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Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
The sky is cleft across
A ragged aniversay of two
Who for three years were in tune
Down the long paths of their vows

Now it, their love, lies, a loss
And Love roars with his patients on a chain,
Feom every real or crater
Carrying cloud, Death mires their house.

Too much spent in wrong rain
Coming together who love parted:
The windows melt into their heart
And the doors melt into their brain.
Sia Jane Nov 2013
Who do you pray to?
on my knees
palms forced together
leaning against the wall
my head touching
raw cold paint.
I speak out loud
whispering voices inside
my head & my heart
continuing to speak
courage is summoned
chattering out words
sentences slowly forming.
I am asking questions impossible
praying to a god
that I don't even know I
believe in
yet so many nights
down on my knees
finding myself mid prayer.
I realise my hypocrisy
as I only ever grace a god
when struggles tear me apart
knock me down
or jubilations, thanking above
secrets from this soul.
I spend over thirty minutes
on these knees, bruised, worn
from day after day of prayer
gravel floors & concrete walls
creatures crawling everywhere.
I beg for forgiveness for those
sins I assumed committed
tears in my eyes
welling & glassy
forgive me lord I have sinned.
I promise to do better, be better
wiping the tears my fingers
covered in black
mascara smears across
the sinner or the saints face.
I'm still on my knees
resembling those at
the wailing wall
my nose & right cheek
pressed to the side
not only praying but
wishing, hoping, a sight
close to begging.
I wonder where I lost
my pride
if anyone were to see me
my life would surely end
a single drop is all I need
for the simplistic to keep
me safe from my own heart
its sorrows, loves & all who
penetrate my attempted
rhino thick skin.
I even talk to god about
there is no company in
this girls story
she talks aloud of love
of passion, words I would
never dare share with another.
I am caught between four walls
this room has heard
so much in the decades gone
blood smeared walls
the names of past lovers
spelled out
my heartbreak, take away
that tourniquet that allows
the cleansing of my soul
cathartic bleeding, wash away
the monsters below the skin
ivory skin, silver scars marked
a sketched out story
on me, and on the walls
of this cage.

© Sia Jane
shaqila Sep 2013
Ovulations are jubilations
that result in celebrations
*if so intended
Dineo Mpeko Jun 2013
Never will I forget that Monday
The morning I walked barefooted and naked,
The morning I did not feel butterflies
The morning the I could only hear the silence of my heart,
The morning IT stopped beating and all I could hear was my bare feet stepping further and further away.

Away from the familiar songs of hymns and sound of jubilations.
Dismayed I walk on and on and on........
I chose my path, without looking back.

That is the morning I will never forget,
It was a Monday morning
And will always remain THAT Monday morning


and our first contestant is micheal maccarthy who was awn old channel 9 newsreader

and i will play press your luck with this dude, ok first of all how many chickens are in the box

and micheal looked in and said, 1   2   3   44 , and barry allan said, you are 2 off the target

and micheal said, no i am too off the year i wanted to join you up here, and barry said

ok dude, how many red coloured *******’s are in this box, and micheal said, 1   2   3    4   56

barry said you are right, congratulations and jubilations, and tell everybody that you are in love with

marilyn monroe, congratulations and celebrations, come on dude, let’s party oh yeseree

barry allan then asked micheal how many poor people has tony abbott ****** up

and miicheal said a lot, barry said no, give me a number,, then micheal said, there is no number

it is a word called infinity, and barry allan then asked how many people are mourning your death

and micheal said wow, i hope everyone that knows me, on screen and off screen

then barry all

barry allan said ha ha ha you and me, we will show the planets how to party

ha ha ha you and me, barry allan’s style of partying is so stu

ha ha ha you and me, i party well in this city

it’s a shame  that you diedon earth mccarthy,

but you’ll come back in another life, baby

oh baby, pick a bail of cotton

and then barry allan said, ok here is the news

and tonight maccarthy died, who was the best tv show host and news reader in the business

and dude, i am a partying, all over the town saying,


it makes you look like an old fucken hag, and then dad said ok dude

let’s party right till the end, party and drive people around the bend

you see buddha pick a bail of cotton, oh yeah buddha pick a bail a day

elvie Jan 2018
for the greater part of a year
mine has been a many (late) tears-
depths of sorrow founded below,
brain and mind swallow (thick pills)-
of which one is founded on (hate),
two others describe debts and (ill kills).

