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Marshal Gebbie Oct 2011
Ethnic Raging in my face
Everywhere I care to look
Coptic Christians, brown and white
Scream intolerance, forsook.
Jew and anti Jew defile
All good laws of rationale,
In raw voraciousness of hate,
In howling shred of faith’s morale.
Blessed are the just for they
Enshrine their plaque of rich noblesque,
Blessed are the weak of will
Who deeply sip  from traitor’s breast.
And blessed are the strong who hold
At bay the laws of God’s restraint,
In tandem with the rich who cower,
White, behind their armoured gate.

Ethnic raging everywhere
I watch it through the children’s eyes,
Led to purge the coloured flesh,
To flay a difference ‘till it dies.

Recoiling from it all.
Auckland NZ
11 October 2011
David W Clare Jan 2015
I'm not your enemy

Anagrams of truth
It's no spoof
Much hate near
The human race
No one listens
No one is silent
Marriage is a grim era
Weird vacation I want a divorce
Ethnics, a fearsome attitude
The United states of America
You and me
Politricks straight off the baloney farm
Snake charming zealots on tv
Poverty and illiteracy
Donate some donuts to the poor
Transcending Increments of Mans Existence


D. Clare

TIME is the enemy of us all...
Opinions vary...
Diverseman2020 Sep 2009
Significance is her attributes
If she can open her heart
Love will spread
As essence mature
Months pass-by
We're different ethnics as blood remains equivalent
Who are we to judge by skin?
She masses with the enemies
That hurt those
When alone
Feelings are joined
Purging our souls
Releases energy
To tenderness as we seek
Closeness is at best
At heart with gentle tears
Who am I
To love someone
Who is lost
katrinawillrich Feb 2015
**** monkey matchin
No silverbackin plus
Cents crackin
Legin generatin genesin
Kept revelation runnin
War paint tattooin
Dropped nitpickin
Not speaking for all seeing
So **** that ind
Short e pro sent
Ridin' those who drivin'
Securin Isisin icinism
Goin' sketch fhiminism
Not scared to fold my poker
Face ain't evin though these
eight *****(is) grabbin
Yea that much baggin
up cruel indifferent
No difference
Just hook line skankin
Splish splashin groupie
Won't color gender but hawk skinned race De baitin'
Outlivin' the momentiun
Bendin those poets brigade in
Coded runaway genius claimin sistym
Bro rexin, t burnin'
Cause Im beatin up
Atom baby momma
Metapen sweepin'
Follow him
Or her or them
Just stay the **** away from
Mygenes aint cells splittin eyes crackin'
***** you know you can hear
Me writin'
No x marks the bar outletin
Find another plug
Or source I'm not chargin
Will en riched by those
Germans who made the mistake
Of breedin' while sleepin'
Ima a boss that don't speak
Keep readin'!
This is
Cobbsland. Stop countin
stars shining in daylight poppin
science whorin metaphorin
Alien abductin
Yea, they love them some black
Womins'    shh its a secret          (ethnics ethics)
Gullah grainin
Freed my *** so my mind is
No longer trainin ill rainin'
laggin' no cadillac, no car, in my
dents in my
Accents indentin
I'm not from africa muthaphucka
But i represent
Kin clickin against
Big Virge May 2019
It's HARD To Stay ... " Cool " ..  
When Police ... Act The FOOL ... !!!  

