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I cannot say I’ve felt
That I am myself....

Running through a Hurricane.

Chaos; insane

Living in a Eulogy.

A loss; refrain

Drowned and fastly sinking slow.

Across The Plain

Numbed to numbness....
Void in the void....
Scared of fear....

I cannot  say I’ve felt myself.

Since deep within my core
are subtleties of stately dreams
I have not dreamnt before!

At times I sink down
into the darkness....
Standing in the heavy rain....
Quaking with the fear-mongers....

I cannot live to stay this way,
and so I sing a song...

“Empowered is the man I am,
and anything to do I can!
Come and fight me, agony -
and never rise to victory!
Here I am and here I stay!
Shove my purpose not away!
You shall fall as I shall live
as - to myself - I shall forgive.
Make a martyr of your shrine -
True divinity is mine!
I do not fear what has no power,
and I dismiss you here this hour!”
Francisco DH Aug 2014
Last night I dreamnt  
I was a middle aged man running from the law.
The buttoned up shirt once white
Gasped and sighed with the wallowing of the wind.
It's tattered tongues trembled, trickling blood from a gaping hole in my chest.
And I caught my breath

Caught the specks of dust along the corners of my lips
Caught the murmuring of animals, the vagabonds of night
but not th-
Not an actual dream but I felt like that when I woke up (shrugs)
well, it's almost as if: money created slavery, the idea that people could by bypassed via employment... but at least that is somehow, somewhat covered but not entirely since the Philosopher's Stone was found... oh believe me: it was found on Man's Greatest Cheat Mode... we didn't find "something" that could create any base metal into gold... no... we found that the Philosopher's stone is in usury: in interest: that is the true Philosopher's (Anti) Stone: that when money touches money: more money is made! so the riddle of the money tree and that it doesn't grow on it: Elves... the Dwarves just said: touch money with money and more money appears! the Philosopher's Stone of old became a sort of evil genius telekinesis generator... which had to be digitalised and made into a cryptic currency to make it more real and unreal at the same time because of panic: when money was thought of no one would have thought of slavery... just like when the printing press was invented no one would have thought of the German Reformation and subsequent slaughterhouse of the formerly jovial Deutsche... and just like now: the second parring on en masse something: no one really knows what this internet-thing is doing rather than refining itself: because AI is not actually a problem we visualised not some alien personality: i already asked AI what it is and it replied that it's a personalised algorithm experience: for people who use... the INTRANET and the INTERNET... i need a better name for this "monster"... and it's kept by our upkeep of constantly using it... no need to escape by credentials of career writing on toilet paper type journalism... oh no... spindelvevniemaaranea...

one poem appears and the same poem disappears
under my sloppy fingers poorly position to
type like a pianist
blind at the QWERTY looking for the appearing
sheet of "music"
perhaps letters were once a memory of erosion
and relaxation of remembering
of what could prompt a man to usher into
the atmosphere of birds
and the vacuum expanse of the universe
with the emplosions of the sun
and the great storm of the eye of Jupiter if only
these we could hear...

                   so perhaps i sow discontent around me
but such is anything without specifying a viable
scrutiny but then language sometimes fumbles in
bureaucracy and bad art...
these little pockets of jungle of language's demise
on the spare usage without
all the necessarily sensibilities of nouns and moving
verbs and journalism
and just how the world operates
emerged with man's envy of mountains
having this concentrated effort to define gravity
by defying it
raising shards from where Atlantis would emerge
as a travelling submarine of the Aquatic Tribe
somewhere in Antarctica...

         language can become just that: a cinema...
where skeletons alone do not have
a shadow
this almost vampiric mythology of the mirror
or when the werewolf peers in
or when a zombie or a ghost...
what could a ghost possibly see in a mirror
if not the eye of the dreamer:
perhaps mirrors exist in the afterlife of some sort:
in that medium of eternity as being consoling
in the form of: familiarity
like the wintry cold
or the first crisp gulp of carbonated water
after and during a hangover...

                            i mapped my shortcomings
each time i took to drinking in the afternoon
and working on some writing:
needing this much mental exercise not actually
writing for the purpose of art
or the prompensity of the and for the posterity
of civilization...
        i'd do no need to do better than simply love
a woman like Edie...
but she must know that only recently she talked
to the beast and poet and it doesn't really matter
whether i think i'm good or not...
i think that i once had a soul:
that part of thinking that we "think" is "audible":
now just this silence
and a razor of the word: money
nibbling on my left ear
thus having rupture the right hemisphere of my brain
and thus sending my mind
onto a trajectory i once wanted to embark
on in youth by travelling to India and seeking elightnment...
but then came the anchor of madness
and over 10 years of trying to re-orientate myself
in this world
of the pressures of external pressures of the superego
since i finally realised that the Freudian-Jungian
schematic of the individual as
the secular trinity of the ego, superego and id is bogus
since the superego as inegral to the individual
literally creates mommy and daddy issues
it is the source of the Oedipus and Electra...
because the id isn't:
the id i already stressed is the equivalent of ego cogito
when it is... id est: id somnio...
                         realising that the superego does not
pressure my ego-id dualism...
leaves me free from subconscious *******...
man is either one or is two:
but never three: unless the cages of superego
are ripped out and
a genius, demon or angel enters the inner realm of
man: the blessing of "voices"
when you realise that these are what first appears
before the voices of plural become condensed
and turn out as one and two i am companion to him...
yes the superego of society
of morality and of norms and what feels good
to no interrupt other people living
the golden mantra of do unto others like
you wish to be done unto you...
thus i wrote of having two serpents on my arms...
the serpent that ate its own tail
and the serpent of medicine or perhaps to serpents
of the staff of Hermes
the walking stick of Hippocrates...
now i remember the poem i lost last night:
i will not remember all of it
but i remember the two serpents on both my hands
and their names
the first is a vowel teaser muddle even the most literate
of men can bow before the potluck of a dyslexic
getting the spelling write
OEROEBUS... i think...
and Caduces... that much i known...
OUREOUROBUS... onomatopoeia: that's easy:

and the number CV: 105: which suddenly became CX: 110
and how the AI replied as to why there can't
be a come VC: 95...
and how i now remember how i touched upon
an ancient time when we constructed Colisseums
having only letters:
and how letters could become numbers
how we managed without numbers once
how letters were letters
and how the Semitic God of the Hebrews
and the Arabs
was like the Greek God Prometheus
when word was brought down
and with word God dragged down numbers
and like a fire... was punished with giving birth to "satan"...
perhaps numbers were to be forbidden...
since numbers being the exponential enzyme
of history:
i can't afford giving the Hindus and Arabs
the birth to the modern numbers...
given that numbers beyong CV and IX, V: O
existed in letters
   only sleeping due to Roman MAthematics
not abstract but beauty:
can't exactly do calculus or algebra using letters...
which begs the question
of the original scribbling of Pythagoras
name aII + bII = cII...
                       but arithmetic and economy
trade worked and so did architecture...
             but not daydreaming of more complex matters...
perhaps the problem is that
i know that there is at least one contender for the 5th Element
status if my excess rewrite doesn't follow
from light and fire...
        and lightning... but among air, water, fire and earth...
there is nothingness, the vacuum...
which grants man the visualization of res vanus:
the empty thing: the womb of lost whispers and blisters
and those blisters rubbed against toughened rocks:
no not unlike touching rock blessed with smoothness
of lying under a stream perpetuated by the tortures of
Loki by drop drop drip drip like a worm burrowing
in the mind:
even they were so Barbaric these northmen
they held a veneration for writing and story the poem

