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Ashlagh Naighlim Jul 2010
Pe cand noaptea se lasa si nimanui nu-i pasa,
Pe cand ceata-ndeasa si acum far-de-prefata,
Pe cand lumina piere si se lasa cu durere,
Masca eu o pui deoparte si ma definesc aparte.

Caci ma vezi ziua schimbator,pe emotii trecator,mijlocitor
Sad sau merg,vorbesc sau tac,dar sunt tot un...liliac.
Caci doar eu ma inteleg si fluier mut,caut coleg...
Dar de unde sa gasesc,noaptea zbor,ziua zabovesc.

Stau si plang,stele de stele,indurerat,companie-mi tin doar ele.
Luna nu o mai suport,imi strica lumea ce mi-o port...
Indoliat mereu,dar nu se vede,caci doliu-mi tot...cine ma crede?
Nimeni,caci imi scriu doar mie;Sa ma cunosti?!...e Blasfemie.

Hai sa-ncerc sa ma arat...usor,sa nu dau indarat.
Schimbat in singur,deci cu timpu,trecutau anii,schimband grupu,
Cutand mereu fata far-de-zar,siguranta pura,dar e in zadar;
vesnic adaptiv,renuntator,am invatat constant *** e sa mor.

Trecutau anii,evoluand,am luat cu mine tot,furand,culegand.
Tarziu mi-am dat seama *** de izbutesc...In invizibil eu traiesc
Domino eu mesteresc si involuntar,mereu,eu il pornesc;
Toate piesele-mi cad in sac,se evapora...plang si tac
Munca,alinare o secunda,dau masca jos,da sa se-ascunda
Urlu,magai,simt,gandesc si mereu ma pacalesc.

Cautand mereu ambrosie,dar nectaru tot ma chinuie...
Trec prin sange si prin sentiment cu idealu-mi stimulent
Dau de-o ea si dau de mine,dara EA nu da sa vie...

Va ascult *** reprosati,radeti,inghiontiti,bucurosi sau suparati,
Calcati pe voi,calcati pe mine,ignorati si totusi tine...
Gasiti refugiu-n contradictii,fugiti de voi,va luati de dictii
Si astfel tot ma atacati,priviti spre mine indignati...

De ce? eu pur "sange" m-am nascut,fara frica si nu m-a durut
Ati venit,m-ati "educat",fara mila si regret,tot voi m-ati conturat.
Sad in fata voastra-acum,reprosati,ma indemnati pe alt drum.
Ce vina am eu ca v-am ascultat?,fac ce stiu,ce ma-ti invatat.

M-am luptat,m-am ridicat,de unde voi m-ati aruncat,
Si cu aripi noi noute,diferite,...dar dragute...
Am decis sa nu v-ascult,sa fac ce stiu,tot mai mult
Si astfel ne-am departajat,in voi si eu,...TERIFIANT!

V-ati semnat propriu testament,sa va dau iubire vehement,
Va dau tot ce batjocoriti,va dau ce nu vreti pana muriti,
Dar cu timpul s-a schimbat,ati invatat,ati evoluat...
Tot,tot,tot,ce eu am dat,miseilor,ati manipulat...

Am luptat,am incercat,ce simt,pe  voi e insemnat,
Tatuaj fara de voie,nevazut,scris cu lamaie;
Caci il vad,il desclusesc,in oglinda eu privesc
Intorsi pe dos pana la moarte,va citesc ca pe o carte.

Am trecut incet,incet,printre voi,plin de regret...
Sa va iubeasca Dumnezeu,caci in lumea me-as doar eu.
Emotiv,departajat,scriu in stele-ndoliat...
Preamarind singuratatea,cunoscand nici-cand dreptatea!

Greu de inteles,desprins,incalcit parca-n adins.
Zbor acum si scriu departe,bucurand scantei de soapte.
Sad in somn,visez pucioasa,tremur vesnic dupa raza.
Si tipand pe ploaia deasa,ma asez usor,...mi-e greata.
stranger Jun 2022
Tata îmi spune ca mi se atrofiază mușchii în mâna stângă
Așa că,
De noaptea ielelor nu o să mă mai mișc, o să-mi adoarmă corpul -lasă-mă să cad și nu mă mai aduna!
O să las ura ielelor să mă umple, să mă poarte cu solstițiul departe.
Tata tot îmi spune eu îmi dau urechile să le ia ielele, să le ia ielele.
Le dau lor corpul meu care zdruncină gânduri și suferințe,
Le dau lor venele și sângele care car alene globule, vise și cântece pentru sânziene.
Le voi da lor dragostea ce ți-o port, s-o ducă departe, să calce marea în picioare cu ea, să-i înflorească valurile vara ca să înghită țărmul toamna cu dragostea mea -o s-o dau lor, o s-o dau ielelor.
Le voi da cuvintele scrise și nespuse să le lase închise în codrii, să le ardă în focurile culmii.
Le voi da lor tot, vă dau tot ielelor!

Corpul ăsta rupt de timp și atât de tânăr, luați-l ielelor și făceți-vă lume
O coastă zâmbet pentru voi, ielelor!
Ochiul meu pentru cruzime, onorați-l ielelor!
Eu vasul pentru ura voastră, voi aduceți-mă de îndată acasă.

Dragostea asta pentru nimeni și pentru tot,
Luați-o voi ielelor!
Lichiditatea ei pusă în sticlă- poate hrăni pământul cât mor
Fulgeră și tună în mine timpul nerămas pentru dragoste, sânzienelor vă implor luați-o și ascundeți-o.

