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1 The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home,
2 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay,
3 The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
4 While the birds make music all the day.
5 The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
6 All merry, all happy and bright:
7 By'n by Hard Times comes a knocking at the door,
8 Then my old Kentucky Home, good night!

9 [Chorus] Weep no more, my lady, oh! weep no more to-day!
10 We will sing one song
11 For the old Kentucky Home,
12 For the old Kentucky Home, far away.

13 [Solo] They hunt no more for the possum and the ****
14 On the meadow, the hill and the shore,
15 They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon,
16 On the bench by the old cabin door.
17 The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart,
18 With sorrow where all was delight:
19 The time has come when the darkies have to part,
20 Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night!

21 [Chorus] Weep no more, my lady, oh! weep no more to-day!
22 We will sing one song
23 For the old Kentucky Home,
24 For the old Kentucky Home, far away.

25 [Solo] The head must bow and the back will have to bend,
26 Wherever the darkey may go:
27 A few more days, and the trouble all will end
28 In the field where the sugar-canes grow.
29 A few more days for to tote the weary load,
30 No matter 'twill never be light,
31 A few more days till we totter on the road,
32 Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night!

33 [Chorus] Weep no more, my lady, oh! weep no more to-day!
34 We will sing one song
35 For the old Kentucky Home,
36 For the old Kentucky Home, far away.
Yenson Aug 2018
Lost in the majority
hiding within the masses
seeking acceptance
afraid to be yourself

The bullies' 'democracy' claims another victim
the chains are for you
not your so-called prisoner
Not the one who dared call it as it is
Not the one unafraid to stick his head above the fence

What is a person if not their truths
Be it right or wrong, better die than a ******* sheep
The Dodo was wiped out because they were flightless
Couldn't escape the clutches of human
Was it their fault
Or the God who made them without wings
and also created man in charge of earth

Man is the highest being
who professes to know more than God
Do what they want and take what they like
We can, so we do
We'll just make it up as we go along
Its unlawful to **** but our Police can **** the Darkies
You do jail time for stealing a loaf
At the top they are stealing millions slashed in Offshore Accounts

Then some flatulences of deranged ******* ranges along
declaring we are Red Devils against the Privileged
See that man go make his life a misery
Don't befriend him, don't even talk to him
Come join our club cause we are the majority

The flatulence of ******* have just stolen your Free-Will
Pitting you against another who has done you no wrong
But it's alright because everyone is in with it
No it's not OK because they have just made you a slave
Played on your fears and made you feel inferior
Judged on your behalf without your consent
And manipulate you without your approval
Because they have fooled you
Made you think you're only strong in a pack
While tainting your mind with Hate
And stealing your free Will

Welcome to Cowardsville, Have a nice stay
Cause you're staying your lifetime
Real Democracy is seeking Common good for all by all
Not common destruction of another blameless Human
as sport to hang asinine trite banners on, to **** your mind in
That is not Power, its a scam by Cheats, thugs and hooligans
who also want a slice of the Top table pies and cherries,
without learning the rules of the game
What these shites call Power is hate and Bullying
And bullying is Wrong and cowardly
It could be YOU someday

You may not have much but at least own yourself
And own your mind
Make your own decision
Don't do because someone stole your free Will
Least of all a Flatulences of Red *******
Who banish Freedom while yelling Freedom For All
Who lies we are fighting for the common people
While their union Leaders earn same as the ******* PM
and live Rent free in mansions with fortunes in Banks

Is Putin equal to all the others he rules over
Is Trump giving up his Billions to make America great
Has Corbyn given a spare room to a Palestinian refugee
or donated half of his wages to the poor
Do you honestly believe Politicians tell you the TRUTH
Whether Red, Blue, Orange, Gold or ******* Rainbow

Then some Shyster Flatulences of Red Nincompoops steals
your Free will and sends you like dogs to go harass
and torment one single Man and calls it Revolution...hahaha

Go have a coffee and smell the Roses....people!
Jeremy Corbyn publishes tax return, revealing total income of £114,342
Heinrich Aryan N Dec 2013
You borrowed them from craigslist.
You didn't write them yourself soooooo
I borrowed them from you.
I borrowed without asking
don't you know poor blacks like me
steal, lie, cheat, con, have different baby daddies,
will scam you and uncle tom you and kiss your ***
so you think we all is good darkies.
Been that way since your people stole my people
from africa and put us on plantations.
It's pay back and I borrowed what you posted
from craigslist as payback and a error thought
you was somebody else. My  joke and mistake. lol
Brent Kincaid Oct 2016
See the Nigra boy statue
On a White front lawn
It is all that is left now
The Old South is gone.
It’s beloved in those towns
With proper church steeples
From the good old days
When people owned people.