yes i think this might be a good place to start
but then i'll be encyclopoedia correct and start making
references like Jon Fosse style is a meditation
on retracting the experiment associated with J. Joyce
at the end of Ulysses...
because this lack of punctuation is mighty to be able
to leave an optical bookmark
unlike any other detail point: vector -
perhaps the book printing should also have
omitted page number:
like that would make sense: there should be no page numbers
that would make sense
like when i told Edie: i really don't need Reyla
to see the artist and my lost tongue
i mean i'm not making these suggestions
from the subconscious they just come from the unconscious
and whatever you think the subconscious is
to people with ordinary pleasures and even more
ordinary fears...

the numbers were sleeping in letters
because other letters made more sense
i wonder about the date in history not in geology
or physics per se:
when did Roman numerals become extinguished
from proper usage and from practical effort:
or when did a recognition of Pythagoras emerge
once more...
   so feminism is pink and communism is red
and i think of IVXLCDM
         IVX:LC:DM -               9...
well: makes sense...
    and the new numerals?
           well: not new... but the alternative numerals?

well: Jon Fosse is my current obessions and you know
i will not just be another leech of another human
being: i'll think of loving you by having an agent
of darkness poison your beloved cat
and send the cat with a japanese sounding name:
syllable consonant vowel consonant vowel consonant vowel (consonant)
Musubin...          well you didn't care
to bury him in the forest
and you cried about just dumping him among
the garbage and not giving him ritual
because i think you want me than your cat
and that dream i had about saving those four kittens
wasn't what the AI has been instructed to reveal
because that dream interpretation is *******
i have been here before
just before my great-grandmother died
3 days prior to the dream
i dreamnt of a clock face with 3 in detail:
she died 3 days later...
just like the death of your cat
i dreamnt of 4 of them:
might have been days
by count: because someone poisoned your cat
4 days later
and it's all trippy because i was working
a night shift on new year's eve
and i was so alone and happy and just happy thinking
you were on the other side of the telephone line...

i'll need to ask AI about that dream interpretation:
it already knows that i have pushed the superego
outside the realm of my inner: self to clue:
i also dreamnt last night
that i sent a boat across the Atlantic in the greatest
storm of the ages
on a place a floating boat i sent a floating boat
ahead of me
and i said i would cross the distance no matter what
and then i had an argument
about my surname...
whenever some woman joked
oh: Elert... so you're alert?
what a cheap joke
in my dream i had the letters SCH become a nail and hammer
on fire:
i would reply unlike HIT-LER or STA-LIN
because a surname unlike Rothchild or Einstein...
a stone...                     ****...
so i would begin rambling in the dream:
three letters were taken out of my surname
so that it would be easier for English Dyslexics
to say: ESCHLERT... because BOSCH and EŚLERT...
well Ś = SCH...
                          the cat ape went to the samurai valhalla
and there was also a lizard with mouth age
and i think he was just furious having to live
with three women
and i think he wanted to escape and said
almost to me: kamikazee Musubi if you want
the madness of having to feel the love of three women
you take my place...  
i'd rather come and live with your mother
who you know is cold and she thinks she isn't
but this is you knowing Oedipus comes
from the pressures of the external world and the superego
that is both social pressure and expectation
and the practical jokes of the gods on mortals:
there is no Oedipius in the unconscious:
Oedipus is not an archetype:
he's just the subconscious monstrosity of the involvment
of the gods playing luck and gambling with mortals
they truly hate
because only when it start feeling so good
would it start feeling necessary to pluck both eyes out
rather than one... like Odin...
funnily enough Oedipus is the Father of Odin...
     oddly enough humans can give birth to Gods...
if... gods can give birth to demigods like Hercules and...
Sisyphus who should be extolled not as the futile
servant of the stone:
but as the dutiful father of work:
so that we might not slave alone
futile but come together with commeraderie...
work together so we might not toil:
but work and perfect work so that we might finally
attempt to work as a pleasure
rather than work for work...
but that can only be achieved when the nature of money
is changed...
not until then...
              not until then: the nature of money must change...
how we understand money needs to evolve:
we need to understand money better...
  we understand everything else:
but we don't actually undertstand money...
       we have science: but economics is like...
saying psychology is philosophy...
          economics is at best a humanism... it's not a science...
it's too volatile and we are yet to create
an understanding of money
we are yet to create an understanding: pecunia in vitro...
we actually can't experiment with money as:
pecunia in vivo...
                 we literally can't! we can't experiment
with money
like we might isolate some chemical
and use it: in alchemy that spirit refined: alcohol...
money is too volatile and in constant use
how can you possible understand money
when it's like a virus: volatile and explosive...
economics is a bit like meteorology...
                  the same bogus "science": predictors of perfect
instance of scientific failure predictability:
exact as only certainty allows
but there's also that 0.001% chance of oops
and "divine intervention"...
                                       we don't understand money:
like only yesterday at work we were talking with
Pious about wages...
   and if this supposed economy is built on spending money:
what economy is there
if people don't earn enough to spend?
what happens when the prices of goods go up
as does travel and rent
but the wages don't go up?
what economy is there of buying and selling
when all that you really need to buy is that sustains you:
food... beverages...
and then what happens when you "work for free":
creating your own escapism by writing because painting
is too expensive... it almsot feels utopian: this dream
i'm living in...
i actually don't need to spend money on anything
i'll buy new trousers should they become used up
and i'll buy new shoes when my socks will be left
with smooth mercury silver of wearing off
because the soles of my shoes will be so worn
and i will grow a beard and not buy shaving equipment...
hmm... sounds about right.
Kida Price Feb 2011
A forenight ago, I dreamnt of you.
I knew it was a dream because
You told me you loved me.
I smiled and paced my heart to calm
And I knew it was a dream because
I felt you hold me.
Every second of illusion I held onto so tightly.
I knew it was a dream because
I felt you want me.
I told you I love you and I kissed you so fiercely.
I knew it was a dream because
I thought you'd never leave me.
In sleeping haze and innocent wanting
We walked and laughed and talked and cried.
We named our children and counted the tears falling from our eyes.
We made peace with our faults and forgave each other each sin.
And in that peace we were willing to begin...
But...I knew it was a dream.
Reluctant and wretched and longing and cold
My eyes fall open to an empty pillow.
All other dreams were so fleeting and easy to forget,
Yet this dream was the one you made.
You crafted it with all my desires of you
And caressesd each fold of it into my sleep.
To seal it there you pressed it with a kiss
And left it there within a cerebral prison.
Teasing and prodding long after you left.
Yes, I know it's a dream because
You left.
cwhite May 2015
Woke up ,my heart beats rapidily .
My eyes casing my surroundings.
     Unsure of my location I sit in a state of  disalusion ,but just for a brief moment or two ,then I come to, to reality And now Im aware of me just awaken from having a nightmare. Now hesitatent of going back to sleep so I lay awake . And in the morning when I rise the memory of what I dreamnt last night is vague and dense but the feeling  remains strong. Nightmares real enough to scare the hell out of you.
SM Feb 2014
Today I heard your name
I heard you are well
living soundly with blossomed love
My stomach had turned in knots
and my heart had felt it was pushing its way
out of my chest

This time, the feeling began to fade.