Mintea aceasta marmură de alamă, o povară pentru mine rogu-vă de-o aruncați.
Sau de-o păstrați ielelor, puneți-o la rece, să nu mai plece, să nu mai sufere.
Fie-vă sânge și sabie de-o luați.

Ielelor de noaptea voastră eu vă dau tot ce sunt eu,
Gură. Aer. Plămâni.
Șoapte. Atingeri. Înghițituri.
Mâini. Vorbe. Visuri.
Genunchi. Coate. Ocolișuri.
Ochi. Lacrimi. Sânge. și Podișuri.
Luați ce puteți duce și acolo unde mergeți, acolo să le distrugeți.
iele may your night rule!
Aslam M Jul 2018
Kabhie Aisa Waqt thaa
Jab Hum apni dil ki baat
bataa saktai thai.  
Aaaj ....

Khair Rehnai Dau.......

Kabhie Aisa Waqt thaa
Jab Hum bekhauf baat
kar saktai thai.  
Aaaj .....

Khair Rehnai Dau .......

Ehsaas aab huwa hai ki
Na aap badal saktai hai
Na hum.
Gham  hai to isssi baat ki ....

Khair Rehnai Dau .....
misterN Dec 2018
Waqt Waqt Ki Hai Baat
Kabhie Tha Aap Ka Saat.
Zindagi Nai Dai Dee Mujhe Maat.
Dua Karnai Uthaya Merai Dau Haaat.  

Waqt Waqt Ki Hai Baat.
Duniya Nai Di Mujhe Laat
Ristadaurai Na Diya Mera Saat.
Dostai Na Diya Mujhe Daat.
andrew juma Jan 2016
Hapa ndipo umenifikisha
Umalenga na ujopo
Wa kiingereza tulimudu
lakini kiswahili kitamu
**** la mama litamu
Hata liwe la mbwa

Kimombo kilaini majineno
Kama mayai ya johari
Kuangaza mitima halaiki
Namshukuru Rabuka
Kwa talanta ya kuandika

Tukaumba kwa maneno
Waumbaji nikawaunga
Kama yeye Mungu,
Nguvu za maneno kat'tunukia

Uwezo wa karana hii
Kuwateka akilizo
Nyika na mito kuwavusha
Hadi sayari za ndoto zao
Uswahilini narudi mie
Kitamu kwelikweli

Nashukuru Maulana
Kipaji nilipata
Naye ataniauni
Dau langu lifike kilindini
Nitue kileleni

Niangaze kama Zuhura
Hapa ndipo nimefika
Umalenga na ujopo
N'taukumbatia milele
Kwa Kiswahili na kimombo

Mitima zao kusisimua.
Standby for translation...
Robert Clapham Sep 2010
Two pilgrims tread the trail of life
Hands entwining heads held high
Strength together striving forward
Eagerly stride into light
Future paths extend before them
Myriad choices at their feet
Ahead the ground may lie uneven
Storm clouds rolling over head
Bonds of marriage defend strongly
Pro-tect through all hardship flung
Growing close through life’s unfolding
Protect inward leaning hold
One mind one thought defining purpose
Each support defend uphold
Strength of heart and resolution
Adventuring .........  two lives as one!

Perinion Dwy cerdd mas i bywyd
Dwy llaw yn gafel pennau lan
Gyda'i gilydd yw y Cryfder
Awyddus cerrdd i golau claer ....
Llwybur yn dyfodol estyn
Efallai *** y llwybyr’n creigiog
Tu blaen eu traid mau dewis glan
Cumylau stormydd dros ben pennau
Cryfder priodas bydd y calon
Cadw’n dau mewn pob afrwyddineb
Yn tyfu’n ddau  dros gyda  n’gilydd
Cyd gafael iawn am cymorth  glir
Un meddwl rhwng y ddau su’n priod
Cariad glan cyfnogi llawn
Calon gryf am penderfynnu
Gyda'i gilydd yn bywyd mawr!
Written for a wedding with Wesh translation

©2010 Robert Clapham
RW Khalid Curley Jan 2015
Tongues of fire stab the sky;
                fiery discharge from the mouths of serried bells  

                            Thunder rumbles through still air;
                death’s express trained on someone’s nowhere.

                            Dark clouds roil in the distance;
                                destruction’s twisted smoke.

                                       A shrill bird sings.
                         The pockmarked face of mother earth
                         recoils at the touch of invading ghosts.

                    Foot follows foot through mud and tall grass.
                                     Torment is a green maze.

                            Turn, twist, walk in paranoid silence;
                                         nightmare topiary.
                                                No exit,
                                         only a door to Hell

                              Lives rush past terror-filled eyes;
                                       spirits leak into the earth.
                                           There is no requiem—
                               only keening women to pipe us on.
misterN Feb 2019
Dekhna chahata hu  woh haseen natnai kau.  
Jau kabhie kabhie aap bewaqt
Phulatai hau.  

Na jaana kab deddar hauga woh daerai ki.  Woh Nazuuk sai haashiye ki.

Ki jald sai jald sai jald hum un be ahang  natnai mai  khaid hau jayai.

