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Aaron LaLux Sep 2018
Gambling with Tarot cards,
got The Devil in the palm of my hands with the edges creased,
The Devils in the details and He knows me well,
holding 3 6’s plus card #15 The Mark of The Beast,

it’s when you’re the most up,
that they want you to leave the least,
it’s getting dangerous at the table,
I’ve got the whole pie and every guy wants a piece,

used to trade in seashells,
now we’ve got black cards and private tables for us VIPs,
and the lovely ladies know me well,
like a pizza pie or birthday cake everyone wants a piece,

it’s amazing what a few million will do,
and I’m confident so I don’t need a crew,
rolling solo till my cause of death reads “FOMO”,
I mean if you had these opportunities/risks you’d take them too,

which is why you can always find,
me at the table all in with my chips out,
no kids no wife no significant other,
so I’m spending it all on whichever chics has her **** out,

a conscious writer but still in a man’s body,
so how you like me now,
no Toby Keith or kobe beef,
just these og vegetables,

but I’m not what I eat,
I’m so much more,
and I’m not a meet and greet,
nor a mall because I’ve got much more in store,

so please pass the drinks por favor,

in Colombia with a straw and some Coca-Cola,
drinking so much I feel like the Drink King,
drinking like a Drink King,
listening to Drake sing his song “Controlla”,

in real life no real wife,
I mean I really know Drake,
but anyways I’m not here to get distracted,
so let me backtrack to the point I was trying to make,

which is that it’s tough to stay vicious,
when blessed with the gifts that so many wish to have,
which is sorta suspicious gift the fact that the 6 is,
a card that appears 6 times in the Tarot deck’s stack,

Six of Wands 6 of Swords,
Six of Cups Six of Pentacles,
6 to represent the card of The Lovers,
Tarot decks reflect my self we’re both collectibles,

only difference is with me there’s only one,
maybe that’s why they offer everything in exchange for only my time,
“Here take this money take these drugs take these luxuries!”,
“Take anything that will at least be a chance for me to call you mine!”,

says many Ones often but they are mistaken,
because I can’t be there’s I’m not even mine,
I am no one’s I am no thing,
I am only a part of The Whole which is The Divine,

and I know all this,
I know that I’ve been bestowed with all these blessings,
still I can’t help but fall victim to the sins within Man,
which is why I see you can find me at the table gambling things,

gambling with Tarot cards,
got The Devil in the palm of my hands with the edges creased,
The Devils in the details and He knows me well,
holding 3 6’s plus card #15 The Mark of The Beast…

∆ LaLux ∆
Shashank Virkud Sep 2010
Coffee on my breath,
wearing a frown.
Sunshine, my sweater,
my soul turns brown.

Lips slick with chapstick,
chics' licking sack n' ****,
drag off a ******* *** n' lean,
obscene in the sense,
the ******* ****' a drag queen.

Rival the bible,
hell to sell any,
whats worse, church
bells smell ugly
under my nose.

I chose the shallow dirt
road to death, even the
tallest tales hail the same frail fate.
Fill my urn to earn my fill,
**** it.

There is no still
frame to capture the moment,
fracture the film and leave it alone.
Yellow toned, below me,
sallow, cornered in color coordinates.

Drenched cover but dry at the core of it;
dazzled by ****, dazzled by diction,
you write the dirtiest fiction
and I'm the ******* ***** in it.

Leather bound, cable wound,
leather bound. Black.
Shashank Virkud- From As the Distance Grows
Drugs guns attempts and ****** one roll off this urban griots tongue, I'm a sun from the slums that chased redrum funds, I walked the dark path of prison and gore, stopped at the end, then walked back to the beginning to become a verbal detour pointing man women and children in the right direction before the feel the heat and go through spontaneous combustion. The lemniscate ink spiller swings his pen back and forth to counter decapitation scythe swings courtesy of the reaper. I'm a five star general from New York, I was fantasizing on owning islands like rourke, I know the life well chefed ye for color coordinated residuals, ya know that **** that'll make ya lean or have a bobby b jaw with dilated pupils. in order to educate I have to spit with no filter, the life i lived was similar to helter skelter, it wasn't war for race it was war for boy or the contents of a Pyrex being burnt to a gooey paste. I got more friends dead than alive, so i use phonics mixed with Ebonics verse to explain the pain of sending kites to men bidding forever or the pain of following a hearse to release doves and throw flowers over the casket of eternal resting brothers. Money came did those nine elevens saying another life came to an end. The facade doesn't show the downs of the game, you see the foreign wips, the chics, hear about all the chips, high grain ammo and xtra clips, you don't see mothers crying holding daily news clips explaining how her son died because of chips chics and foreign wips, they don't see the cheddar spent on retainers to prevent predict felons from becoming three time losers, The streets don't come with a fine print, it leaves out the particulars.