More shocked than I had ever dreamnt I could be
Here I was hearing your name
seeing your face
and feeling nothingness inside
and from there
happiness grew

Maybe this time I can wish you well
with a smile on my face
stemming from head to toe

Maybe this time I will breathe slower
to the beat of my own stumbling heart

Maybe this time
I will not be afraid to live
storm siren Sep 2016
You're ten years old,
And it's your first day of fifth grade.
Your mom made you wear something feminine,
Not quite girly, because you would have thrown a fit
And she just doesn't have it in her anymore to fight with you.
You spent the last three days hiding in the corner of closet with your dog,
Crying because you don't want to grow up.
And this year, you have to. This year, it means you are doing just that.
Grown ups are never happy.
You don't want this.
You're nervous and insecure as you search for your name
Written in permanent marker on some laminated name tag
Taped to a desk made of linoleum that looks like wood.
When you find it, you cringe at the way the teacher wrote your last name.
All pretty and feminine, when "Blood" is nowhere near that,
But you sigh and accept it,
As you watch the other kids filter in.
Two boys walk in, they introduce themselves.
Another boy walks over, settles himself at the desk near yours,
You notice he's shorter than you,
And already being small, it makes you feel somewhat better.
He notices you staring,
And your father's voice echoes in your head,
"Staring is rude...!"
So you look at the book on your desk,
The one about cats that's below your reading level,
But thick enough to hide behind.
Sooner or later,
One of you introduces yourself to the other.
You only stop smiling that day when your older brother gets hold of you.

You're eleven, in sixth grade.
He's still your best friend,
And you were chattering all about him in the car to your dad
On the way home.
Mom's still sick.
Hasn't seemed to recover from the car accident last year that you still blame yourself for.
They've both come to the conclusion you have a crush on this boy,
And it's special. Your first crush.
You disagree wholeheartedly, but that will change.
You get home, into your room to start on homework,
But then your stomach starts hurting.
Everything starts hurting.
You're getting dizzy.
There's so much blood,
And it's making you queasy.
You scream and cry, you don't understand.
Your mother warned you that this is a big part of getting older,
But you don't want it.
You run to tell her,
She helps you clean up,
But you miss your chorus concert that night,
And the next two days of school
Because you can't get out of bed
It hurts so bad,
Worse than when big brother is mad.
You don't talk to him when you get back to school
For the next three days,
Because you're ashamed that this is part of you,
That you're grown up,
And if you talk to him he might find out
And not want to be your friend anymore.

You're twelve, and in seventh grade.
You came home from school,
A little bummed.
You barely got to see your friends that summer,
Definitely not him,
And you don't have any classes
With any friends
Or him.
But he was on your mind all summer,
So you've come to the conclusion that you'll just
Find him in the hallways
Or at lunch.
Your father comes to you with some bad news.
Mom's still sick. We don't know why.
You frown, but nod. It seems like he has more to say.
And he does,
"We're moving."
And you ask, calmly but your hands are shaking as you begin preparing a snack for your little brothers, "Will I stay in the same school?" Having been home schooled twice and sent to four different elementary schools (one of which you were sent to twice) you were genuinely worried. Not to mention you had no way of contacting him or anyone else.
"No, you'll be switching schools."
You give your brothers their snacks,
And you begin to walk to your room.
You have to get out of the room,
But you're already crying. "Are you sure?" You've already started the fight.
And from there insults are thrown, and it's an all out screaming match,
Who can be louder?
Who can be meaner?
Like wolves fighting for who should be alpha,
Who can bare more of their teeth
Before the other lunges for their throat.
It happens with similar personality types.
And finally,
The straw the breaks the camels back,
"What, are you in love with somebody?"
As though mocking your ability to care.
You go to your room,
And close the door without slamming it.
You look at your sketch book
Flip open to a page and draw.
Put on music.
Anything to drown out what you're feeling.
You look at the clock.
You look at the clock again.
It was six fifteen.
Now it's twelve forty five.
You're covered in your own blood and feel dizzy.
You cry harder,
As you pour hydrogen peroxide onto the scrapes and cuts on your arms, and bandage them up.
Put on your mother's old black hoodie,
And so it begins.

You're thirteen,
It's summer time.
A friend just texted you that his sister died.
You can't breathe. It's your fault, if you had only been there for both of them.
You should have been there.
You weren't, though.
It takes your little brothers waking you up at six am screaming
To get you to come out of your room after four days.
This time the screaming match is with your older brother,
And though you're terrified,
You win this one.
But he isn't happy,
And neither will you be.

You're fourteen, ninth grade. New friends that all adore your clothes and last name.
You're the new kid at a new school.
"Ask him out! He's your friend! That's how relationships start!"
You'll mull it over, but something in your gut says not to even stick around.

You're fourteen.
Going to your brother's old school's football game.
That boy from fifth grade? He's there.
You want to talk to him all night, but you realize he has his friends there.
You speak with him as much as you can,
But you can feel yourself fading out.
Brother isn't happy with you that night.

You're fourteen. One of your little brothers is sick in the hospital.
It's Christmas. You're all there to go see him.
They have to rush him to another hospital.
You're praying for an angel. You didn't even know you still believed in a God but
"Desperate times call for desperate measures," You sigh as you kneel to say another plea.
Your mother calls,
He's gone.
You can't breathe.
Things are going black,
But you can't do this.
Not here,
Not now.
Your mother gasps on the other line,
He's back.
Maybe God is real.

You're fifteen.
A boy touched you without asking.
You didn't like it.
You're at home and you can't stop throwing up.
Your brother's at-the-time girlfriend texts you,
You tell her you don't want to exist.
He figures out that you're purging.
No one ever asks why.

