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Louis Bitchop Apr 2013
my girlfriend is going in for surgery
but a very rare surgery
****** replacement surgery
the waiting list, is very poor
no-one actually had their name down
so i took a deep breath of courage
and kicked down the door and said, doc my baby can have my ******
the docter said the proccess wasnt easy, 65% chance of death
i didnt care, i loved her more than anything
the surgery began, i was nervous, but more excited to see my baby girl live another day with a good ******
but sadly, my time was up.
as my girlfriend woke up a week later, her first words were; where is my boyfriend? i havent heard from him
but the docter said, im so sorry Raquel, D'Angelo gave his ****** to save your life..
He's gone.
Hoostine Hout May 2013
He slams the top of the alarm clock that rings sharply; Two minutes earlier than the sun creeps over the edge of the hills in the morning. He slips out from underneath thick quilts that he cannot sleep without. The morning feels heavy upon his already burdened back. He prepares to begin another seemingly uneventful day. His wife sleeps so quietly for another few hours, As she stays home to attend to the new born. As he finishes his morning routine, tying the tie around his neck, He wakes his son, In second grade, And readies him for school. He wakes his wife just as the sun peers through the window over the bushes. She feeds the newborn and kisses her son, As the men of the house leave to begin their day. His day slowly meandering by, He gets a call around noon. His wife asks if she may go pick up the car they had bought. He argues with her, Fighting his point that they should do it together because the car had a known problem with stalling. Ultimately to avoid a real problem, He gives in. "Sure honey," he whispers to the phone, "Go get the car."

His day continues.

He arrives home to an empty house. "Honey?!, Honey?!" He calls out frantically to the walls of his empty house. He takes out his phone and with trembling fingers he dials her. She doesn't answer, But a man does. "Who the hell is this, And where are my wife and children?" "Sir, Its the chief surgeon at the New Hope Hospital, Your wife is about to endure extensive surgery. I recommend you come here immediately." He drops the phone, and collapsed to his knees. But just as quickly as he dropped, He stood back up, Got in His car, And drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

As he flies through the front doors, He runs straight into the back wing of the hospital, Searching for the nearest operation room. He's stopped by a man in a security suit. He explains to the officer how he had called and gotten the docter on the line, How his wife and children should be in operation. The look on the security officers face was grim. He turned white as a ghost. He says, "Your wife is in operation.. let me bring you to her." His wife? What about his children? Where are his children?! He arrives in the waiting area, where he is told to, Pacing back and forth. The docter finally came back to him. His wife did not make it through the surgery, his children had not even made it to the hospital. The car she was driving had stalled over a set of rail road tracks.

He dropped to his knees and cried. The docter, Security officer, Even passer-bys had stopped to try to console him. He couldn't believe what he had been told. He cried, Cried and cried. As he drove home, He stopped at a pub. He drank a stiff drink of whiskey, hopped back in his car and drove home. He remembered all the details as if it were yesterday. But in fact it had been two years ago to the date. His tears fell upon the clad metal in his hand. As he clenched it tighter, The hollow point drilled through his hollow heart, And he whispered, "I'm coming home".
Hoostine Hout May 2013
He slams the top of the alarm clock that rings sharply; Two minutes earlier than the sun creeps over the edge of the hills in the morning. He slips out from underneath thick quilts that he cannot sleep without. The morning feels heavy upon his already burdened back. He prepares to begin another seemingly uneventful day. His wife sleeps so quietly for another few hours, As she stays home to attend to the new born. As he finishes his morning routine, tying the tie around his neck, He wakes his son, In second grade, And readies him for school. He wakes his wife just as the sun peers through the window over the bushes. She feeds the newborn and kisses her son, As the men of the house leave to begin their day. His day slowly meandering by, He gets a call around noon. His wife asks if she may go pick up the car they had bought. He argues with her, Fighting his point that they should do it together because the car had a known problem with stalling. Ultimately to avoid a real problem, He gives in. "Sure honey," he whispers to the phone, "Go get the car."

His day continues.

He arrives home to an empty house. "Honey?!, Honey?!" He calls out frantically to the walls of his empty house. He takes out his phone and with trembling fingers he dials her. She doesn't answer, But a man does. "Who the hell is this, And where are my wife and children?" "Sir, Its the chief surgeon at the New Hope Hospital, Your wife is about to endure extensive surgery. I recommend you come here immediately." He drops the phone, and collapsed to his knees. But just as quickly as he dropped, He stood back up, Got in His car, And drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

As he flies through the front doors, He runs straight into the back wing of the hospital, Searching for the nearest operation room. He's stopped by a man in a security suit. He explains to the officer how he had called and gotten the docter on the line, How his wife and children should be in operation. The look on the security officers face was grim. He turned white as a ghost. He says, "Your wife is in operation.. let me bring you to her." His wife? What about his children? Where are his children?! He arrives in the waiting area, where he is told to, Pacing back and forth. The docter finally came back to him. His wife did not make it through the surgery, his children had not even made it to the hospital. The car she was driving had stalled over a set of rail road tracks.

