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Let us open up to
Fulfill the promise
We made to each other
What do you say my BELOVEDz?
What is your wish my LOVERz?

Never again in life
Such occasion of LOVE happens
Come in my arms,
Don't be shy my LOVE
Come within me
Hug me to death

I've lost my way of life
Let me find a direction
I'm not dressed for
The honey-moon night
Let me come prepared
For your LOVE night
Please let me go

You did what you wanted with me
With every passing moment and day
YOU made me LOVE YOU more & more
All your dreamZ of finding
True LOVER ended with my LOVEz
Now let me show you my LOVE desireZ
Drown my passions
In your volcanic being
Let my fire extinguish
In your cool waters

Leave me, don't hold my hand
Just see - the way I'm in a mess
My heart is beating fast
I am feeling scared of LOVE
I am feeling cold with sweat

Oh.. come on dear
In no time,
I'll make you warm
With the fire of my LOVE
My kisses on your eyes
Will bring clarity to your SOUL
My touch will remove all the shyness
That clouds over your heart

See, with your LOVE words
Now I lost the key to
The door to my core
So let me go to fetch them first

Just come on dear
Don't find reasons to delay our UNION
Let us lock ourselves alone
Don't play such tricks with me
I am burning under your passionate deZiRe

Just for a moment
Let me go and come prepared
For the LOVE night
YOU know baby - I am yours
I'm not going to leave you any more
I will be back my LOVE
To spend many nights
Of LOVEz with YOU

I believe YOU my LOVEz
I will only do what you say
I will follow your advise
I will only talk your words
I will only act your will

If I say - day is night
Will YOU say so?

I will.. I will...

If I say - LOVE me forever, eternally
Will YOU say so?

I will.. I will...

If you say so...
I will show you a LOVE night
Right now in this day light

I will show YOU
The light within my core
Will you light my dark core?
I will show you LOVE stars
In the cosmos of my hidden darkness

I'm only born to LOVE YOU
Since our LOVE happened
I've only LOVEDz YOU

After showing me so much LOVE
If you go away now
I will die in your longing

Just for a second now
Let me go for a while
I will be back immediately

Both of us are excited and
Full of passionZ and desiReZ
When we will get such LOVE moment again?
What else you want to do now?

Let us open up to
Fulfill the promise
We made to each other
Let us LOVE
Let us make LOVE

Never again in life
Such occasion of LOVE happens
Come in my arms,
Don't be shy my LOVE
Come within me
Hug me to death

Radha repeats Krishna'z LOVE plea

My dear BELOVEDz
You have played festivals of colors
With me through centuries
I've been your Romeo, Rumi, Radha
Zuliet, Layla, Heer, Sohni
Majnun, Rabia, Ranjhanaa

I am standing in front of YOU
with your colors in my heart
Can YOU play colors with me?

Without YOU
Without your colors
I can't find
Lyrics in my songs

YOU are the naughty, cool
Fragrant color of my life

Why are YOU always in such a hurry
It is so difficult to calm YOU down

Color my dreamZ slowly BELOVEDz
Please play colors with me BELOVEDz

At every shore of every ocean
On every flora of every forest
On every bird of every sky
Everything is covered with your colors

I can smell your fragrance everywhere
But I can't see YOU anywhere

I want to melt in your colors
I want to be covered with your colors

Till now YOU've been so tender to me
Hiding and throwing colors on me

I keep on calling out for YOU
Oh.. my BELOVEDz
Oh... my BELOVEDz
Come and apply some more
Colors of your LOVE on me

At nights YOUR whispers color
My heart in BLUE
During days your presence colors

Your hide and seek laughter
Resonates music around me

Let us be together and play
This festivities of colors

I can't see you in worldly crowd
Be brave and come out in front of me
And apply some COLORS of LOVE on me

Krishna asked, Romeo asked, Majnun asked
Rumi asked, Rabia asked, Kabir asked
"Who are you to make me sick?"
And the reply came in my BELOVEDz voice

"I am LOVE; My purpose is to
Steal you away from your LIFE"

They all asked in one voice

LOVE replied in my BELOVEDz voice:

"I steal your heart
I steal your peace
I steal your sleep
I steal your life

Secretly I make possible
For BELOVEDz and LOVERz to meet

Then I reside in your eyes
Glancing at each other
I pierce into your SOUL

I steal your heart-beats
I give goosebumps to you
I weaken your knees
I make you feel dizzy
I create butterflies in your stomach
I make you dream beyond LIFE

"I am LOVE; My purpose is to
Steal you away from your LIFE"

No one knows my story
I come from nowhere
I go nowhere
People think I'm a crazy phenomenon
But I'm mystical & meta-physical form of
Nature - many call it God/dess

I am all around YOU
I am all pervading
I fill your lungs with oxygen
I am the CO2 you emit

I make you see stars in daytime
I make you intoxicated without liquor
I make you search for a falling star
I make you kiss dewdrops on flowers

