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SøułSurvivør May 2015

Once upon a time
In a land so far away
There was a wretched kingdom
Were a vampire held sway

He was very ancient
Handsome as a knave
Dressed in black and silken garb
Was said to be quite brave

But such a cruel creature
He devoured the towns
The soldiers were all petrified
Would not defend the crown

So the King of the castle
Searched both far and wide
For mighty men of valor
To defend the countryside

Finally up north
He found a daring band
Of golden headed Vikings
To defend his failing land

The company of Norsemen
Could not be laidback
They rallied their army
And decided to attack!

They put no garlic round their necks
No ash stakes did they carry
They knew not the vampire ways
And so they were not wary

But oh! What valiant men!
They made quite a sight!
Scaling the vampiric castle walls -

The vampire, Vlad the terrible,
Made a crimson flood
Destroyed every one of them
And feasted on their blood!

It was before morning
The darkest witching hour
Vlad finished dispatching them
His countenance was dour

Then a light came streaking
From the pitch black sky -
It was a Valkyrie!
She made a fearsome cry!

"You! Vlad the terrible!"
The ghoul looked up, aghast!
"You feasted on my Norsemen -
But I am here at LAST!!!"

The mighty female warrior
Shook back her golden mane
"You've killed many villagers
But won't do it AGAIN!!!"

The brilliant armored woman
Faced off the evil lord
He laughed, "You cannot slay me!
No! Not with that sword!"

"And for all your armor
What do you suppose?
Your sweet delicious throat
Is slender... and EXPOSED!!!

The Valkyrie laughed
She threw back her hair
She let fly her sword
It scissored through the air!!!

The dreaded Vlad was impaled
But NOT through his chest
Through his very garments
The great sword came to rest

To a TREE the monster stuck
Like a fly caught with a pin
He could not free himself!
And he saw the rising SUN!!!

He struggled against his cape
He'd have none of THAT!
But Vlad could not break the sword
So he became a bat!

Up he flew to escape his fate
But a ray of sun broke through
With an arc he burnt to spark

The Valkyrie, triumphant,
Cried out, "it is I!!!
For when there is a battle,
I decide who lives and dies!!!

I decide the outcome!
Tis not by happenstance...
Won't see you in Valhalla
You never had a chance!!!

So ended the battle
The Valkyrie WON.
The outcome was decided...

...Before it was begun!!!

In Norse legand Valkyrie's decide
Who lives and dies in battle.

Inspired by The Masked Pimpernel,
From his poem entitled "Bloodbath"
judy smith Aug 2016
Aneeth Arora refers to herself as a ‘textile and dress maker’ rather than a fashion designer. That’s because she makes her own fabrics, a process she enjoys, and says that if it’s only designing, then there is not much left to it other than giving shape to the fabric. Aneeth will be showcasing her collection in the city at an exhibition titled Nayaab, which features creations by 12 handpicked designers, who work with craftsmen to produce intricate garments.

Aneeth’s collection is entirely in off-white with gold and silver details. She’s transformed luxurious brocade and wispy Chanderis into shimmery jackets, summer dresses, flowy maxis and tunics, smart scarves, skirts of varying lengths and long kurtis. Adding a dash of colour to the display is the capsule featuring clothes with hand embroidery and beads. Her trademark anti-fits find their place here. The collection is laidback, with a few elements of androgyny and some downright girly.

A part of what’s on display here was showcased at the Amazon India Fashion Week Spring Summer 2016, where she put together the famous pyjama party with sleeping bags and models in comfortably trendy shorts and dresses.

For Nayaab, she’s also specially created a few outfits that are not available at the stores.

Pero, which started in 2009 with one tailor and one runner out of Aneeth’s house in Delhi, now has 80 people working out of a bigger space. “If you count the weavers I work with, the number is far more,” she says.

Right from the beginning, the 32-year-old has worked with handlooms from all over India. For example, the block prints are done with weavers in Gujarat and Rajasthan, ikat is done in the South and the woollens are from Himachal… “We are inclined to anything that’s handmade,” she says. This includes Mexican braids, lace from Europe and crochet from Afghanistan.