They're USING ... " The Bomb " ...  
To ... Make You BELIEVE ...  
That ... WE ... DON'T Belong ...
So ...  
Let Me Explain ...  
Why This Will Bring PAIN ...  
To ... " Asians and Blacks " ...  
Again and AGAIN ... !!!!  
It Was ... Saturday ...  
A Nice ... SUNNY Day ... !!!  
I'm ... Driving My Car ...  
But Stopped For ...  " Rizzla' " ...  
As I Get Out ...  
I See The POLICE ...  
I ... LOOK AT THEM ...  
Cos' They're ... WATCHING ME ... !!!  
Two ... UNIFORMED  Women ...  
With A PIG STENCH ... !!!!!  
EXACTLY The Type ...  
That ... Make Some Fists CLENCH ... !!!!!  
But ....  
Let Me Move On  ....  
I ... Walk Out The Shop ...  
Get Back In My Car ...  
But .....
My Car Has Been .... MARKED .... !!!!!  
My Friend ...
Who Was With Me  

Said  ...  
"V you've been clocked ...  
The guy on the corner  
said, Watch For Those Cops !"  
He Saw Them ... " Converse " ...  
and YES ... Something WORSE ... !!!
They've ...
Turned The Car ROUND ...  
They'll Be Back Round The Block ... !!!  
You'll ...
NEVER Guess What ... !?!  
But ...
When I Pulled Off ...  
The Cops Were ... " IN TOW " ...  
My ...
Friend And I Sat There ...  
And Said ... " HERE WE GO !!! " ...  
I Turned Down MY ROAD ... !!!  
Which ... Knocked Them ...  
.............................................                    ­                

                                      OFF Track ... ?!?  
I ...
Pulled The Car Over ...  
To See Them ...
... TURN BACK ... !!!
And That's When I Knew ...  
That These ... " Dumb Girls in Blue " ...  
Were ......
Coming To QUIZ Me ...  

And ...    
Dish Out ABUSE ... !!!  
I Drove To ... MY HOUSE ... !!!  
and Parked RIGHT OUTSIDE ... !!!  
Then Me and My Man ...  
Jumped Out Of My Ride ...  
Then Slowly .................................................................­.. They Came ......  
To Play The ... " Old Game " ... !?!  
"Your car is a rental ?"  
"In Fact, it's a lease !"  
This is where I ...
Started Getting AGGRIEVED ... !!!!!  
"I must be too black  
to drive a Mercedes !"  
"It's a random check sir,  
calm down will you please !"  
"Not when you've stopped me  
down My ******* Street !  
I've lived here for years.
You've got a **** cheek !  
We had been advised,  
when we parked down the street,  
that, you had decided  
to try it with me,  
well now that you have,  
of course i'm angry !"  
It Simply ... Has Taken ...  
ONE ... Muslim Jamaican ...  
To Get The ... " Old Bill " ...  
To Put Blacks THROUGH THE MILL ... !?!  
If This Was A Movie ... ???  
Try THIS For A Title ...  
" VIRGE KILLED The Old Bill " ...  
Now ... Killing AIN'T Right ... !!!  
But ... Why Should I Chill ...
When They Treat Us Like THIS ... !?!    
Man ...
I've Had MY FILL ... !!!!!  
Two Minutes of Silence ...  
Has NOT Given Guidance ...  
To People Who Say ....  
" Let's STOP All This Violence !!! "  
There's Science BEHIND ...  
These Acts of ... DEFIANCE ...    
Behind ....  
" Certain Doors " ...  
They Plan ...  
CONTROL of ... "The Ethnics" ... !!!!!  
Their Plans ARE UPSETTING ... !!!!!  
cos' Stories They're Telling ...  
Are TRULY ... PATHETIC ... !!!  
But Let Me Get Back ...  
To These Two ... Female FOOLS ... !!!  
Who Think They're  ALL THAT ... !!!  
Cos' They're Now ... " Girls in Blue " ...  
I Have A ... " Disabled Bay "  
Outside of ... My House ...  
So ... Hear What They Did ...  
To Prove They Had ... CLOUT ... !!!  
"You're parked in a bay,  
with no badge on display !"
"My mum was disabled !  
She's Dead Now Okay !"  
She Issued ... " A Ticket " ...  
As We .................................................. Walked Away ......................  
I Said ...  
"Issue The Council !l  
It's them who should pay !  
They know my mum's dead,  
but they've still left the bay !"  
She Said ....  
Nothing Further ...  
What More Could She Say ?  
My Friend Said To Me ...  
"Pig two asked his name !"  
I Said ....  
"She's a Pig !  
A Pig Has NO SHAME !"  
The Point of This Prose ...  
Is Simply ... To SHOW ...  
" The Plan " ...  
Is In Motion ... !!!  
They've Put Out ... " The Notion " ...  
That Blacks Make ... BOMB POTIONS ... !!!!!  
We're ...

