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rohith Jul 2010
Tearing the sky
storms and thunders grunted
eliting the trees!

First rain drop fell
floating like angel, like dead leaf
rinsing my brevity.

Gestures of steams
driven the beauty of crazyness
to mingle with my soul.

Charmed by enthralling
rhythms of mismerising rain
my heart became wet!

Strokes of poetry
in the ruined part of my heart
reverberated unconsiouly!
nim Nov 2017
I thought he was perfect.
He's got the cutest smile, a handsome face; yet not too hot so other girls would steal him.
Smart, aces the exams without studying, too.

Clever, cute, loyal to death and loves me, too.
What more could I possibly ever wish for?

The thin layer of sweat covers his body, glittering in the last dusk's breath.
Sparkles of silver are in his eyes, as if God himself got down on Earth to pour galaxies in his wooden eyes, which are prospecting me.

So, what's the missing puzzle?
You love him, don't you?

Then look at you.

Gazing at the reflection in the mirror, quietly standing.
I look at the dark circles under my eyes which are expanding, following my nose line by the parallel.

Then I look at my nose which I've always hated; the uneven line, like the messy sea in sky's rage.

Then I look at myself.

And I rage, too.

So where's the missing puzzle?
Why does he care?
Why do I?
Ah, youth - well you wore me thin,
And, by the skin of I teeth I'd almost felt something.

So there's the missing puzzle.

I even showed him how I look without makeup. I showed him my madness and my crazyness which would shoo any man away.
Why's he here?

I'm not perfect like him.
And I can't stand, oh, I can't stand the pressure.
I look at my curvy body and stretch marks, lining my legs and showing me my fight with life I'd quit from for another reason.

Why me?

And now,
The mirror's smudged with blood
And I'm sitting on a lonely chair,
A lonely soul, in a lonely room,
With a lonely mind in this lonely world.

I don't know love no more.
How could I?
I take out the mirror bits from out of my fist, silently observing.

Then I look at me.

The face of a disappointed warrior with a long past of fighting her own life,
And it might seem dramatic to you,
But I've had a lot of things on my mind
Which you wouldn't find on the normal silver plate.

I'm not perfect, nor I plan to be.
I see through the lies caused by the love veil, and I choosed to rip it off, but it's not falling down.

And I'm afraid,
I'm afraid if I stay;
When will he
Take it
A simple love story.
searching Jan 2013
I'm an armchair warrior
trying to sell my soul
to the undesirable myriads
soaked in stains and oil.

Curl up with your coffee cups
(now children)
Curl up with your cigarettes
Take your vice and leave this place
No less weary less.

I'm a sellout to this
yes I'd sell out to a fish
If he'd give me a dime bag
and a paper.

I will sellout to you
I will sell my soul tonight
For a loudspeaker
And a deaf audience.

My life is a mess
I shouldn't cry less
I should really embrace the tears.
But with each coming year

I have come to fear
That I will drown in these tears.
And this beautiful mess
And all this crazyness

Is really beginning to drag.
I'm tired of pieces
Ignorant of puzzles
Give me a ******* cigarette.
Lee W Oct 2013
You drive yourself to the edge of insanity trying to rid the world of injustice
And the world keeps turning
People keep living
They overlook the crazyness of their every day existence

They learn to accept the world
They become complacent
They die

The restless soul labeled Mental illness
what they call an illness of the mind
Absolutely collected in his thoughts

Anything you put out is a cry for help
Every plea ignored
You learn to live with the absentmindedness

The cold stare of another person
Trying to open their heart to you
They try to collect the carefully scattered pieces
They undo your organization
You're left hold the bag
When they leave
The squeeky wiper wakes me
the windscreens already dry
No lights in sight for miles
and I've come down from my high

Noisy nonsense in my head
frustrates me to death
the crazyness of it all
cannot be told in one breath

The capital S ruins me
but, the man finally stands
Because since he did it
he no longer holds the world in his hands

Shoulders can grow stronger
and skin so much thicker
but no one can weave through your thoughts
from the place you call your wicker.

The capital S ruins me
and I dwindle away
there is nothing left to do
nothing meaningful to say

Pictured this so different
but it blew up in my face
not leaving would leave a gap in me
but staying, just a little space

You mirrored me as I plead my case
It was a rational knee **** reaction
but right then me without you
was the only right subtraction

The Capital S dominates me
It has inherited my hateful soul
for once I was broken
now I am an empty barren hole.
Wanted to call you my bestie,
But you’re stupid enough to want to best me,
I’m not into this crap of competition,
This crazyness to try and be my better composition,

Are you trying to hurt me,
Or are you just plain unasious,
You just got no true friend basis,

Your sequedry of your actions,
Will just get you unpleasant reactions,
But I’ll just greet it with my insouciance,
Because you got to face your own plans consequence,

Don’t come here and play “exegious”,
I know your true colours of deceitfulness,

Just keep note when tails are gone,
And everyone figures out all your wrong,
I’ll be good enough,
But then I’ll wish you luck,
Because you’re mad with these ends,
If you believe we’ll stay anything but bad friends.
Sir B Feb 2014
Do so,
I require of you to
to keep me sane

amongst the shadows
and feel the cold and haggard

amongst the real humans
and feel warmth and joy
from their wonderful and perfect selves

Walk with me
we can go on a journey
maybe it'll help me
recover from the crazyness
and help you too...