The last decade has seen a revival in handloom, with more designers incorporating them in their designs. This has, in turn, brought about a change in the buying pattern of clients.

“There was a point when weavers didn’t see a future in what they were doing and sent their children to work with construction companies. Now, they know there is a market for weaves and they are confident. Their families are getting involved in it again. It’s all going uphill from here,” says Aneeth, contented.Read more |
shireliiy Nov 2015
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AmberLynne Jul 2014
My biggest fear has nothing to do
     with monsters, the dark, death,
     or any of those usual frights.
No, my most intense scare comes
     from the anticipation that one day
     you may see me the same way
     I see myself.
For you see I'm not the girl that guys
     conjure up in their daydreams.
I could never hope to pass as one
     of those flitty girly-girls who know
     of quizzical things such as
               cute hairstyles
               or fashion.
My blemishes show, and honestly
     I haven't a clue how to hide them
I look at braided hair, beachy waves,
     and effortless updos with envy
     My hair has two styles: up or down.
I've never in my life looked casually cute,
     and am obviously uncomfortable
     in a dress.  Please just pass me
     my jeans and t-shirt back,
     I'm much more myself in them.
     How does one even walk in heels?
I'd like to think I'm one of those
     "cool" girls that guys claim
     they love, the low-maintenance
     type chick, but I don't think
     I'm "cool" at all, really.
When guys describe those chicks,
     they do things like
               play video games
               quote Star Wars
               read comic books
     like some ideal gorgeous geek.
Well that's **** sure not me either.
     I **** at video games,
     love Star Wars, but
     I'm terrible with movie references,
     and have never read comics.
     Does manga count?
     I'm kind of starting to get into that...
I'm not the nerd's epitome of perfection
     either, the everyman's ideal.
So what am I? I'm just boring,
     little ole me.
I love to read, and would rather
     spend the night reading
     or watching something than go out.
I'm shy and self-conscious to a fault,
     so don't try bringing me around
     friends, I'll just bring you down.
Honestly, I'm basically a child. I love
               Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
               Tom & Jerry
     and cartoons in general.
I'm quiet and contemplative, often caught
     writing in my notebook,
     detailing my observations
     about the world around me.
I have a ***** mind and a messed-up
     sense of humor, giggling
     of the worst times occasionally.
But all in all, I think of myself
     as pretty boring.  Laidback,
     but with the most capricious of moods.
     I'm both low and high maintenance.
I don't know why you think positively
     of me, but I anticipate the day
     you realize I'm really nothing
     special at all.
The day you discover the truth
     I already know all too well.
betterdays Nov 2014
To me...
Are the essence,
of the earth mother...
As you watch over your pond,
with an easy, laidback,  grace..
and help us see it grow and
chart it's every, every season.
Turtles, weeds and all...

I adore the fact, that you,
write love with an earthy lust
And you lust with an earthy abandon....

You have an intelligence,
That always expands my mind
All the way over there
on the other upside...

You and I share old friends
Writers of art,
livers of life.
those who mark....
and make the small moments large

Yet, I know you not...
but fervently wish
We could sit and pass time
Over tea or coffee..

You are one of many....
Who write voraciously
With life and passion in your pen
But so too,
You are one of the few
Who I go to read ....again and again.

So I thank you...
My very own  female
For the lessons
of the earth, life, loving
and humbly implore you
write again and again..
Til the world stops turning...
Then....just write it's begining again...
SG Holter Jul 2014
Clouds like ice on water
Shield holding heat

Between the ground and

Car is here for the

I am the cold mouthful of
Coffee I throw on a smoking

Sigarette **** on the
Concrete, remembering

Back home
Back then

It was you who decided when
The break was over

So it never was a

It was a laidback lifestyle
Always between two

Until remaining

Stationary got too much
For your young, impatient side

(That always dragged us down
Into infantility)