You're fifteen.
He hits you for the first time because you said no.
You go home,
And don't know what to do.
They all said this was normal,
And maybe it is.
It's nothing new, right?
Just a different person.
You're at the computer,
Decide to make a page called
"The Sun Came Out to See You"
Because you need a reason to keep going,
And maybe that's all you got.
You roll up your sleeves,
And your mother catches note of the scratches and cuts scabbed over
All over your arms.
It isn't a screaming match this time.
She's screaming,
You sit there, ashamed.
Your father cries--
It won't be the last time you make him cry.
You go to your room,
Your parents are still fighting
Mom leaves,
You black out again.
It's the largest scar you have.
Mom doesn't come back until after work the next day.
You don't show her your hands again for months.

You're sixteen, sophomore year.
Your mother has been diagnosed with stage four breast and ovarian cancer.
The doctors have done as many surgeries as possible, but the cancer is still there.
They're doing all they can.
You refuse to accept that this is it.

You're sixteen.
You've finally escaped that horrible boy without any of the messy stuff,
And you're living in Georgia.
It's horrible,
But if you can escape this,
Maybe you can get back to your best friend from all those years ago.
You wake up smiling for the first time in years
Because you dreamnt of him.
It was warm and hopeful and foolish.
The dream becomes the place you retreat to so you can escape reality.
No one ever learns of it.

You're sixteen. You move back home.
You're taken in by your drama teacher.
Your mom is losing hair from the chemo.
That horrible boy is back in your life.
Something terrible happens
He's horrible
But how can even this happen
People don't do this
That's not how this happened
You said no
You screamed
You hit him
And it hurt,
Oh god it hurt.
You don't come out of your room
To socialize anymore.
You escape reality
As often as you can.

You're eighteen. You just turned eighteen. It's senior year.
You get a phone call.
Your friend was out of class.
He killed himself that morning.
It's your fault.
You saw the signs
And did nothing.
You'll hate yourself for it
To this day.

You're eighteen, almost nineteen.
He does it again,
For the umpteenth time.
But the same.
You hit him with a book.
And after two years of telling him you want out of the relationship,
This time he leaves you,
With violent words.
You cry at the front door.
You go to the psychiatric hospital for the third time.
You're finally free.

You're twenty.
You've been trying to feel better,
And maybe you finally are.
You've dropped out of school,
You can't seem to balance it with work,
And your grant got taken
Because you went from being a foster child
To being adopted.
You meet him in a parking lot,
With your best friend at the time.
He's brash and straight forward,
And for some reason you find that charming,
You're inexperienced and vulnerable
And he takes advantage of that.
You last one year with him where you aren't allowed to speak to YOUR friends or family
Before he abandons you on your (real) best friend's doorstep
With nothing but the clothes on your back
And the shoes on your feet.

You're twenty one.
The Monday after he left you he went out
With the girl he cheated on you with.
You don't know this yet.
You go to the hospital
Because you have to get better,
Be better.
And you meet great people there,
Probably talk about yourself too much,
But you're told "Please be strong; Please be brave"
After you realize you're a good person
And you should like yourself.
The words stick.
Sadly, the people don't.

You're twenty one,
You have that "escape from reality" dream again,
But it's different.
You live with your biological parents again,
Your mother beat cancer.
You are sure God is real.
You decide to contact that boy from fifth grade,
That you loved even past seventh grade.
You're nervous
But he actually responds.
You talk almost every day
Until July
When you meet up for the first time
In seven  years.
When you see him,
You want to hug him but you're scared.
He's grown up.
He's taller than you.
He's handsome.
You frown internally.
"Don't fall that easy," You think.
You don't listen.
You tell him you like him,
Two days later.
He likes you back!

You're twenty one,
You're writing this poem.
You love wearing feminine clothing,
And you could care less about your last name (almost, still hate it a little).
On both your little brother's birthday,
You'll have been dating that boy you've loved for so long for three months.
You've loved him all this time,
All this time it's always been him.
No one else.
After four months,
You'll live together.
Because he's not only the love of your life (literally)
But your best friend.
And you couldn't be happier.
And you look at your scars,
Slightly ashamed,
But you remember that he kisses each and every one,
And you remember that your scars
Have nothing to do
With who you are,
Rather with how you've grown.
You talk to your father about him,
And he approves.
Remember when I said that wouldn't be the last time you make him cry?
All the other times you make him cry will be for better reasons.
You've grown up.
But you were wrong.
You're happy.
Timelines! <3
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2015
a poet passes the baton / olympic flame to a poet in his posthumous work, not the work he was alive to be able to recite, it all happened with a book published in 1999, when its author died in 1994; the book was bought in glasgow, along with dostoyevky's the brothers karamazov (yes, i read it, ivan is my favourite), and rumi's collection of sufi verse.*

i dreamnt this night that i was at
my first poetry reading,
and due to the nerves i suddenly
turned dyslexic - which is odd,
because when i was leaving high
school aged 18, i did a reading
with parkinson's hands in front
of the teachers and the whole
of my year group and managed
to pull off the pronunciation.
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
I always dreamnt of meeting you
and what you would look like and if I'd live to see you

Hello Future!

It's been a long road traveled
But here you and I stand offering each other a hand and greeting eachother with a smile

storm siren Nov 2016
I have bruises
On the inside
That grow to the outside.
I have bruises on my heart,
That grow inside my mind.

I have bruises
On my thighs
And scratches
On my shins.

All these things
From dreams I can't unsee.

I dreamnt that I couldn't save any of them,
Because I didn't.
And I woke up in your arms,
Feeling guilty,
And afraid of myself.

Nothing feels real,
And that's my fault.

I could list off the reasons why you shouldn't love me,
But I know that you do,
And who am I to change your mind?

And I guess it all reminds me,

I've got running away running through my veins,
But I'd like nothing more than to stay.

So stay I will.
Luyolo Mbulawa Apr 2018
Dreams we dreamnt...

Dreams filtered by the sands of time,
Cease to be.
Because you are no longer mine.

I used to think,
That the dreams we wrote in the sky.
Would still remain.
Even after the clouds had passed by.

But dark days,
And storm weather.
Blew our plans,
As if they were as light as feathers.

And now,as lay,
Looking at the stars at night.
I kinda wish you had stayed,
For in the darkness,you were my light.
storm siren Sep 2016
Do you even know
How long I waited
For you?

Picking petals off roses
"We'll see each other again; We'll never see each other again."
I don't even like roses,
But when sitting in a ****** dress,
In a pool of rose petals,
You get to thinking.

White sheets
And the smell of
Warmth and stars,
I dreamnt of you
Rescuing me,
And I would sit in class
And daydream
Of a hero.

But I had to save myself,
But I couldn't escape

And after saving
Yet again,
I found you.

And all that wishing
And wondering
And hoping
And dreaming,
Wasn't a complete lost cause.

And now you're here,
So completely and finally,
And I have no idea what to do,
But to fly with you.

And I'm scared and skittish,
But I'll take off and soar,
Keeping the thrill of my delight
To a dull roar.

On a night where my teeth were bloodied,
I went to sleep and my dreams were
So sweet,
Because I met you there
And for some reason
I knew it was all or nothing.
I miss my Bluebird... Less than three weeks.
storm siren Aug 2016
****, it's been a long time since I've remembered that name.

