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Robin Carretti Aug 2018
Let's not make this long speech
    my best moment to reach
Day in and Craker Jack out what!!
Please the kiss needs to be longer__

The piano plays incredibly stronger
So short the "Cheez Wiz" visit

Oh! My the lovely edible dish
The long wish
too long its been
way too longare we short on

The strawberry short cake
Please make no mistake
   ******* Barrel crackers
I am Jamming sweet grape jam
Orange marmalade home run slam
New Orleans  Southern hospitality
Don't rain on my parade

A++ Collection can't be beat
King Eternity the Queen *******
Cheese deck what a home wreck
Green Guacamole animal
 crackers green Scrooge

"Long story Witchcraft"
The spell his magic fingers
French Tickler ******* winner
Those finger foods gift matcher
She sees little red riding hood
Getting the right Judge Judy
homemade Country fudge

VIP ******* may I RIP cracked
the code computer hacker
Afterthought but don't
come towards me she's bulletproof
It's today coffee dark swirls
Proud Mary got cracked mug
I only have eyes for

The Leap jump for all
Easter bunny
Long appetizers in her tray
The longer the wait like the
The same star how I
met all the losers

Moms *******
Saltine stuffing
I am longing for English crackers
Like a ritual, out of time lips chuckle
Sweet Berry cheeks and lovely dimples
This life will burn and crumble

Over crumbled crackers?

Dog wear collars of polka dots
Vacation spot Meditterian crockpots
by the sea
Sea salt sprinkling saltine
over the shoulder, good luck
Feeling love sick her revolver
crackers to meet her four leaf clover

This is not only__New York City
  "Apricot" cracked wheat dot dot
What white as a sheet
Longshot transformation
To the Stepford wifes
Robot desperately seeking crackers
The best honey milk

 bedroom eyes like
Star shape crackers
the ship watch your salty lip
The shepherd's pies short skirts
Vampires blood jelly
Be Jolly Santa's baby *******
wicked plot "Santa Claus"
*** of gold belly at a glance

Cheesecake Factory
Trampling over crackers
What a time for a boycott
What fine attribute of
girl scouts
Getting blondie
brownie points

Someone passed her
screen test mirror mirror
cracked the glass shot
Astronaut gravity goes insanty
The third eye three reasons

"Soap Opera Diamonds"
three times got cracked
*** matters lips sensually
Madonna Vogue
The oyster's long love rumors
She just loves her jelly roll and
Mr. Graham crackers

Just appreciate those cracked
wheat ladies
Sesame melba toast short top
of the crack
Whats the matter?
With your daughter
He longs for her divine crackers
That's another short chapter

They crack up those actors
The writer needed to
find more movie extras
Groucho mark with
joke of crackers
The jackpot was hard to hit
Everyone was better to
crack the safe long neck
My lady Giraffe*

The true lover's knot
Your poem is worth the shot
Astronaut I brought you
The perfect flight the men
with the mustache
The salt and pepper shaker
Elvis the King is shaking
Long shot ******* butter fingers
Happy Holiday to all
This is a long shot to wherever you want to go but I cracked the safe what crackers can actually do it is a long shot we arent through
Logan Robertson Jun 2018
She may not have been your prototype teen or hiree.
Or of the masses. Or herd.
However, she did walk into a McDonald's
approach the counter
emit an esoteric exchange for help with the cashier
and with knowing eyes
the cashier directed her to the starting gate.
with application in hand
and blue ribbons in her eyes
she was off to the horse races,
nervousness riding on her shoulders.
In my eyes, she was a longshot to win,
where I could see her shoes falling off
before the race started.
And her imaginary jockey falling off her horse
from laughing so hard,
for she presented herself through the restaurant
and a job interview with a Starbucks frappe,
totally oblivious of her unwrapping.
It would be like turning up for a Yankee's job
in a Red Sox outfit.
Who would do this?
As the rubberneckers, I looked on.
She took her seat at a vacant table
carrying her youth awkward.
Her looks of brown hair, eyes, and raw innocence
But those jeans, high risers, with holes in the knees
with a white Bebe shirt that hugged her shape
shouted trendy but not job interview.
Oh, my.
She continued the procession
extracting info from her phone
and filling out her application.
No doubt with votive candles at her side
and prayers on her lips.
And perhaps blue ribbons awaiting.
After all, this was her foot in the door.
It was at this time
I had an epiphany moment
tears welling in my eyes
as I slipped on hamburger choices
and sipped on past life on a teether,
totally oblivious, too.
It was like looking in the mirror.
Her youth and awkwardness and my growing decadence
towards the light.
When the manager came in and summoned her
to the interview table,
which was located in the dining room,
I saw a little kitten purr inside of her,
where her eyes nervously checked her surroundings.
At first introduction,
the reddening blush on her face and Adam's apple
stood pronounced
but her low voice was choked.
Almost inaudible.
As the manager put her calming hands
into hers
the light turned on
all foreboding escaping.
All misplaces and tense faces replaced with aces.
This was a defining moment for her,
as the golden arches braced her feet,
making all the rubberneckers, me, proud.