Infinite the poet 2014

Behind the madness I came to a conclusion of the humen world. The streets caged me in bars with no ability to pull comfort of a drink together with equality in communication with society. Understanding the diversity of life in corners made me believe struting my fist was the way of life. There were no hands to hold onto tomorrow. No space in alleys to run but to dead end vortex duplicity. Uniform authority confined my freedom to be humen. An animal to sociaty but I did no crime. Just to get from one ave to the blv these popo's be trippen down my ****** lines to the creases over my thieghs. Feeling for a high by touch to get that high in a remote area of their private sources. Age nine I stood in the ghettos near home. What I thought was a dream of doom I wome to a high with tracks down my arms proving this confusion. Colors to claim, and colors to flag, I kept pushing away congregations of street wars and bet on my own revolutionary independence. Pistol on my inner thigh I tred lightly in a walk of shame. I found no glory till one day my tears fell on paper. On the walls of East Chapmen Ave California were monumental master pieces of anger and sadness from one end on the wall to the other... I felt something twitch in me... Inspiration of something unfamiliarly bright over the darkness. And for each time I enter back home to family, there was rebirth, and I could not conceive knowledge until one day, the madness got me. I took that pen, and wrote the illustrations of my lack of pigment on every line.. These demons left me in wilderness. No caution about what life had ahead for me. I knew nothing beyond these streets. I lost the innocence in my adolescnce. All the agony and weakness and fears I had hidden for so long, later became exuberant effect. If there was no God, if he didn't love me.. my existence wouldn't have been standing here today to speak behind the madness.

© S.T. Rebel of Eden
Truth behind the pen
Four days into the book tour I came to realize I was on the wrong
one but that Harry Potter tour  is a wild bunch  and i was living the rock n roll lifestyle  but little boys who ride on broomsticks and  resembled Elton John  really wasnt my crowd.

The univesty of South Carolina had many things to offer including just
turning of age  young ladies  who wanted to get wasted and drop there standards amoungst other things.

But who did they want really?
Gonzo  or the mildley attractive  man Gonzo was trapped in?
Who gives a **** man  its like  finding a ounce of  of ****
in your mothers  freezer hey just say no to drugs kids.

The Gonzo had been booked hungover  and  in a semi coma
i felt like the elephant man  the handsome *******.
chics dig the trunk.
Why cant they love you for your mind?

But much like my virginty.
I had lost that at eight  when grandpa Gonzo took me to a brothel.
Ahh what tender moments.
Yes grandpa almost had tears in his eyes
Son I can remember when i met your grandmother
in this very same place   i should say hello to her.

So like a oversexed teenager  I continued my
my madness like a idot trying to run a marathon with his
pants around his ankles.

The room seemed  hostle but i brought protection allthough these
condoms  really didnt seem to be for that purpose.
But God knows where that microphone had been.

They set ready with there pens and  other writing devices
with there big words  and tight sweeters.
But i was armed with a wild turkey buzz and a asortment skittels
better known as pills.

It was a blur of  bizzar questions  spoken in a strange language
I had way to much nyquill  and ***** punch  the night befor.
But Gonzo  was needed  and what more do kids in a frat need more than a keg party and some hot oil  wrestling.

This place was like disneyland on crack.
With its nonstop party enviroment  and bar games
Class what does learning have to do with being in college ?
these young people had tripped and taken to many drugs.

So i bid my new brothers farewell yes I will
think of you one day when  I have a memory.
And so are strange trip  was off once again.

Hey any more of that punch left?
We had acquired dwarf somwhere along the way
he was plesant and  sang Milley Cyruss songs  
while dressed up like Brittney Spears.

Dellusion is a sad thing indeed.
I didnt have the heart to tell him  he was outta key.
Although maybe it was just a side effect from the punch.
Anyways untill we meet again.

Stay crazy Gonzo
dont let your kids eat paint chips  and always say no to drugs and loose
women   and always look booth ways befor crossing the street and never take a ride with a male dwarf dressed like britnney spears  