I loved your all, but that part
Being gone with the rest of

You, is the silence after a
Container-car having sqreeched

Tons of metal along tarmac,
Then hoisting,

Then driving off, making room
For another quiet

Aaron Jul 2013
she went up
and then down,
up again, a twirling cup
with the transparent white,
rising against the black,
a swaying and a laidback push

of more of her
and she would curl
in a dance, light and hypnotic
to sync my time with hers
and we'd float
and sink together
into nothingness

out of which
exist, she and i
two fickle bodies
earthly yet divine,

and she burned me free
with the bare truth forlorn

"i lay a trail of ash,
and so would you,
for you are in a body,
by form and pleasure sieged,
free to burn
and be like me."
anies Nov 2013
No, I do not have all the golds in the world
Simply the love I took interest in a swirl

No, my parents are not as laidback as yours
**** it at least they're always at the door

No, my friends and I don't always hang out
When we do, we go out with a shout

No, I do not have the man I ached
I guess He still wants me to wait

No, I do not lead a happy life
I'm thankful I'm not the one who took the dive

No, this **** won't end here,
You'll see lots more in some years
Sandra Melton Apr 2019
Laughter, I could hear it through the phone and could listen for hours
A smiling face , one that would make me smile whenever I would see it
Such a way with words, just a whisper of a command and I would surely fall to her feet
An old soul in your eyes, and you would see the world in ways that amaze me
Flirty and bright, you left me in the dust with jokes and witty retort
Intriguing and shy, but never afraid to carve your own path with your personal style
So many things and so many different types of  beauty and grace
But how to describe me?
For a writer possesses it muses guise and is never the same twice
Am I witty and comfortable
I suppose I could say I am observant and a ear to listen to the woes
Or am I closer to laidback and rude enough to make a grandma blush?
But tis no fret
I see beauty in all
To walk in another's shoes is a breath of life in the line of imagination
One day I can be the warrior willing to sacrifice all
The next I can be sinner punishing thyself more then any could do to him
Or a parent watching their child grow older learning more about yourself in your little one
Writing is my soul … no need to be good at it
No need to be the best among my many faces
I am a blank page, so write as you will my story
But in my hand and head, I see beauty, hate, and much more
Although it might drive me crazy, I love it to the very fault
For she is humorous with eyes as deep as lakes and speaks with words that make me weep with sorrow or die over again with joy
Jaya Gumatay Feb 2014
P.S. I know I told you that some things are better left unsaid,
But I just need you to know a couple of things:

1. I miss you.
I miss all the little things and all the big things,
But overall I just miss all of you.
I know I made it seem like I was okay,
But I’m not
And I’m sorry I hurt you,
I never meant to,
I’m just trying my hardest to get over this bridge built above the tears that I’ve cried over
And I’m trying to mend something that I never knew needed to be mended,
But I just miss you.
I miss how you always seemed to know the right things to say at the right time
And I miss how you were always so stubborn and you always wanted to be right
And we always argued but you didn’t want to admit it.
I miss how tightly you would hold me,
As if I was going to slip from your fingertips and you just begged for me to stay longer in your arms,
I’m just sorry that I always was the one to let go sooner,
And I didn’t mean to, I didn’t want to.
I miss how you would touch me at all times,
Not sexually or in any way demeaning and demanding,
But as if you just wanted to know I was still there.
You would nudge me and budge me and playfully push me,
And you would play with my face because you said my cheeks were cute,
And you would play with my hair and my scalp so much to the point where I scratch my head nowadays and hope my hand becomes your fingers
And I can sleep away my anxiety
And I know you’ll be there in the morning,
But that’s just not gonna happen anymore, is it?
I never was one for affection but I miss it
I miss how you’d rub my knees when we watched your favorite shows
And have I mentioned that I miss that too even though I never got the point of it?
We used to watch your favorite sport all the time, and I never understood it but I tried for the sake of you
I miss watching your games,
Being your number one supporter even though I never acted like it,
But I was ******* proud to be a supporter of number 21.
I hated the way you reeked like sweat after
But I miss seeing you in your natural state,
All worked up with your hair a mess and you were so laidback that way.
If I could have my sweater smell like you in your musk, I would have it and keep it any day.
I miss how you would send me your music,
And you probably dedicated them to me,
But I just acted like I didn’t know anything.
It’s just now I can’t listen to your favorite artists without thinking of you
And I just miss you, I guess.