He dropped to his knees and cried. The docter, Security officer, Even passer-bys had stopped to try to console him. He couldn't believe what he had been told. He cried, Cried and cried. As he drove home, He stopped at a pub. He drank a stiff drink of whiskey, hopped back in his car and drove home. He remembered all the details as if it were yesterday. But in fact it had been two years ago to the date. His tears fell upon the clad metal in his hand. As he clenched it tighter, The hollow point drilled through his hollow heart, And he whispered, "I'm coming home".
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
I walk around town
flicking cigerrte butts
hands in my pockets
and no where to really go.
my mom told me
that when I came out her womb
I didn't even cry
she said I just looked at her
like I was lost.
The indians call this a Lost Soul that died
and rebirthed not knowing they died.
I remember my mom said that I didnt start crying till
I layed down on her chest.
She knew it wasnt cause I was sad
but tears of happiness that I finally found a Home.
She said I was a good baby but the docter said that I'd struggle all my life.
She asked why... well Nancy your son has bad legs he'll need to be in leg braces for most of his toddler life.
My mom knew that I used my legs to much in my past life and I was paying for it now.
She told the docter dont worry all my baby needs is a place to rest his head.
Let his legs rest and he'll be walking again.
Now im walking flicking these ciggerte butts
thinking back to what my mother said
but it looks as if I'll find my way back to that silent birth
and recycle this whole life
for what its worth.
David I Phillips Mar 2010
Wi yer eyes stingin n wet wi tears
N muk bungin up tha nose n ears
N a white rimmed ed where thi's ad thi hat
Up tha floats on't lift like a drownded rat

After twelve hours tha's pretty dun in
Whilst t'other folks as been kippin n dreamin
Tha's bin diggin n drillin like summart daft
Now up tha floats on't hydraulic raft

The cold morn air meks tha lungs urt
Cause tha's bin breathin muk n dirt
Fer nigh on forty years or more
That most folks wudn't ave on't floor

N as tha washes all't muk away
Tha knows thas sum that'll allus stay
N whilst outside tha luks nice n clean
Tha's stuff inside thi th't'll never be seen

Until o course tha's gon n died
N them docter fellers tek a look inside
N in amazement they'll stand n stare
At all that muk th't shudn't be there

N wen tha's ded it'll be nowt new
Not too a bloke what's lived like you
Fer now tha's on'y six feet under
Wen undreds is what thas bin used to

N't Crowner'll say thi ad a natural death
Not like them th't had their last breath
At sixteen, seventeen, twenty or more
When sum big explosions brought ceiling t floor

But a doubt if tha'll think it wer thi turn
As tha lays there nattering t worm
Crawlin in n out o yer ears
Not much t show fer sixtyodd years

Still what else cud you ave dun, that's it
But follow yer old man down pit
A mean even his dad was a facer tha knows
Kem out at thirty wi' ands like claws

Ah well it's time fer sum grub
Then half-a-dozen pints't pub
Wi an hour or two o noonday sun
Then back t wife fer an hour o fun
N be six next morning I'll be feelin well
As I teks yon raft t bowels of 'ell
Thirty shillin a week be summer the reckonin
Ah but then they can't see yon worm beckonin

Remember this is a 'Performance Poem'
and the style of writing acts as a
speech prompt. The accent is loosely
Yorkshire. A 'Crowner 'is an old word
for a Coroner.
I hope you enjoy it.

© David Irwin Phillips 2008
This is a performance poem, it also won first prize in a Writer's Magazine competeition
Can be heard on From Emotional Swings & Round-a-bouts
Docter Jedingaling here
with mah shiny PhD
so shiny
but u dont have one and u are whiny
but worry not peep
not everyone is as smat as me
trust me
ima docder
meby one day ull understand
that im smarterer than u
and theres nothn u can do
so just acept that fact
and eat a chezburger
with out a PhD
mines still shinyer than urs
because u dont have one
ima Docter Jedingaling
and i have news thats so great its
the sun wont blow up to day
and aleins wont eat ourr brains
aleins would only want to eat mah brains
because im smarterer that everyone
and smarterer brains are the tastiest
and full of calcium
and protein
and nutricous fats
and carbs
and starches
and vitamins
and minerals
and potassium
and sodium
and prunes
and fiber
and brainy stuf
and thoughts
and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh­hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh­hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh­hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

stuf that ur brain doesnt have
trust me ima docder
that might be  eaten           by aleins
but they wont
cause i ate my prunes to day
with mah PhD
cuz a used it like a spoon
Ellie Shelley Dec 2014
Docter Pepper
- Barbie marathons
- Micro-wave Pizza's
- The cold ravioli you hated
That unfinnished basement was like a home...
- The crawl space under your bed
- The sims
- Doctor Phil
- Mansy ***** bands
- Plans for Highschool
     - And Warped Tour
Crying was okay...
- Pepsi
- Locking me out of my I-pod
-Sharing weird two A.M. thoughts
- Panic attacks
- Dumb boys
And I bet gullible is still on the celling.