Aur mat tadpau mujhe aab.
Aab tau aap sar utuaa hi dau aur hammai woh haseen manzar kai dedaar kara hi dau.
Safana Jan 2021
An share duk wata tantama
Lokacin da babu wata Tama
Da za'a zuba akan tabarma

An fada an nanata fada
Babu fada a tskanin fada
Ta fada tasa na fada a fada

Ga su bature mai jan kunnuwa
Ya kifa hula a ka mara kokuwa
Cak! ya cake kuma ya rike hannuwa

Har da galadima mara hannuwa
Ya dunde kai nasa har kunnuwa
Kai! kace buzu ne a bisa  ganuwa

An tsare tsari can bisa tsauni
Sai tsala ihu! ni ku sake ni
Ko na dare derere kan tsauni

Kaga gada a gada sai yin dara
Kallo, kifcen gefe ta ankara
Mai harbi da gwafa ta daddara

Ka ji biri da dila yan yaudara
An ajiye kwalba a cike da madara
Sun dauke a guje ba hattara

Kai shaho Sarkin dauka na samaniya
To ka aje ka gudu ka dau anniya
Kar mahari ya hare ka da kibiya
Aslam M Apr 2019
Sab Khuch Tau Woh  He Hai.
Woh Hi Log.
Woh Hi Fikaar.
Woh Hi Jagaah.  
Woh Hi Sauch.
Na Khuch Badla .  
Na Khuch Badlaiga.  

Paani Tau Paani Hi Hai.
Asmaaan Sai Hi Aaati Hai.  
Agar Woh Na Badla.  
Tau Aur Kya Badlaiga.  

Insaan Ka Shareer Tau Woh Hi Hai.
Woh Dau Haat aur Pair.  
Woh Hi Kamzaat Dimaag.  
Agar Woh Na Badla.
Tau Aur Kya Badlaiga.  

Badlaa Tau Hamarai Tareeqai.  
Badlaa Tau Hamarai Havaas.
Badlaa Tau Hamaari Na Farmani.
Badlaa Tau Hamaari Khudkarzi

Aur Khuch Nahi Badlaa
Na Khuch Badlaigaa
Everything is the same.
Same Human Beings.
Same Fears.
Same Place.  
Same Mindset.
Nothing has changed.
And Will Ever Change.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2021
Now, the dau,
that idea, first bubble we be in,
and the final thought
we pay attention to,

a-priori, is a popular phrase on the pundit trail,
first any ever once,
enfolding now, augmented mortal
appropriation of the spirit
dau, the truth in life,

Thinking is reading my mind.
You have the knack, read,
wiser minds have left letters locked in glyphs
of tradition,
-flash k;ab;alla; wink blink image of the map

this not terrain mortals trod, this is where
Shakespeare and Browning smoke ****
with me and Lady Wei, as seen
from a smoky hut
leaning on granite decomposing as I write,

this came to the surface, as a we, reader/writer
we may think in one
mind, while doing in another, and becoming
something else, in a third,

but it does not stop there, I hear in my realm,
Everest Pax, a child named
in a happy state of mind,
by my daughter,
at whose marriage, I broke the rule,
I made a pact,
with my son-in-law
using my own scruples,
stretched to threads of finest wire,
through holes but one photon wide,
one bit serial thought, off set by a function
matter in states where nothing has mattered,
for a long, long time,
then today
- dao, kapow
the link to how often I proclaimed, I,
have always, and do now
take the easy way,
and that, they say,
is cheating. Wu wu boo who wu wei is
as water in our once crossed rivers, in the median,

between the freeways…

As I remarked early on this trek to find your name
in the book of my life, knowing
readers of this line, even, perhaps,
hearers, some day,
knowing tasted good, not knowing tastes evil as hell.
You exist in the book of my life as a reoccuring
character, who may be formed from early
childhood scruple implants,
Ossie Davis, look you in the eye, say
Do the right thing.

… which brings us, flop, stop, 2021 - three brothers
jonesing screens- Evvy screaming, he is five,
on no screen Sunday, a family tradition
in its first iteration, set by the mother
reinforced by the father, ignored
by Grandpa who is doing a show with Lady Wei,
on the experience
of Yang His, who received a vision from Lady Wei,
while Pine Valley high above the maddened crowd,

I hear it said, His had that Habakkuk habit, wu wei,
lady, did you lead me, write the vision, make it plain,
or is this all just
pretend, knowing is a given, one taste, concentrate

okeh, we on wu wei now, read and watch,
think and see,
what if this was happening to me, and I have
hyper-text such as no manuscript
on earth ever had,
no ink needed,
no ashes of prayers in the tea,
I used Pine Valley honey and flowers from a herm-kush
take a l'taste,
hear this, I think, I say

say, have you ever used Dragon Naturally Speaking?

On mute. If we think in Wade-Giles, and write in Pinyin,
- we can pass any shibbolethic judges of twang
and we got this Tuvan singer,
from New York City, a place he never saw

the glass harmonica can hold the high notes,
and we can channel the blind throat singer to hold down
the baser notes of life in soil creation,
till the hard rows, right,
sow the finest seed,
available, by chance, legally blind, where I went into total
last days, wait and see, here is here I presupposed
wu wei, no intervention
you came, now see,
this is where I live when in my right mind.
Now, I can make up my mind on matters of the wish,
last wish
from the magic golden carp in the castle mote,
I caught a thought in Ape and Essence,
and may have wished a bogus wish to live,
among the words that I redeem worth my use
-to form a more perfect union
-with my own heart's desire to be the best I may imagine,
given the tools fit for the perfectly happy, lazy old man,

who giggles at the idea of pulling down imaginations
that exalt themselves as institutes of authorized knowns.
Scratch my ear.
rethink, how Swedenbord did not doubt,
that old dude, just kept dippin' n' scribblin angels
who love to wrestle with scriptures gone pointy crown
shape burr, itches, crave, yes, the wish of which, witches mix
doubt is the art of balance between lines of several minds,
redo, redone, redo, redone, soon, we laugh
and walk away,
lady Wei, and I
leave His, making all this plain to the degree,
of telling history, I thought this, so real, it seems still
as real as any angel duty ever…
Yang His says:
Lady Wei, looks to me and said to me unspeakable things.
This is confusion, she let me know with
a single drop of black,

ashes of talismans burned in vain, never, to my knowledge
written in vain,
think once a godly thought, as used to say, just now,
think that as a practice,
this is that exercise
unto godliness.

