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HannaMaria Oct 2012
You don't know what your doing
    I don't know what your doing
I love you, but your changing
     We no longer see eye to eye
Your thoughts are foggy and unclear
     Please bring back the one I know
I'm not willing to accept a new you
     Alcohol isn't the way to go
It's turning you into a forbidden monster
    If I could I would let you go
But I can't....because your my family
Had a bad night please, please, please, you know how you are. Come back to me with the real you
Aaron Bee Aug 2018
Pain is such a genuine feeling.
what I'm feeling right now, isn't exactly pain but merely the absence of. I understand that my flesh has nerves all over and that is part of whats keeping me going . Life seems a lot foggier and I am walking into the dark. Feeling what I can understand, searching for the braille letters and hoping I find a coherent sentence
Something old
Emma B Apr 2014
He slept in that bed
long before I came into
the picture
navy blue sheets
golden brown bedposts.
I could always run my fingers
along the wall that connected us at night
his steady breath a steady
that all was well,
all was normal.

He came home from school
my parents around the dining table
shifting weight, waiting.
A letter with letters, words
of navy blue and shining gold.
Congratulations we are pr…

Smiling, embracing
          mind racing
We still had precious months…
Until liftoff.

Gazing at the bed
tired eyes
foggy with 3 am,
now foggier with tears.
His steady breath
a comforting metronome
lulled me to rest on the cool
hardwood floor
The room was warm,
full, occupied
with steady breaths,
cardboard boxes and love.

The car flew away before I could put my shoes on.
through the dust
“I couldn’t see the permanence.”
I waved
I waved until my arm burned hot
enough to evaporate the falling water from my eyes.
“If I closed my eyes
I wouldn’t see him go.”

Gazing at the bed.
tired eyes.
foggy with 4 pm
now foggier with emptiness.
He left a dent in the mattress
a comforting mold
I tried to fit
Tried to fill the space left behind.
The room was gusty,
empty, vacant,
with distant breaths,
dust and new negative space.

He slept in that bed
long before I came into
the picture
navy blue sheets
golden brown bedposts.
I could always run my fingers
along the wall that connected us at night.

The wall has swelled, hallowed.
I still trace it
for the void to narrow.
A poem i wrote for a friend
Lila Valentine Sep 2016
It's sweater weather, hoodie weather, crush-the-fallen-leaves weather
It's colder weather, bleaker weather, grayer, foggier, quieter weather
It's darker weather, creepier weather, don't-go-out-alone-at-night weather
It's long walks weather, graveyard weather, almost-Halloween weather
It's fading weather, dying weather, eerie, empty, silent weather.

And yet....I've never felt more alive
Guys I'm so ready for Halloween and October and fall you have no idea
I've been ready for the past several weeks
Carlyy May 2017
I'm no longer consumed
with doubt
Or envy.
    It took light years

When it comes to them,
I just felt ugly inside.
They were happy,
And I was not.

                                            I'm past that now

It's the hole in my heart.
Shovelled out,
and mangled,
by your negligent hands

                                           Time healed me

Those very hands,
Connected to that pair of arms
once held me so close,
I could feel my heart smile.
                     ­               Let's skip the "but now's"

Attached to the same body,
A voice uttered my name,
Every so often,
Just to make sure  

                                  Once upon a time, that is.

It bewilders me
YOU bewilder me.
Things are clearer about you
But foggier in how I should see you

If I can handle you,
I can handle all

You misplaced me but I found myself
Tell me what you think, please?
Coyote Siren Apr 2012
milky white eyes pupils searching
every time I step over you
long frayed coat
big ears like the puppy
and the black one that greets me
after passing through back roads

I spent summers with you
when you used to sprint
before your hind legs started to drag
before your mouth and tongue
started to sag

you sleep all day, taking your pills
‘crotchety old lady’
who doesn’t die

you’re a memory now,
who eats six pills before dinner
you’re here so we can all look into your eyes
like crystal *****, foggier with each evening

I hope you’re dreaming when you pass
that you don’t take for granted the last few months

old shepherd,
so hard to let go
Sabrina Mar 2021
This Beautiful Boy
And my heart hops in my chest as he breezes by me
The air seems warmer and my mind foggier,
Like the hot, humid day waiting outside the doors of the air-conditioned gym
He stands only a mere few feet away and his gaze circles the room
I can’t help but laugh at his bored expression as he sits in a ray of light coming from the window
He’s an angel with a halo around his head and white wings anchored into the space between his shoulder blades
My stare makes the ends of his light brown hair catch fire, cut short from when it brushed across his shoulders only a few months ago, the tip of a brush splattering paint on the back of his neck
His shoulders that spread out wide against the confinements of his shirt, scorching heat tears open small holes and burn his skin red
His legs, tufts of blonde that are almost invisible, catch my eye in the light, disintegrating into the air, and the soft skin of his knees blister and pop
As they move toward his chest, the colors of people around him twist and blur into nothing
Until it's just him and the light blue shorts sliding up his pale thighs
His whole body is on fire
His pretty thighs melting, his pretty thighs burning,
his pretty thighs his pretty thighs his pretty thighs
Bright images flash behind my eyes and my mouth goes dry
Please don't glance back at me,
I won't be able to look away
Ariel Osowski Nov 2016
Rain rain go away
i'm tired of all the grey
its cold its dark
and i feel so far away
im in a place where the sun doesnt shine
And the breeze doesnt blow
and the warmth doesnt flow
I try to escape but I feel its too late
what else is there to say
everyday I get farther
and my mind foggier
and my heart emptier
and i think to myself that it could all change
maybe eventually one day
thats all
I said all I have to say
Zoromir Oct 2015
When I was seven
I wanted to be eight
And when I was nine
I wanted  to be eleven
after that
I just wanted to be eighteen.
All this time wishing I was older
But now I am older,
I just want to be younger
And view the world from a more foggier lens,
once more.
Not know to question
oh all these decisions!
In desperation,
I search to no clear avail.
I just want more time,
but I feel time is growing faster than I
Ford Prefect Nov 2017
I have been depressed for four years
I have lost more than four friends
and loved fewer than four people
Four times I have tried to do
The wrong thing
(or the right thing, who really ******* knows)
And four times I have been prescribed
A life foggier than most others
But still more normal than the one
That comes to life when left to my own devices

