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It quivers and aches
It burns and it breakes
Consumes you inside and out
Its rythm can torture
And deliver exposure
To an inhumane growl
The body is ******
And this burden is shady
Without its energy
Life is gray
Pulls in the harvest
Lights your way
Its nothing to degrate
A light beat
Desides your fate
Skip it
And it will imitate
A greater hate
That's meant for the opposite
Unless its broken
:P :D
J Valle Nov 2015
Dear mamma,
Can't you see? That I'm a mess over here.
That I keep crying everyday, for that boy who broke my heart.

Dear mamma,
Can't you see? That my lungs long to be free.
That I keep words I shouldn't say, and it is killing me inside.

Dear mamma,
Can't you see? That your words are what makes me bleed.
That this scars are part of me.

Dear mamma,
Can't you see? It is not my fault, that's who I'm meant to be.
That it breakes my heart to know, a grandchild I will never give.

Dear mamma,
Can't you see? The way you stare, makes me scared, I know I'm a wreck but I'll be best.

Hush mamma,
Let me speak, I am terrified of being here.
That what is yet to come, terrifies me to my bones.

Dear mamma,
Can't you see? That I can see, how much you wish I wasn't me.

Dear mamma,
Please forgive, I know I am a mess but I'll come clean.
Linda Kessler Jun 2012
if i lost everything in this world at least i'd have love
   would you...
i'd cherish this love and it would bloom like flowers under the summer sun
   why would anyone want to cherish it with you...the flowers of love shall wilt and wither
love consumes me with warmth and hope, it fills me to the brim with happiness
   love is cold it empties you of hope and leaves in its wake, brings you down and ***** out all your smiles, submerging you into a puddle of depression.                                                                                                                              
no matter what happens i can always turn to the ones i love
   but they turn away from you...leaving you in a lonley dark tower of tears and disappointment
i can believe in love until the day i die and it will only make my heart smile and thank god for the blessing
   until the day you die love will cause your heart sorrow and sadness you will cry out to god for damning you with this life long curse
to live is to love and to love is to live
   life ends in death and love...hate
love is a blessing and hate is a curse
   hate is a blessing to end the curse of love which breakes thine heart and streams thy tears
you have to believe-
   you have to give up
keep going if you do you will find love brings true-
   hatred. you must give in
which is
          is which
which is
   which is
which is
          is which
if i lost everything in this world at least i'd have love
   *would you?
I'm sorry if this is hard to read. It's supposed to be a back and forth discussion between two people.
Glynis Kearney Apr 2013
The ancient dance of fires ablaze
laughter captured in sunshine days
lightening across our moody skies
muteness found in all goodbyes

crashing teardrops that explode
guns of war we just reload
erupting mirrors reflecting shards
fragmented aces on severed cards
grievous wounds we all embrace
squalid truths left in their place

Thundering noise I feel within
washes over me
refines the sin
breakes the fury
marks relience
in all the noise.....
what silence
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
Every day is new sunrises so do you. even if you feel like you have nothing to say nice.
day by day new challenges fly bye hitting you with out warning. when it rains i rather walk  in the rain so no one can see my eyes . have the time of your life. but it only last only a few min light when your high. when night comes the only thing to escape reality.
the music you listens to carry you along the way with all the wounds that riddle your body.
every thought you think twice but your own ideas have the weight like a ton. your friends have been there for you and so you both have each others backs no matter what.
even if your tired and have little patients all you have to say is ill just keep walking.
the emotions you drown in with every thing the day dreads and loses you in the mix.

but dad by day you have to face your fears even if it means passing you own boundries.

love that emotion is just a ord love is just something that means nothing.

for me i was told when i was little you should never sit down and cry cause youl never have the strong image in you.
emotions walk behind you but your shadow is the thing that has to fight your own evil side to push the demonic eyes away.

life is filled with lies and pathetic people that wast your time.

emotions are the whole thing that human society has to stand therer ground.

day night is the same except that's the way it is night people currl up and let the dreams slumber.

but night is a nother when people only come out when theres no light to hit them.

the thins you said the night before what do u really know what happened to your promises and trust.

my life i walk this earth trying to show my ideas to this world. but this world is afraid of ideas that will change society and every ones time to the good of it.

the emotions have so many things that will bring out in your words.

but i have no regrets or fear what happens to me. cause people fear me and are scared of me for my smarts. but i have nothing negitive to express in my words.

but the sun rises bring the sweet calm breez that flowls threw my long hair but what do u really hear when you listen close. just the music you have never heard of the beauty that will make tears stream down your face.