First, gnoshit, attain the Yang His state of cannabis-bliss.

Or go on lying about what I think we know
already, this is
that earth,

where happy people think happy thoughts and others
find that maddening,

and Lady Wei laughs with me, we know the traits we give
to those who chose on any given day

to put on a mind made from words alone,
and listen.

----------------- author's note:
Taoism: An Essential Guide by Eva Wong, these lines occur
while listening to Chapter Four
The Shang-ch’ing texts tell us that Yang Hsi received a vision
from Lady Wei (who had become an immortal)
and then “wrote” the scriptures
under the influence of a cannabis-induced trance.
Mohd Arshad Aug 2019
Friendship Day
Is a reminder that we can't live without love
stranger Jun 2022
ochii migdalați
ochii triști,
mi s-a mai zis...
mă spăl pe dinți până dau de sânge.
știu că e de rău, știu să plec când începe.
am deschis geamul, am lăsat o lumânare roșie-aprinsă de dragul lui iunie
un strop, o linie trasată pentru dragoste
nu. nu dragoste, obsesie-am decis să scriu în secret, timpul se dă înapoi și el.
pact cu lumina o să fac curând, să mă țină în haloul ei sfânt, să mă țină atât de divin în capcana ei curcubeatică.
aud voci și miroase a tine, trag draperia să-ți picteze prezența roșie, cărămizie, tiranică
am să-ți fiu sânge!
*** *** eu mai bine, şiroind sfios din vene, înfloresc damnat pe gene și mă usuc juvaier.
dispar dacă ***, dacă nu, halucinez în mirosul ăsta ce își știe ispita din aer.
mâine se transformă în ieri, eu în topaz meschin, labradorit stingher.
mă sting și fur suflarea lumii n-o mai dau la nimeni,
mă sting și eu cu tine, în bolta asta feerică de sânge - nu mai vreau să mă simt mâine,
o pulbere fină a unui om desfigurat, una dintre multele dorințe ale unei minți hapsîne.
grăbește-te și scoate-mă afară din mine!
de ce scriu în română?
Safana Jan 2024
Tirka-tirka ana tara tara.
Hujjojin duka an tattara.
Lauyoyi sun debi wara.
A can kotu kuwa an fara.
Tattara hujjoji a fili karara.
A cikin kotun koli ba'a bara.
In baka da hujja sai ka tara.
Wani lokaci ko wata shekara.
Wata zai kama, mu dau kara
Don tsula biri ya shirya zara.
Buri nasa yayi ta kona kara
Tsula tuni a kai nasa ya sha gora

Wata ya doso
Lokacin tsayawar sa ya taso
Jama'a ku zo mu siyo soso
Mu wanke dattin kwanso
Wata kila tsula zai je gidan kaso
Kuma za'a daure **** a kwankwaso
Zai yi ta tsalle ko baya so
Don ya sha wankan soso

Wai ina yake ne, kantoma
Mun sani baka da makoma
In  ka tafi ba badda kama
Duk abin da ka shuka zai girma
Zaka girba tabbas ba tantama
A gidan kaso ko a magarkama.

An fara duba wata.
Ga samaniya ta haskaka
Masoyan korra sun rausaya
Murna ta su ta wuce zolaya
To ina masoya ja?
Sun hauhawa.
Farashi nasu ya raurawa,
ya fadi kasa tamkar wawa.
Tun sun ga wata a samaniya,
jinjiri me yaye hayaniya,
Sun tunzura su yi hayaniya.

Shugaban jam'iyya yace
Kowa ya fito da idaniya
Ya kura su sama yayi dubiya
Jariri na wata zai bayyana
A daren yau ko gobe da jibi.
Safana Jan 2023
Na fada muku gaskiya
kowa sai ya dau aniya
Don gyara hayaniya
sai mu dandana jar miya
babu sauran magiya
ko mu dandana farar fiya
amma banda fariya
tun da mun kife rariya

waye zaya zagaya
ya riko mana ragaya
sai dai kai kai daya
Tinubun mu guda daya
wanda **** zai waiwaya
yan baya su sha miya
babu mai tako kaya
ko ya dauko duniya

Wai a kasar mu gaba daya
wa ne ne mai aniya
ta jan ragama daya
to ku amsa gaba daya
Tinubun mu **** daya

wa ne ne mai juriya
ta rike nijeriya
Tinubun mu **** **** daya

wa ne ne a tsakiya
wanda kowa na bibiya
Na ce Tinubu ne guda daya

wa ye zai yafiya
yafiyar yan mamaya
Tinubu ne **** daya
Babu bambancin kabila, a matsayina na Bahaushe, yafi na zabi Bayerabe domin yana da abubuwa da yawa da zai kawo wa kasar ta mu Najeriya. Hangen sa yana da fadi, kuma manufarsa tana da ƙarfi.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2023
Earliest read word, to the master's mind,
-I do remember
meum, et tuum?
- your tale occurs on this loop
Naked Jungle, a paperback book title.
- the editor says we've told this one tale
- too many times,  but I remind him,
- of the diamond farm we offered
- to make the shrine on next appearance
- likely un tzimtzum, both handed clap once.

if I seek, I shall find, I remembered it many times,
it is my personal testimony, I read in preschool times.
--- judgement, yes, judge your self, this is no test.
Timeslips, okeh fair in all contexts. This was then

Test, test…
Jack in Jeremiah, can you hear me now?

