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jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
It's time we deport our best know hero back to space.
Where his birth certificate?
Cause we very aware he was adopted.
When was he sworn in as an American citizen?

And the man in charge now talked about Obama.
And he was born here.
Although birthers live in denial.

Are we just going to pass him through cause truth, justice, and this America way phase?

So he is a hero?
One the whole world know.
So what?
He used his alien born powers to avoid military duties.
And many presidents have too.

But in truth deporting him wouldn't solve anything.
He made heroes a great thing for others to be.
He's honorable.
He represents dreams for citizenship for others with dreams.
M Harris Feb 2017
There was a time,
A time so fair,
A zero despair,
Cuz She was fair,
Life as I knew it was drizzling daisies,
Bleeding me the feel like the crazies.

Perfect absolutes,
Chimerical dilutes.

Enchanting moments with ephemeral bliss,
Rapt me into blissful abyss.

Ambient lightnings,
Forming supernova sightings.

My soul trapped in her seductive high,
Unknowing of her destructive lies.

Little was I was aware of her two-tone design,
My ****** Valentine
An alter ego so divine.

Demon with deceitful frames,
Unravelling her intimacy games.

Her bloodless lips whispering in the corridors of time,
Deporting me into her hate grimes.

Mutating into odium of torrential far cry,
Lies sarcastrophic podium of her mislaid demise.

Gagged and bound as me you broke down
And I believed everything,
As my love for you was logic drowned
Round and round I emanated all the way down.

Still submerged in the swamp of dummy beliefs,
Hoping to heal with concealed appeals,
Squeals of her feels reveal choking ordeals,

Cuz it was a different belief in a veiled inception,
Infinitely drowning with these unconcealed dogmas,
Remembrance feels like a past from yesterday,
All I am choked with are these Interstellar beliefs,

Detonating memories,
At the haste of light,
Giving me an anguish fright from the down right,
Corroding my heart with those Sulphur memories we once called a lifetime.
Like those 4 years with 4 million considerations.

Still lost in her maze of psychopathic daze,
Downward spirals decayed & set ablaze.
Reveries of her infinite sentiment once called transcendences.

All that’s left now are your radioactive reminiscences,
Of a place once called Tomorrowland.
Francie Lynch Jan 2016
I'm on the runway,
Taxiing as they say;
But I can't remember
If I'm coming or going;
Deporting or boarding;
Lifting off or landing.
All runways look alike,
All security checks the same;
I'll know where I'm going
When I reach the baggage claim.
Cedric McClester Nov 2016
By: Cedric McClester

He appeared on 60 Minutes
But did they get it right
When he said the demonstrators
Had no reason to have fright
When asked about his tweeting
In the middle of the night
He said he would more or less
Be a presence on that sight

He appeared on 60 Minutes
With his hair in perfect place
Answering their questions
While trying to make a case
For deporting immigrants
By the millions he would chase
To the deportation centers
That had sufficient space

He appeared on 60 Minutes
And was asked Roe vs Wade
Which he said was already law
Women need not be afraid
But he’d appoint Supreme Court Judges
Who would throw some shade
On that abortion law
That then the states would have to save

He appeard on 60 Minutes
With his wife and family in tow
To inform their TV viewers
How far they all would go
To support their patriarch
Charged with running the show
They would have no formal role
Which the people had to know

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
Andrew Rueter Apr 2022
We need to be putting people on planets
before there are Putin people on planets
so we can dictate a culture
free from dictators
deporting the Dutertes from the atmosphere
that burns the arrows of the Bolsonaros
there's no progressive bastion here
so we must look forward in the years
past all of the Kim Jong-uns
even though their bombs might fall soon
so we can find the Roosevelts and Kennedys
to change the scorching hell ahead we see
but those leaders are obstructed
by the not so brainy
followers of Ali Khameini
believing ancient myths and men who grift
there's so much mud to sift there's no way to lift
what keeps us from other planets
through nationalist panic
and conspiracy theories
reaching the selective hearing
of god fearing *******
calling Trump their master
and the oppressed their slaves
we need to reach other planets
but we're still stuck in the cave.
Sam Temple Apr 2016
this July fourth
I would ask something
from white America
which is not going to be easy
but could go a long way
in rebuilding the dream –
do not go to parades
do not spend money on smoke and mirrors
twinkle but for a second
but the image of hypocrisy
shines in every minority eye
close the drapes
gather the family in the middle of the room
bow your heads
like in the Rockwell paintings
and ask whatever you think of
as greater than your self
for forgiveness –
when the red and white of old glory
fly for freedom
think about who is free
and what that means
do not salute
or stand at attention
for the symbol of empire
and oppression
close the drapes
get on your knees
and beg for forgiveness –
400 years of slavery
250 years of empire
conversation of  wall building
deporting 11 million Americans
because of paperwork…
disallowing the influx
of the most war torn and ravaged people
since Vietnam
they are our brothers and sisters
who just happen to hail from Syria –
the United States stands as a global disgrace
in place of the greatest nation
we see hate values and racial profiling
bigotry peppered with intolerance
this fourth of July
think about freedom
think about liberty
Marcos Estrada Mar 2018
Wanting a wall to keep them out
With a bad tan and duck lip pout

America's greatest skin stain
causing Lady Liberty's chafe pain
even she runs from the guy
with a fake wig and long tie
Grabbing mother nature by the crotch
and deporting father time back to a watch
standing there, with a sinister smile
proud of his naive guile
fascinated by walls
like a teenage girl, and malls
"Make America Great Again"
For the white man
steal and deport
ICE for the minorities support
and paper towels as his ball
because his hands are really small

Wanting a wall to keep them out
With a bad tan and duck lip pout

Kissing Manifest Destiny in the lips
and grabbing "Rosie the Riveter" by the hips
Stealing Mona Lisa's smile
And inviting Pocahontas to the aisle
with Monica and Hillary in the oval office
and Medusa as his goddess
Enjoying his White house fling
While working on his golf swing
TV host a great leader?
Just a silver spoon feeder
what did Melania see in him?
a billion dollar synonym?
Vile pig in wolf's clothing
Enjoying the boasting
Of being a wordsmith
like a grim reaper with a broken scythe

Wanting a wall to keep them out
with a bad tan and duck lip pout

Wanting to date his daughter
unable to get to an island with big water
racist with every type of fear
truly hate his ugly sneer
no more animals in the zoos
but i guess its all just fake news
only fake when they cover him
then he tweets it to the brim
of the walls he wants to build
that's the only time when hes skilled
using his power to oppress
when will we get out of this mess
with ignorant and violent supporters
KKK and the patrol at the borders
making me want to *****
when he shoots across TV screens
like a comet.

But he wants a wall to keep them out
with a bad tan and duck lip pout
Bob B Aug 2019
Many people wonder what
Trump can do to cause more woe.
Never ceasing to find a way,
The man has reached an all-time low.

He is still separating
Families that have been here for years--
Deporting parents and leaving their kids
To fend for themselves. Imagine their fears!

Crossing the line again, he's showing
How cruel and hateful his policies are,
For now the man is pushing one
That's more inhumane than others so far:

Non-citizens being treated
For life-threatening illnesses must
Leave the country in thirty-three days.
Trump thinks that's fair and just.

The Trump administration is saying,
"Sorry, but the time is nigh
For you to leave the United States."
In other words, "Go home and die!"

The White House **** Stephen Miller
Has to have his hand in this.
Whatever he can do to hurt
Immigrants gives him infinite bliss.

How sad it is when leaders are
Devoid of human compassion and heart!
Do we stand idly by and watch
The president tear the country apart?

-by Bob B (8-29-19)

— The End —