in my own words you cant fix every thing or every ones problems. all you can be is ears for listening and to suport them untille the end.

i have a life that is full of trapes and surprizes.

im not scared or threaten  by people but why do my ideas scare and threaten society.

but night falls my music plays sun rise comes and my music is still playing but thats the only way for me to deal with life and all its (****)

i walk this world creating my ideas writing away that will spell your name telling you im always listening.

but in this world i can only escape from societys gripps with my music playing loud and drowning people out so i can feel things. in my life as we keep going along.

my life is full of words but my voice will never be heard cause im tired of trying to talk over your voies.

have any emotions like your own appearance ******* you down ******* your strength away wearing you down.

have you just felt your life is and endless ride that leaves burns and blood stains.

my voice has the calming tone's that bring peace to your life.

in my life there's no such thing is war only the rules i have if you show any threat or threaten me i will do the same to you.

every emotion i have been able to control by using my music to drown out every one blaring it away tuning any scream or voice in my way that is only sufficating.

in my own words i have no fears /regrets but i walk this barren world just living and surving any thing hits or breakes me.

but in life/society/emotions. we wont be human if we didn't have any emotions that we have to live with.

i you want folow me  cause youl never have to be alone i am listening to our voice ill say just follow your foot steps and dont let go
emotions have just pathetic life but with out emotions we wont even be human
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
theres nothing left
just dakness
only scilence
long empty thoughts
tears running down my face
every one is gone
the wrold is bleak
there are only lies
who am i
who are you
am i a mistake
how many days have came and gone
what even left to say
what is even left to say
the world is ending
when warfare breakes lose
am i going crazy
or am i losing you
how long have i survivied
is there more pain
or do we all dissaper
long days
speachless thoughts
memories fade
from the faces
who playd lies
will we even dare to step out of line
when we are all broken lies
what do se see
our own shadow or the evil in our eyes
nothing makes sence
its all a hoox
is a voice real
or is it just our imagination
do i really sound like that
endless roads
endless memories
what about our past
it scares me with a cold chill
can any one hear me
my screams to pull me out
scary monsters
play out
the moon never leaves
all the stars glow brighter
lighting a candle is no better
what am i to you or you to me
this is all scarey to me
how far cani touch the stars
is there a new path we are
what is the world coming to
is the warfare over
or do we have to take cover so no one can harm the pretty flowers
random thoughts pondering in my thoughts with word play mixed in
Micheal Wolf Mar 2016
We skip through life in the blink of an eye
Collecting and loosing at the same time
From emotional highs to their woeful lows
The years fly by unnoticed by most
From loves great moments to the losses and pain
We learn from experience and begin to hold fear
Fear of the night and of being alone
Fear of rejection and life on our own
So be it walking or skipping or running for your life
Put on the breakes and open your eyes
Because if it's all gone in the blink of an eye
You where born and you died and never lived life
Pfunzo Mulandana Jun 2014

Most people say it but most don't mean it. A word that breakes or makes you. A word that can give you so much power to control somones heart...
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
Her love is so intoxicating she paralyzes with her venom. The toxins are kicking in. She medicates my brain leaving the emotions painless. Agin and again i feel like half awake or in acoma where im not alone. She is my angel my god my vissions i see in my head and my dreams. She spins a web where we lay where she lays me down to rest.  Alone i stand in this life a wisper and a scream. This can be real im going to go insain blowing my mind away. What is left only dilusions of the girl i love. The pain come crashing in with the knife you stabed me twisting till the blood stains your blade. I stand in the rain gettting wet. The tears start to bleed crimison red like when you put crimson red lipstick you kiss me all over with. These games the dreams the vissions you left me with give me the strenght to keep walking threw hell i am traped threw. 3 am you are sitting on the couch you drinking red wine or have you finally trapped your next victim and ****** all his blood out of his vains to show you are my true love. Your love is so strong my night mars never seem to exist when you have me tighlt in your arms. Everyday i see buring firery hell i see people suffer for all there sins they have left scares all over. I will walk threw the vall of death just to be with my wife with her intoxicating aroma she suduces me with. Temtation will only bring me missery. My prince i love you i will catch all the threats in my web making sure your safe. No harm will come when you follow me threw the heavens and hells. She has bit me showing me a life with painless begainaings and endings. My life has been nothing but full of darkness pain and endless battles. My wife is like a black widdow her venom sinks in to my vains like needles setting all my pain go away she sets my fear and endless terros away. She promised me i will not die one breath at a time. She picked me up off the floor when i was to weak to keep going. Everyday my dreams change all i see is her right in front of me her venom gave be the visions of a millions dreams. The thunder storme breakes my silence when the fear is to much to bear. I drift in to my own grave awake or asleep. Feeling like im floating motionless in the ocean where the wakes ******* me down to a wattery grave. Before i get taken she grabes my wrist and pulles me to safty where i will not be dead. I feel like the rain sends my soul away dancing in the rain. Playing with fire is what i like to do she is my little widle fire i love to play with. Her long blond hair leaves me speechless. Everything seems to go crazy into my endless fight i face every day. Every battle i face she always stand by my side and fights all of the darkeast demons that torment me every night and day. Leaving my mind a damgerious thing to play with. My night mar becomes real when i start seeing the demons who have been chasing me threw this endless hell i shall rise to the heavens. I will cast my own shadow to play a psychotic game i like to do when your heart burst with all your emotions at once till your hollow inside.  In the middle of the night i sit up with fear and tears screaming my wifes name even tho she is right next to me. Its 4am nights i see with no sleep upp all night thinking all my thoughts. What is real what is true what is fake. Its time to embrace all the pain you feel and anger you go into. My soul is yours to take her fangs i feel it under my skin feeling like im being burned alive. Her love is all i need to to stay alive her love is what makes my life painless. But she suduces me then gives me her venom leaving me paralyzed into her love and powers of love lust and suductions its our own 50shades of grey with our love we have every day night .