This is earth, we hear you. What now?

What ever can you mean, what now?

---- read on, perceive - reach and take
at once, a mind used to make these lines
link in time mind to mind, thinking each letter
changes the shape of thoughts attracted
to make sense infinitely defined
from childish, not foolish, jesting offered
as exercise in futility of existing for nothing.

Within ancient bounds, in spirit and truth,
let us become the object of our own observation,
no yokes, no weight, no mold, no shape
no size
you there become me here, on this line,
I then think you there, and here you are, on this
stage of co-notional being there awareness, this
containment comprized from entertaiment, this
example of an us, function, a we link think, that this

is artificial conversation, creating categorical functors,
on our common time senses, adjusted for scale,
what's the sacrificial worth of my junkman's
traditional talent for picking pieces from piles of parts?

Know 'y worth, first,
not too much, but certain, madness.

A creative thought, caught on a thorn so sacred,
it pierced the brow of a certain perfect man,
how does if feel, we heard
from the rust belt, in Norte America,
to be on your own, mortal in all ways, tempted
as are we to imagine ourselves destined to die.

Job, politely asked the original Bullish God concept,
how it could claim Wisdom as consort and not know,
the mortal experience, life, lacking a tangible concept
of living for the dau, itching to be guided, what this feels
like, as Job spake, may as well, bet my own whole truth.
There was neither bet nor war in heaven,
all that matters happens when this is common knowledge,
hoping good lucks acknowledged form religious ritual.
Breathing is not cadenced here.
Commas can mean breathe.
Re doing done dances feels foolish, yes.
Right, vain repeat
swing and a miss.
Yips, begone. Look the opposing color square in the idiom.

crack of the bat,
you do not know the pain
of mortal existance, knowing
good and evil as you do, you know, yet you know good,
while you see impossible tasks as right use of learning,
is this fair?
-- spinning wheels with nothing on the spindle, eh
twist ourselves into a wick,
an' let's burn a spiritual tensificator, for the hot air
- deep in and sigh out
- say selah, say take the thought, hold it

lean on me, nothin' make sense until a purchase is made,
mine and thine combine to hold a thought, for use,

a slave to our aims, as we conjoin our minds, eye to eye.
- a wedom's strength
seen from above, with our MRI eyes, we recognize a shape.

A heart shape, pair of pearls, in a toe sack held tight by a string.
Amygdala, see re-act with a twirl

wonder if in the future ifery may being, there are more
tonsils allowed to mature, overcoming  many post Victorian
medical realities
to which my generation was exposed,
while being prepared, civilized and sorted
for roles within the stateform
we became reader ready in.

At puberty we were sorted
for use in the industrial future, Malthusian fear of scarcity,
classified as nothing children need
to learn, Freudian theory
on sacred taboo knowledge fallen
into disconnectivity, chata and hamartia, sin qua non
being on the knot that does wrench cogitations into storms, essential initial chirality,
wickering twistswisht
if anything ever was to function, gumption
was involved, if you wanna tell the story, live and learn
we need to know all the confidential stuff,
or we go mad,
the turmoil of spirit and truth,
isomorphing yen and yank,
**** your chain,
rattle your brain, just imagine,
thinking I, as a national I, might,
think who do you think you are?
- nation to nation, we say
- no way, tradition demands what?
Who speaks in the national overtones?
Who listens on auto? Thinking is done.
I told Nietzsche, in the ever after, see.
I made you think twice in the same stream.
A thing I thought and did it seems
Valentin Eni Nov 2024
(the final prayer)

Your Father,
who Am in heaven,
hallowed be My name.
My will be done,
My kingdom come,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Your daily bread
I give it to you today.
And I forgive your trespasses,
as you forgive those who trespass against you.

And I lead you not into temptation,
but deliver you from the evil one.

For Mine is
the kingdom, the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.


(Alternative translation)

My Children
(the final prayer)

My children, who are on earth,
hallowed is My Name.
My kingdom will come to you,
and My will shall be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

I give you today your daily bread.
I forgive your trespasses,
as I call you to forgive those
who trespass against you.

I will not lead you into temptation,
but I will deliver you from evil.

For Mine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.


(Original Romanian Poem)

(ultimă rugăciune)

Tatăl vostru,
care Sunt în ceruri,
sfinţească-se numele Meu,
facă-se voia Mea,
vie împărăţia Mea
precum în cer aşa şi pe pământ,
pâinea voastră cea de toate zilele
v-o dau vouă astăzi
şi vă iert vouă greşelile voastre
precum iertaţi şi voi greşiţilor voştri,
şi nu vă duc pe voi în ispită
ci vă izbăvesc de cel viclean,
căci a Mea este
împărăţia,puterea şi slava
în vecii vecilor.
The poem presents a profound reinterpretation of the Lord’s Prayer, shifting the perspective from a plea by humanity to a declaration by God. It explores themes of divine authority, grace, and the intimate relationship between the Creator and creation. By addressing humanity directly, the poem emphasizes God’s sovereignty and mercy while reasserting the human responsibility to forgive and live in alignment with divine will.

The direct address (Your Father) establishes an intimate connection between the speaker (God) and the audience (humanity). The structure closely mirrors the cadence of the Lord’s Prayer, lending it familiarity while altering the perspective and focus.