It is a symbol of when
Blacks stayed in at night
And all public offices
Were held by the Whites.
When all human rights
Applied to only Caucasians,
And not to Blacks, Hispanics,
American Indians or Asians.

Those were the days when
It was easy to quickly see
Which were the good people
And which ones were guilty.
In those much better times
We didn’t stoop to harrangue them.
If they shot off their mouths
We would  simply hang them.

Two hundred years of tradition
Was rudely taken away
No matter how we fought it
No matter what we had to say.
Those were the best times
And we liked it that way.
And our friendly Congressmen
Should make that way today.

The little Lawn Jockey remains
Almost by himself to carry on
Now that the massas and mistresses
In the Sainted South are gone.
He signifies a better time
Like Stephen Foster songs:
We never found owning darkies
So very evil or all that wrong.
I have known FAR too many people in my life who feel this way, so I decided I needed to share this so you can be on the lookout to avoid such creeps as talk like this.
They say there is a broke light for every heart on Broadway.
They say that life's a game then they take the Broadway.
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story.
Then leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret.
In no longer pretty cities there are fingers in the kitties,
there are warrants, forms and ******* and a jackboot on the star.
There's *** and death and human grime in monochrome for one thin dime
and at least the trains all run on time but they don't go anywhere. 
Facing their responsibilities either on their backs or on their knees.
There are ladies who just simply freeze and dare not turn away
and the widows who refuse to cry will be dressed in garter and bow-tie
and be taught to kick their legs up high in this vicious cabaret. 
At last the 2014 show the ballet on the burning stage!
The documentary seen upon the fractured screen.
The dreadful poem scrawled upon the crumpled page! 
There's a police man with an honest soul that has seen whose head is on the pole
and he grunts and fills his briar bowl with a feeling of unease.
Then he briskly frisks the torn remains for a fingerprint or crimson stains
and endeavors to ignore the chains that he walks in to his knees. 
While his master in the dark nearby inspects the hands with brutal eye
that have never brushed a lovers thigh but have squeezed a nations throat.
And he hungers in his secret dreams for the harsh embrace of cruel machines,
but his lover is not what she seems and she will not leave a note. 
At last the 2014 show!
The situation tragedy!
Grand opera slick with soap!
Cliff-hangers with no hope!
The water color in the flooded gallery. 
There's a girl who'll push but will not shove
and she's desperate for her fathers love.
She believes the hand beneath that glove
may be one she needs to hold.
Though she doubts her host's moralities she decides
that she is more at ease in the land of Doing-As-You-Please,
than outside in the cold.
But the backdrops peel and the sets give way
and the cast get eaten by the play.
There's a murderer at the matinee
there are dead men in the aisles
and the patrons
and the actors too are uncertain if the show is through,
and with sidelong looks await their cue...
but the frozen mask just smiles. 
At last the 2014 show!
The torchlight song no one ever sings!
The curfew chorus line!
The comedy divine!
The bulging eyes of puppets, strangled by their strings!
There's thrills and chills and girls galore,
there's sing-songs and surprises!
There's something here for everyone reserve your seat today!
There's mischief and malarkey,
but no queers or yids or darkies within this ******* carnival...
worth the read from one of my favorite comics
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

The days of servile darkies
Pickin’ cotton from a field
With its underlyin’ racism
Has cache and appeal
For some Lilliputian minds
If we’re gonna keep it real
So they keep questionin him
Like we don’t know the deal

Been there done that before
We had the right to vote
Some would like to take us back
Or hang us from a rope
If it’s not based on race then what is it
That keeps the birthers goin’
They make it up from whole cloth
And yet their lies keep growin’

They’re good at spreadin’ vermin
And their own insanity
But who are they to determine
Our humanity
If by chance they really think
They can turn time back
Cap’n that ain’t hapnin
And that’s simply is a fact

Cap’n that ain’t hapnin
Cap’n that ain’t hapnin

The whole world’s lookin at us
Wondrin’ what’s the problem
We used to take on challenges
And find a way to solve ‘em
But racism seems so ingrained
That it remains a problem
And sayin’ that is not the case
In no way will absolve ‘em