No one is as existential as me
I've changed the cosmos with my presence
I've transformed animals into humans

Those people who are still animals
I transit them towards humanity
If you are not in LOVE yet
You are still part of ignorant animal life

I make everyone lose their fear
I make humans play a dangerous game
I create rebellion and revolution
I make humans swim ocean of fire
I make meek person brave & courageous
To revolt against out-of-date rituals/ traditions

Once I make my home within two humans
Even though they live afar
I don't let the BELOVEDz and LOVERz
Stay away for a single moment

I make them fly into LOVE dreamz
Without a pause, without a stop
I make them write poems and sing songs

I am seen on earth, I am seen in sky
I am seen in desert, I am seen in oceans
I am seen in flowers, I am seen in moon
I am seen in clouds, I am seen in rains
I am seen in darkness, I am seen in light

"I am LOVE; My purpose is to
Steal you away from your LIFE"

jide oyediran Feb 2014
Ghetto dreamz
Chattered dreamz
Frustration without end
Hope lost without bound
Crying endlessly
Believe and disbelieve
Service in curiosity

Trusting in u
Regret in betrayal
Happy hour
Fulfillment beyond bounds
Light deemed
Stars lost in the sky
Dreamz fade
J Aigboje Ohiro Aug 2016
Dream is good
sleep is cool
rest isnt a should
but i dont just sleep

i stay awake and embrace imagination
you could say i defile human nature
i will when my brain shuts down and my mind mature

Dream is Good but i dont sleep..
Human Nature, Defile Boundaries
IcySky May 2015
We all have dreams, big and small
Some of us dream of meeting the right person,
some of us dream of getting to be a rock star.
People dream a lot, and of a lot of different things.
But tell me this...
Who ever dreams of hurting the ones you love, or care about?
Who wants to dream about being abandoned, or hurt?
Who really wants their dreams to become nightmares?
I want sweet dreams and good night kisses.
I don't want fighting or hurting or letting people down.
I want a day to come where I can lay in bed next to the one I love.
No body wants a pleasant dream to become a horrific disaster.
I want sweet dreams and good night kisses.
bownz Feb 2010
All the things in this world todaywho has time to workwhen there is so much to playmother i missed your call /for it is only nature of the human learningfrom the fallfather,father of david,father of time,i love you as wellthough you may not understand the rhyme /this is solid,this cell of solitary confinementthat wordz put in need some definementclose my lidput the first shovel full of fresh dirton this solitary cell of wood /Just when it hurt, thoughwe never thought it wouldJust these feelings thatagain belong to nature’shumanthough when i speak with thesedrums, strings, and thingswriting on beat yet who can keep  up with a song of life that is so complete /There are 2 types of matter when it comes to thenature’s humansthere is the wheat that feedsand the weeds that bleedconsistentlyworking their way through the heatyet only one we can eat /There is no such thing as defeator timeonly such things in this moment mattersuch as this rhyme /i would lie if i told you there was no plan,this one is calledmodern day manjust another modern day manjust another day manjust another man
This is BELOVEDz's serenade
A ballad of sorts for LOVERz


Sing everywhere
Tell everyone our LOVE
This is our story of LOVE
Heer's search for Ranjhaa


YOU met me once
And touched me with your LOVE
YOU left your LOVE in my SOUL
And when we left each other
I left a cut-scar of LOVE-mark
On your left fore-arm

Every night in darkness
You come and kiss my fore-head
You come and kiss my toes
You surrender to me and
Melt me to dissolve in YOU

I've been wailing for YOU
I've been lamenting for you
Where are you gone
Leaving me like this in
Pain of your LOVE?

Come and see me....
What all I do to search YOU
To bring YOU back to me...

Like I left a LOVE-scar on your body
Why didn't you leave one on my body?

Why can't I rub the blood on my face
That oozed out of your scars?

I want to make a permanent mark
Of your LOVE on my SOUL
On my heart, chest and breast
As a sign and symbol of
Your LOVE's accession over me

Why can't I carry your LOVE
In my motherly womb?

I dreamZ of you a lot
Because you are not with me physically
Still every night I find
Your LOVE spirit within / besides me

I am letting you know
That this is my LOVE for YOU

No one in the world knows that
I've not allowed the world
To even sense my deep LOVE for YOU
Why we should unnecessary invite and
Influence jealous people's
Evil eye on our PURE TRUE LOVE?

You come and kiss my fore-head
You come and kiss my toes
You surrender to me and
Melt me to dissolve in YOU

Sing everywhere
Tell everyone our LOVE
This is our story of LOVE
Heer's search for Ranjhaa*

(Read the Notes)
At this moment
Ranjhaa's baritone cuts Heer's soprano


"Feel my LOVE Heer
I do not have materialistic wealth
I only carry the worth of your LOVE in me
There is only one person who
Writes LOVE poems for ZheerR...

