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Poetic T Aug 2015
And the little cushion was soft and plush
It was now sleepy time.
Time for bodies to be silent still

"Cover up,

"Feathers heavy,

Say the rhyme of silent night.

"Sleep in stillness,
"Eyes closed tight,
"Let a breath not escape,
"From the feathers this night,
"Head is rested,
"Body is now hushful,

Now the deed is done and silence granted
To yet another deserving one.

"Cover up,

"Feather light,

The Cushion called a silent night

"Death is but stillness,
"Eyes wide open curtains closed in soulless time,
"Breath now kept in tight,
"Feathers flew less this night,
"Frozen features extinguished light,
"Bodies cold free of life,

Little cushions silent night,
For life rested on your purest white,
Now all is silent even breath
Whispers no more this night.
SCK Mar 2016
the roaring wind whistles a polar me,
opposing freely,
a hushful respite,
inside today,
silent me.

sitting in dreams,
stuck in sleeping bags,
the night before,
before the morning snagged,
my lucid want,
my lucid haunt.

outside, the wind and sun,
blow fiercely through,
the dead dried leaves,
the dusty dung,
brown, unsung,
chaos flying,
above the roof,
around the fence,
at pasture’s hooves,
one last breath spent.

again here lie,
the dreams that drift,
the dreams that die,
sounding out February's cry,
singing her last goodbye.

while the trance settles,
and untangles,
and I, sitting quiet,
witnessing the bendy brambles.

~Lana Maree Haas
Poetic T Sep 2015
On the plains of silent gasp did it wonder
Its grace wisped upon the long grass, never
Seen but like the gentle breath of dancing.
It was never hushful in this place of breath.

Air did the grass sway to the movement's
Whispering upon the motions like a melody
Of ruffled motions, it played in this fluctuating
Gesture of tranquillity that always moved.

Swaying in rhythm as if the reeds did play,
As if fond of the others movements and then
Stillness till whispers graced and the plains.
All did dance once again.

On The plain of silent gasp, unheard off torment
As this was the exodus of lost souls, every motion
Brought a sting to the soul, as swaying grass, cured
On this plain of silent breath, silent screams quelled.

Withering in torment, never delve into the silence
As breath it exhales all and joins others moments
Where vessels fell and the anguish breathed upon
The grass. each huddling for away to serenities rest.
Debanjana Saha Apr 2017
I write inbetween
my hushful & hasty life.
I carry no baggage
but to pour out by compiling all of my heart.

I eat, sleep, laugh, cry, work, dream
which goes on till its brim.
But one thing which makes me whole
is my write,.
It brings me joy out of pain
it shakes me up while in strain
it soothes me altogether
& comforts me without any fail.
I wanted to share my writing it makes me whole every single time without any fail.
Bryce Perry Mar 2015
Tired of time
   Tools and
Zipping up the
   perished cracks of
Maybe gone for good.
   The arms of our clock
       keep racing
Come on,
I want to hear
     the last word
       of a confident poet.
#nervous #energy #hurrying #worry

— The End —