They’re good at spreadin’ vermin
And their own insanity
But who are they to determine
Our humanity
If by chance they really think
They can turn time back
Cap’n that ain’t hapnin
And that’s simply is a fact

Cap’n that ain’t hapnin
Cap’n that ain’t hapnin

The days of servile darkies
Pickin’ cotton from a field
With its underlyin’ racism
Has cache and appeal
For some Lilliputian minds
If we’re gonna keep it real
So they keep questionin' him
Like we don’t know the deal

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Francie Lynch Jan 2015
What can happen
At home,
When cleaning up,
When the demons
Turn on the juice;
The OFF switch goes click,
The ON switch goes next,
They're loose again.
Defend well
Against harpies,
Dark pales and
Light darkies,
Stays off the juice.
Big Virge Dec 2019
Immigrants THIS And Immigrants THAT ... !!!
All This Government Talk's Helping Hatred SOAR ... !!!!!    
Meantime They KEEP ON ... !!!!!    
Making Plans And Setting ... "TRAPS" ... !!!    
We've Already Been Fed THE …. ” Internet "….    
Now It's ... " TV SHOWS " …    
Where CASH Is The GOAL .... !!!!!    
“For a cheap rate call,    
you could earn yourself, a cash windfall !”    
I Suppose They're Designed ...    
By … " IMMIGRANT MINDS " … !?!    
Take A Minute And ……….. ” THINK ” …………..    
Because Immigrants AREN'T The ... " WEAKEST LINK ” ... !!!!!    
Many Immigrants Yup DO NEED A Shrink …..    
Because of LIES And ... " Colonial Tricks " ... !!!    
” So Let’s Get This Straight !!?!! ”    
It's Okay To ... " ENSLAVE " … !!?!!  
But When It Comes To IMMIGRANTS ...    
Who ... USE THEIR BRAINS ... !!!!!!    
We're Deemed To Be A Waste of Space … ?!?    
And Like The ... ” INSANE ” ...    
Should Join The CRIMINALS And Be LOCKED AWAY ... ?!?    
Okay That's Cool ... !!!    
But Let Me Air MY VIEW ... !!!!!    
Immigrants Who Choose To Break Life's Rules …..    
Are A DANGER TO ME Like They Are To ... YOU ... !!!!    
I Believe They SHOULD BE LOCKED UP TOO … !!!!!!!!    
But DON’T Just .......................................... Ignore ... !!!    
Suited GENTLEMEN Who Keep Passing Laws ...    
That Are CLEARLY FLAWED And Cause PROBLEMS ... !!!    
New Immigrant HOARDS … !!!    
Instead of Knocking On Doors ...
of The COMMONS or The LORDS ... !!!    
And Doors Where Men Make ….. ” INVESTMENTS ” …..    
For Themselves AND Their RICH FRIENDS … !!!!!    
I’m An IMMIGRANT Well ... The Son of One ... !!!    

