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Shaded Lamp Aug 2014
They walk aloof among us
Three percent of the population
They reluctantly dine with us
Quietly, stifling their frustration
They don't look back as you pass
They don't want your conversation
Empathy is just an alien concept
They focus only on self preservation

But here's where it gets strange

We worship them with huge salaries
We beg them to lead us the way
We ignore their blatant deceptiveness
We hand them our hard earned pay
If they say bail out the banksters
Or send your kids to a dubious war
We offer them our kids and cash
Knowing that they will ask for more

Stranger still

Our history has been sculpted by them
We raise bronze statues proudly in their honor
Through our plain idleness and cowardice
They can reduce this planet to a nuclear goner

"How did this madness occur?" We question
Why do psychos run banks and governments
Checking world history offers a suggestion
To why we (the population) are slaves for rent

We are simply afraid of those
That successfully navigate life
With reckless irresponsibility
Unchallenged by others strife
It is those destructive characters
We plead to take political risks
In return for obedience and cash
To buy more power and obelisks
I do like an obelisk, but rewarding  those lacking any moral compass  because they can perpetuate the continued *******  of  the many by the few seems like the lunatics are indeed running the asylum. Or am I mad?
Ces Jul 2020
A relapse into forgetfulness
Time never loses its deceptiveness

The tragic seeking of something
that is not lost
I found myself again through

My heart smiles
as I write.
Meagan Olsen Jul 2012
Her skin crawls
Crystal clear night
I see through your skin
Taunt with self-deceptiveness
Keep bursting up
Boils and boils are in your makeup
I want to rip those cracks
Destroy this faery tale
I want to eat your soul
Whispering shallow thing it is
Your essence is a disgusting thing
Warped and bent
Withering between my fingers I grasp it
I want to burn it
Watch those pretty colors arise
From the blackened mass I hold
Ken Pepiton Jan 2019
[individuation exercises for supernatural parts in the opera of...]

{as I heard, Socrates had a familiar voice
to whom he paid earnest heed, as one might imagine
• a footnote may appear any where as needed to assuage confusion ******* comments provoke-- Plato said Socrates said,

You have heard me speak at sundry times and in diverse places of an oracle or sign which comes to me, and is the divinity which Meletus ridicules in the indictment. This sign, which is a kind of voice, first began to come to me when I was a child; it always forbids but never commands me to do anything which I am going to do. This is what deters me from being a politician.

From <>


caught your attention
still the executory neurons

sist, sist do not respond to premature amygdalinic response strategems
small voice
inhibitory. say nothing, Plato shall put the proper words
packed with (densepacked)

we inhibitory voices fectionary,
sweet sweet sweet words

recalled in every surviving child at

Ah, ha evil, live
in nullness

in my happy ever.
How big is my bubble?
Do you know how leaven works, kid?

ah the Duke, as a homeless auto didact acting as if
he believes virtue is necessary

not cede ary, shall we proceed, or do you feel

inhibited at the corpus colosseum gate where the ex
cite-ory zeal feels those exploratory butterflies
come rushing from the biome signaling
the hair standing on the back
of whose neck?

Keep you mouth shut. Bang.
Words work wonders in minds that find the muse
is heard, not spoken.
That which tongue cannot say cannot be said,
it must be known to be shown.

Ask me,
Did Plato know Socrates? I'll answer,
We may agree to think so,
yay far, and no further,

we are after the act in fact called virtue

empowering force of life?
Let's find a list of all the named, personified
spiritual as-spects of the human being mortal

anger, envy, jealousy, lust, desire, needyness, deceptiveness

all the nesses and phobias and isms and ities…
the Greeks had a reason able personification of each
or, if the daemonic tool responds to forces
other than reason,

they had a god for that.

Is enthusiasm still a way to make a living?
Can a drummer get pedagogic puns

to dance some version of the the
Eat dust, I stomp your head,

shake the dust from my feat,
Truth is never described accurately as un believable
nor is the bearer of truth, whither so ever the dis-connector

lurks, seeking to devour the power

if you are virtuous, as a viral entity,
you are unbalanced,
double minded material carnal spiritual
Too much data for

We lost some.
So? Misery loves company, all things end up adding love,

this is the edge.

Envisage reality as an abalone spiraling into
exit-dance ridden by a musical octopus

calling colors to the blind,
casting single you lore ity if ied

singularity. Point.

waited, If I'd waited
suffer it to be so now, you need no agony.
Let patience have her perfecting work.