"under it" ... now ... !!!  
From ...
Driving On Streets ...  
To ... London's Underground ...  
WE ARE Now ...  
... " The Ones " ...  
They're ...
Going To HOUND ... !!!  
EVEN If We ...  
ARE Making Them ... POUNDS  ... ?!!!?  
I'm SICK of ................................... THE STENCH ............. !!!!!!!  
I Sense .... " Something SMELLY " ....  
It's CLEARLY ... The Pigs ...  
and ... What's On YOUR TELLY ... !!!!!!!
This Story Just PROVES ....  
That  .......  
" They're At It Already ! " .....
I still have the ticket the policewoman wrote, to this day, and never received any notice to pay, nuff said.

However, different times as they were back in 2K5, as the times move on, the plan of division of people, is moving along, so it feels like the same ish', just a different pong, sadly ....

Can't we all just ... Get Along ... ???
(I say sarcastically !!!)
Impulzez Jan 2015
Islamists are not Muslims
They are Islamists ; Extremists
I am a Born Again Christian
Christianity is not a religion
It's a way of life to eternity
Through Christ Jesus
We preach the Love of Christ
Who died to set us all free
That's the Religion I know
That is the religion that can stop
All these killings and conflicts
Love... Yes! Only Love can
The Language of Love is One
It sheds abroad all Tribes, Races
Ethnics, Religion , Beliefs, etc
God is Love. Love is God
The Language of Love is God
Show Love; Show God
Only God can save us
Only Love can save us
That's the Religion I know
The Religion of Christ's Love
Christ's Love
electroacidzxx Dec 2013
i'm a teenage girl,
i have friends,
i have dreams,
i have passion,
i have my own favorites,
celebrity crushes,
list of wishlist.

i am happy,
happy to be me,
happy to be apart of the world,
happy to be apart of a good society.

did i just said something,
about me,
being happy,
in a GOOD society?

there is no such thing!
"good" society doesn't even exist,
right now,
they don't exist!
they have turned into a horrible monster
that gobbles up people's dreams,
judging people,
without even knowing,
go against people,
without even listening.

where is the old society?
the society that cares,
that support,
that love others,
no matter what religion,
what ethnics,
where? where? where?

we suffered,
from pain,
from words.

we lost our self-esteem,
due to the mean words.

we felt horrible,
not worth it,

we want you to stop,
stop, stare, listen and act.

this is a confession!
a confession,
from a teenage girl!
to the world!
preservationman Mar 2016
A speeding star or spaceship, no it’s SUPERMAN
Only a bat can tell who knows and sees, but as a caped crusader, one can feel the breeze being BATMAN
The Legend Of Justice, but the dialog being doom
A fight to the finish
But who will be victorious and distinguished
Both knowing good from wrong
A part where Evil doesn’t belong
Saving lives and combating crime for as long
Yet a fight that will go on
Ethnics where credit is due
But what challenger will come through?
The sun has turned completely red
The moon has turned a shaded black
The moment being the attack
But the innocent need to just stand back
Blows into throws
Imaginations drawing conclusions
A fight that might be long
A thought, what Marvel Hero should belong?
A past being a comic book
It was a boy’s look
One Marvel Hero fell
But I won’t tell
See the Movie for your own swell.
kirk Nov 2021
Poor old Uncle Ben, looks like you have been fired
Get off our product packaging, your no longer required
Years of service would suggest, that you were once admired
But loyalty no longer counts, when your status has expired