Who Broke NO LAWS ...      
As Far As I Know ABSOLUTELY NONE ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!    
But He's Still A SECOND CLASS Citizen ... !!!    
He's A Man of Medicine ...    
Whose Wife Was A TEACHER And A Nurse ... !!!    
In Other Words A WORKING Mum ... !!!!!    
Until SICKNESS  … Reduced Her Fitness ... !!!    
See Some Immigrants Are FAR From DUMB ... !!!!!    
We're NOT ALL Criminals On The RUN …………………. !!!!!    
I DON'T Give A **** About WHAT YOU SAY ……      
Who The Hell Are The English ... ANYWAY … !!???!!    
A Breed Who PREYED On IMMIGRANT SLAVES ... ??!!!??    
To Bring Them Here For A ... Minimum Wage … !!!    
And To TOLERATE ... IGNORANT Race Hate ... !!!!!    
While Aristocrats KEEP HOLD of CASH ... !!!!!    
And KEYS TO CHAINS From COLONIAL Days … ?!?!?    
“Ahhhh but that’s okay !    
Old boy, I say, these darkies' still have got no shame !    
Let’s flush them down the drain again !”    
Well I Have To Say They've Got A CHEEK … !!!!!    
To Sit And Complain When The Home Office Seems …    
To Have Made Mistakes With Immigrants They …    
SHOULD OF ... "LOCKED Away" ... !!!?!!!    
And What About Those of Different Strains …    
South Africans, Aussies And Americans ... PLEASE ... !!!    
Let Me Take A Guess They're ALL Crime Free ... !?!    
Can Someone PLEASE Explain To Me How This CAN BE ... !???!    
When Those Who Are of The DIPLOMAT CLASS ...    
REFUSE To Pay The … “ Congestion Charge ” ... !!!!!!    
And There Seems To Be A RISE In Afrikaaner' Bars …..    
And The Aussies DON'T Seem To Have Gone TOO FAR … !!?!!    
It's Okay For THEM To Be ….. IMMIGRANTS  ….. !!?!!    
Because In Truth They're REALLY ENGLISHMEN !!!!!    
So Why Were They Sent From ... ENGLISH Prisons … ?!?    
Are They NOT DESCENDANTS of CRIMINAL Men .. ?!?    
MURDERERS, RAPISTS And ******* TYPES ...  !!!!?!!!!    
Who Knows What They've Done To Australias' Sheep .... !?!    
... Aussie Immigrants England CAN KEEP ... !!!!!    
I’m JOKING Folks Just Like Mr. Manning And J.D. ...      
Jim Davidson Remember ... " CHALKY ” … !!!!!    
So DON'T Even TRY To Pick FIGHTS WITH ME ... !!!    
You NEED TO CHECK Your  … ” Hisss-Story ” … !!!!!!!!    
To Simply Walking English Streets ... !!!!!!    
And Let's NOT SPEAK About … " POLICE " … !!!!    
If We're Not ATTACKED You Claim To Like Blacks ...    
But Then Call Us Names Behind Our Backs ... ?!?    
That's How Things Are ... !!!!    
And In MY OPINION This Is FACT ... !!!!!    
Which Is Why IT SEEMS The Record IS .... STUC- KKK .……………………………………….    
Back On That Track …… OF ………….    
An old piece written long before the current trend of UKIP type parties, and anti-immigrant groups, who are gathering support across Europe, SMH !!!

Yawn YAWN ... !!!
Peace y’all and cut the IGNORANCE OUT ! Humanity is ALL OF US  !
Nobody should see themselves as being, more worthy, or, superior to anyone else, because that simply is some F’ing ….. BULLCHIT !

jeffrey robin Jan 2015
)(        #      )(

                             It's good



we' ll be safe soon as we rid the country

Of all dem poor kids

Rippin is off by getting FOOD STAMPS !


And remember the good ole days

When dem darkies was docile


when we'd lynch em if we caught em reading !




I remember seein a cop beat a kid near to death

For havin long hair !!




FER as dem Muslims are concerned ?



