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I have that indominable  **spirit.
Nothing can stand in my way. Nobody, not even my parents can dictate my decisions. I will go where I want. It's travel that I crave and it's travel I will get.
midnight prague Dec 2010
you represent everything that is most sincere
back in days of kings foul tongue
rapture never exsisted in those black hearts
only the words of the innocent

hands  slowly ajoined
streching out slowly like the rose's pedal in her sleep
red and bloodlike
faint like and love like
your gunshot swastica hanging over the bitter palet of my tongue
words spat like fiery arches just go ahead
go along darling

escape the white fire its thickness
filled with your anomisty

weakness though belittles others
manipulates itself into a indominable
creature in my fists
hung tight
breathing slowly; and my knots
they untwist
I look at the fading blue lines
in these pale wrists

wake up in the mornings
smile, easy brushes of colorful paint
all over my face
strocked down my body and my chest
into these sentimental peices
of execution watching the tunic
spots in my vision
creating the resolutions
for a unkept land of twisted
mahogany and trees that
are just too young for me
dirt not ***** enough
you see
my lavender mixes with the wetness
elsewhere and manifest
this purity
female waiting at the end
lock the heart and rid the fury

I fathom the day shall come
when transgrations are thrown like
hurdels of ordinary minds
refinment and so far away
from you and I
I will wait on my bedded thrown
bleeding, wounded, stabbed and
inject myself over and over
with this temporary happy vaccine
until I am king
and you are
Brett May 2021
We are all immortal in our own time. Today I feel the warm caressing touch of life across my beleaguered face. Death does not escape me, but in this moment I am alive. One is immortal if one has yet to understand what it means to die.

So come sit with me and listen as life plucks on her string. Purchase a moment and together we wither. Time, good friends, the great veiled indominable figure. Our last breath denotes the bigger picture.
BooFrickingVu Jun 2021
Here I am again, as many of us have been over several years.
A series of teary-eyed nights, ember-end cigarettes; all seared into my lungs and my mind.
I feel myself writing as I sigh.
Scribbling as I still pine,
playing events in my head like a movie looking always to rewind.
And instead I look up and I'm staromg at a younger version of me thinking
"It's a mirror."
Because I've been foolish like a child.
Wanting to grow but always moving nearer
to a more-closed more-hurt version of me wishing to be lulled
to sleep.

You can give so much love, and effort,
and still be met with indominable ache.
And that's okay.
Sometimes there's no bad guys.
You can make no mistakes and still end your nights feeling some sort of way.

— The End —