words of advice well unless there really good drugs  im just saying cheers  hit me baby one more time cheers Gonzo
GloriaEllah Jul 2014
Hey baby,
I thought I should write you one before you forget my handwriting. I know you probably be reading this as you pack in a hurry or at the airport or thousands of kilometers up in the sky.
  The last two weeks have been the best of moment’s l have had in the last two years. For a moment again, my body calmed down my heart felt warm again and l was genuinely happy.
   Before you came there was so much l wanted to tell you but for the moment you landed in my arms our hearts talked to each other, so calm and beautiful that l just wanted to hold you forever and stop time so that you remain in my arms.
   Today you told me something that made me feel bad that you would think that way. The fact that l flirted with some chics sometime back and for a moment you think that you are not first in my life and world. I made a mistake and a lot of errors of judgement that l am really really sorry about baby. Truth is you are beyond first in my life. Even before l see me, l see you. I would lose myself anytime in fighting for you and giving you the best that this world has to offer.
   You are going back to school and l always do pray for you and all the works of your hands that you will be successful in it. Education lays the foundation and l want the strongest foundation for you. I always got your back and even when you feel like giving it up, remember you doing it for me too ***.
   My heart smiles when l think that it has been five years now, we have smiled, laughed, argued, fought and done everything that could possibly have been done but above all we have loved and stood together. Many things and people have tried to come between us but we know better baby. Only fools don’t learn from their mistakes and we definitely are not fools.
    I wrote this with mixed emotions, happy because l could write a book about the love of my life and sad because today you travel back for a couple of months without physical contact. I have stayed with you long enough to truly know your heart, to see you for who you really are. The simple, shy, beautiful and loving girlfriend behind the loud and bubbly personality people see.
     Many times we take the ones we love for granted forgetting that despite forever love, life ends at some point and the little time we have on earth should be spent treasuring them. I treasure you my best friend, soul mate and love of my life.
   The sun is setting as l write this but though time lapses, good and bad times come and go, my love for you will always be pure and steadfast. Keep well baby, remember God in everything you do and always strive to be better than you were yesterday. Travel safe keeper of my dreams. I always will love you
only memories l can hold on to.
J'ai dit à l'esprit vain, à l'ostentation,

L'Ilion de l'orgueil futile, le Sion

De la frivolité sans cœur et sans entrailles,

La citadelle enfin du Faux :

« Croulez, murailles

Ridicules et pis, remparts bêtes et pis.

Contrescarpes, sautez comme autant de tapis

Qu'un valet matinal aux fenêtres secoue,

Fossés que l'eau remplit, concrétez-vous en boue

Qu'il ne reste plus rien qu'un souvenir banal

De tout votre appareil, et que cet arsenal,

Chics fougueux et froids, mots secs, phrase redondante,

Et cætera, se rende à l'émeute grondante

Des sentiments enfin naturels et réels. »

Ah ! j'en suis revenu, des « dandysmes » « cruels »

Vrais ou faux, dans la vie (accident ou coutume)

Ou dans l'art ou tout bêtement dans le costume.

Le vêtement de son état avec le moins

De taches et de trous possible, apte aux besoins,

Aux lies, aux chics qu'il faut, le linge, mal terrible

D'empois et d'amidon, le plus fréquent possible,

Et souple et frais autour du corps dispos aussi,

Voilà pour le costume, et quant à l'art, voici :

L'art tout d'abord doit être et paraître sincère

Et clair, absolument : c'est la loi nécessaire

Et dure, n'est-ce pas, les jeunes, mais la loi ;

Car le public, non le premier venu, mais moi,

Mais mes pairs et moi, par exemple, vieux complices,

Nous, promoteurs de vos, de nos pauvres malices.

Nous autres qu'au besoin vous sauriez bien chercher,

Le vrai, le seul Public qu'il faille raccrocher.

Le Public, pour user de ce mot ridicule,

Dorénavant il bat en retraite et recule

Devant vos trucs un peu trop niais d'aujourd'hui,

Tordu par le fou rire ou navré par l'ennui.

L'art, mes enfants, c'est d'être absolument soi-même,

Et qui m'aime me suive et qui me suit qu'il m'aime,

Et si personne n'aime ou me suit, allons seul.

Mais traditionnel et soyons notre aïeul !

Obéissons au sang qui coule dans nos veines

Et qui ne peut broncher en conjectures vaines.

Flux de verve gauloise et flot d'aplomb romain

Avec, puisqu'un peu Franc, de bon limon germain,

Moyennant cette allure et par cette assurance

Il pourra bien germer des artistes en France.

Mais, plus de fioritures, bons petits,

Ni de ce pessimisme et ni du cliquetis

De ce ricanement comme d'armes faussées,

Et ni de ce scepticisme en sottes fusées ;

Autrement c'est la mort et je vous le prédis

De ma voix de bonhomme, encore un peu. Jadis.

Foin ! d'un art qui blasphème et fi ! d'un art qui pose,

Et vive un vers bien simple, autrement c'est la prose.

La Simplicité, - c'est d'ailleurs l'avis rara, -

Ô la Simplicité, tout-puissant, qui l'aura

Véritable, au service, en outre, de la Vie

Elle vous rend bon, franc, vous demi-déifie.

Que dis-je ? elle vous déifie en Jésus-Christ

Par l'opération du même Saint-Esprit

Et l'humblesse sans nom de son Eucharistie,

Sur les siècles épand l'ordre et la sympathie,

Règne avec la candeur et lutte par la foi,

Mais la foi tout de go, sans peur et sans émoi

Ni de ces grands raffinements des exégètes,

Elle trempe les cœurs, rassérène les têtes,

Enfante la vertu, met en fuite le mal

Et fixerait le monde en son état normal

N'était la Liberté que Dieu dispense aux âmes

Et dont le premier homme et nous, nous abusâmes

Jusqu'aux tristes excès où nous nous épuisons

Dans des complexités comme autant de prisons.