Yenson Sep 2019
Poor Dovers
its a tough town where a ******
has a Rolls and wears Gucci and Fiarucci
and Dovers and mates are shoplifting aftershaves
brothers our lives are hard and where is our birthright
why do we suffer when darkies are smiling and drinking champagne
never mind momentum are on their way to wreck havoc and chaos
we'll paint the town red and make their lives hell for we own the land
No ****** ain't gonna live better than us, we and the devil will see to this
we will ru around like mad dogs
we will lie through out front teeth and then some more
we will hound and harass and bring down the fires of hell
we are Dovers and our empty fragile egos
cannot bear this
the rich Jews have monopolized the economy
the clever Asains are everywhere now even in charge of our Finances
the Blacks are making millions in football and Sports
and now this Darky thinks he's Royalty
No, no, no we can't take this suffering anymore
we are reduced to stealing to get by
we can't take this humiliation anymore
Arise comrades the revolution is here
satire about the entitled Nights that never does any work leaving the sun to do all the work. believe that you'll believe anything!
Yenson Jul 2021
Bet the fool's been waiting all day
to come drip his poison feed
a slave trader offspring now reduced
yearning for inglorious days
sliming mantra of divide and rule
hey, Slave Drive, you are not like those others
I can see you are different
Uncle Tom, now that one is a better class of Darkies
now ya'll go flog those darkies and keep them in line
cause you're different not like em picaninis
hey, the Slave Drivers says ya'll are animals
and Uncle Tom says ya'll smell like ****
yeah. pit em against each other, they're all dumb mongoose
Mister Compound Fool
come drip your poison again
and I can pretend I don't know how you and your gang of drips
manipulated a decent being and flipped them
into doing your heinous biddings
I'll also pretend that I don't know
the joke's on you
For some are smart enough to walk easy street
at your expense
while nodding to take the money
they spit and curse you behind your back
Hey Mr Compound Fool what else have you got to drip
Fancy a midnight tryst to Italy
we could catch a Rainbow or two
what do you say, my dear pink ***** with the small ****
I lost faith in faith
and belief in belief
when you broke my
rose color glasses.
I see evil people
lusting for control
of mankind in cages
dancing on stages
**** the unwanted
the old the gimps
hookers and pimps
darkies and spics
addicts on trips.
Give me your hirsute/textile/hombre love you lovely hairy rag man,
with your pointy nose, unlimbered leg & warts from Larry Hagman
who from the horse's mountable side snuck up like an airy stag ram
Don't take what little's left via state Santa Christmas merry bag ban
Let's dress like women in debt at the oldest Chuck Berry drag stand
My happiness is easily seen in blood-letting cirques as corpuscular
while my rippling backwards frontage is of a physique so muscular
that it is known by fat aunt Joan as socked-in and highly avuncular
Uncle Jesse James Tiberius Kirk Douglas MacArthur Park Overall
will stun you with ethics till spring stumbles into summer then fall
into 2014 stroke mode for the near-nonagenarian hag Lauren Bacall
who seldom took a dump without wearing her Bogie-knitted shawl
at K-Mart, Sears or the prettiest, cleanest, white-people-loving mall
where Ninjas practice Moslem prostration & the evangelistic crawl
spanning 12 lifetimes along the width weft-wise of a soft rock wall
where Sonny Bono tempted a political hit in horse-face Cher's stall,
as midgets beat the bejesus out of men who're 6-feet-something tall
exhibiting syndromic Parkinsonian tremors that deliver restive rest,
in vales, dells & knolls made greater by craters marking flood crest
Dwarves are closer to ground-in filth as the average giant can attest
making 1% of nothing seem more like freeing compounded interest
that dialyze the failing kidneys of flitty Obama's E.V.D. ebola guest
Let's not be hostile, malevolent, vindictive, vengeful, edgy & mean
over the fact in Bali brassieres are for keeping peanuts nice & clean
& because poverty forces negroes to use pigeon **** for Afro-Sheen
the sympathetic Balinese must dance in ritualistic limbo in between
butch hustlers & ****** in drag that for sober Johns is readily seen
especially when darkies scarf squirrel intestines like a ghetto queen
who lacks the get-off-food-stamps-and-find-a-job-to-pay-rent gene
or the smarts not to get knocked up 5 times while you're still a teen
The sun's setting for my ******* to vent her Black Panther spleen
as it's from the udder of masonic exploitation that a **** must wean
Yenson Mar 2020
The gangsters of Crimson
tell us please about this Doubts malarkey
oh you Guvnor of the Eat End Mob

ye Gotcha, come listen..matey

we ain't Crooks, Con-artists and Extortioners for nothing
we are smart cookies, been in this game all our lives
listen matey, hear me
know what we said, slander is the main leveler
That patsy we have the contract on
the man is as straight as dye
innocent as the day is born
never did a thing wrong, no dirt did we find on him
decent nice upright upstanding fellow
as nice as apple pie and iced cream

But he had the gull to diss our trade
yes we are thieves and crooks and all time rotters
but he said he would expose us after we robbed the ******
others don't say ****, just claim insurance and shut their gob
but not this sunshine, the ****** called us out
he din't pay protection money
then moaned when we rob him blind, now he gets the treatment
don't mess with the Guvnor ye Mr Righteous

We have ways, first thing is to discredit the ******
its Character assassination, public humiliation, we ruin his life
so we slandered him from here to Timbuktu or where the darkies are
we told high tales and hyped the hell outta that patsy
you know how good the ******* are in spreading malicious gossips
we paid their leaders and sent them all out
wow! did they do a good job or what. it went down a treat
the punters swallowed every word, every defamation stuck like glue
even his mother would find it hard to love him
hahaha...think he could stand up to us

after all that malarkey and mud throwing
we now have to stalk and hound the ****** and make him loose his mind
Now listen here, you just can't go to the stupid punters
and say, hound that man, they ain't that stupid
so you give em a good story, nice fake news in juicy wrapper
you create a false scenario, nice word eh, got that from the TV
anyways, you sell the dopes some fake scenario
then tell them you are controlling the mud splatter royal star
tell the dopes anytime they see him they must do this or that
you get the demoralising mob trolls to write dirges and *******
till the day is long, tell them they are putting doubts in his mind
planting seeds to haze, hanker and give the ****** grieve
cause they are confusing him, as well as invalidating the c--t