*Remember that moment when everything was perfect?
i^R^ &86bi7guyDR6T7Y8U9IJNg

there is a pattern in this poem, but you can't see it. The only people who can see it are MrDrProfessor Murly, Docter Jedingaling PhD and me, because we're smarterer than you
Justin Hout Oct 2013
I'm standing on the bluff. The beautifully crisp ocean air whips through our hair out here. I remember when you were standing here. The early morning sun was just rising, And you were standing just about where I'm standing now. You're luscious hair, That amber gold color matching the morning light so cleanly. I was looking through the kitchen window of our "little shack" as you called it.
I spin around.
Yup, It's still here. Our little cabin. Still has those sun bleached blue shutters, with lady bug curtains. As I walk closer I can almost here your voice telling me,
"Take off your swimsuit babe, I don't want you dripping all over this floor of ours."
I stop in the front doorway and put my hand over where we notched our initials into the frame. We were so young, heavens above this heart looks a bit crude in the old wood.
You would love it. The wood's taken a bit of a lighter color now. I chuckle a little as I let my forehead hit my hand and lean upon the frame.
"You always did complain that the wood was a little dark".
I say as if you'd answer.
A few steps in and I'm at our little circle breakfast table. Yep, There's the good old bumble bee table cloth, And stitched pattern chairs. Home made cushions. Not one of your best, But **** was it comfortable. I get up and walk to the hall way.
"Remember when the kids would come running down this very hall way, Just to see the geese outside my love?"
As I walk down the hallway I brush my hand along the wall. Right where the wall paper cracked, Yep. Still there. The little drawings the kids did, to fill in the space.
"It's their artwork, we could never get rid of it. Heh, But the wallpaper still needs a changing."
I let out a little smile with that one.
My knees creak and pop as I take the stairs. Thank god this is only a two floored house.
The two kids rooms, and ours. I remember standing here and looking out at the ocean with you.
" Remember that big storm where we watched the waves out of our window? Every wave that hit, your little nose scrunched up. Oh, I loved it."
As I layed down on the bed, our bed, I swear I could feel you next to me.
"Oh, babe, Remember how I had pneumonia? And I layed right here? Well I'm sicker now. The docter who brought me here said it won't be too long. I think I'll rest here a while."
And that was the last thing I said.
Remember dear?
"Oh, I remember" she says. "I've heard you say this story a hundred times. And at least here in heaven, There's no loud waves or birds, So I could listen to this story perfectly, Another hundred times."
Izzy Jun 2015
I'm not living nor am I dead,

Simply laying on a stretcher bed,

I hear voices above my head,

the sound of tears being shed,

I feel my mother grasping my hand,

rubbing my skin against my medical band,

I hear the docter's words in my head,

Waiting for a response, a movement, or a simple breath.

The machine no longer sounds the beats of my heart,

It's monotone, continuous, with no end,

My mother's warmth is ripped away from my lifeless hand,

She screams and I hear it fade as she's pushed away from my bed,

I reach for her but my body does not do what I command,

it lays still, peaceful, like the dead,

but i'm alive trapped within my own head,

I'm screaming, crying, wishing they would understand,

I try to calm my mental stress,

but then heard electrical wiring,

and began to panic within
                                             once again,

the metal plates were placed against my chest,

in attempt to resuscitate, revive, and bring back my soul, once again

There were seconds of silence,

not a single breath,

until the sound of the machine beeping,

That's when my eyes flickered open, once again,

- Izzy **
Paul Hardwick Jun 2017
C ut  an    H  O  l  e    in the head
Docter do you see the problem
yes easily fixed
just do a bit of this and that
**** it!
anybody see where I put the lid
just not me at all
vascular you might think
no good plumbing things
just ask my ex-wife.
HOPING     I made you smile this day :-)  P@ul.
XxamnesiaXx May 2015
I've lost someone that I've new for a long time
and now i really want to die it hurts so much i can't take it anymore
i really want to sprawl out on the floor.
i know she's with god now but why'd you have to take her from me
she's only 21 and i'm 16 but we really had dreams me going to college while she has her office in her big city me being a Docter she having a family i just don't understand she was so young and beautiful i just can't take it anymore it's making me burst inside..but bye now i'm gonna go die
this is really to much for me she was only 21 and she died in a car accident last night  swear i'm gonna do it i'm not complete with out her i really need someone to talk to kik me: jojocrazylikeme or just pm me on here
Dead Lock Apr 2015
Some one should call a docter
My heart just can't seem to beat
My mouth won't even shut
And somebody has nailed down my feet

— The End —