If we can't meet now to be ONE
I will meet death in your LOVE"

What LOVE teaches

LOVE teaches
To hold on & let go
At the same time
Happily destroying oneself

LOVE teaches
To love from afar
Waiting for magic to happen
Desiring always to make YOU happy

LOVE teaches
Pouring out one's heart
And sipping one's blood
Drain out of one's wrists

LOVE teaches: dreamz
Smiling without reason
Imagining holding your hand
Walking side by side
Hugging YOU tightly for hours

LOVE teaches
Wander Lust
Gypsy soul
That can escape any moment
To be with YOU anytime

LOVE teaches: ART, poetry
I can write 1000 times more
I struggle to put into words
All things that I feel inside

Little things YOU do
Is just plain MAGIC

LOVE teaches: To cry
A million tears
Soaked pillows
Wet bedsheets
To appreciate a
Shiny trickle tear
Down one's cheek
And not getting used
To letting YOU GO
From one's soul
Let the wait be
A thousand years

LOVE teaches:
To poise, ponder
Listen to music
Read lyrics carefully
Read lots of good books
Dancing, a sway in walk
All because of YOU

LOVE teaches:
I care for people
I listen better
I stop and help others
I'm more compassionate

LOVE teaches: Hope
A chance to be LOVED
To soar and fly
To catch the golden cloud
Where YOU reside

LOVE teaches:
Dying in your wait
Hoping you'll come
And pick me up
Take me home with YOU

LOVE teaches
Treasured moments
Of togetherness
Remembering every little thing
You did, said, thought,
Been... with me

LOVE teaches:
To cherish YOU
In utter melancholy
To respect YOU

Good, it was YOU
And you only...

LOVE teaches:
Happiness to smile
Thanking GOD
For the worth YOU gave me
To LOVE YOU in this life

LOVE teaches
YOU'll LOVE someone
Like I do...

Within my breathe
Resides your LOVE
Along with your being
Your blood flows within me
I became your good-self in my SOUL

Twenty-four seven
Your memories are mine
Morning, afternoon, day, evening and night

YOU live in me every moment
In my silent thoughts
And in my spoken and written
Words you dwell
My every action depicts
Your style and movements

I am sending you my LOVE vibes
Through every natural things
That you see and come across near you
Can you feel my LOVE BELOVEDz?

In my eyes- I carry your image
As if you are living my image
In front of mirror - I see only YOU
Have you robbed me from YOU?

No one can see
The invisible chain of LOVE
From your heart to my heart
From your soul to my soul

In every dream of mine
YOU make me happy and smile
Who knows what's going on in our lives

Our eyelids blink and
OUR LOVE blossoms Millions of
Flowers around the world

MY work is to narrate you
The details of my dreamZ
That's the only work
I have got NOW in my lives

There are dew drops on your petals
I am standing surrounded by
Your colorful flowers

The sunshine is ready to light the sky
The sky has worn your rainbow colors
The clouds are white and floating like oceans
The birds are chirping songs of LOVE melodies
The animals are stretching to follow us loyally
The breeze is carrying your fragrance
With your scent -
Even dead have come alive..!

Everything is ready but you are not there
And along with nature
I am waiting for your arrival

Within my breathe
Resides your LOVE
Along with your being
Your blood flows within me
I became your good-self in my SOUL


Who has been able to change
These seeds of faith?

Scattered all over
Existing around
Blown in breeze
Those shining silver lines

Never-ending flights
Hopeful wishes of breath
Sounding wind chimes

Don't even try
To change these HONEYSUCKLES

The sadness that surrender
Of round joys that fall on souls

Flowers under sunlit blues
Stars under moonlit skies

Hymns of solitude
Floating around

Always FREE flying
Outside personal prisons

Humans should not
Try to reform these JEWELWEEDS

Pride of LOVE
Carrying dreamZ
Of summer LOVE-Rz

Lioness with a mane
Adorning daisies within

Liberating caged passions
Beneath the blue skies

Into warm romances..
Sacred than God/dess

Rainbow colored
Burning LOVE of coolness

Blooming blossoming wishes
Frail in its vulnerability

Who nourishes these CANARY THISTLE?

Photosynthesis of two SOUL
Within core of it lives
A SOUL continent

Beyond day-dreamZ and
Borders of consciousness

Creating a paradise on earth
Of muses and creators

A born-BELOVEDz first wish
A dying-LOVERz last regret

Watch the garden grown
Without presence of any seeds
Drifting in search of LOVE

So let's chase OXALIS
And harvest POKEWEEDS

We all are born with
The canticles of

Make mine and yours sings

It always gets better
Riding a Dandelion puff


You adorn my moon in your eyes
And our stars twinkle around them
The horizons I see within YOUR eyes
Lead me to the your inner cosmos
Where I can feel and fill your dReamZ

Such ways your sunshine
Arrives through my Silver Linings

I pinch myself every morning
Knowing YOU have kept me alive
By being in my dreamZ every night

Longing I sleep, restless I dreamZ
Within your peace and wake-up a-piece
In the feeling vibes of your LOVE
Like a new born baby of our LOVE

Oh my beautiful soul of LOVE
The world does not know our LOVE yet
They can not listen to our laughter
It looks like that our tears & smiles
Have not touched their hearts yet

Resting in your lap
Embracing your bosoms
Breathing from your skin
Why we should be scared of
LOVING each other "unconditionally"?