You see bozos, what we are doing is relentlessly mobbing him
getting at him, snipping and chipping away, wearing him down
make him feel the whole world is against him
leave him isolated, friendless, hounded and helpless
we must make him **** himself for he is a non-criminal grass
and that's how we sort those goodie two shoes out
we poison their world till they poison themselves
we use the punters to drive him insane

Ah, clever or what, who says crooks and villains aren't clever
we are manipulating the stupid masses and they are eating outta our hands
we make them believe false scenario, get the numpties to do silliness
watch how they go for it, all convinced they are doing solidarity
listen my son, the only education you need is no ******* university
come learn from us, the people or punters, call em what you will
are as dumb and brainless as jellied eels
You steal their brains and their stupid minds
an tell them you are teaching them how to **** royal mind
they can't wait to cast 'doubts' on fuckall nothing doing

We know the game, we know the punters
that poor patsy hasn't got a chance
I tell you what though
this contract is the hardest we've ever done
we've put this ****** through the mill for yonks
given the whole nine yards and more to push him over the edge
Yet, the ******* still stands, laugh and even talk back
******* heck, this man must be an alien.......
Yenson Dec 2022
Randy Andy
he did say quite contrary
to the plebs of wailing baying mob
naff off you ranks of lame unwashed
I may be down and out over and cancelled
but I still dress better than you
I still eat caviar and lobster thermidor
I still drink the finest wines from Chrystal glasses
I still sleep on four poster bed with luxurious Egyptian cotton bed linens
I still have Rolls Royces and grand limousines in my garages
I still have, contrary to your beliefs, more readies at Coutts than I'll ever need
and I have the trust and allegiance of the classy mother of my sprogs
and most important of all
I do not spend my time hating and trolling any body
most especially a mob of pleb loonies and anodyne outdated Bolsheviks
naff off merrily to your workhouses and picket lines
go pick on the darkies, the immigrants and the foreigners
those are the ones, you bunch of lowlifes focus on
as brunt's of your pathetic insignificance
Put that in your ****-pipes and choke on it,
Randy Andy, he did say, and not quite contrary
Tis the season to be jolly
Sea-blue octopuses squirt black ink like yellow *** when ******* &
snakes & kittens warn larger aggressors with a defensive hissing as
it's cute for William Holden & Nancy Kwan to practice kissing, but
in Oriental films: heroic, white Europeans are dismissively missing
while no Chinaman sees white actors as cinematically fundemental
nor darkies either as bakery cakes incinerate a need for fudge rental
even ***** too once cakery bakes fry amore for a syndromic Yentyl
& 747 plastic noses ramming W.T.C. I-beams couldn't budge metal
affirm acclaimed, structural-design judges adjudged nonjudgmental
by New York City's constitutionalists constituted nongrudgemental
in the scope o' things what come my way with pig-ease incremental
by swinish sons-of-******* who gorge at hog troughs governmental
& drink the blood of sacrificial babes as a Luciferian rite incidental
Yenson May 2021
So I said to Harry
I'm sorry they drove you away
I do understand the strain on you mental health
had you spoken to me before
I would have wised you up a bit

you know the Hoi polloi
are a different breed altogether
fights, blood, gore and all things nasty and wicked
are inherent in them, its in their genes

without the wars
where they tore each others to pieces
( shame we Royals gave them peace and order )
without the slave trades which satiated their barbarisms
with little mines and farming to cave them
and keep them in serfdom
and the darkies they used to bushwhack now driving Porsches
and wealthier than them

So you see Harry old chum
our Natives have gone totally soft in the head crazy
now grounded and given peace and relative comfort
but with their recessive genes, inherent bloodlust and sadism
the animals have turned on us Royals
they are now biting the hands that feeds them
they can't help it, the madness is in their blood

maybe  you should tell your granny
to tell her Ministers to start a great war somewhere
( ok, just joking, but )
these mad natives are restless and its our Royal blood
they now hanker after  
I'm so sorry they are giving you and darl Meghan such a hard time
chin up old chap, listen I just laugh and tease them somewhat rotten
the silly little oinks, they should go eat cakes..hahaha.....
Yenson Aug 2021
Action station, action station
quick, go get the Leaders of the Peoples Democratic
Republic of the small Penises
Quick, someone go get the Gangsters and the Red Loonies
we have found another Prince from the dark Continent
we have another operational Voiding and Cancellation to do
Hey! you all
we have discovered another parasite Elitist to drive paranoid
we have another head to **** up and do in
hurray we have another prince to bully and invalidate
get the Smearing campaign started
get the Gas lighting Posse on the move
get the harassment and hounding Unit in place
call out the Misinformation and Disinformation Section
summon the Character Assassination Squad
where are the Sabotage Unit
where are the Slanderers and Fabricators
where in heavens name are the Demonization Squad
call out the Resident Professional Trolls