Be ye. Perfect.
As I am me. be you,
God is said to have said
some sort of epigenetic switch wills on,

by reason of you being. Just ift you, by reason.
Re-read. I meant that you ify all you believe,
even the lie that says you are not worth living.
-- the proverbial unexamined life -
-- I thought that was legendary
-- a category of lives not worth
--living. Can you imagine the exam?
-- must be tricky, examining the life you live as
-- you live it gives it value, makes it worth,
-- worthy of attention to the shape of this
-- worthy thing or thought or what measure?
--The unlimited is alone.
All one expand the band, trumpets, lyres

give us a big badrum

Oh, yeah, Socrates was to Plato, in my game, today,
as ******* has become to my Old Man,
Ai must be ah, the ay-eye, ahee

hee he heehee hee

This is as probably an opera as not.

whom, who, do you true rest as you hear and stand
being neath the knowing of the true rest

joy to your beautiful feet. Dare ye let them dance?
Heaven and Hell.
there is a heaven and a hell? no, that is not the first precept.
the first precept is
there is a mind smarter than me
that imagined me and empowered me to be
all I can agree with others to be

we were made
we make

too steep? Sisyphus, what's up?
Did you know Socrates?
Sophia mentioned the highest parts of the dust of the earth, did you really grind that dust
with this imaginary rock?
sundry times and in diverse places -- would you believe Paul quoted Socrates?
Waddaya know? More now, mebbe. Live and learn. Never know it all. Okeh.
The Butterfly May 2014
Spiting words out like daggers,
as she trips, walking with a stagger.
All dizzy with confusion,
falling down filling with contusions.
Blood pooling under her eyes,
from all the tears falling as she dies.
Little by little she's draining away,
with not much left to make her stay.
If she could taste the words wisely,
maybe then she could live finally.
But all the anxiousness
leaves a pit of deceptiveness
that can't seem to be shaken
leaving her empty and vacant...
Andy Criddle Apr 2014
With all of their talk about spirituality
Fear from the truth that there is no equality
Life that we get is both terrible and wonderful
Lies and deceit make us all become vulnerable

Spirit is something that most of us contemplate
Need to find meaning is hard to accommodate
Look to each other with hope for significance
Give them your mind with your version of innocence

I won't let them make me into one of you
Will live my life the way I wanted to

Each to their own and to each a hypothesis
Trust in my views or you’ll suffer the consequence
Make a new world based on justice and promises
Take all my faith while delivering the opposite

Why should I follow the ways of the prophecies
All it has done is create this hypocrisy
Choose to live off of your own sense of morality
Find your own meaning and make it your reality

I won't let them make me into one of you
Will live my life the way I wanted to

Take what you hear with a grain of deceptiveness
Make your own meaning and mould your own receptiveness
Stand up for yourself and show them your reality
Show them that there’s more to life than their vanity

Live for the purpose of life's great experience
Then all that they do just increases your resilience
Nobody said that the road would be an easy one
Conquer your fears and show them all that you've become

I won't let them make me into one of you
Will live my life the way I wanted to
Ren Mayloft Aug 2016
From a mess of sharp tangles,
Comes a sad excuse,
Or a filler,
The air is not any less still,
From a weak word,
One that has no more energy stored,
For it has been devalued,
Senseless use has drained it,
Leaving the speaker as the culprit,
Taking value away every time it was uttered,
Using it the wrong way
In place of having nothing to say,
No way to get me to sway,
Attempting forgiveness,
With deceptiveness,
The misused word,
With nothing left to give.
Sitting empty across a screen,
Sparking no emotion,
Not even the slightest commotion
In a buzzing brain,
From snapping I will refrain,
Yet not for too long,
I am tired of this repeatitive meaningless song.
Swagatika Dash Mar 2018
In the search of a true face
across the world
   I see many faces…

Some unfold what they are
and some persist
under the veil of futile glare…

While one being a saint
emits divine fragrance
and evinces the ultimate path,
another behind saffron
keeps usurping
the modesty of the earth…

While a doctor justifying his duty
works a lot and
returns someone’s breath,
another with sham assurance
and selfish gain
revels in welcoming
the naked dance of death…

Where one reveres women
as fortune
one pushes her in to
the jaws of inferno..

Where a net of conspiracy
lies behind a crooked smile..
Where illusive tears
play with emotions
determined to drown others in woe..

Beauty there is deified
And yet
carnal desires rule supreme..

Hiding under
honeyed speech
man proclaims
deceptiveness is alien to him…

Giving a blank look
he projects himself as innocent
but there remains in him
a hidden criminal mastermind…

Who promises himself
as the Truth’s son
is in reality
a matchless fraud…

Swearing to be a true friend
behind you
he walks with your enemy
hand in hand…

Unpredictable and strange
are everyone..
But the time’s rain
washes away
all pseudo makeup,
drags out the disguised
of his castle…

But all of a sudden
my search seizes the real point
I find Nature and child’s heart,
with truth, are not poles apart..

display only beauty and simplicity..
That’s why on earth
the living incarnation
of divinity, both are..
By Swagatika Dash -"TRACK OF A TODDLER"

— The End —