel pródigo de ecos. Tres rayos tímidos y una sonata para grillo y piano. Un lorito tartamudo y una canilla que no tose. Traje un teléfono de ensueño y un aparejo para náufragos. Traje éste traje y otro más. Y un faro que baja los párpados, traje un limón contra la muerte y muchas ganas de vivir.

Fue entonces que nació la calma y hubo un silencio transparente. Un necio adujo que las pilas se hallaban húmedas de llanto y que por eso los micrófonos estaban sordos y perplejos.

Poquito a poco aquel asedio se fue estrechando en un abrazo y Mambrú viejo y joven y único sintió por fin que estaba en casa.
anthony Brady Mar 2018
C'est un trou de verdure, où chante une riviere
Accrochant follement aux herbes des haillons
D'argent, où le soleil, de la montagne fière,
Luit:  c'est un petit val qui mousse de rayons.
Un soldat jeune, bouche ouverte, tête nue
Et la nuque baignant dans le frais cresson bleu,
Dort; il est étendu dans 1'herbe, sous la nue,
Pâle dans son lit vert où la lumiere pleut.
Les pieds dans les glaïeuls, il dort.  Souriant comme
Sourirait un enfant malade, il fait un somme.
Nature, berce-le chaudement:  il a froid!
Les parfums ne font pas frissonner sa narine;
II dort dans le soleil, la main stir sa poitrine,
Tranquille. Il a deux trous rouges au côté droit.

Arthur Rimbaud,  Oeuvres



It's a green vale where a river runs
clawing madly at silver herbs that toss
shade, while from proud mountain the sun's
rays fall on a crater foaming with moss.

A young soldier, mouth open, head bare,
neck nape bathed in blue water cress
sleeps; white faced, of clouds unaware
and in green bed, the light's caress.

Feet in gladioli, smiling, dozing, still
as a sick child smiles, he is taking a rest.
His nostrils uncloyed by scents,
he sleeps in the sun, hand on chest,
In his right side are two red rents.

SB Jan 2019
There is no hiding
From the omnipresent soleil
Though clouds may try
C’est pas possible
D’arrete la Lumiere
Shes magnificent
Elle est magnifique
Et shines
Her crisp beauty
Pour moi
Joanna Garrido Jan 2019
The City of Light

Paris, the city of love, the city of light
La Ville-Lumiere
Birthplace of the Age of Enlightenment
Here, poets, writers and artists
have found inspiration for centuries.

Every night she glows
illuminating the skyline.
Radiant capital casting her magic spell
captivating all who walk her boulevards,
river banks and bridges.
Against the velvet night sky the lit up landmarks stand out in splendour.

In her midst, I have a lightness of step, a lightness of mood
and oh, how I love as all lovers do.
She romances me as no other.

At nightfall the famous Eiffel Tower
a large lighthouse
a beacon shining over the city.
I catch my breath in wonderment at the power of her blazing beams of light.
From sunset her glittering gold
glows on the hour.  
Light shows entertain the passers by, the crowds.

Paris in the daytime is a dream
Paris in the nighttime an enchantment
that lights up our hearts and minds.
She romances me as no other.

15/01/19 JG
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Just because there is a window
in an envelope, does not mean
it is bad news.

If it was accompanied with lace
curtains or shutters, then one
might become suspicious.

My friend lives on a Lighthouse,
in Finisterre, the first female
keeper in France.

Madame Lumiere, she is known
as locally and to the ships in the

Her abode is like a snow dome,
full visibility, twenty four seven.
So, all her letters have portholes.

Next time you ponder mail, with
a glazed look, reflect before you
open it and think about Samantha.
Antony Glaser Jul 2022
It's just like a teacher
to suggest 1/125
for street photography
to freeze action
turn people into statutes
Shadows F2
Sky F11
he turned my camera into a light  meter
picking up the prevailing lumiere levels

Whereas I had always used F5.6
to record fleurs
A slight customary bokeh
throwing the background
and generally, 1/60 to stabilize action

— The End —