Ah! here comes the Narcissistic Leaders
Hail Neon Loony Comrades Leaders, may the momentum be with you
we would like to report for obliteration our latest find
another Prince from the darkies parasiting away  
and we can tell immediately this ones weakness is white women
Permission to eradicate, sirs!
NO, No, No says the Leaders of small penises
And why not, the excited conscripts asked, red faced in surprise

Look can't you see, you dumb a'holes, look at your target
can't you see dumbos, we already have a half interest here.
we are about extracting their wealth, stealing from them.
this new target already belongs to us
one of our women had got his father, so indirectly any money
comes our way, that's another smart way we utilise
so this one has already been programmed to divert resources
So no revolution here, understand.

Now, go concentrate on the one we're dealing with
He's selfish and greedy, he wasn't ready to give money to white women
and they were offering it on a plate to him
Now that's a parasite, so he's the real enemy
Now go you lot, go roast that royal hog and bring home
the bacon!
Yenson Feb 2021
We the fervent devotees
of the Cult of The Latter Day Che Guevara
ask for your support in our present struggles
in this our civilised democracy, our green and pleasant land
to drive one germ man mad
pity us. all your people in chains and on Welfare benefits
and all you people with nothing better to do
and all you people who are covert racists like us
for an elitist parasite dares to **** our blood dry
and take our birth right from us
Please come join us
or make donations like all the oligarchs
generously make to Putin,
that magnificent champion of the masses
Do not let this parasitic oppressor
this greedy germ man take our Taxes
we need to **** this germ up
do his head in, frustrate him and wipe him out
its yours and my money
ok, some was made during the Slave Trade
and from all our foreign Territories
and ok, the germ man worked and paid taxes
but ignore facts here, that's all history
and who cares anyway, those darkies were asking for it
So, come join our cult, let us show how powerful we are
Join us today
and like our Hero V. Putin
lets have a thriving State of Crooks and Thieves
and the simplistic politics of liars and bullies
Join up, you have nothing to lose but your chains!
This is a satitiral piece about Covid!9...That virus that is driving us all crazy
Hahaha, its no laughing matter I know.
Yenson Jul 2019
Why is the emotional pain
from the Dopes of Hazards
where is the expected breakdown
that's been predicted by our neon downers
the fulcrum Liars in their barracks for layabouts
still waiting for the nervous wreck their shame demanded
the solidarity of Racists and loonies hide behind the darkies
go research your indexes hear me say 'if I was white I'll be your PM
over Thirty years standing in land of pan fried bacon's sizzling away
dystopia of wretched insipid leftist vagabonds reeking of jealous hate
their deputy wrecked innocent life's with slanderous accusations
the head unmasked a doddering puppet of sickos hate-mongers
a Commission wants answers from liars claiming for the Many
the Jews and a black without rags are the prey in headlights
while the Nomenklatura feather their nests and gambol
and the Inner-tables divide spoils among themselves
on the streets they teach Hate and spread chaos
divide and rule is power to skim off as head
sexually assaulting and bullying dissent
reveal their secrets they slander you
dissatisfied Employee grinding axes
has Mental, personal problems
was on a grievance charge
Liars, liars from top to bottom
fool the people and smile at them
hype an innocent black man to cut him down
cause you're liars and Racists with no shame
you just want a patsy to show the fooled masses
what you cynically called 'Solidarity' power of the people
you're for the many you scream for all to hear, if so, tell us,
how many of you tell the truth, do you tell that you ruin life s
that you victimize, try to induce madness or drive people to suicide
while standing on soap boxes talking Equality, fairness and Justice
Here's Vase for you, put in the Red Rose that is withering as you lie
Yenson Mar 2020
The gangsters of Crimson
tell us please about this Doubts malarkey

we ain't Crooks, Con-artists and Extortioners for nothing
we are smart cookies, been in this game all our lives
listen matey, hear me
know what we said, slander is the main leveler
That patsy we have the contract on
the man is as straight as dye
innocent as the day is born
never did a thing wrong, no dirt did we find on him
decent nice upright upstanding fellow
as nice as apple pie and iced cream