2. If I had a list of things that I regretted,
Your name wouldn’t be on it.
I do, however, regret not being able to spend my days with you.
I wish I tried,
I know I could have but I didn’t and I’m sorry.
If I could change what happened between us,
I would do so in a heartbeat
And if I could wish that things would go the way we wanted it to,
I would call Genie,
Ask to have more wishes,
And wish for things to be set right.
I’d hold you tight and never let go,
Get down on my knees
And pray to the god I didn’t know I believed in to let me have one more day with you so I can get everything back in order.

3. I don’t have much to say
And I guess that’s my problem.
I think too much
But I say too little.
Things that I meant to say
I never did.
I was always a believer that some things are better left unsaid,
But I guess that I need to tell you that when you left
I took you in like a sunset
I basked under your purple and orange skies
There’s a phenomenon about them,
How a green light flashes every time the sun meets the horizon
As if the two were about to kiss,
And I wanted to know if it was true.
I waited and I waited and I waited
But I never saw it;
Your sun disappeared faster than a blink of an eye
And I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
All I had left was your post-beauty
And I could only wait for the darkness to pass and for the moon to take over
But even then, I could only hope that the sun would rise faster and for the days to pass until the time I get to see you again.

4. I’m an emotional wreck
I like to think that I’m fine
But I’m a car crash,
A train wreck,
A plane crash on an open field
And I only carry the souls of those who have left me behind.
Maybe that’s why I have anxiety,
I don’t want to be alone in the ocean away from all civilization,
But they always told me that isolation’s a way to get to know yourself better,
I just don’t know if I believe in that anymore.
For ten months I relied on you,
Cried to you about stupid problems and stupid people
And you understood my cracks better than I did.
You kept me grounded when all I wanted was to be up in the clouds
But I lost you faster than the speed of an angel,
And maybe you were my angel,
Unforeseen and something from Heaven.
I just never figured it out,
Figured you out
And I wish I did when I had the chance
But I got left behind by God’s child
When I only ever wanted to be the same.
You accepted me when I felt like I didn’t belong,
Praised me when I was at my lowest
Now tell me, who’s going to replace you?

5. I know.
I know things won’t be the same no matter how hard I try to fix it.
I can try to mix all the glues together
And stick the broken vase together
But it’s not going to be smooth
And you’ll still see the cracks.
It’s sad how easily some things can be broken
And how it takes days for wounds to heal
Some may take longer to repair
But broken hearts can’t be mended no matter how hard you try,
How long you wait.
We can replace mirrors,
Replace plates,
Fix cars after a crash,
Repair planes when they malfunction,
But it’s sad how we’re only supposed to live with one heart.
They say that we were born attached to someone else,
We were born with two hearts
But we got separated
And our purpose is to find our other half.
There’s four sides to ever puzzle piece
And we can fit each side to another
But the picture can only be whole when all the right sides are attached to one another.
I like to think that that was us for awhile.
We fit together perfectly
But our picture never got finished.
We stopped putting each other together because it was a childish game to play.
We were each other’s halves for awhile
But we weren’t meant for each other.
I think this was us,
But I didn’t want to believe that at the time.

I know some things are better left unsaid,
But I needed you to know these five things.
All stories have a beginning, middle, and end;
Ours was just written in letter,
And this is our post script.
Sk Abdul Aziz Aug 2017
I often long for death
But it never arrives
It looks at me from far
It mocks me from a distance
I sometimes did it get to this point?
How did life become so unbearable?
Who is to blame?
Me or the stars?
Was i too laidback....or was i expecting too much?
Did i not give life a fair chance
Or was it the opposite?
I'm not sure if i'll ever fully know the answer or even understand it
And now i don't even want to
So i'll just wait for my time
Maybe it is yet to come
Or maybe it is lurking around the corner
Whenever it will be quite an experience...
....looking it in the eye..
...perhaps with a bit of curiosity.. this what it looks like
...this what it feels like..
...the heart stopping...the organs shutting i'm in a state of trance
My entire life flashing before my eyes
Wished i had used it well...
...and fear... 'coz i'm pretty sure i'm doomed for hell (unless of course a miracle occurs.)
nivek May 2014 is so easy on the eye-
oozes laidback comfortable....
Prashasti Saxena Feb 2019
Lie down, next to each other
Straight with our backs facing upwards