Logan Robertson

Ben Dec 2013
i spent hours looking at engagement rings
trying to find the perfect one for you
imagining just how big your smile would be
when you found out it was true
best friends till the end and even then
our interests would carry on through
i'm living three years in the future
with love and best regards perfect pairs come in two
katrinawillrich Apr 2015
Constructioned paper
With spools of colored
Nails to ***** together a longshot drive Autobiographical predicamentals, (k’s roll hard in *****).
Be careful, this system telekinetics, some see as a simple communications mechanism is used as weapon by the powers that be that have Molded themselves into of a bunch of specialist.
I'm still living, so far all i've learnt is
Freedom kilt a lot of
Shut the **** ups.
jana f. Nov 2010
Why do people
carry umbrellas?
I wonder as I pull the
hood of my sweathsirt
over the messenger cap
that covers my day-old hairstyle.

Rain bounces from
the synthetic-wool weave
on the bill of
that messenger cap
missing my face by a longshot.

So I walk
upright and smiling
to class
in the rain
while people cower under their umbrellas.

Silly people.
Buy a messenger cap.
some cast lines into swift rivers
or vast seas of uncertainty

while others throw nets toward
rich stores of earthly treasure

ships piloted by the heart,
steer in fruitless pursuit
of elusive schools of love

a doughty fool forever waits
to harpoon longshot luck
a happenstance filled fate

Godly men cast nets
among flocks of people,
for they alone produce the
bountiful yields of bursting nets

for sons of Jonah and Ahab
a fruitless watch is foretold
self love’s only triumph
is a loveless end

remain a solitary fisher
gliding by on birch bark canoe
minding a compass of faith