But we have ways, first thing is to discredit the ******
its Character assassination, public humiliation, we ruin his life
so we slandered him from here to Timbuktu or where the darkies are
we told high tales and hyped the hell outta that patsy
you know how good the ******* are in spreading malicious gossips
we paid their leaders and sent them all out
wow! did they do a good job or what. it went down a treat
the punters swallowed every word, every defamation stuck like glue
even his mother would find it hard to love him
hahaha...think he could stand up to us

after all that malarkey and mud throwing
we now have to stalk and hound the ****** and make him loose his mind
Now listen here, you just can't go to the stupid punters
and say, hound that man, they ain't that stupid
so you give em a good story, nice fake news wrapped nicely
you create a false scenario, nice word eh, got that from the TV
anyways you sell the dopes some fake scenario
then tell them you are controlling the mud splatter royal star
tell the dopes anytime they see him they must do this
cause they are confusing him, or putting doubts in his mind

Ah, clever or what, who says crooks and villains aren't clever
we are manipulating the stupid masses and they are eating outta our hands
we make them believe false scenario, get the numpties to do silliness
watch how they go for it
listen my son, the only education you need is no ******* university
come learn from us, the people or punters, call em what you will
are as dumb and brainless as jellied eels
You steal their brains and their stupid minds
an tell them you are teaching them how to **** royal mind
they can't wait to cast 'doubts' on nothing doing

We know the game, we know the punters
that poor patsy hasn't got a chance
I tell you what though
this contract is the hardest we've ever done
we've put this ****** through the mill for yonks
given the whole nine yards and more to push him over the edge
Yet, the ******* still stands, laugh and even talk back
******* heck, this man must be an alien.......
Yenson Jul 2019
Why is the emotional pain
from the Dopes of Hazards
where is the expected breakdown
that's been predicted by our neon downers
the fulcrum Liars in their barracks for layabouts
still waiting for the nervous wreck their shame demanded
the solidarity of Racists and loonies hide behind the darkies
go research your indexes hear me say 'if I was white I'll be your PM
over Thirty years standing in land of pan fried bacon's sizzling away
dystopia of wretched insipid leftist vagabonds reeking of jealous hate
their deputy wrecked innocent life's with slanderous accusations
the head unmasked a doddering puppet of sickos hate-mongers
a Commission wants answers from liars claiming for the Many
the Jews and a black without rags are the prey in headlights
while the Nomenklatura feather their nests and gambol
and the Inner-tables divide spoils among themselves
on the streets they teach Hate and spread chaos
divide and rule is power to skim off as head
sexually assaulting and bullying dissent
reveal their secrets they slander you
dissatisfied Employee grinding axes
has Mental, personal problems
was on a grievance charge
Liars, liars from top to bottom
fool the people and smile at them
hype an innocent black man to cut him down
cause you're liars and Racists with no shame
you just want a patsy to show the fooled masses
what you cynically called 'Solidarity' power of the people
you're for the many you scream for all to hear, if so, tell us,
how many of you tell the truth, do you tell that you ruin life s
that you victimize, try to induce madness or drive people to suicide
while standing on soap boxes talking Equality, fairness and Justice
Here's Vase for you, put in the Red Rose that is withering as you lie
Yenson Feb 2021
Gestapo of things......

We the fervent devotees
of the Cult of The Latter Day Che Guevara
ask for your support in our present struggles
in this our civilised democracy, our green and pleasant land
to drive one germ man mad
pity us. all your people in chains and on Welfare benefits
and all you people with nothing better to do
and all you people who are covert racists like us
for an elitist parasite dares to **** our blood dry
and take our birth right from us
Please come join us
or make donations like all the oligarchs
generously make to Putin,
that magnificent champion of the masses
Do not let this parasitic oppressor
this greedy germ man take our Taxes
we need to **** this germ up
do his head in, frustrate him and wipe him out
its yours and my money
ok, some was made during the Slave Trade
and from all our foreign Territories
and ok, the germ man worked and paid taxes
but ignore facts here, that's all history
and who cares anyway, those darkies were asking for it
what would they do with gold, diamond, silver anyway
its not like they are civilised, they don't even have different coloured eyes
So, come join our cult, let us show how powerful we are
Join us today
and like our Hero V. Putin
lets have a thriving State of Crooks and Thieves
and the simplistic politics of liars and bullies
Join up, you have nothing to lose but your chains!

— The End —