Once you we're respected, and you didn't have to brag
I don't know why your suddenly, classed as a red flag?
They want to erase history, but their voices need a gag
A disrespect for microwaves, and rice boiled in the bag

Society no longer wants you, that much is surley proved
Do black lives really matter, when it's black that's being removed?
It doesn't make things better, and there's nothing that's improved
You can't substitute your ignorance, in the hope the world gets soothed

Why has he been targeted, why is it so precise?
Uncle Ben has been removed, from long and whole grain rice
Seventy years no way a slave, now he has paid the price
You have no thoughts, you've followed suit, you've taken bad advice

Your face must be offensive, cos they've played the racist card
This is the reason your now banned, and why you have barred
Paddy fields have felt your pain, they've taken the news hard
But it's not just blacks and foreigners, that's emotionally scarred

It doesn't matter what you change, or if old relatives discarded
He'll still be known as "Uncle Ben", he's too highly regarded
Whoever thought of this idea, they must be quite *******
Do you think your being diverse, when the public are bombarded?

Where is your proof or evidence, that the futures more inclusive?
It's not so stereotypical, when that club is non exclusive
You prattle on like pensioners, but your uncle's now illusive
How hypocritical can you be, when nothings that conclusive

Don't cause community divide, don't move things out of sight
Why do you exile darker skins, it simply is not right
Maybe it's your nature, and it's you that's not too bright
I wouldn't out of irony, ship them to the Isle of White

I fail to see the difference, with your product interference
Why are people in minority, scheduled for a massive clearance?
Perhaps you have a dislike, and you love race disappearance
The trouble is your arguments, have no sense of coherence

Who's next on the agenda, Who suffers the next chop?
Can I expect a range of goods, absent from the shop?
I hope "Aunt Bessie" won't succumb, to names that you will drop
Manhandled of her dumplings prove, that this madness should stop

Lunacy is on the rise, with the things that you endorse
Is "Meena" safe from tyranny, will you stop her at the sauce?
Or will korma be victorious, without the use of deadly force
With senseless attitudes of today, we'll find out in due course

I think that in all honesty, you've taking things too far
Even Disney's lost its faith, in Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
"Uncle Remus" can no longer, wish upon a star
Despite the fact they said it makes, no difference who you are?

Your excuses are not valid, so I couldn't give two hoots
Footwear is getting tighter, cos your too big for your boots
I wouldn't be at all surprised, if you dispose of "Levi Roots"
No more music on your food, and there's no real substitutes

Scapegoats come in many forms, through all our uphill slogs
To save us getting in a jam, they ditched the golly wogs
It started many moons ago, with the grinding of lifes cogs
But it wasn't worth the effort, now we've gone to the dogs

Who thought of "Ben's Original", that name is just the worst
It's quite clear that "Uncle Ben", simply got there first
Originality isn't something, that is planned and then rehearsed
Your led away like mindless sheep, and your obviously cohorst

There's nothing wrong with Uncles, or a packet that shows faces
Especially when they depict, a span of different races
I'll only purchase Uncle Ben's, with intact ethnic traces
We don't want contradictory claims, with "Original" as their bases

I think I'll switch to bachelors, or even shops own brand
Cos I can't stand the way you treat, the ethnics of our land
Why drown yourself In petulance, why try to get things banned?
Your attitude just goes to show, that you are underhand

You didn't mind old Ben's face, when you raked in the cash
It seems to me your acting dumb, and being far to rash
Why is "Uncle " so offensive, and the cause if rice backlash?
Your suffering from vindictiveness, and a sense of being brash

Jars of cooking sauces, now have something they all lack
The distinguished face of a man, who happens to be black!
He is a childhood icon, and he should be brought right back
And never mind the unaoriginal, with "Original" on the pack