BELOVEDz - we've promised each other
In silence of our energy vibes
That we will keep alive our LOVE
Amidst all adversities & challenges

Let world lay down fire and thorns
Yet "I want to cross all paths
Leading to YOU - bare feet...!"

Let me bleed broken pieces for you
Bleeding in LOVE is worth every bit for you

Thus we've come traveling
Seeking paths of PEACE within each other

We won't allow "physical distances"
Life builds around - between us
To become barrier & enemies of our LOVE

BELOVEDz - you are my attire
Your Nature has made me
Take birth in YOUR womb

YOU are my skin, my stars
My eyes, my breathe
The way I live, sit, sleep
I look at "YOURz" as in "mine"

Dear our life is not LOVED yet...
So do not leave me half way
YOU reside much "deep" by the way

That's how YOU arrive in me
Listening to my heart beats
To keep our LOVE alive within us

I want to live with YOU
I want to live within YOU
I want to LOVE with YOU

Forever, Eternally and Ever

Such ways your sunshine
Arrives through my Silver Linings

Always in an entrapment
Humans are not fully evolved

Whatever humans do
Always caged in a cocoon
Unfulfilled and distressed

No matter how many births...
Drudgery remains

It isn't easy
To let go grudges
No 'conditioning' budges

How much / many times we struggle
How much we pretend to be happy
No door opens up to break-free

Like a butterfly
Lying dormant within cocoon
Awaiting illumination to seep in

Like dead corpses
Scratching the inner skin
Peering though translucent shells
Breathless and restless
Decaying within -
With a hope of a "crack"

That's the time when
The cocoon tightens

Colors teases the rues
Heart beats the air of freedom

The fairies of courages
Spreads its wings
To soar higher as "dreamZ"
To battle and baffle
To ciphers and blunder
By taking a clue from within

Breaking the shackles
To embrace the sparkled dust
Digesting and leaving behind...
A transitional state to ONENESS

One need not cry for quiescence
Now one awaits the cosmos -
Sky, rainbow, stars.... infinite

Bidding farewell...
The LOVE's butterfly
Desires to flutter and fly

LOVE is the only #chrysalis

It is in my fall is your rise
It is in my dark is your light
It is in my lows is your high
It is in my small is your BIG
It is in my loss is your gain
It is in my night is your day
It is in my humiliation is your appreciation
It is in my descent is your rise
It is in my poverty is your wealth
It is in my begging is your charity
It is in my moon is your sun
It is in my clouds is your rain
It is in my internal is your eternal
It is in my stagnation is your flow
It is in my desert is your ocean
It is in my decrease is your increase
It is in my small is your large
It is in my hungry is your eating
It is in my cry is your laughter
It is in my absent is your presence
It is in my sleep is your dreamZ
It is in my heat is your cool
It is in my fire is your water
It is in my dusk is your dawn
It is in my blame is your forgiveness
It is in my sufferings is your help
It is in my last is your first
It is in my few is your many
It is in my slow is your fast
It is in my vulnerability is your empowerment
It is in my victim-hood is your assertiveness
It is in my earth is your sky
it is in my idiocy is your smartness
It is in my minus is your plus
It is in my foolishness is your cleverness
It is in my heart is your mind
It is in my despair is your hope
It is in my evening is your morning
It is in my end is your beginning
It is in my shrinkage is your expanse
It is in my silence is your talks
It is in my prisons is your freedom
It is in my solitude is your wander
It is in my unknown is your famous
It is in my sinking is your floating
It is in my ignorance is your education
It is in my demotion is your promotion
It is in my trivial is your importance
It is in my injustice is your justice
It is in my indignity is your human rights
It is in my leaving is my staying
It is in my being lonely is your friendships
It is in my sadness is your merry
It is in my dive is your soar
It is in my crawl is your flight
In is in my valley is your mountains
It is in my exploitation is your sustainability
It is in my rebel is your loyal duty
It is in my defeat is your success
It is in my scarce is your abundance
It is in my failure is your achievement
It is in my rejection is your acceptance
It is in my dislike - there is your adoration
It is in my retreat is your advancement
It is in my "against" the world is your "for" the world
It is in my dead is your alive
It is in my NO ONE is your everyone
It is my amateurishness is your professionalism
It is in my leaving is your arrival
It is in my slumber is your awakening
It is in my ugliness is your beauty
It is in my end is your beginning
It is in my end-note is your prelude
It is in my worst is your BEST
It is in my death is your birth
It is in my bitter is your sweet
It is in my blame is your praise
It is in cursing me is your blessing

