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CommonStory Jun 2014
A simple cafe
The woman with the latte
I see her
Those peach pink lips
Your jeans fadded blue
Blonde curly hair
Skin so fair
Oh the things I would do

Across the room
Her Carmel colored skin
Brown long hair
Breast perked so
Coke bottled body

And you
Oval shaped eyes
Sun kissed freckles
so fun sized

Burgundy bleached hair
Suckulant grape lips
Thick curved waist
Coffee hazeled eyes

She pierced my sight
I glanced back
She knows I'm looking
My deviant thoughts
Tension rises
Three seconds four and five
I break contact I head to the door
She's at the door
Our bodys touch

"Hey do you dance"
I so dance
"Yeah I do"
" well you should meet my boyfriend
He does to"

Friend zoned
One day I fell
Tears full of dread
I was all alone
In my white padded home
There, I cried the days away
You heard my darkened cries
And you did something in turn
You knocked and walked right in
Straight through the dark
Walked through shards
Of broken glass
Just to find the source
Of this dark time
You opened my door
My back was turned to you
You did not care
You crept behind me
Wrapped your wings
Around my cold sides
And told me to let it out
You stroked my head
And shattered the rusty chains
You carried me outside
Took me to your sunny home
Where there my strength grew and grew
'Till I was shining too
You planted a velvet kiss
On  my rosy lips
Gently grasped my hand
We left to live
We had a dream
That did come true
The bells to an fro
Our smiles bright and loved
By all who saw
Me in a suit of grey
Walking beside a girl
Who wore a black dress
And remained a noblesse
Through the darkened days
'Till we grew old
Then you fell
In my arms
I cried again
You raised your soft hand
Placed it on my cheek
Wiped away my fears
You whispered
"Don't ever stop living
For I shall be with you
Always and forevermore"
With her last breathe she passed away
Buried in her black dress
I love her to this day
I won't fall again
Because what I promised her
I keep my tears
Locked in my heart
I remember her smile
That beautiful crescent moon
I know her hair
Short and hazeled
And I know her eyes
The stars of the sky
And I remember this
'Till I drift away
But never fear
'Cuz I know this to be true
She will locate me
And I shall locate her
And we shall live after death
Bringing joys, not regrets
'Till the end of time
For my dear sweet wife, Rebecca Vail Addams
Nina Rose May 2010
It is Time to Sing the Blues
It is time to sing the blues
She whispered softly to the crowd
She with her eyes lowered to where her heart rest
Like the beige suit jacket hugging the backs of chairs
Chairs supporting the weight of jazz thirsty,
Trumpet eating, bass thumping, drum beating men,
Hungry for the texture of her caramel, brown skin, the tone of her
thighs under those two inches past high
sequined blue dress, Her deep hazeled eyes
blended in with the stage she stood,
back tangled and
bruised with darkened grey hues
her eyes were a mysterious
reflecting red tints of lights,
Wrapped around the notes,
melodious harmonies
trapped within from the
Crown of her head
Right to the nail of her toes
She stands… waiting
It is time to sing the blues
She whispered softly to the crowd
Red velvet hats emancipated themselves
from the tops of the women’s head
They relaxed their spirits
their essence illuminates
her reflecting presence
Welcoming tides of high n pitched heavens
that they too would accept into their
emotional crevices
Her voice illustrated the beauty
Of their broken arts
They are freed from the
Restrictions and inhibitions
To be unseasoned
within their broken start
The chorus line, erupted from her soul
Trumpets blaring quietly, smooth rouges like wine
Every note found refuge in their glasses
they drank
The healing powers of her cries
The trombone emulated her growl
As she neared the ending of her solemn tune
liberating these women and men
It was time to sing their blues
Evan Stephens Apr 2019
I met you here,
in this nowhere.

Between us was
a world made
of a single
held breath
& we unfolded
it so carefully.

Then we
hundreds of
pages, fragile
& subtle,
& my poems
released their
grip on sorrow.

Blue gardens
in your smile,

sun's epochs
in your laugh.

There are no
sane words to
describe you.

Ropes of

thickets of joy,

hazeled Pisces,
canyon of

Our cheeks
with bliss.

The world only
makes sense
through you.

Your hand-cut
bangs and
slender neck...
Something knocks
over in the night -
it's my soul.

— The End —