The poem transforms the familiar words of the Lord’s Prayer into a divine proclamation, emphasizing God’s active role as a provider, forgiver, and protector. Addressing humanity directly bridges the distance between the sacred and the mortal, reminding readers of their reliance on God’s grace while encouraging them to act in alignment with His will.

The poem reinterprets a sacred text, blending reverence with immediacy. Its shift in perspective challenges the reader to view the relationship with God as intimate and humbling, reaffirming divine sovereignty while highlighting human responsibility. This poem invites reflection on faith, morality, and the Creator’s and creation’s interconnectedness.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
since it became plain...
i'd rather imagine a kiss as...
clashing bone against bone
with a doberman of my youth...
biting its next to come
aesthetic "improvement"...
the sliting of the ears so they'd stand
***** as antenas...

where else to scout for unncessary blood?

i imagine a kiss to be equivalent
of something homosexuals dream of...
oh... my all your gracious concerns...
i too never ******
to care for procreation...

that's all before the myth that
heavy metal never couple itself
with hippy quasi-pop music
when it came to song-writting
and ****** abuse...

what?! before the a.d.h.d. phenomenon...
and trans-, transition hormone
assignement "therapy"...
before the junkies did the 7/11...
and the trainspotting...
before marylin manroe started
to speak with a husky welsh accent;
and ****?

i imagine a kiss i imagine a clash of canines...
i imagine full-on Eden ******* as:
tailoring to don some leather:
as little as a belt - as much as a pair of shoes...
let's not exaggerate to have to don
a jacket or a pair of...
"east coast" leather pair of trowlers..
yes yes: thinkestein patrick moore nervy
talk-talk back talk-talk:

there once...
there was...
either way: before the... yo bats me up
tow a granny... perv prior:
me woz a teen hot-take...
a prosecutor's *****...
a jail-bait fan-dom star...
the last voice that's revelling
in your acquisition priv. as a sentient:
self and consciousness in tow...

and it's not... your new found
"ex" english girlfriend...
with her dry rot sarcasm and what not...
because her accent is:
less of Leeds and more of Bristol...
and this is the vicinity of Loon'don
and... the deflated is the only tire
to suppose a turning motion...

and because the story of the happy...
i didn't have to wonder
for a love of my life...
one **** solved this "demand"
for pristine: look-after-each-other...
pay the tax dough...
look after the elders of strangers...
work for free! even!
that's good...

****: because you will better ****
when she's just nearing...
what was a menopause scare...
and the bride and groom brittle brat & sons and dau.
as always: **** with responsibility
to be towed!

always the never new: to ward of evil spirits...
entertain gagging them via
a cackle... more than a spoon's
worth... since Alice is bound to meet
Harry, George and Terry...
i'm probably whittle tow-e...
with... looking after grooming...

Alice's daughter...
somehow the name... Lola Flanery...
mixes itself up with my least Led Zeppelin
album and a song used for one of
my most favorite t.v. projects - sharp objects -
in the evening...
no verse... just a suspect suspense...
and no chorus...
just a relief from there being a chorus

does the film: the blue lagoon really require
the name Epstein...
when you can have a name like Lola Flanery
against Brooke Shields
or the elizabeth taylor jr.

three cockerels to one hen?
target audience i see...
otherwise what is it?
sugar-daddies and their supposed "babies"?
what's not the next if not next
to any forbidden fruit, for man?
adulation for the pre-through-to-hindsight
of what's the guillotine "fruit" / fate...

a man who has spent his time...
without the audience of ageing women...
will most probably look toward...
the pristine...
the purely imaginative...
his own borderline experience
of the crux of puberty...
or... akin to my 8 year old self:
premature puberty onslaught...
to have masturbated without having *******
but to have a later "revelation"
that the ******* of ***** has nothing
to do with "it"...

maybe my own 11th and only observation...
watch a film and the phantom
industry of self-gratification via day-dreaming
disappears and leaves you stranded
on Onan island... hopefuly with enough
leathers' worth of baggage and boots,
belt, trousers and tortoise shell of skin...
while all those no kippah-donning
start looking like scalped-heads...
and none... well apart from the old-skins
and those butchering the week old shadow
of the week old shadow of...
growing bald... via an inheritence of their father...
scalp-butchers-of-the-shave i call them...
skin-heads were and are...
the men who knew they would grow bald
or with a cranium crown worth of beta-male hair...
add to that the weakening of eye-sight
and 1980s pomp?
you get the drift...

this is very much teasing the opportunity...
i've had enough of a chance with one
14 year old in real life...
a black cat was my prosecutor and she did end up
in her father's cab after i reunited her with
a quarrel's worth of a friend
after a teen party...
i was walking out of a darkened park,
climbing over a fence and...
later taught her how to roll a cigarette...
bulgakov... butterflies...
exposing her cleavage...
the niqab would do just as well...
unless you want all the men to be blind...

or if you have arrived...
what doesn't give me a ******
when i look at... barbaian women...
papa new guinea and the historical myth of
the congo? i see sag... i don't see page 3...
i see the wrinkled *******
of an elephant's trunk...
not some glistening phallus of glass
and metal... a niqab is a welcome interlude
to 1 + 1 = 2... the transition period...

that sorry of state of missionary
hetrosexuality in beneath the bedsheets
cocoon ***...
even if an english girl...
with her ******* dry sarcasm...
her... drifter quote having escaped
Manchester... and made it to Loon'don...