It is in my timidness is your bold
It is in my being weak is your strength
It is my being at bottom is your being at top
It is in my idleness is your busyness
It is in my tears is your smiles
It is in my captivity is your LIBERTY
It is in my sad is your cheer
It is in my child is your adulthood
It is in my innocence is your maturity
It is in my adolescent is your aging
It is in my gulp of helplessness is your courage
It is in my spark is your lightning
It is in my destruction is your creativity

And over and above all what is said and written
It is LOVEz understanding and realization of YOURS
That WE are two bodies and ONE SOUL
OUR togetherness makes us YIN-YANG
It is in my veins is your blood
It is in my pulse is your breathe
It is in my womb is your cosmos
It is in my heart is your soul
It is in my LOVING you is YOU LOVING yourself
It is in my LOVERz is your BELOVEDz
It is in ME is YOU is me

I was sitting as a bride
I was waiting for my groom
I was wearing my bridal dress
I was adorn with gold jewelry
I was about to venture
Into the brand new world of
Bride and Groom- and honeymoon
Excited, fantasizing, eager...

And there YOU come
And our LOVE happens...

You took away my heart
With just a little glance of your LOVE
Just when I was about to get married

I left the ceremony
And was ready to run away with you
Thanks to your little glint glance

I broke all the traditions
I broke the glass bangles
The removed the red "tilak"
I pulled away the marigold garland
Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE
When I felt your LOVE within me

I disobeyed my family,
I argued with my friends
I resigned from my job
I fought with my inner demons
I made enemy of my intelligence
YES, thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

Since I could not be with YOU...
I wore a black dress, alternatively with white,
People thought I was your widow now
I stopped eating and went on fasting
I walked a 1000 miles to be with you
Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I walked away from life
I stayed awake at nights
I dreamed during day time
I climbed the Himalayas
I drowned within the Pacific
I burned myself in Sahara
I froze in Arctic
And that's how I melt within YOU

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I lost sense of learning
I gave up my education
I donated my knowledge
I stopped reading books
I burned my school/ college certificates

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I held your hand without fear
I hugged you in front of our family
I kissed you in front of the world
Just to walk away with you
Desiring to live a moment of LOVE with you

Thanks to YOUR little glance of your LOVE

I gave up drugs, smoking, drinking
I gave up harm, hurt, hate
I gave up jealousy, envy and pride
I gave up wealth, money and power

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I gave up my life for YOU
I gave up my everything for you
I gave up my dreamz for you
I even gave up my desires for YOU
That's how... - thus I became YOU

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I live for you and I die for you
I breathe my last for you
I feel you in my bone marrow
YOUR love moves my nerves
YOU run as blood in my veins

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I became young in your LOVE
I became old in your wait
I became alone without YOU
I became wise with your wisdom
I became mad in your longing
I went through so much pain of LOVE
By the way...
YOU kept on giving so much joys of LOVE too

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

YOU took away my name
YOU took away my identity
YOU took away my gender
YOU took away my self
YOU took away my EGO
YOU took away me from me

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

I slept on the pyre of fire
I jumped into the ocean of flames
Now I wear a new bridal dress for you
From a run-away-bride to

Thanks to a little glance of your LOVE

Mark Apr 2020
Cats strayin’ high on Canal Street
Gangsta Grillz feelin’ tha beat
Open air market on Sunday night
African Bootleggin’ sellin’ alright
Sweet dreamz were set on fire
Life’s on tha line, if dats wat ya desire
Coming back to life, from deep down inside
Jesus hung with me, he waz on mi side

Let’s all do tha Whoolywood Shuffle
Don’t get in tha way or you be in trouble
Humpty Dumpty is back together again
Delivery is nuts, no buts, Amen
Drop tha bass, like a hot sorta guy
While white lab boys, be makin’ ya buy
99 cents, where’s tha beef in mi vege burger wrapper
Rubber-banding out so loud, **** dat mad hatter

Mi baby mama could neva just sit
Let tha hood hear just a wee lil bit
Crack it on up, in tha main trap house
Blue magic for real, like Mickey tha Mouse
East coast flow, wid a Southern kinda drawl
Come in or move on, just don’t crawl
Queens n Bronx, echoed down on Canal Street
Dum Dum Dum it was such a bubblin’ beat
badtaste Apr 2019
sometimes I hum to the rhythm of the unknown
understanding that we are nothing but humans wanting
touching each other's lovers in different spots of the heart
keep in mind my mindless mouth singing poetry-
I tirelessly type every night for more popularity-
timelessly society spent every penny printing more money for the fools
chasing the american dream that is unknown

The times we met
The moment was right

I noticed YOU
Walk into the room
Walk into my life
Like LOVE walks into heart

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

I took some time
To notice your eyes
When I did...
YOU lighted my heart
And I noticed your bright

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

YOU broke my old habit
Of life and living
YOU watched me over
Grow near and dear
I watched you talk
I watched you smile
You watched me laugh
YOU watched me cry

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

We sat there
Across each other
Every day
We gave each other
Time to know
Time to feel
Time to LOVE

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

Yet, we're still a puzzle
Clueless of our future
Intrigued by your scent
Mystery shrouded beings
YOU give me time-space
A little distance
A little despair
Can I reach out to YOU?
YOU say - wait a little...
YOU remain a maze

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing....