It has been a long four years
But they have gone by so fast despite
The too long days in a town
That only ever taught me how to hate myself
I look behind
And I don’t recognize anything other than
The child I once was
Who had no idea a person could be so alone

It has been tiring
And every time I go to sleep
I feel like I’m not yet done
Paying for the past
For the sleepless nights and
Zombie days

It has been four days
It has been four whole days without
Thinking that this isn’t all
it’s supposed to be
It has been four days of arriving
On shores I used to know so ******* well
It has been four days, four nights,
More than four full meals
That have looked something like the
Mirage in the lake
I was ready to die in

I must pray
I must beg
I must pretend that this is my normal
That this is my average day
That four days of this
Is what i’ve always known

It takes more than four days
More than four years
Four lifetimes
To relearn how to swim
Without a death wish tied to my ankle
It takes more than four worlds
To feel the pleasure
And not wish for the pain

It take more than four days
To know what
Living means for me
Hearts pounding in my chest
Feel like somebody is squeezing it with all their strengths
Breathes get deeper
Brains getting foggier
Hearts getting closer
To break
I need you now
I am beginning to shake
Please don't leave me
Hold me tight
More than you ever did before
Not my dreams
But in real life
I do not know how much my heart can take
All it does these days is ache
Being close to you will make my heart stop
But being far makes it drop
imara Sep 2017
it's hard not to get a little bit nostalgic
when the clouds pour a little harder outside
and the sky looks foggier than usual
when the possibilities seem like they could fall through your fingertips
because in this moment
the world is on pause
while the roads overflow,
the wind howls hard enough to turn umbrellas inside out
and all you can do
is wrap yourself beneath the covers
dim the lights
and think of the many things you should be doing
that were put on hold
to make room for other, more sentimental activities
like daydreaming-
letting your mind wander around fields
with sunny skies and morning breezes
and think of arms
that should be wrapped around you
while you curl up into a cocoon
hoping they never let you go
i think this break
is what we all needed
this warp in time
this still frame of many
this calm during the storm
Lu Jan 2018
it makes days darker
thoughts foggier


it makes me feel alone
even when i'm surrounded


it makes me wonder
whether it's worth it
whether life is worth it


but mostly
it makes me feel
like i'm floating away

into a place where i can't be saved
a place where i'm

Sally A Bayan Jan 2020
They're often cliched, yet always uttered
the real essence of the quote, "life is short."
struck me, as i was clearing my jaded eyes...

the “winter of life” is how they call it,
when your numbers are higher than those
on the calendar...when doing the stairs
shouldn’t be rushed, for, slowing down
is not a choice...but, a must.
despite challenges and changes that
overwhelm, there's this sprightly feeling
that still breathes within, like second skin,
as short hair, sneakers, skinny jeans and
t-shirts are to me...age hasn't weakened
this longing for adventure, this wanderlust,
unaffected by tedious procedures and
long queues at the airport...
like a cat...i purr not, while exploring,
Yet, always wary in the midst of curiosity...
still wondering what's beyond the fence, or,
how to cross traditions, or, sensitive issues,
without displeasing, or hitting a raw nerve...
much to do,
much to see, but
   not much time...
at this point in my life, i feel, life is short(er)
the weeks, the months could be no longer
days turn foggier, or hazier, yet, it's not at all winter,
here, in my own space, it's always summer, where
short hair, jeans, tshirts, and sneakers are bestsellers,
where numbers, wrinkles and sags don't really matter...

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
January 3, 2020
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Looking at the rain
I saw the clouds a little foggier
Must have been my glasses
Whit Howland Aug 2020
I must've been faster
than a speeding bullet

more powerful
than a locomotive

and able to run between
the drops of rain

it gets farther away
with time

the life I narrowly

and with my memory
much foggier

then it used to be
all I can recollect

are the strips
of paint

dangling from the ceiling
like swords

Whit Howland © 2020
An impressionistic word painting. An original.
Cassidy Jackson Oct 2019
when i talk
no one listens
but when i cry
everyone has an opinion

i told you why i was angry
i made it clear that i was lonely
where is everyone at now that i have spoken
you are all the reason why i was left broken

do not act like you are confused
after you spent your time smiling while i was abused
i never saw you wonder
when i asked, "won't somebody turn down the thunder"

i have been trying to be transparent
how many more metaphors can i make coherent
the more i explain the foggier it gets
might as well ask me to rip out my chest

i will explain it for deaf ears one more time
someone committed a crime
squeezed lime in my eyes
now i cannot remember who was the one telling me lies

— The End —