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ryn Jul 2014
It pulls me deep with a grip so relentless
It swirls me senseless with tendrils so sensuous
It overwhelms me so with determined fervour
I can't breathe, I can't fight, I get pulled under.

It renders me helpless but every bit I'm enjoying
These currents they push and carry, entranced I'm dancing
Try to swim and navigate but almost seem futile
Defy all logic, in this magical enchantment I smile.

I squeeze in an occasional breath that's deep
Reality streams in like water running in steep
But in a heartbeat I exhale to expel it all out
For I am addicted to the current and its strong-armed clout.

It's a whole new realm that has been so long hidden
Mystical and whimsical, this overgrown path that's hardly ridden
Fortunate it feels to have discovered such a find
So consumed, that it fills my body and my mind.

This tidal wave in my heart, with strength so unbelievable
Wearing away the uncertainty and everything else sensible
As it beats upon the shore of my guardedness
Revealed the tender core filled with love that's limitless.

Forever I wish to be submerged in this dream-like state
Floating and drifting, clumsily in a child-like gait
I have found myself in this love I'm drowning
Swim up and awaken is a thought I'm not longing.

Engulfed in a blanket of love's sweet loving
Feeble attempt to embrace back is all I'm trying
"Enjoy it, and receive what you can" said the voice in my head
My heart replies, "I think I'll love her forever instead".
Korey Miller Mar 2013
strip me of the defenses i wear
to protect myself from the cold
shoulders, the wicked stares
slip the armor from my speech
and reassure me
that i do not need it here,
past the judgment of the daytime

take the stony demeanor
from where it chafes against
my soft skin-
let it lay, discarded,
on the floor with my guardedness,
my cynicism
let me be the angel
i have learned to smother
let me spread my wings
without bruising them
on mankind's abrasive habits

here, where sin is not forgiven
but rather accepted
have me whole and nothing more
with no more negative
in this room,
mold me, with accepting hands,
into what i always was
into something small, something
honest, something trusting

let me let my guard down
deleted, reposted.
Dean Jones Jun 2010
Draft #2:
its now thursday without my words
flowing the morning as I attempt a divergence
       along those lines
we found in the depth that uncovered
                                    a space so delicious.
true and just a little vulnerable

    its those  openings
whispered on lips, the soft brush of your tongue burning still

  i laughed because touching your tender guardedness
to glimpse that secret delicate you
(as your eyes captured me )
       that i will hold gentle
This is me
Breaking softly, softly
Like crisp mounds of sand
succumbing to the winds.
Because sand
is porous. Unretentive
I'm like this sand
Forgetting good memories
Forgetting conflicts
Forgetting them all at once.

Breaking softly, softly
like a house
losing its life to a fire in minutes
Because fire
has no regard for history.
Is wild. Persistent
And I'm like this house
Yielding to the gentle build up of this sweet inferno
Disregarding my age-old vows to "never be bait"

And breaking softly, softly
like a feeble brick-wall
Under the downpour of torrential rains. Because brick-walls
are volatile. Unstable.
I'm like this brick-wall
crumbling under the weight of my shortcomings
under the weight of my non-stop errors.

You are wind.
Blowing away my reasons for guardedness
Because you've given me less reasons to be
You are fire
Having no regards for the history behind my careless habits
Because there's really no need for it anymore.
You are rain.
Eroding this sanctuary I call
"The place of logicality"
Because logicality never won in the Place of Emotions.

But this doesn't mean that I'll stop
Resisting the winds, the fires, the rains. Resisting you
And why?
I don't know either.
And I don't know who will win this war
You, or my stubborn heart.

But truth remains that
this is me
Breaking softly, softly
For you.
Originally published on my instagram account, @_mercywilliams_
I want you to be my princess
God willing I will be your prince
I need you to kiss me in the moonlight
I don't think you could make me happier
Than you already do

I knew my words were cliche
But how else was I supposed to say
That she made my heart burst with love
Love that could not be quelled
That begged to burst forth
But was kept inside
Because of the guardedness of my heart
Because of memories of the pain
That sprung from saying it last time
seamlesslyrics Jan 2015

down on me
saturate built-up walls of
over-guardedness so they may crumble  
and set free who I used
to be

and then…  

stand tall  
as before and partake in
love’s offerings  

I beg you


down on me
r u s h over me
drip drop  
sink soul-deep    
swish -swash away painful stains  
that’s taken up residence and evict residue of dissolved dreams that scream…
“you've failed to make us come true”
up my blues
teach me to sing songs of better days  
in the midst of life’s worse  
every morning
I’ll rise with the energy of
'It’s great being me' coursing through  
my veins
the fresh scent  
of after-shower inspire belief
all I’ve gone through
wisdom is my  



sky Oct 2018
sensuous whispers interrupted by tasteful lips

undone were the reservations
and guardedness melted into the blankness of quiet spaces

our eyes met,
greeted each other with words we needn’t say

our fingers interlocked,
promised vows we needn’t make

our bodies melded as one that day...

creating a heaven large enough for two deserving hearts
Ordinarily, a discriminatory
guardedness factors large what I air
in close confidential quarters
within therapist office bare
ring pocked marked soul
of this feigned cheer
full contemplative, introspective,

and ruminative despair
ring fellow, whose unfettered
stream of consciousness
(oxbow lakes included) doth endear
me, asper when posting private
psychological scars fair
lee calloused now, during mine

placid lake state of being oblivious
if online readers scowl and/or glare
at how emotional
exposure seems cavalier,
yet the medium of cyberspace
deafens me against hear
ring objectionable outbursts,

thus not impair
ring ambition to reveal
much more about myself unaware
if some gal or guy
smolders with jeer
ring refulsion, not care
ring in the least about

regarding my dear
re licked existence, more so,
when bane of adolescence
as a nerd with longhair
internalized verbal assaults,
I let fester and roil
beating a path to air

tight impenetrable redoubt,
now demolition paid for by medicare
expunging angst, which
severely bruised ego, a nightmare
courtesy being nay say,
non braying "scapegoat" ne'er dare

ring to fight back, no...
never went nuclear
well...eons ago
admit swiped at spouse
altercations (often) triggered,
when the missus did swear
at me anger brewed

from her own overbear
ring similar saga (wallflower)
silently suffering scare
tactics loosed from anti semitic barbs
both our lineage of Jewish here

reddit tee, though near
re a jot, sans religion
Haim Ginott bore ye,
foyer hall ready aware
tummy, and no qualms declare
ring atheism asthma prayer
full leitmotif dog bless ya mud ear!
There is no need to churn the wind or try and turn morning light into thick butter

No need for truculent mirages of the internal dialogue to command the noon

breaking into the present with all your heavy layers of guardedness
will not suffice for tranquillity and true amity
I had a conversation with a good friend of mine about facing disappointments as part of life and as part of trying to reach for different things. We will face it many times but somehow  we must remain wholehearted not become  guarded and carry armor with us because we lose the beauty of life. It’s okay if you make mistakes everyone does :) and when you get  even just a bit of that you do not have to wear any armor
you forgive yourself, you shake it off and live must undoubtedly go on

— The End —