Till then...
YOU feed me with wisdom
YOU breathe me your TRUTH
YOUR light shines through me
Beyond knowledge of the woods
To move beyond life
To teach me "the bliss"

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

YOU always wish me well
YOU always bless me dreamZ
YOU come like an Angel
Every night in my sleep

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

We know
We'll not have anything
When we die in the end
Holding our hands
YOU promise me a hug
LOVE'z what we'll keep

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

World says
LOVE is in-explainable
But only we know
How well we communicate
Our LOVE without words

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

OUR's is the LOVE
Of sorts that is "first"
Swallowing us within
In the dark lights
Of your layrinthine

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

YOU lift that
life burden
Off of me
By being there for me...
Showering LOVE on me

Let me tell you this
I know...
YOU Are Amazing...!

Mark Apr 2020
Yo, I’m tha new ghetto, sworn in king
Mi Hollywood name is Mr. La La
I don't need 2 listen 2 no lo ****
‘Cause all ya barberin’, is just blah blah
I take wat eva hood rat, be wantin’ 2 ***
Just don't tri and steal mi hard earned bling

You're so friggin dope, well thank you, mi new sister girly
You remind me of an ex Brady, she 2 waz a dirtee little birdy
*** into mi crib and I shall show ya tha best time
Grab a smoke and choke on dat hot ***, it won't cost ya a dime

Ride-by just dun, bi sum kids on a bike, it seems
Leaves images I witnessed, carved into mi nightly dreamz
Wild streets aren't designed 4 everybody out there, but me
Dats wi they invented, plain old grey sidewalks, 4 free

I feel totally naked widout it, I'm not a bad **** dirtee turtle
Dats wat mi mama once said, but even I'm shell shocked, can’t ya tell?
But wat ya see, is wat it really means, or so it should
So yes, it's good 2 be tha king of tha whole **** hood

One day I spilt the beans , on sum loyal corner crew boys
I told tha popo, I know dats so lo lo, but they killed using one of mi toys
If you’re not encouraged in life as a child, like most of uz
You'll always be in a cage as an adult, so wats the big fuss?

Attacked Mr Bigs crib and forced his family out, widout any doubt
Nobody likes a smelly snitch, 4 they will be hunted down and blacked out
They chose a new leader 4 da team and told him, ‘Ya better be able to cope’
But, he waz a brother, who neva new how to tie up all tha loose rope

I came on back and killed tha whole **** hood
A true gangsta haz pride and doze wat he should
I just rode on bi, in mi lo ridin’ convertible Jaguar cat
Shot up and sliced up, all doze forma ****** of mine, and dats dat

My soul is restless
I am seeking for my LOVERz
My BelovedZ
My eyes are tired
I'm unable to sleep in the nightz
My breathe is shallow
There is not enough oxygen in my lungs

In the dampness of your rain
I rub your LOVE-oil on my skin

In the dryness of the desert sun
I see LOVE-mirage as your oasis

In the cool breeze
I smell your body fragrance

In the soft touch of flower petals
I sleep within your LOVE dreamz

I search star and rainbow-ends
With every thing I encounter

I know, I know...
I will find you somewhere
In the vibgyor of your rainbow
In the leaf under the flower
In the dust that flies the dunes
In the streams that flows to the ocean
In the thorns that crowns my skull
In the snow clouds over my head
In the birds and bees
In the nails on my palm

I know before the sun-sets
YOU will find me and
Come running to me
To rest under my cross
To touch my torn robe

In the meantime...
I listen to the music of the waves
The ocean's colors - blue to green
I fill the seas with tears
Have you felt my blood tied
Reached your feet yet?

I feel the fire in the sun
The red, yellow and orange horizons
Yet YOU paint the sky blue
Have you seen the golden glow
Of my burning heart under your setting sun?

I add my tears to the dunes
I add my tears to the winds
I add my tears in the fire
I add my tears in the blood
When I send you all this
Can you pour a little LOVE
In the union of our existence?

I can feel you every where
I can see you in every place
But I can't touch you

I roll down the valley
Into the pit of fire

Before my soul burns the world
Why don't you come
And meet me my LOVE?
Touch me, hold me, hug me
Wish me...

I wait

LOVERz do not take permission
For finding their peace
In each other's soul
They simply do - they find LOVE
In each other's pores

Life squeeze out so much pain for us
LOVEz dripped out of our souls
And is sipped as nectar by us...