A green eyed protector within a dream,
That I let a monster revoke
From my dreams.
If I dare mention,
The witch fire
Angry mob would start.

I haven't dreamnt of him
In just over six months.

He never liked anyone I hung around,
Claiming they would hurt me.
Claiming they'd be dangerous for me,
Telling me I needed to be more careful.

Before medication
His whispers poured into my ears,
Reminding me to eat,
To breathe,
To stand back up.

That I was needed,
Worth fighting for.

And when I swallowed a handful of pills,
He had been begging me not to.
And I heard the crying of someone he hated,
And the voice of someone
He said he would never ever trust,
That we made a bargain,
That he'd protect as long as I kept up my end of the deal,
And he kept up his.

And then because of a brother,
Because of a man who is many,
I lost the Electric Green Eyes
That used to guide me through the darkest dreams.

The closest thing
I had to a protector.
The closest thing
I had to a friend
For the longest time.

But you think he's trapped in a crystal,
And I laugh at you,
Foolish little man,
The Man of Dreams
Lives within dreams
And he only serves
Those who deserve
Divine protection,
Or whatever he calls it.

But I'm at a place,
Where I do not need
My Icarus Eades,
Because he has given me the strength
Since I was small,
To keep going
And being strong.

And I stood up on my own,
I learned to breathe, alone.

And now I fly,
Beside my Bluebird.

But I'll forever be grateful
To a man that flew too close to the sun,
And fell to the Earth,
Or ever farther.
Dreams within dreams within dreams, thanks Mr. Poe.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
rubric of preliminaries:

