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Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Is there such a pain, to explain
What I feel and when I say
The sunrise is beautiful but
It hasn't blinded me like
How you looked that night
You forbiddingly kissed me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
shadowliepard Nov 2017
You are my only shooting star
The song of your name burns my heart
You rule over my fantasies
The heavens conspired for us to meet

I see you run silently your heavenly dance
Your faraway light is my providence
I should like to touch your hand
But I won't tear you down
My shooting star, keep flying on

Scorch the skies in your falling and burn away the tracks of time
The stars have waited for this moment, fragment of the grand design
You touch the faces of constellations while I am ever bound to earth
No matter how far away I wait, no matter how long I have to pray
Our desires will endure

You are my only shooting star, run your circuit across the night
Your flame exhausted in an instant, forbiddingly fleeting, eternally bright
You wouldn't have it any other way
Your memory will never fade
The chorus of a thousand stars will remember you by your light
Brent Kincaid May 2018
She sits in her room
Beside her lonely loom
And dreams of times of grace
And suitors come to her place.
But no one has come here,
So she sings the songs
Of being alone too long.

None will come so near
That she needs to flirt.
Instead she gathers her hurt
And weaves it into tapestries
Of such stunning majesty
That only she will applaud,
Because there is no god
That will transform her to be
A lady of famous beauty.

She never has known why
She was born forbiddingly shy.
She fears to speak and convince,
Always she is prone to wince
Instead of smiling and inviting.
Her lovely pale face whitening
With dread she cannot speak
And that makes her feel weak.

The sun rises and it sets
She has nothing to regret
Or to remember gladly
But sadly she has grown
Comfortable being alone
Since  the pain is remembered
And she never delivered
From the roaring noise
Of life without love’s joys.
chiseled out of rock
the sculpted woman was an instant hit!

her large unblinking eyes held a mystical hint
her full lips stirred an untrodden passion
her stone-carved ******* were forbiddingly alluring
her smoothened rock skin was strangely inviting!

they gaped awestruck the rocky woman
full blossomed radiant in all her curvature
a beauty divinely distant beyond the periphery of touch!

they fell in love with each part of her

for sometime

and when her wholeness eluded

immersed her!
Dara Brown Dec 2014
late at night
when the moon is hanging
high in the sky
& the stars luminescence
gently caresses your face

i watch you sleep

in the silence of the room
where only the silence of your breath
can be heard

it is there
i watch you
while we lay
our limbs entwined
like ivy vines
i allow my hand
to forbiddingly touch your face
the suppleness of your brown lips
that carry the kiss
i wish to savor
like fine wine

while we sleep
we become entangled
in a web of sheets and satin skin
while your arms
bearing the strength of Sampson
cradle me gently & pull me close
my chin rests
in the cook of your neck
where i can smell
the scent of your sweet air
i close my eyes
hold you
& kiss you there
til morning comes
when you have to leave me
once more
Elizz Jul 2018
Hoarfrost clinging delicately
To the flower
That it oh so loves
The flower begrudgingly
Accepts its biting cold embrace
Petals stiffly turning up in euphoria
Realizing that its life is being leeched away
But it still smiles
Because the colder the hoarfrost gets
The happier it is
And that's all that matters to the Flower
Its happiness
This is only a part of love
An innocently toxic love
Coaxingly sweet
Forbiddingly in love
And preserved in eternity
Because even with its last breath
The hoarfrost
Will still maintain and keep its beauty
Forever to be admired and worshipped
Daintily beautiful
Blois Dec 2017
I've found myself looking at your empty chair.
Your cats and mine are also staring, they also
search beyond the glass line of the horizon
that extends forbiddingly close, a limit
that is at the same time boundary and edge.

Did you know glass is neither a solid nor a liquid?
An amorphous solid, they call it.
It has to do with painstakingly slow moving atoms.
I like this quote: "it would take longer than the universe
has existed for room-temperature glass to rearrange itself
to appear melted."

But going back to your empty chair,
I sometimes feel like if I look to close
I'm going tho pass through my own image
and when I'm finally done crossing
you will be staring back towards my empty chair.

Did you know there is no such thing as a dark side of the moon?
Tidal locking, they call it.
It is kind of an interminable dance, gaze locking.
We see the same face, until you cross that is,
you will find there's sun on the other side alright.
But that's still a great album, if you ask me.

What will happen once we are on the same side, if ever?
I don't know, but I will tell you what we'll have.

We'll have three cats,
some broken glass to pick up,
unknown seas and valleys to explore,
and two empty chairs.
cats science glass horizon universe moon
Adrianna Roe Jul 2018
I feel like a house;
Not a home
My walls so forbiddingly high
Overgrown ivy entombing my heart
My meaning shrouded in sorrow
As my last dreams fade away, along with the warmth within me

I feel like a house;
Not a home
So why not break down these walls;
Burn down all my antique memories?
Till I'm left with my bare scaffold
I'll be empty, a mere soulless spirit;
                                   - but aren't I already

— The End —