Please, Walk with me
I require this of you.
Something I thought about in my English Class today, certainly wasn't paying the usual amount of attention, not feeling right either. Headache is getting more frequent... that's strange.
shaffu shafiq Feb 2016
Do you know?
For you
I was wandering
i still remember those days
When I was wandering
When  I travelled by barefooted miles away
When I was lost in the world of selfishness
People i faced hardly had kindness.
Do you know?
For you.
I was wandering to & fro to find you
With out food and without boots
Torned cloths and a stiched blanket
Being Wrapped to hide my face
In cloudy weather or sunny days
Seemed everyday to be same
Do you know?
For you
I was wandering
Just like streets were mine.
But Strange places & strange people
cause of staggering while walking was tiredness not wine.
People started staring at me
& scared by me.
They fled distance away from me.
I stumbled 'fell down & scraped my knee.
Do you know?
for you
I was wandering
I was too much hungry
I leaned to touch a muddy loaf
That threw somebody from roof
Eventually I visted close to your house
I tried to knock your door
Instead of welcome
You pushed me and yelled to go
I concealed my face & hid my tears
Likewise I was unknown to you for many years.
Do u know?
For you
I was wandering
Cuz I was too much gloomy & sad
I didn't care people spit upon me or kicked me out
But was not expecting this
You failed to know me & my love
My insanity condition
My rambling as wayfarer
Behind my crazyness
Reason was you
Cuz I love you.
Do you know?
For you
I was wandering
In the sands
Wonderful lands
Now I always pray to GOD
Give me patience & save me
Never lead me astray
I returned back to home
Caring me my dad & mom
& now I am normal
Thank you
Do you know
Reason is only you....

By Shaffu...
Gossamer Apr 2013
Who is to define crazyness?
Or being mad?
Being sane? Insane?
Not you, not me, not anyone!
Would you like to know why?
Because my description of crazy or being mad or sane or insane is completely different to what your description is.
So when people call schizos crazy, it ****** me off.
Schizos are not crazy,
Maybe they just see things that are actually there.
You can call me crazy, call me mad, call me sane or call me insane.
Just think about it, maybe they see the things we cant see,
Because we could be the crazy ones who cant see what they see.
Ottar Jan 2014
there is war
there is a war,
for hearts and minds,
            found in minefields,

there is chaos,
there is a chaotic trend,
to steal your peace, your sleep,
              until the end, yes the end.

adding swear words,
would not add to what this
does say about the world, for ... wait listen, do you
hear IT, running down the drain,
a cleansing rain,
let me run outside,
with a towel and board shorts,
rip across the parking lot, jumping in puddles
until the people from their windows shake their
heads and mumble,
that somebody ought to call the police,
but no one does, meaning no one will,
for they want me to suffer and fall ill,
a consequence
of the quenching drench,
that I took, as my flipper feet, ran slapping
the asphalt, to the end, the end where I
looked over the edge, and saw there is more,
where that crazyness came from,
there is more.  I will behave if I can just reach out and touch....
It is not my fault, they called a "mini pineapple express".  Towel got too wet to dry me off...believe it, or not.
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Where are you
my wild child?
Dividing my night
with your sparking eyes

Where are you
my wild child?
Talking my doubt away
with your sweet lips

Where are you
my wild child?
Demonstrating honesty
within all of your actions

Where are you
my wild child?
Carrying us to heaven
with your crazyness

Where are you
my wild child?
Erasing daily-life pain
with your caress?

Where yre you
my wild child?
Your conquering soul to gain
A heart filled with sadness
Imprisoning my love

My wild child, where are you?
Hi, thanks for reading. I am no native speaker and if theres anything spelled wrong or confusing, do not hesitate to comment or ask...bless
HappyHappyHappy Dec 2016
I know this sounds crazy
But I don't know how to live.
Should I get a job get a house
They don't sound persuasive.
Yes, life is weird some how
Everything all crazy
But I don't want to do nothing
I don't wanna be lazy
You reading this, you might be tilting you head
Squinting your eyes
Saying, "What is this poem?"
I'll say:
It's to fill your day with crazyness
yeah its weird cuz im weird now people be happy
Aarzoo siwach Oct 2018
My life use to be like river's flow,
Never changed path, my craziness made other to bow,
But life never run in the same row...

My age become a dam of expectations,
Expected Maturity create weir to my emotions,

I am changing my ways as per society norms,
My fishes of emotions and dreams are eaten by conservative worms,

My people are diverting my way to grow,
I am flowing calmly without any anger-fear show,

But I doubt,
I Doubt how more can I hold..

My dream, ambition & my crazyness is suffocating in this muddy cage,
I fear, I might get distroyed or distroy everything in my rage,

Will I get my free flow,
In the moonlight will I ever glow..

Now only Time will tell...
Will I or they bow?
This life may seem crazy at times, matter of fact it is crazy all the time.        
With all the crimes, child molesters, shoplifters, and all that crazyness. Have you ever stopped and wondered at all? They have turned their backs on God or some don't know who God is at all. We need to find it in our hearts to pray for them like we pray for the sick and our family. You never know one of your family members could be one and you would never know it. So spend quality time with your family and cherish every moment that you have with them, cause you never know when it  can be their last moment of life here on earth. Let all your family and friends, coworkers, people you meet on the street or anywhere know about the Lord Almighty.
Show them about His words, His works, and tell them that He can work miracles if you just trust in Him and believe in Him. The world has forgot what faith in God is anymore. What happened to "One Nation Under God"? We desperately need that back in the United States! Pray for everyone, everything, even America.

— The End —