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Acuriousnature Apr 2016
Retar Puso "white" plus "heart"
Aeoprrstu - alphabetical order
Par es tu or - "pairs to err?"
Pears Tour - "pairs to err"

Hmm .....
White Heart Pears Tour?

Wild Heart Plus Two
Wild Hearts Pair Together
Windows Hold Painful Tremors
Wandering Hearts Pave Trails
Wherever Heart Pains Travel
Whoever Hurts, Push Through
Whirling Havoc, Peaceful Tornado
Whispering Havoc, Peaceful Times
With Her Pieces Together
Watching Human Populations Thriving
With Hunger People Thirst
With Hope People Try
Withdraw Here, Petty Thieves
Wonderful Horses, Ponies Too
Wishes Have Ponderous Thoughts,
Words Hold Power There
Words Hold Precious Things
With Hate People "Thu-ffer"

Haha okay so I'm messing around but this is so much fun!

Wondering How People Think
With Hubris Princes Topple
With Haste Poor Tidings
Work Hard, Plentiful Tidings
Wanted, Humble Proper Teachings
Warped Hatred Produces Terror
Working Hands Produce Treasures
Worried hesitations produce Trepidations?
Wave Hello Pretty Thing
Where's Harry Potters Trunk
Not so much poetry as a creativity bomb free free to add on in the comments ^_^. I don't even know where this started anymore. But I got fascinated with the wordplay as I dawdled
TR3F1LD Aug 2024
poltroonish authoritarian skunks ruling
for decades & helped out by hellhound-like
guards authorized carrying guns, fE̲w friends
[law enforcers, personal security service agents & army]
from young adulthood turned partners in unruly
enrichment, pesky agents of cyber—
—space censorship, an unjust jU̲di—
[the "partners in crime" phrase]
—ciary, submissive legislators for power
abuse, plus bullsh#t-
and hatred-spreading information supp—liers (wassup, y'all schmucks)
a whole palace of corrupt tU̲[ʊ]shlicks
[the main thing ones mentioned have in common]
deserving to end up chastened by fire (chastened by fire)
which is one of the proposals I wO̲U̲ld give
["witches", which connects with "end up chastened by fire"]
as a reply on "how shO̲U̲ld ******
that hold power & are sick with
cold-bloodedness be treated?"
of course, the world has some gO̲O̲d things
to o[ɑ]ffer, but human—
—kind; for the most part, it's o[ɑ]ff-putting
like an option regarding wha[ʌ]t should be
done with that ******[ɑ]tic **** ruling
in the underdis—banded mafia lA̲nd east
of Europe (nullify the ****** mo[ɑ]bster)
["off [the surname of the dictator of the area mentioned]"; "bandit"]
it's a world of wro[ɑ]ngdoing
which is why it requires ones whO̲'d be
like mechanics, getting the ***** jo[ɑ]b done
getting Earth purified fro[ʌ]m
walking pieces o[ʌ]f dung
such as key figures o[ʌ]f ***
autocratic regimes & mo[ɑ]b ****
you know what's a[ɑ]musing? I've be—gun putting (down)
together this one listening to some dumb music
party-fine tunes with
wicked E̲DM sounds, whI̲ch can be found in different styles
["different" is supposed to be read/pronounced the 3-syllable way]
amongst which is twerk
like a dance by a magic-practicing gal wI̲th her stern
bouncing; not a life teacher learned
["witch's twerk"]
heaps 'bout it, but here's something wise: since this world
["hips", which connects with the twerk subject in the preceding lines]
is sick, like the NO-WAVE-made
tune "Direct Action", or like that spite-ridden verse
of "POAA"
[the producer's name is spelled as "N O W A V E"]
[the phrase "this world is sick" is the most repeated part of the tune's lyrics]
[the rhyme piece "punishment of an autocrat" written by me]
sometimes it is worth
distracting our mind by things preferred
by us, esp. when our spirit's hurt
like hell; wish I sometimes could, like one free of coarse
language, no[ɑ]t give a curse
[the "to give a tinker's curse" expression]
about what's go[ɑ]t mE̲ disturbed
not sure if this is fine for uplifting words
like a penalty charge issued for
giving an encouraging speech, but I̲f you're short
on high spirits, or feel destroyed
or even feel so hor—rible that this flipping world
you want to see it burn
just like the mentally *******, yet supply—
—ing-food-for-thou[ɑ]ght guy
introduced in "Dark Knight", try doing wha[ʌ]t I
think can be of some help during hard times
[the Joker from the film mentioned & the Alfred's quote about him]
[which goes: "some men just want to watch the world burn"]
[both, the world & the Joker referenced in the latest lines]
[are sick (crazy), hence the choice of "flipping" (going crazy) toward "world"]
whatever unwicked, whether it's artistic, sport
or recreational, you like, or are eager for
(there has to be something)
just ge[ɪ]t immersed
into it, like someone who dives, leaving worth—
—less weighty stuff like doubts, fears ashore
get immersed & get enjoyment
out of the respective moment
wish I had
a mind arranged like that
"a polarized rhymefall" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit
J* oin other people who work together in
A ctivities because that
N otion expands the concept of
U nity in
A ll Corners  of life and teamwork can make you
R ealise something new about
Y ourself which you have never been aware of.

F eelings that
E xist in my heart
B reaks me  because they are not just
R egular feelings yet they are
U nconditional
A nd I am struggling to
R elinquish this innermost feelings because I am scared
Y ou might deny my heart which i kept for you to equip

M any things are stripped
A way from us because we don't
R ealise or come into terms that we ought to
C herish and
H onour those that heaven specially blessed us wish.

A lways know that God's
P romises shall be
R eceived and we should never be
I mpatient because he is the only master of our.
L ives.

M any things are
A chieved when
Y ou have developed a positive energy of that certain aspect you are doing.

J ump
U p and down
N ever lose hope certainly
E verything shall work out.


J ustify why such
U nconditional feelings will eventually
L ose its value when i try to express how I truly feel about
Y ou.

A lways get
U p and
G o into the day without
U ncertainties of
S ome sort and
T he best you can be in that day.

S omeday i will
E ventually be able to overcome the
P ain
T hat
E xists deep within
M e
B ut remember that i wished for our
E xistence to never end but i can't change the circumstances because
R eality is that we were never meant to be.


O ceans are deep and the
C onditions of my sentment upon you are much more deeper than that of the ocean.
T oday marks a new story and a new life which i wish to persue with you, I don't have much to
O ffer thee my dear but I promise to
B e there for you whenever you need me in the
E ntire duration of your existence because I
R eally  feel greatness with your presence in my life.

N ever mistaken the conditions of my sentment because the feelings that exists are real
O ut of millions of people in the world you are the only one i exchange such
V ows of the sentment and
E very little thing i say is out of the deeepness of
M y heart
B e with me babe and
E veryday i will love you and
R aise our little ones into bright future leaders of tomorrow.


D ear you can't be loved by
E veryone and you
C an't expect thing's to go your way.
E verything you do in life has it's own
M eaningful aspect which when carefully analysed it
B rings out a better vision of yourself and  daily we learn something new which shall
E ventually build us into
R espectable citizens of tomorrow.

— The End —