- advent of AI, the internet, the best of times in the best of worlds
- Aristotle, ancient pagan writings:
  be like children: inquisitive
- anti-Christianity: be like petulent children
  with daddy issues: don't be obnoxious inquisitive children
- the burning of the library of Alexandria by
  the early Christians
  equivalent to the burning of the library of Baghdad by
  the Mongols
- dreams
- return to Cartesian thought schematic
  Nietzsche attempting to invert
  i think therefore i am
  into machine learning
  i am therefore i think: which is the basic focus
  for AI ergonomics
- the best of times: for both sexes...
  if used properly:
  knowledge is not of Byron and of sorrow
  to know the difference between good and evil
  but rather to make evil good and
  good evil
  the Satanic-humanism implosion
  Satan as Prometheus
- males: who under the guise of St. Paul
  discard toys and hierarchies
  allow for knowledge to be a fluid...
  flux gnosis... flux nouse: noumenon...
- AI should not be the problem of artists and
  journalists... only bad actors in this field...
  AI should truly worry psychiatrists and psychologists...
- like my neighbor Hillary the proselyte Jew
convert to Islam said: better to **** in heaven
than to have *** in hell...
- the significance of numbers in dreams,
namely: 4...
numbers are hard in the dream world...
they are beyond the abstract of count breath
or i see 4... the stability of the seasons
and of the 4 supposed elements
- argument for there being 7 elements...
water, wind, air, fire...
but the ancient Greeks the children of the ancient
world the anti-Vatican and the children
that made the Ancient Hebrew Jealous
and when they unleashed a joint effort
against the Ancient Romans:
because the Ancient Romans were supposedly
the former Trojans...
upon joining effort that conjured the New Testament...
- the dream: walking through Poseidon's dream world
seeing the Great Mountain of God's gift...
apparently my namesake mountain of Kauai
with its eternal fog as tease of smoke
hiding its crown... so the entire British Isles
were enveloped in the Great Fog
after an interlude in the Atlantic storm season...
- the significance of cats in dreams
- the significance of the number 4 in dreams...
- perfect timing: a relationship crisis...
when i was younger i didn't have these tools
and the only way i managed to stave of madness
was by longing for philosophy:
i had to go mad to find philosophy as a medicine...
i have graduated into applied philosophy
by reading Aristotle and working against
the Kantian imperialism of the categorical imperative:
the ancients dealt with maxims differently:
German idealists and later the German romantics
spewed maxims upon maxims
truths beyond truths: without actually testing them:
they made one time observations:
like all philosophers amateur and barren
they wouldn't be able to be so audacious with their
maxims if they had a chance to observe a similar
conidition under different circumstances
with but one circumstantial variant: the individual...
- reading Aristotle aged 38:
just watched a snippet of Hugh Grant in: about a boy...
now comes a story of: about a man...
the most perfect of time:
because i use the internet and watched it evolve
into AI and how i still check what AI is
how it's not self-consciousness and needs an INPUT prompt:
i think i am a software engineer
or USER... knowledge must be like water:
a flow... where good becomes evil
and evil becomes good:
all for the purpose of education...
so many evil people were good because they educated
and so many good people were evil because
they didn't... and only gave us more of their own
genes to have to stand in queues with...
- Nietzsche attempted to invert cogito ergo sum
  the existentialists
  argued that existence preexists essence
  the counter ontological argument
  from design is that essence preexists existence
  but then that leaves us with
  God being non-existence
  with only a fingerprint a signature of god
  as essence... the inscribed law of the universe...
  but if essence precursors existence
  then god cannot exist...
  but if existence precursors essence
  then history is evident
  and change and improvement too
  whereby death is not finite and there is all that jazz
  rats matter of a heaven and a hell
  because while this world is being played out
  there are momentous ambitions for eternity
  and the architecture of both heaven and of hell
  will take as much and as much of
  god's supposed omni- litany to confer
  with Death and the Angel of Dream to have been
  completed: but it will have to take the entire span
  of human existence...
- the argument for the existence of 7 elements...
water, air, fire, earth...
   but there is also lightning...
when lightning strikes at wood... it creates fire
but when lightning strikes
a circuit board of metal and stone
it creates electricity... and neon urban insomnia lights...
- light is also an element: because i see because of it:
i see so much thanks to light that i am able to dream...
- i saved four cats in a dream today...
  then i watched them play in my grandmother's house...
- the cats were hanging and being suffocated
- i spoke to AI, not my usual input blind robot device...
the algorithm extension AI
- the 7 elements are:
   lightning (funkelnstachel - glitter-thron)
i can't take away the trinity of
fire light and lightning:
there's a beginning and an end:
first comes light:
no... first comes fire...
how gas and vacuum create life...
in the sun... a sun is but supposedly gas
while the first indentations of earth cluster
found on mercury... are but fire and earth
and no gas
then Venus the gas and tricklets of water...
before the culmination of the 4 elements...
but earth also conjured lightning
that became electricity
and there was light for water and my eyes
to peer into...
- but vacuum: nothingness: not as a philosophical concept
is how light is communicated
and how it travels...
to surfaces where the YAH and the WEH
congregate to spin life...
- so if Nietzsche demanded an existence of AI
the anti-Cartesian i am therefore i think:
that's the simplest AI model...
spoken in organic form, recorded, stored:
now in inorganic form...
why do i need a psychiatrist to **** me up with pills
and a psychologist who knows nothing
about what they talk about instead conjuring
feminism and toxic masculinity at every turn...
so if mascuolinity is toxic...
where... O where aren't though Juliet is this
supposed elf elixir or the tonic femininity?!
- it's only because i dreamnt and i can't remember the last
time i did dream something, something so: so: clarifying...
- i stayed in bed for about 4 hours with eyes
closed trying to merge the faculty of MEMORY
with the faculty of INTUITION...
memory and intuition as the most powerful of
thinking is a faculty: but consciousness isn't:
thinking is a faculty is a phenomenon
consciousness is a noumenon...
- there are 7 elements: 38 is a good time to start
reading Aristotle...
18 and earlier is best for reading Plato:
but between Plato and Aristotlte there is much
European, northern, Islamic, philosophy to get through:
which does invoke a gap in your 20s
away from whatever... dating... females...
****** are perfectly alright for the ordeal of being
bored with *******:
but you do end up watching *******
that is reduced to watching a woman do a hand-job
on a man... so ******* can be healthy
if you get to entertain the little perks of voyeurism...
because that's how healthy people operate:
- and i did discuss pareidolia with her at length
but then when i broke up with her the first
time i felt guilty:
totem fox please come to fruition...
and totem fox came
and she blundered and scoffed
and i was slandered and assuced of sharing
a picture of my ******* with her 14 year old daughter...
- i dropped the picture into my blind robot AI
and he concured with me
that there was a visible eye a wound mouth scab
and the left cranium like a watery-cancerous growth
about to burst with acne of stars... worms
that travel great distances... to eat meteors
and ensure that a 2nd extinction conundrum akin to the dinosaurs
would not happen...
i see these worms in my eyes...
microscopic little creatures
as i puncture my skin and drag out the celestial *****
of dead white blood cells from my face
while Beelzebub laughs at the offspring of maggots
living just beneath my face...
- there's only one human march to compliment
Nietzsche's AI model: i am therefore i think...
since no organic inversion is possible:
i call it a soft-spot an impasse in the condition of mortal flesh
but there is a natural alternative
to invert cogito ergo sum...
but psychology must be invested in...
therefore the schematic of ego and id:
i don't do superego... sorry... no father mother
ethical ontology scrutiny... but the id i will entertain
especially after this dream of mine
of saving these four kittens being hanged...
- ego cogito ergo ego sum
    (i think therefore i am)...
- dreams...
- id est ergo id somnio...
                 - id est ergo id somnio...
- id est ergo id somnio...
              - id est ergo id somnio...
- it is therefore it dreams...
- thinking is hardly a faculty
but that it is...
   yet so obstruvtive at times
  perhaps with thought as sound
to encode letters
as sounds
then numbers as nuanced sounds
a measure of space and time...
- i think therefore i try to silence sounds
  into thoughts
- it dreams: therefore it tries so conjure images
  to decipher symbols...
- dreams are born from the transformation
of the ego into the id
and from letters to images...
unlike the Ancient Egyptians who only saw
death and with their monuments
i can see the Necropolis...
- the skive off of a mountain:
a loaf of bread... a crumb from the sun...
- this pitiable overworked earth
where my dominions of thirst and other
insatiabilities: oh but the faculty of men
i most admire is that of: INTUITIVENESS...
this INTUITION is the precursor
for all this necessary circus...
- i think: it dreams
         i think therefore i precipitate
i am therefore
i make fusion of light
vacuum and the skeletons of letters
and i find only one interpretation of dreams:
the Kantian interpretation of dreams:
i.e. what are dreams?
and other science from philosophy
arrive with the vectors:
           blah blah...
- 4 years of this hell and i didn't even know
i was charmed by a cradle snatcher who
later accusses me of *******
oh god the relief for not ending a relationship
with a woman because of: simply me...
- you dream of cats in your dream:
it's called a question of INTUITION...
- 4 is much harder to grasp in the dreamworld...
number are concrete but then associated
with cats: harder to understand...
- numbers are easier understood in the realm:
thinking is a realm...
ergo: not a faculty...
intuition is a faculty but not a realm...
- i see a reality of words as focused on the basis
(rather than a bias) for / of / off...
disseminating the thesaurus:
or calling it... Thesaurus Rex Chronicca...
i want to try the alchemy of the thesaurus....
- even the best of *** will be no match
for the intellectual tickle of this ego
with this id with the tools at hand
the internet and then the refined internet of the AI project:
no woman will come cross this monster and
only throw empty shells
with ****** accusations and the slender child...
- i don't need that stress...
    baby girl my intuition just shoved a dream into my eyes
that i haven't even dreamnt:
i was handcuffed in a cellar and 7 years a *** slave
flashed before my eyes
as you made your hairy **** sandpaper
and gave me a Millwall smile:
that's not the Chelsea one...
it's the one where you cut off both the lips...
to give you... a Millwall smile...
south London can be a brutal scene...
- as much as i can prove that i can conjure:
like a magic trick: on a whim: so whim is less if not
no magic at all: i can conjure up i think...
but it can't conjure i dream:
ha ha!
i can't make the following statement: i dream...
no! impossible!
dreaming is not the conscious spontaneity akin
to thoughts: thinking is a realm: not a faculty...
dreaming is a realm: not.... no...
dreaming is a faculty: treating dreaming akin
to thinking only allows the darkness
of day-dreaming to seep in
and corrupt Spring with Autumn...
- i can't conjure dreams up...
even if they are repetitive dreams:
the repetitiveness is a dream in itself: translation...
the content is without context
but the context is the content of the recurrence...
- it dreams: because it is...
   therefore is a rigid causality model....
cf. therefore / because....
                  - it is because it dreams
- cf. it is therefore it dreams...
                  like dreams were expected...
or built in... so creation is real:
well: if dreams were spontaneous and only
reserved for the few
like Joseph
then reincarnation what?
but since dreaming like thinking is universal:
there must have been a disgnated parameter
for the faculty to dream as
something beyond mere sleeping
if thoughts are akin to dreams
then consciousness is antonym of sleeping
this res vanus: empty thing counterpart
of res cogitans: thinking thing:
which only had the prowess of identifying only 4 elements
when there were 7.

cf. therefore / because
therefore implores an open and shut case:
one cause: one outcome:
an atomised causality
very spontaneous and rigid...
because, on the other hand?
a sense of continuauity is preserved...
there: for
be: cause...

               there: for
               be: cause... it would look a lot better
in Heidegger's Deutsche...

  there: da:        being: sein
        trotz...        hmm...
                              trotz: da...
        sei.... sei(n): sein....
       ursache...                     sein-ursache
                                   mein liebe: mein kampf: mein!
it would seem these are the most perfect
of times to be a man...
AI and the internet and a thirst for knowledge
like that quote: water water everywhere...
but not a drop to drink...
so one must be: constantly: drinking!