All the dreamz of life stood shattered
When we en flamed our hearts and
Stepped out to show our LOVEz

We who stand tall in LOVEz
Have breached all life's barriers

The one who falls in LOVE
Has given off all life's learning
They say "You take all..."
So that LOVERz can
Show up at the door step
At the very moment
Played by the flute of the fate

We walk around like
Shadows of each other
But don't be mistaken...
We are still each other's LOVERz

Look into our eyes - Oh world...!
We are carrying the image
Of our soul-mate within us

May be through our sacrificial gape
We've attained this repute
Of not using the dramatics of words
Through the lingering memories of LOVE

Who cares, what we say or write
Let us LOVEz each other
Let us show them true "LOVE..!"

This world offers nothing
Thus for each other's sake,
We left everything
With that type of REBELLION
We created our "LOVE" for each other

Though we do not meet often
It does not matter much
As we live always within each other's soul

Such painful grieving LOVE of ours
Is indeed a success of our LOVING

LOVERz are "we" - such as...

The tears of Layla falls out
From the eyes of Romeo

The wounds of Zuliet are seen
As scars on Majnun's skin

When Ranjzhana cries - zHeer bleeds...

Ranzjhana -
An ordinary boy
Was Zheer's friend
And in LOVE with Zheer
But Zheer did not know that

He wanted to let Zheer know
He LOVED her
So one day - he asked Zheer
To help him write a LOVE letter
In lyrical and poetic way
To the one - he LOVEz

Not knowing it was her that
Ranzjhana was referring to
Zheer sat besides him
And started jotting down
What Ranzjhana's told her

This is that: A LOVE Letter


Oh my Precious One
Oh my Princess of dreamZ
With lots of LOVE and affection

Um... I am your LOVERz
I write this letter

[Oh, Zheer, I am hopeless - am not I?
Should I say so fast I am your LOVERz?]

Oh, my apple of my eye
Oh my Angel of heart
I am your LOVERz

[smiles and laughs]

My Rose - Please when you read it
Read it as a lyrical song
Make up some music in your mind
Let it play in back ground around you

YOU are My Moonlight
I hope you are well there
I am doing okay here

When I think of you
Poetry flows out of me
Flowers grow in garden
Oasis flows in desert
The sun rises the horizon
The clouds shower rains
The bees buzz
The birds sings love songs

When your thought passes me
My heart fills up my soul
And stream out like a waterfall

When I anticipate to see you
Some words just flow out of me
That time I feel so good inside me

But when I sit down to write to you
I am unable to jot down a single word

That is so true, that is me
In such times -
I wait for you to write through me
Which you always do...

Whatever LOVE wounds and
LOVE injuries inflict me
Inside my longing heart
It leaves my broken heart -
Full of bleeding scars

But with just a memory of your
Eyes, smile and face
Everything gets healed by itself
I do not know what it is in YOU
Some kind of magic or it is a miracle

But every time death knocks at my door
You appear to chase it away from me

[Zheer,, Please write this down too...]

Whatever scars my heart can take it
Protects you from such similar sadness
Whenever I am in pain, grief and despair
Protects you from such similar sorrows

Because it is just LOVE
I yearn for you day and night
Without expressing my LOVE for YOU
I feel like sobbing and crying

But I do not cry
My tears dry before they trickle out
Because I think - If I cry
YOU will feel sad
So when I think of that...

[Oh... stop..!]

It is difficult for humans to understand
Is not what mortals are made of
Our LOVE is beyond that....
So infinite, so unconditional
Is far more than words can define

You are my soothing "God/dess"
If I call you Ram
Will you understand my LOVE?
If I call you Allah
Will you understand my LOVE?
If I call you Jesus
Will you understand my LOVE?

Now, do you understand
How much I LOVE YOU..?.



[Ranzjhana smiles and looks at Zheer
"Please read out what you wrote for me..!"
Zheer replies:
"Oh Ranzjhana -
I hope there was one
Like YOU - to LOVE me too..."]

And Zheer starts singing the poem
In the form of a song


Since you met me
I've only sung
your songs of LOVE

Who is it? It is "YOU"
The one who comes
In my dreamZ every night
The one who has made
A home in my heart

Don't ask me the joys
Of solitude and longing
In your LOVE

At every turn of moment
I've created a
stepping stone for YOU
Through by prayers

Such is the effect of
your illumination on me
You reflect from my being
Lighting every path I walk

And I wanderlust on
The unknown path
You take me through


Since you've started LOVING me
Everyone finds me attractive
I've become confident & kind
I've been successful
Now I appreciate your loving

Your LOVE opens every lock
On the heart doors to heaven
You are my LUCKY CHARM

(Both together)

OUR LOVE illuminates the world
OUR flame of LOVE never dies


That's why
The sky blushes redness
The clouds cry tears of LOVE
The flowers blooms in color
The fireflies illuminates in glory
The stars sparkle in harmony
The birds dance in emancipation


Thus even if...
We might die one day but
Our LOVE will live forever


My BELOVEDz - YOU are naughty
Very flirtatious
A little risque I may say

In those times
What could I - your LOVERz do?