Don't rip away the legacy, of a man from way back when
Actions taken do more harm, more now than they did then
Take my advice just leave things be, and don't mention it again
Cos I don't think it's very fare, on poor old Uncle Ben
Following the news concerning the change of "Uncle Ben's" to "Ben's Original" I thought I would share my views and as you will see I strongly disagree with the change. I believe it's more offensive by the removel of things that have been in place for years or decades, history should be preserved and embraced not erased. Uncle Ben is a national icon and should be treated as such instead of trying to erase him from existence altogether, attitudes such as this have gone to far and everytime they remove a statue or a word that's suddenly offensive or in this case a face from a packet or product it only draws more attention to something that wasn't even thought about before the complaints started to roll in but once one complaint is received the band waggon is truly on the road full of all the snowflakes and it's about time they all melted
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Burning bones blood settles upon the ashes
Don't you cry girl it's life that passes
Bullets shot in defense of masses
One day child they'll take their chances
There's a new voice that whispers power for fascists
England is a target ripe for clashes
Mistaken messages Ethnics gather to earn their passage
Fools who follow tread the path of ancient rampage
You make the laws then face back lashes
Freedom is a word once meant to fool the different classes
It's transition that confuses and change of chances the new era that has no colour because the world proves altogether the earth enhances.
Change before radicalization
jeffrey conyers Oct 2017
That hatred within others ethnics in America won't be eradicated anytime soon.
We of all countries have various groups with views.

What to be acknowledged?
Is no one group is supreme to another?
Yes, we can elevate ourselves into thinking it?

Except some will have to admit they profited from laws suited for them to cheat ahead.

It just us.
Stupid Americans not coming together for humanity.

Jim Crow helps one stay a force during it reign of segregation.
Still they no better.

Culturalization of heritage assists others to be more conservative in this world.

They fall under this "let's not rock the boat" mentality.

Except it's just us.
Stupid Americans afraid to adjust and love one another.
Descovia Nov 2021
That's one beautiful child. I love his eyes! He looks very much like you and his mother!

Well, I cannot deny the truth in that.

Enjoy him while he's small, one day he will be bigger than you.

I believe any proud father should cherish that.

What will you name him??"

This name spoke to me. Biblical or not. It's not where the name come from. It makes me feel strong, knowing...
There's a much more deeper part of me, that lives innocently, loves unconditionally and wants happiness for others! This world blessed me to have my own child once again. I am not going to give up on you...


From the moment the light in my eyes have faded to black.

All I remember seeing and hearing

"Dad grab my hand!"
Everything seem to have gotten bigger and I saw myself the size of a toy action figure. My son was a titan in comparison to me and orbs composed of light and ranging in all colors phased in and out of existence. Colors illuminated and danced around our auras.

Reaching out slowly for my son's before falling into continuous space

The whirlwind of emotions surfacing to the living world.
Summoned an violent storm and in the unforgiving, fast winds kinetic energy powerful enough to move actual "rips" in the air.
My clothing were tattered, it looks like I lost a fight.  My limbs were  nearly filled with abrasions and open cuts. Warm blood slowly dripped onto the ground. It alarms me that it was coming from me, but I was not hurt. I accepted this. If this was the end, my life will not be lived to bring suffering to those loved by me.  My rage is worth burying it and myself if needed.  My eyes closed wanting to become more than part of the darkness. My life was ready to be surrendered.

This is my fate and it is accepted

Wake up!!" The viciousness, growled from a strong and barking unfamiliar voice but the presence of this person, gave me nostalgia to mornings where my mother was upset, for I've failed to get up for school on time or day dreaming, instead of focusing on the important assignments.

The cold and loud winds came to screaming and paralyzing cease. Never in my life, have I felt numb to this degree. My delusions have consumed my reality unapologetically. Between seconds to minute intervals, my eyes blinked I was a different person, or version of myself.  Seeing my situation from my son's eyes, my own and my shadow twin. Similar to me in every  aspect. Differences stands with us, is he wears dark clothing a majority of the time, free of ****** blemishes, he's fuller in appearance and speaks in a multitude of different tones compared to anyone met or ever known.