Naked, bare
I will let you feel my spine,
It bruises and bumps, everything in between
From my neck till your back
Connected, like puzzle pieces
And see the dimples it creates on
the bottom of your back

Look at each other
And count the light in our eyes
The tip of your fingers
Tracing down my neck
Soothing my scars out of illusion

So, let’s,
Lie down, next to each other
With our backs facing upwards
Neither side showing the offense
And slowly burden each other with
Your freckles and my bruises
One above the other
Laidback, feel the weight build up
Of emotions and weapons

Till you’re no longer soothing the scars down my neck
This isn’t about love
This is about delusional competition
And trust me, you’re not the only one
With hold of my thoughts
I’ve got my back (and yours too)
Sandra Melton Mar 2019
Laughter , I could hear it through the phone and could listen for hours
A smiling face , one that would make me smile whenever I would see it
Such a way with words, just a whisper of a command and I would surely fall to her feet
An old soul in your eyes, and you would see the world in ways that amaze me
Flirty and bright, you left me in the dust with jokes and witty retort
Intriguing and shy, but never afraid to carve your own path with your personal style
So many things and so many different types of  beauty and grace
But how to describe me?
For a writer possesses it muses guise and is never the same twice
Am I witty and comfortable
I suppose I could say I am observant and a ear to listen to the woes
Or am I closer to laidback and rude enough to make a grandma blush?
But tis no fret
I see beauty in all
To walk in another's shoes is a breath of life in the line of imagination
One day I can be the warrior willing to sacrifice all
The next I can be sinner punishing thyself more then any could do to him
Or a parent watching their child grow older learning more about yourself in your little one
Writing is my soul … no need to be good at it
No need to be the best among my many faces
I am a blank page , so write as you will my story
But in my hand and head I see beauty, hate , and much more
Although it might drive me crazy , I love it to the very fault
For she is humorous with eyes as deep as lakes and speaks with words that make me weep with sorrow or die over again with joy
Travis Green Aug 2021
Maybe I’m over-obsessed with the never-ending
Enchantment illuminating within men’s hypnotic
Hall of residence, seamless divineness, escalated
Fineness, airborne glory defining their story
Hotly hipped beats sounding off from their brawny
Drumming chest, tastefully scented abs, arms
Like harmonious streets, glistening with rainbow
Desires, slick-blazed dancing moves, colorific
Charm, crowned affection, a true blessing

Maybe I think too profoundly about the origin
Of their gorgeousness, their vast, crystal-clear
Vernacular, spicy upbeat heat, limitless liveliness
Soaring consummately with the eastern soft wind
Popping their collar, flashing their swagtastic
Sumptuousness for all to see, fresh dreadhead’s
Stylishly close haircut dudes, oscillating wavy hair
Captivatingness, beautifully braided hair hotness
Mohawk magic, hot wheeling goons, studtastic
Thugtastic, countrylicious creaminess, citylicious
Brightness, so overly wild about men

All I can feel is overpowering emotions for men
That flow like misty water inside my subconscious
State, flighty men, humorous men, a palace of crowned
Reverence, logical licorice men, perceptively passionate men
A pool of super coolness, universally complex men
Inventive, intellectualist men, street-smart men
All imprinted on the map of my mansion
In the diary of my heart where they sparkle
Like a jar of a pure and beautifully clear honey
Men that I greatly adore, good-smelling men
Men that know how to hold it down, my paper
Stacking G’s, intoxicating hood boys, cigarette
Smoking fellas, my turnt up homeboys, my lowkey
Laidback boys, chill *** street boys, sweet and fiery boys
SøułSurvivør Oct 2024
Once upon a time
In a land so far away
There was a wretched kingdom
Were a vampire held sway

He was very ancient
Handsome as a knave
Dressed in black and silken garb
Was said to be quite brave

But such a cruel creature
He devoured the towns
The soldiers were all petrified
Would not defend the crown

So the King of the castle
Searched both far and wide
For mighty men of valor
To defend the countryside

Finally up north
He found a daring band
Of golden headed Vikings
To defend his failing land

The company of Norsemen
Could not be laidback
They rallied their army
And decided to attack!