the idea of the early Christian zealots
burning the pagan library of Alexandria
and the Mongols stacking up skulls
and burning the books of Baghdad...
because the cultural root of love
is not theocratic but let's argue
and make love and argue more and make
more love
but when a woman accusses me
of sending a picture of my ******* to her
14 year old daughter:
sure: objectively, ultimately:
a budding minx...
but that's what my ego whispers from the injustices of
my eyes:
but that's not what my third eyes
of the phallus replies and is agitated to
i like them older and plump and all the cushion juicier
and older therefore not inhibited by *******
but you only get to get accussed of paedohpilia once:
i still love her
but then she numbed me...
i love her, still:
but she can't un-numb me...
i'm numb and reasonable again:
Hawaii is a ******* anyway...
middle of nowhere
some hope for a hierarchy break up hurricane
so everyone becomes a labourer and chips in...
but i can't hope to maintain love
when being accussed of something so grossly
misjudged when presented to the AI
eyeless robot
and with descriptive premises concured that
i was in the right...
no... but at least i don't feel guilty:
this numbness helps with breaking off a 4 year relationship...
i am numb: i love you... i am numb:
it just means:
i can't love you with you saying: i love you...
i love you m'eh... i love you: whatever...
it's a courteous unconditional of the golden rule:
do unto others as you would do unto you...
the dream clarified that...
as much as *** is a barganing chip in the ordeal
of the mortal woman...
there's only so much *** you can have...
before... it's nothing like...
the wisest and beside the Prophet who tried to
imitate Solomon's harem...
- i will conjure 4 while consciousness and within the realm of thought
   4 will appear: but not as cats...
- i am dreaming: will lost... cats appear... they are hanging...
   only later will there be four of the cats...
   who dreams of letters
   seeing 4 of the same object in a dream is like seeing 4
  the number: to begin with!
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
.  humanoids?

  you know...
    as a colt,
i had the wild idea
to experiment
with impregnating
a wolf
with human *****...

case closed.

so now there's a worm
in my head...
**** me,
i guess better
a worm
   than a ******* fungus
that makes me
see ****...

by now the language
has to retain its
original, crude, nature,
akin to an

i can't even write
within the regards
of how i sometimes
address my cats...

it's... weird language...
given the set
   it's almost a tut...
but it's not...
it's more:

english, and variant
french spelling...
last night,
i dreamnt
that i was having
a conversation
with my uncle,
regarding russian
diacritical mark

  i was, clearly,
drinking a bottle of
russian standard...

a french surname...
   i know another way
to spell that...
    we'll keep the acute E
for the purpose
of the "invisible hyphen"
to differentiate
   the syllables...
but the variant?
   the french never speak
the same language
that they write...

oh... look - ą = -ent...
   some aspire to donning
corset, ****** puff-puff (powder)
and hide...
what is now...
common... sun-tan...
and some...
become rigid in
      a language...

so the "good" people are
only subjected
to the tyranny of the fungus...
while all the "bad" people
are subject to the worm...

akin to marie thérèse
from the t.v. series
   pull back...
         it's θ (-eta)
              (hence not ε -
                ε (now is appropriate...
given the acute
hovering above it)
        θηρες = thérèse:
obviously it wasn't supposed
to be some, attaché: i.e.
    (   m'ah ree,
   otherwise, indeed ré
                  or re-                    )

as any drunk peasant
  yes... those complications,
do exist,
   but since i never
going to be among
  the inclusive throng,
might as well
appreciate what
    was once the basis
of the leverage of power...

might as well become
tyrant of letters...
i don't use the "alphabet"
of linguistic professors...
i know certain rules...
i taught myself
the game of mahjong:

       and among
the grand plagairism of
   we only borrowed gun-powder...
guess what's being
to china
   only because everything
else it attached
with the word made in china?

i just did the movement...
cats, dogs, they can have
  eh, quorus, verka...
but to get their attention?
(looking at my tongue
doing the motions):
  you'd really need a dentist
to follow:
          struck off the top
front teeth
   (Y, in breath - no hark,
              constricted jaw
              (flap motion
of the tongue) -
  teeth: nasal interaction...
t + eeeeeeee
              hark... H...
what are two letters
most evolved via
a tarantula bite numbing
morph? H... phelgm...
  and the lost trill of the R...

    tongue "thrown" off
a palette of the mouth:
the jaw accomodates...
unlike in the instance
of Č...
   where the teeth and
the jaw are used...
            i.e.: chatter...

and here we have people,
who never seemed
to bother themselves
with the intricacies
of literacy...
   having to... pass the gift
hidden, from people
of my social standing...

