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Love train:
Kushu! Kushu! Kushu!
As it start to move and accelerate
From my heart to yours
By the aorta through the ateries and back
From your heart to mine
By the veins through the superior and the inferior it goes.

Love train:
From the love factories - our cardiacs
All over the rail ways - our veins
Transporting minerals - our feelings
Boiling our blood hot evaporating

Love train:
Keeping us connected even when apart,
Breaking the bounderies and passing through the caves and bridges of hate.
My first poem at Hello poetry and I would like to thank my friends Thomas A Fletcher and Cathy N who made my dream possible.
Nathan Machesky Apr 2013
When the puppeteer severes the strings
you're left to see that nothing was as it seemed
The master then stars in a new show
while you're left aside to be content in sorrow

Candid knots are what the strings became
tightened around the heart for strain
arrest of the cardiacs are to blame
for the brain not to make sense of these games.
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2016
we attached a meaning to life,planted peace and uprooted the strife
we had pleasures, we enjoyed our life we took no measures
risked falling off the cliffs gladly faced them dangers
but that was the point ,it wasn't living if we weren't believing
we could successfully turn the pages, make memories walking on the edges
we faced the challenge, we had to manage,
trekked through the sun till it was orange
You'd appreciate for we had the courage
we was buried in beating the current, we were hurried
to define our ambition, the mission was reaching the mirage
it was illusive,we were incisive, brothers fell out we were inclusive
we kept fighting and biting,made laws but we weren't abiding
mistakes we went on citing,tough choices we weren't deciding
the higher the ladder, the more life was harder
expected to lead by example,we had to sample life, at times lost the tempo
danced to beats affected the cardiacs, hit the streets mistaken for maniacs
evading defeat propelled to take cover for we were rebels,
running from criticisms coming at us harder than pebbles
we weren't famous but they knew us,ambassadors for the new earth
we were the weight,we were the scales, our actions were the bells
the story that everyone tells,we guided their trains for we were the rails,hickory dickory dock
we were the ship and yacht at every Dock,
the movies to watch and the stories to talk,
for we lit avenues from where they would walk
so the shines went interstellar,the inspiration to every fella
for we rode on luck and provided to many who lack
we were a drug to every dealer, some thought we were Rockefeller
took nothing for granted for we were hunted,
life was a charm so many enchanted we couldn't forget we were wanted
we stuck to the guns, saw it till the end, it was a fire to which we would fend
we had an entire generation and a legacy to defend
persistent to resistance,so much it defined our existence
we fought monsters and didn't give up,so that our world would get a revamp
we were peaceful warriors,we were notorious
M Gordon Meier Nov 2013
Watch me bear
Face deep for forethought
Left at the doorstop
Because fear wrangles
What present thought can't CANT grasp
This eternal emotion
This this human commotion

So (please) don't be afraid to say love
If it's for me
Whether it's cried for tomorrow
Or a breath unto yesterday
I'll hear
And I'll read you
Because your body's a novel
Let me take in every page
Every word

And the visually modulating trademark of autumn
Now lacks monotonality
Since forgetting myself in a kiss
But isn't that the point?
When love's white as fire

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Told of a Übermensch
Und obwohl ich bin nicht der Übermensch
Vielleicht kann ich deinen sein

I can't stop and won't
Unless you want me to
Because for you
I'd hopscotch heartstrings
And crisscross cardiacs
Because all I want
Is you to be happy
(and maybe a little bit naked)
Because you mean more to me than letters mean to words
Than stars mean to sky
And if I Neruda a poem
Will you Fitzgerald a novel
Afreen Quadri Jul 2020
When your heart is scared and you want to hold someone tight,
Know that we fight our hardest battles in the night.
It could be sheer presence of monsters inside us
Or the nightmares that fright us.
Know that you are a warrior,
And you have to cross this barrier!
The one which is holding you back ,
The one which disturbs your cardiacs.
Do know that your soul is trapped ,
Without it, you are just handicapped.
Oh Warrior! Make your mind the sword ,
And the your heart the shield ,
Cause in this battle you are fighting against yourself,
And it’s difficult to **** the evil inside you, without hurting oneself.
Brawl as much as you can ,
Because you never know this war could last for a short period or for your entire lifespan.
Do remember that at the end of this quest ,
Your soul would no longer be oppressed.
For you would’ve triumphed it from the malicious,
And then you can finally be propitious.
~ Freeniii
Lani May 2018
I want to dive into the clouds and swim with the birds as long as they're all heading south.

Fresh oxygen is always the best and the map on our legs will guide us.  

The hammock sends a lonesome tear; if it's nearing a secrecy break

For now I'll ride the dolphins in if you promise to pay them from wallets.  

The eyeballs listening to every song that we sing and the ears don't miss anything we do.  

My heart is looking to lease out its space.  
I can either move on, or reside with an axe in my hand.

Are my cardiacs up to the challenge?
Slowly freezing from the suns icy tears

The gravestones are singing that I am so tough, but really I'm scared and lonely.

Too confused to be angry and as if I'm not hungry enough.

written by:
Leilani Gesch
February 2, 2018
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
Home is where the
HARP is, forget about
fireplaces and cardiacs.

It's a drink to be found
in an Irish pub, where
everyone is welcome.


H ave A R eal P int.


— The End —