They put no garlic round their necks
No ash stakes did they carry
They knew not the vampire ways
And so they were not wary

But oh! What valiant men!
They made quite a sight!
Scaling the vampiric castle walls -

The vampire, Vlad the terrible,
Made a crimson flood
Destroyed every one of them
And feasted on their blood!

It was before morning
The darkest witching hour
Vlad finished dispatching them
His countenance was dour

Then a light came streaking
From the pitch black sky -
It was a Valkyrie!
She made a fearsome cry!

"You! Vlad the terrible!"
The ghoul looked up, aghast!
"You feasted on my Norsemen -
But I am here at LAST!!!"

The mighty female warrior
Shook back her golden mane
"You've killed many villagers
But won't do it AGAIN!!!"

The brilliant armored woman
Faced off the evil lord
He laughed, "You cannot slay me!
No! Not with that sword!"

"And for all your armor
What do you suppose?
Your sweet delicious throat
Is slender... and EXPOSED!!!

The Valkyrie laughed
She threw back her hair
She let fly her sword
It scissored through the air!!!

The dreaded Vlad was impaled
But NOT through his chest
Through his very garments
The great sword came to rest

To a TREE the monster stuck
Like a fly caught with a pin
He could not free himself!
And he saw the rising SUN!!!

He struggled against his cape
He'd have none of THAT!
But Vlad could not break the sword
So he became a bat!

Up he flew to escape his fate
But a ray of sun broke through
With an arc he burnt to spark

The Valkyrie, triumphant,
Cried out, "it is I!!!
For when there is a battle,
I decide who lives and dies!!!

I decide the outcome!
Tis not by happenstance...
Won't see you in Valhalla
You never had a chance!!!

So ended the battle
The Valkyrie WON.
The outcome was decided...

...Before it was begun!!!

Write of Passage aka
Catherine Jarvis
© Mar
We rant and then rave until we make it to the grave which is saved to the end
because the other way around wouldn't make sense.

I'm quite satisfied that if and when I died they will tell you,
he tried,
could have done better?
we all could.

Laidback? if I laid back any more I'd fall back into nineteen sixty-four and then I'd be eight again, nine and ten again, going through it all again, puberty, the agony of growing up and the scars that marked me, the movie stars that I wanted to see, things that were denied me and not forgetting the butterflies inside me when she kissed me and I thought she'd bit me, ah the memory,

some keep their hair
some keep their good looks
I keep my memories in
forty-two scrapbooks.

I have no complaints.
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is a smooth, laidback dream prodigy
That enthralls my heart, makes me exceedingly feverish
Wanting to stroke his slim, ****, and golden arms
His enchanting, succulent chest, his hot, irresistible neck
His fresh, celestial beard, his dark, alluring afro hair

I want to rub his soft passionate cheeks
Let his dreamylicious lips link with my sultry lips
Let him swathe me in his wondrousness
Set me ablaze in his enamoring mancave
Let me lay on the façade of his belly

Escape into the heart of his marvelocity
Take great satisfaction in his powerful masculinity
In his sweet magical embrace
I want to feel his red-hot fire burning all around me
Feel his effervescent caresses
How he undresses my mind, body, and soul

His honey hotness is so overly astonishing
He is incredibly prepossessing
A mantastical muse that electrifies my nights
The greatest inspiration for my foundation
Gleaming and flavorful as cinnamon

I am lost in the amorous extremities of his divine world
Yearning to search every immersive part of his body
Amble in his deep luscious labyrinth
Take in his hot ecstatic passions
Supreme sensual dream king, how I pine to drift
Into his invitingness, in his streaming light of dreams

— The End —