Taj Mahal
Fishin Blues

Learning what we thought before;
ceasing to think it anymore.
Observing past Observors;
ashamed and change.
Never to be alone again.
Observing the observor with more complexity.
A humanoid radio.
Somewhere in the nexus of observation,
a tiny event, a mini, invisible lilliputian occurs.
A result- self emerges but never stays.
Interference  on one city frequency.
Happening as an impossible longshot.
Straight flush losing, to another, a higher.
A space between invention and deterioration.
We, ­highest expression of what we know.
derick gibbs May 2014
All Hours of the Night
there's a war going on inside us all
don't get up...
I brought a storm chaser to deter the turbulence
I know the effect of a lightning strike
that's my love smeared everywhere
If I could channel the glow that powers the well
where beautiful grows in the eyes of of a girl
who believes in a boy
that digs her mind more than her behind
til it's pipe time...
between me and the walls
I need a big score
I could double down on the underdog
everyone leans on the longshot
false hope
false God
I bet on love... I always bet on love
there are no shortcuts
you believe in ya boy like smart is ****
I wanna stand
with more than my mishaps in my hand...
an educated man
before your open book
and scale the pages in braille
with my big imagination
what does it say in there
about mind ****** before marriage
I'm not settling on secondhand joy
If I could just channel the glow...
and if I could recall the way to its light source;
love is the one thing
no other divine thing persists without
All Hours of the Night
there's a war going on inside us all
don't mind me...
I sleepwalk  around in my sin
every mortal moment and again
that rust colored stain on the corner
is what's left of my lust;
can't be rinsed away
a trick I should have never entertained
any ****** could tell
it's always love
streaming live in hi-def through your brown eyes
if I could direct the energy
that mains the intensity
it takes to unbreak a guiltless heart
the bass would pulsate like saintly drums;
biblical horn sections
don't get up...
His Majesty will find you
between me you and the walls
I need a big score
more than pipe time most mid-mornings
I could have gone against the odds
if the purse were the purpose
I'm not a gambling man
I'm not afraid of being the favorite
or favoring one thing
love is the one thing
no other divine thing persists without
you are my one thing
All Hours of the Night
our glow powers the well
where beautiful grows in the eyes of a boy
who believes in a girl
more conscious of his brilliance than his abilities
I believe in us. Smart is ****
this book is about you
all verses in cursive and indelible ink
the master key
the last and only link to the hilltop
I bet on love... I always bet on love
your lifeline is the way to its light source
no shortcuts
my world in the palm of your hand
your touch alone
is why I know the effect of a lightning strike...
there's a war going on inside us all
less settling than white noise by now
I've learned to ignore the static
I have made mistakes, every single day and I have fail every day.
Here on the earth, I fail Christ every day I make mistakes as well.
For to follow Christ does not make you Perfect, not in a longshot.
But it does make you persevere till the end while we live here.
We all sin, but what matters the very most is here on the earth.
Not how we are sinless, but how many times we get back up.
After we have fail a thousand times we get back up 1001 times.
For until we make it to the heavens above, there we become sinless.
For this is our training fields, to let Christ Light glow within us.
Bobby Copeland Oct 2018
We must have love suggested now and then,
Believing it exists despite the pain--
A longshot or illusion I suppose,
The fool's lost invocation, Pan's lament,
Come up to something more than harmony
On fractured lines where we invented words,
Then tore them up, a beautiful display
Of broken things like hearts & window panes,
Notes hanging low and bent beneath the sky
We're also told is nothing more than dust.
But I insist it's there, so blue today.
Wk kortas Oct 2020
You’ll not see their like come race season,
Having left the premises to be replaced
By the preening breast-augmented and face-lifted set,
Shaking their heads and clucking sadly if one inquires
If they might have something
A touch smaller than a Franklin in their wallets,
Their smooth patter, replete with references
To Paris junkets and Milan catwalks
Occasionally interrupted by one of their more prosaic counterparts
(Hard-core players following the nags up from Belmont)
Stopping in to partake in one vice they’d sworn off earlier
While loudly disclaiming the other which had ruined
An otherwise perfectly lovely afternoon
(They’ll down their draughts in short order,
Most likely headed for the harness track
To drop a twenty on some longshot
Which bears the name of a long-departed grandmother.)
This time of year, though, they are ubiquitous
As the black and salted slush,
Sad souls slouching in after a bracing walk from Skidmore campus
Or some down-at-the-heels apartment on Alger Street,
Forlornly popping into some quiet booth
With the familiar long-distance stare seen in those
Beginning to grasp the truth that one
Is an object of prey in a very small pond indeed
(Likely a semester, no more than two certainly,
From having their undergraduate epaulets
Torn unceremoniously from their shoulders)
Being as quiet and unobtrusive as church mice
Until a half-dozen or so Coors Lites
Leads them to pontificate on the injustice of the universe
And if they have not decided to stagger home
Or degenerated into desolate tears of self-pity,
They are wont to dispute the existence of the Almighty,
Saying with a conviction which would be impressive
If expressed by Beelzebub himself
That he does not exist, that he cannot exist,
Though the body of proof cited in support of the proposition
Tends to be fragmented and rife with circular reasoning
(We know that they’re most likely drinking with false ID,
But they are invariably pedestrians—let them have their moment,
Only threats to themselves, after all.)
As for myself, I’m of the opinion that faith in the Hereafter
Is that rarest of bets, an absolute bet-the-chalk- dead- cert
Where you walk to the betting window clutching house money.
Tate Oct 2018
I'm just going to write what's on my mind,
But I'll still make it rhyme, while still being blunt.
Why am I too good for where I am, but not enough for what I want.
And already I sound narcissistic, but I'm just making it simplistic.
My life's decent, there are no real struggles, so I don't want to complain.
It's just that I was always told I was meant for more, and for that I am filled with shame.
Yet, I'm still young and could still go far, but it's a longshot to hit the stars.
Especially when you're low on fuel,
And especially when you feel like a tool.
Especially when you're all alone
I like to call it a depression cone
Where it starts out as something really small
But it begins to snowball
Into something way out of proportion
And your mind takes your happiness through extortion
And those have always been my two big problems
Where am I going, and where have I been?
Yours truly plagiarizes himself with zeal
courtesy mental cogs and rusty wheel,
thus no literary crime committed to steel
I broadcast material shown thru rickety
black and white Roman Times newsreel

forthwith shoddy wordplay exempts me
against copyright infringement meaning
only I own privilege to take self to heel,
nevertheless yours truly hoops longshot
to score brownie points a higher power,
I will not cajole, bribe nor appeal...

while sitting on haunches horsing around
contemplating how to clearly expound
idea that the here and now does not exist
cuz no sooner then present moment
experienced than bitta bing bitta bang...
little block of time immediately gone,
hence quite profound...