owed to an enslaved desire-
of which anxiety is a (vicious) liar.
a plantation of sharecropped (infatuation)-
hormones’ many (jubilations)
coughed up in personas, numerous (fictitious).

verandas of empty space and stoic (face)
wrap the cranium in venomous (lace).
bound dead without resurrecting (sound),
my 140 units six feet (underground).
The no man like in her
got many distant
The lucky word I said
was the password
That broke her mind open to me
from curses to jubilations
Four score young poets meet
in a metropolitan city.
So many living
in one century
no one country has !
Times  have changed !
So has
their number and
their tete- a - tete !
Years ago:
What were they writing  ?
What was being written ?  
A comment, a lament , a complaint !
Some excitement  !
But now  :
A mere meaningless conversation !
Jobs and jubilations !
Grants and gratifications !
Influences and references !
Honours and honorarium !
no talk of poetry  !
Early morning sun on the ocean
With rising waves and billows
Eerie golden gold in the blue skies
And trees of glory in verdant joy
And glorious festival in celebration
With powers exchanging banters
In banters of glorious splendour
With rainbows jubilations in sky filled
As eerie glory in cavorting blues.
Ralph Akintan Dec 2018
Your love waited so long.
Your affection waited too long.
Promises in abeyance.
Dying in anxiety of expectations
Ozone layer could not hold rays
      of Azania's sun.
Emitting fire of hysterical

Arrival in hold, mistily shrouded
      in mystery.
But one day, one moment,
One belief, one fulfillment ,
Appearance announced

Wait no more for so long.
Wait no more for too long.
Reality eclipsed empty promises
Arrival overturned unbelief,
In the enclave of Azania.
In the bowel of rainbow.
Ayouba Toure May 2018
Here thy arrive;
For so long we have await thee.
Here comes a new moon:
A moon of bright light;
A moon of redeemer.
Here cometh a new month:
A month of serenity,
Bringing joy unto ye heart;
A month of multiplications,
Where everything doubles;
An era of jubilations,
Thy heart accept no trouble.
Blessed be thy name.
Shutdown the doors of the hell,
Opened the door of the heaven;
And open the windows of harmony.
For peace is unto thy name.
Ramadan is the month Muslims around the world await through out the year. They believe that this month is the more holy than any other month.
As a result, in memory of this great month; I decided to pen down this poem, "The Month Of Purity".
Kolawole Zainab Aug 2019
The crow of the ****
Declared the beautiful day
And christmas made way
Written through the air like Brighton rock

People got up early from bed
And their hearts filled with joys
Both girls and boys
All in white and red

I could feel the sensations
Of christmas in the air
And the music pleasant to the ear
With jubilations and celebrations

I could see christmas in people's outfits
The christmas sent a ripple
Of excitement through the people
With best shoes on their feets

I could see everywhere
Chickens dancing in the hot oil
While some were swimming to boil
And flies humming everywhere

The hearts spread love on christmas
Gifts were exchanged with one faith
To share happiness and celebrate
Wishing themselves "A happy christmas
my surroundings

   in life,

     always leave

never ending
       question marks

     suspended in air,

            inside cartoon bubbles.

     the heaviness

         of life

and its


          always leave me


  my jubilations

       or are they troubles?

  so weighted down

     at times by

       ebon clouds,

thunder and
       lighting storms.

when the

     rains cease....

       i always wonder

if i am

        the bird

          or the worms.

  i create


earthquakes and


inside my

           own mind.

   i have been

       gifted this life

with years upon years


   my own

                unique time.

    my dreams of you....


those must take place

    in a

          different life and,

     those will remain

secret ......

     and only mine.

inside my

    mind is




and sin....


     to be honest,

i wouldn't even

       know with you.....


to begin.
Roman Pavel Nov 2023
I smoke a joint in the morning
I smoke a joint at night
And somewhere in the middle
That’s where I live my life

Verse #1
I get high on expectations
Of the experiences that I find
I rejoice in jubilations
As I’m reminded of the climb

Verse #2
So Take a journey with me
And you can help me find my truth
And if you’re open and willing
Maybe you’ll find yours too

Verse #3
I believe that the essence
Of living a meaningful life
Is being purposefully present
In joy and in strife

I smoke a joint in the morning
I smoke a joint at night
And somewhere in the middle
That’s where I live my life

Verse #4
And one day, my children’s children children
Will eagerly tell my tale.
Of the hopes that I inspired
And the dreams that I set Sail

I smoke a joint in the morning
I smoke a joint at night
And somewhere in the middle
That’s where I live my life.

— The End —