My eyes sees BELOVEDz in every thing
Everywhere, anywhere,
The places and people I see
Yet my BELOVEDz is not present
Physically in front of me
I do not know where and why
My BELOVEDz is hiding from me

Like a bird my BELOVEDz flies
From south to north
From west to east
Along with the clouds
The winds, rains and sunshine
But never comes to sit within my nest

In such times,
When YOU are so mischievous
What could I - your LOVERz do?

YOU are the only dreamZ of my life
YOU are my only desire
YOU are born of me so that
I can be born out of YOUR LOVEz

Whoever meets YOU
Feels your warm LOVE
Whoever sees YOU
Feels good about life
That our LOVE created
YOU are adored by all

The way you live
The way you work
The way you walk
The way you talk
Everyone wants to be with YOU
Your smiles & your eyes

You seem to be with everyone
But, YOU are not with me
My BELOVEDz - YOU are gamey
Now tell me,
What should I - your LOVERz do?

Come - leave your risque
Leave your mischieves
Leave your games
Come near me
Let me see you
Let me embrace YOU
Let me hide you in my heart
Put you against my breast
Let me show you my LOVE
And FREE you from life's prisons

Whatever you do in life
Life always pulls you away from LOVE
My LOVE will bring you back
To your inner self
The one you truly seek

My BELOVEDz - I know - within
YOU are very loving
But a little coquette I may say

In such times
Just tell me dear - BELOVEDz
What could I - your LOVERz do?
I am @ your LOVEz Mercy

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me

Placing a bouquet of LOVE flowers
Within my heart's vase

And rode away on my
Golden heart chariot

Even with a restless soul
Heart beats galloping fast
BELOVEDz trusted me

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me
To kiss me with pink petal lips

I listen to those jingling anklets
While LOVERz walk and run towards me

With a garland sewed out of her gazes
BELOVEDz adorned me with thousand desires

For sole LOVE's reason BELOVEDz unlocked
The gates of life's prisons for me

The haunting nights were over now and
The fantasy world of our dreamZ lives on...

BELOVEDz carved a name on my heart
With the sharp shards of broken pieces
Of her own heart and colored it
With her own blood red

With each inscription carved
On me by my BELOVEDz
LOVE & LOVING pained a lot but
Healed my broken heart's scars

BELOVEDz repaid with due interest
To the LOVERz LOVE & LOVEz debt

BELOVEDz came and provided me
A lap to sleep on
The bosoms to hide me in
The lips for me to drink her nectar
The breathe for me to LIVE forever
A womb for me to be born again

BELOVEDz surrendered the being to me
To fulfill all our wishes & desires

I placed my eyes on the path
And played the strings of music
With rhythm and melodies of LOVE

Now I live within the inner being
Making dark nightz within BELOVEDz hair
Making bright dayz within BELOVEDz gaze
Transforming me into a life-long ETERNAL LOVERz

Now I don't want to wake up
My heart filled with BELOVEDz desires
I live and die for every single word
Uttered by my BELOVEDz

BELOVEDz stays as
Visions in my eyes
Prayers on my lips
Chants of my worship
Music of my heart

BELOVEDZ came and deposited LOVE
Never to leave me again

My eyes, my heart, my being
My soul, my spirits are
Fixed only on my BELOVEDz path

My BELOVEDz came to soothe me

Placing a bouquet of LOVE flowers
Within my heart's vase

And never left me again...

I see only in your eyes
That reflects the times we live
Through the crystal clear
Ocean blue sky
Beyond the depth of abyss
All I see in you my LOVE
In all the cosmic parables

The star hole within
The needle rainbow
And those secret
Invisible embraces and
Passionate kisses

If ever there was one
I was to LOVE
It is YOU
No one offers me LOVE
The way you do...

Your heart is my key-less room
To enter and sleep
Your doors are un-locked
Open for me to rest within
We walk together
On the green pastures
Below the dark navy blue skies
To sow our seeds
To harvest our yields

You are the one whom I can rely
I can come and cry
Speak my heart out because
You always gather my pieces
And heal me together

You make my cold warm
I climb on your mountains
And drown in your valleys
You never let me jaded
In the sunset and sunrise
Of the celestial light years

OUR LOVE makes "peace"
LOVE summon inner courage
For us to hold hands and walk
In grief and pain
You make me smile and dance
With your ROFL
Crackling one-liners

There was none before my dreamZ
There was none I believed
You cleared the dust of "I know"
Thus it is world's loss and our gain

YOU always catch me with open arms
When I fall from grace of life
YOU push back the sun and clouds
To bring my innocence back in YOU
I know, you will always show up
If I lost the whole world for YOU

I know, you've gathered my each tear
To make a necklace for your soul
Who would cry LOVE drops
To stop the time cycle for LOVE?

If there is one
Who smile on my face
Every night when I weep
The tears of longing

With our infinite LOVE
We demand the galaxy
From every grain-sand of life

Raghiba batool Aug 2014
Max Neumann Nov 2019
stiff dreamz




still dreamin'
me ok

— The End —