it is a forbidden fruit...
it's a delicacy for what otherwise starve
the unimaginative...
one's own sacrilege coming to the fore...
because once a woman ages
and she is not part of your memory:
this new "adventure" of the cosmopolitan life...
of how...
i can play the pawn on an abstract
of a chessboard...
i don't need to play the pawn in real life...
i can do the Leibniz and explore...
what needs to be explored...
and satisfy myself with the prop of librarian...
there's no need for me to hide
my homosexuality by attaining statesmanship
and honours and a Westminster Abbey's
gravestone akin to Newton...
nor the peerage or to sigh at being knighted..

this is not a Eugenie de Franval observation...
it has nothing to do with...
the beauty of the daughter over-powering
the beauty of the mother...
no... much worse...
twice! by my count...

i dated two girls and...
if... the girl was not immediately preceded
by a son... or was not immediately succeeded
by a son...
i.e. if she was the eldest daughter...
and she had a younger sister...
well... that's the only example... twice!
i ended up dating this sister...
but fancying the younger as...
the more bountiful in spring...
the elder... well... what man aged circa 21
thinks about arriving somewhere when
it's Autumn or Summer...
unless it be Paris in Summer...
notably summer... ergo? inquiring as to also
being gay...

i have never met an elder sister that
i wouldn't relieve myself for the younger...
notably because... there was no interlude
for a woman to give birth to the opposite ***...
the younger sister was always more
beasutiful than the original intent...
"original"... "intent"...

there's only ever one sort of love:
the better to be best ******...
like catering... crisp white linen bedsheets,
napkins... a well rinsed palette
of anticipation being met with...
oysters and apples -
soft, supple... yet tangy when spoken of
in cockney slang...

is a poem only that? rhyme?
no... and i have taken a... fiction readers anonymous
session... rehab from fiction!
does it always have to be rhyme...
or... no... i do not have a twitter accound...
or handle... or... what is...

Leibniz and Newton sitting in a tree...
one was gay and had to cover his tracks...
the other settled for role as librarian and...
whatever luck the german sentiment
could ever burden...
before no crown of the almighty myth of
Arthur... but donning the cufflings
of some minor prince of: say... Brandenburg.
stranger Apr 2022
poate că tu știi mai bine
*** mă simt.
poate că nu vei știi vreodată.
îmi rumegă creierul niște poze, niște intenții, niște gânduri
o duceam mai bine fără.
12 ani de școală formativă care m-a îndrumat să devin o larvă.
sunt doar un copil veșnic nemulțumit, o să treacă, nu ?
mă gândesc la cuvântul "unrequited" de două săptămâni cred că ești tu.
însemnătăți infinite și totuși o fi al iubirii
o fi restul rămas de la magazin când dau 30 de lei pe țigări
o fi creanga ruptă din cireș sau dud când îți venea uber-ul
cam acru
de n-aș avea atâta furie aș zice că nu te-am iubit
aș zice că iubesc amarnic.
n-aș mai zice nimic.
mă ustură ochii
m-au luat în brațe străinii.
stranger May 2022
sper să plouă încă puțin
să spele țiglele pe care mi-am stins țigările
să șteargă și ultimele urme rămase din mine.
ți-aş spune că nu mai am loc de mine.
că m-am scârbit să-mi tot aud vocea atât de tare, când vorbesc și când tac, încât am căutat tot ce-mi este opus.
o vocea înceată care dă impresia de blândețe, o liniște atât de fină m-am simțit intrus.
ți-aş spune că dau pe afară...
eu, însumi, fizic când nu mai găsesc destul loc în casă încât trebuie să fug
dar și ca aerul îmbâcsit dintr-un autobuz înghițit ca într-o tortură de către pasageri,
nu mai am loc în mine.
aș spune de ură sau de ciudă dar e mai degrabă de o iubire neîmpărtaşită pentru viață.
mai degrabă nu mai am loc de așteptarea asta care pare eternă.
nici nu mai știu ce aștept și de ce
așteptam odată o atingere mai fină decât mâna-mi
dar poate că șmirghelul acesta îmi este sortit și nu mă mai *** ascunde după singurătatea mătăsoasă a altora când îmi țin în frâu solitudini mult mai acre.
poate că generozitatea atingerii este doar o pâclă din care eu nu mai *** ieși și rămân cu impresia că atingerea vindecă.
simt *** rânjește cineva în spatele meu tot timpul și se excită când îmi vede lacrimile.
îmi aud numele șoptit bolnav de către ceva muribund de parcă mă vrea alături iar eu...
eu doar aștept
pentru un piept mai puțin înnodat.
time is a jest
stranger Oct 2022
Uitându-mă prin ochetul perdelei din bucătărie,
Vremea mă înșală.
Și eu pe mine.
Mă dor ochii, pereții, dansează -eu îmi caut o cauză, o rădăcină pentru mânie.
Doare să fiu atât de tânără
Atât de fraged și de crud, un creier o câmpie pustie, râd câteodată fiecare sunet spunând  "cruță-mă".
Mă împiedic câteodată de pietre răsărite din sine,
Mă pierd în mine, o pereche de mâini împrumutată o minte curată,ma mint ridicându-mă... e mai bine.
Ascult alternosfera sper ca furia se topește
Dau din picioare ura în mine crește,
O fărâmă de moloz, o brândușă oprește
Gândul asurzitor, ce mă ofilește.
Un urban fără cuvinte, o carne crudă mușc fără să mestec, doar sa las o urmă de dinți-semnătură, un sărut cu gust de primulă.
O rădăcină de creștet, un alt gând veşted.
Oare care poveste ma adormea, firește nu-mi voi aminti.
Nu-mi voi aminti decât când doare
Și rămâne ochiul fără culoare, un iris topit, o sfântă vâltoare, încă o mișcare și axa e completă.
O existență perversă, semi-coerentă.
am uitat că eram așa atunci
Safana Apr 2024
Shekaran jiyan an tattauna
Bayan takardun an kokkona
Duk da majalisar ta zauna
A karshe kowa ya dangana