Et puis, c'est l'unité désirable et suprême :

On vit simple, comme on naît simple, comme on aime

Quand on aime vraiment et fort, et comme on hait

Et comme l'on pardonne, au bout, lorsque l'on est

Purement, nettement simple et l'on meurt de même,

Comme on naît, comme on vit, comme on hait, comme on aime,

Car aimer c'est l'Alpha, fils, et c'est l'Oméga

Des simples que le Dieu simple et bon délégua

Pour témoigner de lui sur cette sombre terre

En attendant leur vol calme dans sa lumière.

Oui, d'être absolument soi-même, absolument !

D'être un brave homme épris de vivre, et réclamant

Sa place à toi, juste Soleil de tout le monde.

Sans plus se soucier, naïveté profonde !

De ce tiers, l'apparat, que du fracas, ce quart,

Pour le costume, dans la vie et quant à l'art ;

Dédaigneux au superlatif de la réclame,

Un digne homme amoureux et frère de la Femme,

Élevant ses enfants pour ici-bas et pour

Leur lot gagné dûment en le meilleur Séjour,

Fervent de la patrie et doux aux misérables,

Fier pourtant, partant, aux refus inexorables

Devant les préjugés et la banalité

Assumant à l'envi ce masque dégoûté

Qui rompt la patience et provoque la claque

Et, pour un peu, ferait défoncer la baraque !

Rude à l'orgueil tout en pitoyant l'orgueilleux,

Mais dur au fat et l'écrasant d'un mot joyeux

S'il juge toutefois qu'il en vaille la peine

Et que sa nullité soit digne de l'aubaine.

Oui, d'être et de mourir **** d'un siècle gourmé

Dans la franchise, ô vivre et mourir enfermé,

Et s'il nous faut, par surcroît, de posthumes socles,

Gloire au poète pur en ces jours de monocles !
Vous mîtes votre bras adroit,
Un soir d'été, sur mon bras... gauche.
J'aimerai toujours cet endroit,
Un café de la Rive-Gauche ;

Au bord de la Seine, à Paris :
Un homme y chante la Romance
Comme au temps... des lansquenets gris ;
Vous aviez emmené Clémence.

Vous portiez un chapeau très frais
Sous des nœuds vaguement orange,
Une robe à fleurs... sans apprêts,
Sans rien d'affecté ni d'étrange ;

Vous aviez un noir mantelet,
Une pèlerine, il me semble,
Vous étiez belle, et... s'il vous plaît,
Comment nous trouvions-nous ensemble ?

J'avais l'air, moi, d'un étranger ;
Je venais de la Palestine
À votre suite me ranger,
Pèlerin de ta Pèlerine.

Je m'en revenais de Sion,
Pour baiser sa frange en dentelle,
Et mettre ma dévotion
Entière à vos pieds d'Immortelle.

Nous causions, je voyais ta voix
Dorer ta lèvre avec sa crasse,
Tes coudes sur la table en bois,
Et ta taille pleine de grâce ;

J'admirais ta petite main
Semblable à quelque serre vague,
Et tes jolis doigts de gamin,
Si chics ! qu'ils se passent de bague ;

J'aimais vos yeux, où sans effroi
Battent les ailes de votre Âme,
Qui font se baisser ceux du roi
Mieux que les siens ceux d'une femme ;

Vos yeux splendidement ouverts
Dans leur majesté coutumière...
Étaient-ils bleus ? Étaient-ils verts ?
Ils m'aveuglaient de ta lumière.

Je cherchais votre soulier fin,
Mais vous rameniez votre robe
Sur ce miracle féminin,
Ton pied, ce Dieu, qui se dérobe !

Tu parlais d'un ton triomphant,
Prenant aux feintes mignardises
De tes lèvres d'amour Enfant
Les cœurs, comme des friandises,

La rue où rit ce cabaret,
Sur laquelle a pu flotter l'Arche,
Sachant que l'Ange y descendrait,
Porte le nom d'un patriarche.

Charmant cabaret de l'Amour !
Je veux un jour y peindre à fresque
Le Verre auquel je fis ma cour.
Juin, quatre-vingt-cinq, minuit... presque.
fucken when ppl hu call themselves ur "friends" wanna be ******* and make up **** to chics and other ppl so they dont like ya.  ppl like this should have spears thrown into their face by Peter.  See GroinKing

"oooo bri, peter said ur a **** even though he didn't say **** and i was the one hu said that"
"oooo dont talk to peter, he's a ***, just forget bout him"

— The End —