Whereby present, i.e.
2:24 PM March 4th, 2021
instantaneously becomes past.

Linkedin thru tenuous
webbed world wide
electronic thread defied
no matter flurry of emails/
messages exchanged flattery applied
courtesy transient online

tête à tête downside
cyber venue offers convenient exit
personal aversion, I chide
brevity figurative thorn in side
futile effort Androcles tried
I haint lion, familiarization denied
fledgling cyber acquaintanceships
dead on the vine, yours truly sighed
potential friendship never fortified,
cuz immediate value judgement cast,

instantaneously prejudiced aversion
perhaps hidden agenda implied
maybe intimated illusions of grandeur
netiquette nuances overstepped, I chide
yours truly vouchsafe
absolute zero great expectation
love smitten wounds pride,
the Italian girl in Algiers

inchoate mystique forever unknown
nonetheless fantasize bartered bride
figment of overactive imagination
hence grist for poetry mill
grateful fleeting rapport tried
to take flight before sputtering

doomed to dustbin of history (mine)
filed within memory as template guide
against future unnecessary disappointment
best stick to your guns abide
against infatuation lest
conjured lass doth override
focus on reality no matter who espied

Facebook post, tis foolhardy
to allow, enable, and provide leeway,
hence aimless thoughts elide
dear boy, ya never learned always denied
rapture becoming ensnared
noose sense and sensibility stride
ding blindly, dumbly, foolishly...,
into own perilous entrapment, verstehen?
Patrick Ramsey Oct 2020
Oh how far I've come, such a long way
Far from rock bottom amongst decay
Risen like the sun does for a new day
Bright and free from the games they play
Called me a longshot, called me a risk
Left me in the dirt to sore in ****
But I'm from hellfire, so I lit
Lit ablaze, from the pit I lift

Oh yes I'm back, oh yes I'm here
Give me all you got, and I'll give you fear
Oh yes I'm back, I'm here to stay
Who's next to try to get in my way?

The road from hell, it was made of pain
But I gained strength from the endless strain
Surely anyone else would have gone insane
But I have the iron will to sustain
Forget my past, and heed what comes
And never forget this when it's done
It doesn't matter where the hell you run
I will always be the shadow that you fear my son

Oh yes I'm back, oh yes I'm here
Give me all you got, and I'll give you fear
Oh yes I'm back, I'm here to stay
Who's next to try to get in my way?
Dal90 May 2020
Sometimes I worry about being too clever for my own good
Even in my default mode of plain stupid
Acting useless when in fact I’m 100% faultless
Hellbent on achieving the ultimate diversion
In the aim to throw all stalking eyes off the scent
Of who I truly am, how I truly feel
But that doesn’t seem to matter now I’ve decided that we’re so different
Sometimes I worry about being too picky for my own good
I must be if mothers always demanding answers
Please don’t look so disenchanted, I promise
It’s nothing personal I’m just incredibly flawed
In the face of daily pressure to be adored
I guess, I like to revel in my own sweet loneliness
But that shouldn’t matter now ‘cause it’s clear that we’re so different
Don’t you think, yet another night in my company has turned sour?
The waiter was rude and if you look up, the filthy skies don’t half reflect the mood
Darkening at a rate much quicker than seconds in a sordid hour
I know it’s a longshot, but you must admit
I’ve got narcissistic tendencies?
The ones you can’t seem to articulate when put on the spot
But funnily enough
You’re convinced you can wrap your mind around all my issues
And one day be that person who can fix me
How predictably wonderful of you
There you go again
With nothing left to lose
Apart from what’s left of your declining dignity
Begging me to stay,
"please stay, stay, stay"
Even though I shouldn’t
When you look me up and down that way
I find your desperation too enticing to refuse
Drinking to forget what a coward I am
Only to find the same problem rears its ugly head when I wake
Don’t you know after such a ******,
It’s hard to control all the rattle and shakes?
When I have images of you and her circulating around my mind
Immorality and ***,
Flashing red like warning sign special affects
Causing mass panic in my hollow think tank
But still hoping in there will be some answers to find
Only to fall miserably short of the mark
When you eventually find out
I need you to know,
I’m sorry for all the things that I’ve done and said
I’m sorry
But I just couldn’t find a way to tell you
That I’ve been falling for somebody else instead

— The End —