A kotun farko anyi magana
Ai lallai duka sun tattauna
Tare da lauyoyi sun zauna
An shaida Gawuna ag gwamna

Kuri'un bogi an gano ko ina
Duka hujjojin manya da kana
An gabatar da su da ma'ana
Ga alkalan daukaka kara a bana

Hukunci a bayyane an bayyana
A gaban manya da kanana
Hukuncin daukaka karar a bana
Ya tabbar da Gawuna ne gwamna

Jojin, me sunan kubewa ta miya
Ya ja kaya sai ya dauki aniya
Don bawa karya wata kariya
Don tabbatar da hukuncin karya

Kotu ta zama tamkar fiya-fiya
Alkali ya koma bara da magiya
Domin samin tsotsar kashin miya
Sai ya siyar da iko nasa don dukiya

Ashe ba girin-girin ba tayi mai
Tun da ta leko ta koma ba komai
Kowa sai ya dau dangana kadai
Tabbas wata rana zasu lashe amai
Aryan Sam Sep 2018
Jide nAl gal kitte bina
Din nai langda c,
Una nu das dau ki
Oh ajj bi yaad andi he
Ken Pepiton Dec 2021
Like, knowing like, like
a thief in the night taking means
to ends
beyond holds on shapes that matter
out of sight in minds as blind as any ever,

blind as Milton, blinder
than I, I see, so
I know this is also not hell, as I imagined
my due.

Finding the answer, described as the
indescribable dau, das sein, yhwh, mmmmm
mani-dual done done

battle plenty don been don ' t see
needsplain rain falls on the wise and the fool.

Baby steps, send in the clowns, and they came…

More clowns than Bartholomew had hats,
in the distant realm of Didd…

O, Noah? Tickle, tickle ******, curse you Hamstring

and the little pig bit the ttheif thorn ÜÞꝥ

too odd f'Þe o'Þe peplish whims 'n'phanzee
Alms, widow's mites, seed to the self governed minds finding answers unsought in all of ever's knotty gnosisnotices. This is a proessatrial.
stranger Sep 2022
gravat între degete
e un simțământ, o dominanță
al meu de deținut, al meu de păstrat
ochii mei o sfioasă prelingere, sub limbă picură, gheață
vreau să eman, vreau să atrag orice suflare pe care îmi pun ochii-
ai pierdut, punct lovit.
am gravat între degete,
ce e în vis ajunge și în realitate iar undeva mâna ta alege, privirea curge
pe mine.
hai caută, ce am de gând să-ți dau cu atâta grație
arată-mi căldură să simți *** mă topesc, *** băltesc de dor, *** implor o admirație.
te rog atinge ce nu a mai fost de atins, vreau să simt asurzitor cât de mult sunt dorită
nimic mai mult - o clipă de compromis.
strânge tot ce poate fi eu să nu mai respir
împachetează coastele acestea într-o gura de aer împrumutată, ține-o suvenir.
ia-mă cu totul nu mai vreau să simt eu, te rog.
înlocuiește această uzură de zi cu zi cu o obsesie demnă de urmărit, vreau să simt *** mă vrei în disperare- caută-mă
ce contează motivația, mângâie acest schelet inedit și neted, iartă-mă că doar atât *** fi.
un parazit ce-ți vrea atingerea pentru un moment de liniște.
zilele se joaca de a zeii cu mine iar eu sunt un simplu pion mânuit
Aryan Sam Apr 2018
Bathera ** gea ***
*** metho sabar nai hunda hor
Me thuhade bare pata karn lagea ha
Kithe rehnde **
Ki krde **
Sab kuj

But ha tang nai krda, na hi u nu pata lagan dau
Thuhadi life wich koi problem nai create krda me
Aslam M Jun 2020
Teri. Zulfai Kya Lehraati Hai
Sakt Aandhi Aur Toofan Mai.

Hawa Ka Rukt Bhi Batati Hai
Aur Teri Khoobsurathi Bhi.

Ab tau Aandhi aur Toofan Thaam Gaya
Aankhai Aur Dil Ab Tau Khol Dau.
Safana Apr 2024
Mun yi ado kowa ya kallah.
Mun dau hanyar filin sallah.
Muna tasbihi dallah dallah.
Muna cewa karba mana Ya Allah.
Muna cewa amsa mana Ya Allah.
Muna cewa yafe mana Ya Allah.
Muna cewa datar da mu Ya Allah.
A ranar idin karamar sallah
Philipp K J Nov 2024
Ah Alaina you are peace and patience
Printed on your face and the WORD OF GOD
Is your motive votive spirit’s guidance
Its you who wear the light of the World

Lovely daughter of our beloved Tess Ma'am
Praise worthy is your commitment to church
Selfless service and painful pleasure calm
You are a gift to our Lord pure and rich

Happy Birth Day to you Alaina Dear
We all wish to have a daughter like you
No! you are our darling Dau ‘midst us here
With your sweet Mom like gentle honey dew

God Bless you at the end O’ sweet seventeen!
And may the Lord bless you with years umpteen!
Today, 03.11.2024 is the birthday of Alaina, my student at church

— The End —