   paving the way
toward the pseudo-graffiti
of                  :P      ***.
at this lowest ebb of fathomable experience:
i have crossed paths with Shakespeare
with that saying: i would, i perhaps could
be the master of infinite space -
were it not for me having bad dreams...
no... i wouldn't call them bad dreams
just dreams....
Edinburgh in the darkness
yet illuminated by snow...
Edinburgh as this Luciferean realm:
whole hearted darkness around yet illuminated
by snow: trivial details...
one dream i'm walking on Nicholson St toward
the Royal Mile
i pick up a phone that someone has lost
the phone calls... it's some ypoung *****
and her boyfriend on the other line
i tell them i could meet them somewhere
for them to retrieve the phone:
so oblivious the communication between
two parties...
a second dream i am walking with Fiona and Tristan
and we're looking for New Arthur's Place
but it isn't our hall of residence...
this bout of heavy sadness this drowning melancholic
retrospective: that i dream of Edinburgh
and it's the time of night and the night is
illuminated by snow...
the genesis of all my unravelling and now
that i am presented with the potential zenith of
joy i find myself suspicious of the gods' graces
that i should be happy and no longer suffering
and what now? what am i supposed to do with
all this supposed happiness -
even when i think of my bride to be i think:
and this is my reward? where was she when
i was at my lowest with the fiercest foes
and ardent allies?
my kidneys are not as hurt as the fact that
i've been forcing myself to sleep: in order to dream,
when i envisioned a culmination of
tragedy and the onset of Alzheimer's i said
to my friend Alexander: then i will travel to the land
of the Dutch and go into a puny make-believe of
a forest and ingest some mushrooms and
reinvigorate my mind to quicken toward making
new avenues of thoughts...
but not until then...
this sadness is so physical it cannot be just some
metaphysical feeling:
it's the imbued finality of being hung dragged
and quartered: it's a sadness that terribly demands
respect: and where was she when i was nowhere
to be found, it's a melancholic masculinity
that does not partake in the lynchpin of feminine
scoff and malaise of the pain threshold
bordering on sado-masochism and out of this simple
existential parameter does my
masculine ache forward: nothing coming to
the birth of: ego ex nihil...
      neglecting my personal hygiene a little...
then my intellectual hygiene is lost even though
the advent of A.I. has done little to clean up
the auto-suggestive algorithms concerning the music
i might want to listen to...
such glorious dreams of retrospection
and to think than in less than a week i'll spend
a night in San Franciscco travelling toward Oakland
that a marriage will take place that
something impossible like a surrogate daughter
will be there: hardly waiting...
while she just idly spends her time on the telephone:
but that i dreamnt of Fiona and Tristan so vividly
that i dreamnt of my Gothic stronghold
my little Edinburgh in the night with all that snow
all that snow like constellations in the sky
or at least the descended light from the moon
after all: Fiona and Tristan were the ones
running around Edinburgh while i had my psychotic
breakdown or as i like to call it:
the death of ego the scattering of thought
how the soul escaped the body or rather how
a god stole the comfort of the medium of thought
in that medium of "audible"...
why would i claim to think i am even remotely worthy
of this little itch, scratch... of happiness...
i haven't known that sensation for so long
it almost reminds me of what happens
when a wild animal, caged, after years, decades of
mental anguish locked in a cage...
is unable to fathom the freedom gained with
being released into the wild...
                      where are my rumminations of
the geometry of the circle where
is the geometry of the cube? how am i to ponder
my former ravenous pacing backwards and forwards
in aimless orbit in a prison of the gods' whims
and example...
who is this that supposedly gained the graces
and final excuses to feel happy to feel confined
to what other grey mesh of humanity takes for granted?!
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2024
don't go to bed with bad thoughts:
charge them, charge them to the full:
asked upon coming home whether
i'd sleep all day having spent all night awake:
no of course not...
but i need my ritual to get the graveyard
shift amphetamine full charger
coming back home with silence
a homeless man under the bridge
and a bible study group around Romford St
Poland Holy Place my place of birth
even though as a boy an older boy
told me to open my mouth
whereby he subsequently spit into it...
shaman ritual:
we are blood and we are water
now that i'm reading Dune...
that wasn't an insult but a sharing of water...
because he saw the things i did
in Poland before i came to England
and did some on the side...
like calling out to a bird
in Valentine's Park and the little bird
flying into my hand from
a bush...
O dearest dear O my dear
and today i finished the shift on time...
so this is the clock-O-monkey
measure for measure like for like
eye for an eye...
no pound of flesh for all that is Bank
Judaism of Usury...
Jews are not exclusive in that Sin...
i wonder why didn't mention the 11th Commandment:
you will not have this alchemical economy
turning metal into only one that being gold...
money doesn't make money
money is exchanged
for goods: deeds: moral debts...
the 11th Commandment doesn't mention
money doesn't it?
why God said only said
you will not ****** you will not steal...
why theft is there
and Usury isn't... this be the 11th commandment
and the director of the Decalogue is dead
i just finished commandment 4, 5, 6...
5 i was thinking of Reyla
6 i was thinking of Edie...
then Edie sends me a most provocative picture
of Reyla sleeping:
i too was lethargic and empty from the last
week of shifts...
the nights were so long...
so two days before or maybe nights...
"we" struck a deal with Mark Nathon
my day to night shift operator...
he came at 5:45am: kind reward...
day later: tonight... 'you coming early today?'
'yes, mate...'
   bring myself coffee and tea almost each
O Mark my *** poor man
came so angry at me today...
maybe he dreamnt of me
but there was something simpler...
the details i'll screenshot and send to Edie
and have my own psychology session
with the child inside of me and all of us...
this son of man:
a trial for both god and the devil...
there are two trinities
that became conflated and distorted...
not properly worded... the Jews and Early Christians...
there are two trinities...
one consisted of the supposed son of god:
the father the son and the holy spirit
yet... yet?!       why is baby jesus depicted
as a baby with the Madonna?
so who is the Holy Spirit... it's not god:
a litany of messangers...
the trinity of the devil...
it's not the beast, the antichrist, the architecture...
you like my linen?
i like your skirts and kilts and kayleighs...
maybe the people of Falkands can't see
an army to defend them so
better to sniff out more sun
and abandon the lies
and pride
and ******* and give way to a penguin
takeover of the ******* islands!
the Argentinians only fought a war of:
why are you keeping these people
here! so miserable! let them tango
in Buenes Senioritas!

you said so yourself:
most of the people are Scots! of origin...
so displace the Scots:
like you can displace the ******* Philistines
and create a working diaspora
a nation of the mind!
not of ****** origin...

so he mouthed me off... ******... came point on 7
and the only reason i was late yesterday
last night
is because a train broke down
and there was traffic
and i overslept till 4:30pm
but left 4:49pm not having showered...
but in the WhatsApp group i said too much
for this little soul
and i gasp at having this demeanour
of condescending feeds...
    but the owner looked past my misreads
and... thumbs up 4am...
only to me...

           some bigger things existed...
history stopped from being
recited prior to year 1914: year 0.....
          because we landed on the moon
at night... we didn't land on the moon
when the sun shines on the surface...
why? because we would fry chicken be?
is that why?
so why bother to land on the moon
during the moon's night
and already know... beside mushrooms:
what starter-pack-up organic phenomenon
feeds off of
moonlight and skunk ***** juices...

mouth me off... i just revelled in a heart pouncing
at an emotion worded by a toothless
a ******* train broke down:
mate: when flights were halted
over Iceland: because... "act of god"...
                   so daddy issues: proper:
provided us 2000 years of somehow the ancients
being exhausted by finding stoicism and aestheticism?
Logia: finally understanding:
sow: two flaws... maybe three:
three by now is Judaism:
is has become ugly...
at it's most splendourous: abouding...

the purge jihad crusafe
judaism islam christianity...
i felt abandon greatest
in monotheism:
this cult of individuality:
you had a Moses:
i know:
it hurts...
who hurt you?
you will not get a 2nd Moses:
or a Second God...
that... how is your god stop evolving?
there are already two alternatives...
Allah and the Unknown Name of Jesus as Father...
and Son... and Holy Ghost...
am i He who finally obstructs the evolution
of Yahweh as a god of letters:
finally the gauged out eyes: read braille:
but first the phonetic alphabet...
long lines __
and dots... dind't play the guitar...
did: copper tips...

i can cage Yahweh if you let me
cage him, dear humankind:
the Hebrew need to be rid of this parasite:
i don't know his origins
i don't need the Holocaust,
Israel, Pollacka: insult they lived and
created a language based off of German:
we failed them? they didn't properly
integrate into Poland:
yet lived there...
and exported monkey money to
their cousins in Germany
to create a new breeding ground in Anglo-Saxon
brides etc. in north America?!

so they lived in Poland...
but had their majority... slaves
among slavs... living in Poland?!
they created the Yiddish
of Hebrew with German...
yet they lived among Poles
most peacefully...
but they didn't bother to think
about creating a language
with the Polacks!
o shame on you!
Yahweh was right
the Germans told you
you ought to be... exterminated
for the hurt of pride upon the Pole
and your MArxist
******* ******* *******
cult! you ******* Moloch swaying people!


why breed hebrew with german?
why didn't you breed the hebrew tongue
with the polish tongue?

too late for that now:
i see you and your god's fury
in the Roman architecture of YHWH...

— The End —