"You decide to lay there and die. Everyone you love and honor, will vanish with me. Hell is nothing compared to the places your consciousness allows you to experience! My promise to you is, your demise will not end here."


Never have it dawned upon me, to physically view my perspective from another's view.  Not until that literal life-changing moment.

Everything reverted to it's original perspective.

My clothes were still speckled with blood. My wounds have vanished along with the darkness. Standing in front of me, was Isaiah and other side of myself. My eyes never betrayed me on this spectrum. The other side of myself, was there with his arm around my SON flashing a wide and mocking smile, the shine in his eyes radiated more than my necklace in sunlight. His pupils dilated as look transformed to a piercing stare.

Indeed. Needless, to say I was highly intimidated. Even if it is me. How and why is my shadow self embracing my child?

"He looks a lot like you. But he's smaller than you dad." Isaiah said while giving me concerned eyes.

"Smaller? Are you mad son? I am no longer a toy, I am looking down at you right now! My eyes jumped from Isaiah back to him. Reminding myself. If you blink, you will become different again. What are you doing to him?! **** it! I swear if you're distorting his reality. I'll fu-

Watch your mouth. A child is present. Nothing is going to reward you with gifts if you insist on cursing everything. Don't think to hard. You're in the place your mind created for you. Gently covering Isaiah's ears by cupping them with his hands. My other self, spoke in a calm tone returning the look of frustration his eyes burned looking into mine.

You chose the wrong one! Nobody puts their hands on my son! You're nothing more than a manifestation of lies. I am his father!!

Poisoned and fueled by rage. Ridiculous as it sounds, I sprinted towards myself with my hand balled into a fist. Prepared to launch the heaviest punch to body in all of my fighting history.

Without a doubt. In my dreams, I ran more miles and with speed than this. Fooling myself into thinking I could win a fight with a dark version of myself that lives in my mind.

We both are the same

"Daddy. I am always safe with you!" Isaiah said smiling brightly at me. This time he was looking at me, with happiness in his eyes and face"

Time for you to go bye bye. Bring back flowers okay meatball?" My shadow self in moments less than the time it takes to blink. Claps his hands twice and the white butterflies from before returned and circled around Isaiah. Disappearing in an exploding bright ray of white light.

Staring into the sun was nothing compared to the intensity of the light beaming my son out of the hell in my mind. This was not an ordinary nightmare. I was the reason my son was brought into this world of chaos. Now, my demons have gotten the best of me. My conversations in darkness, turned me into worse enemy and my sacrifices would be everything that was loved. It should have been me. Everything pushed deep into the back of my mind was responsible for demise. This was not going to be the last time I saw Isaiah.

I was on my face in seconds. Opening my eyes, picking myself up from the ground with my dark twin glaring down at me. Disappointment and fury emit from his eyes.

Do you understand? You're the one that is nothing!  You have no power here! This is what you, allowed us to become! You never even had faith in yourself! You have audacity to treat me as the issue! I believed in you more than anyone. I was there for your child before life and I will forever be the part that lives in him. Just like you

Sometimes, I wish I was not here at all.
Sometimes, I want to remove my presence, no feelings involved
My darkside and myself stay in fights in order to balance order and get along
I feel like I am trapped and I am a prisoner to my own tongue
In the darkness, I lived by light, gave up my rights, my living wanted to cause no wrong
I only feel good, for a good time, all I am here for, don't expect me
to be here for long
In moments I am weak, I gotta remind myself "I am worth it" and I have stay strong
My son and an ancient entity, living inside only wanted the best for my sorrow and hurt to be free
I am a dark skinned light worker and I live by dark-light faithfully
Live by codes, morals, ethnics, I am no devil's advocate, respect it!
The world wants to be saved gracefully, by angels and prayers
I'm a prisoner of rage. Who's praying for me?_

— The End —