With out her i will slowly drift into madness i will slowly go insain losing everything i hade slowly dying one breath at a time.
the power of lust suduction love will catch you like a spider in a web
Noura Jun 2016
its this time of the year..
its ending, its finally ending
the year is over
the memories are completely left behind
the people i lost are all left behind
and its also that time of the year
the month that we meet in
it's December 21
the tattoos title i have always wanted to do
the day i though a miracle happened
the day i used to admire a lot
to the point i celebrate it every year
with my self.. before i do it with you
this is the first december 21 i spent without the smell of ur black jacket
without the deep voice of urs that i always admired
without staring at the loveable face features of urs
it was indeed, loveable
life is definitely odd i can say
ironically odd i can definitely say
it breakes you
it shapes you
i changed as a person that even the pen i always used to write in noticed
im not the human being i used to be
i shed tears sometimes on the person i have became
are they happy tears?
or the other way around?
nobody knows..
not even the pen that used to know exactly what i felt in every moment and situation in my life
felt me in this case
is this is a part of growing up?
is it the end yet?
nobody knows..
but the only thing my pen noticed is one thing
that i started to understand music to the point i stopped writing
to the point i started craving specific mixtapes
is it the goosebumps i get when i listen to it
or is it the beat that it has a lot of meaning
nobody knows..
and as soon as i do
ill let my pen know
T Sep 2018
As I look to the moon....for you my love I will be with you soon
I don't care how long or how much it takes
For our hearts will rejoin before it breakes.....for you and I were meant to those beautiful eyes and you will see
The moon and the stars they shine so bright.......our love is the light that's why it is so right........I know you think my love is untrue....I must act now before it all comes unglued
This light that I speak of is from the love in our hearts .....I must finish the work I have started before the light goes out and the love it parts.....this I know and I will tell you now that my love is love for her has hit new heights.....I must prove this while she is still in my sights
The tears that fell will not be back.....for now I know I am on the right track
For now my lips I will seal.......and show her my love is real
When I am done and the sun shines bright......the sky clear and the time is right
Her hand in mine it will be.....together forever you and me
#I can see some light
Fully bloomed sky that lights the night in it’s darkened times of age,
Queen of thee, half empty moon, guards thy happiness for whome?
Spoke did not, we can guess only, she knows the man that wants change :
This lone wolf with his wrong thoughts, hopes he can make her lips raise.

He looks at her, till the dark fades, and when she’s full he wants her stay.
Romance is not present, his young, ripe breast’s forever pure,
Yet, her traits, true in his dreams,
Repeat their line as in a play;
Enjoyed by him, without his will, this damp, cruel fancy breakes his core.

New protector of his smile, all you do is rip his heart -
You say nothing of your pain, all you do is listen soundly,
Take in carefully his despair; he just want’s to know your part,
Help you cope with your emotions, clean your soul of the cold endly.

Better take care of this boy, that nature has gave up on,
For his growth has just begun and a pack will taint his wings.
When you’re lost, not seeing him, his soul tries to reach your throne;
On his stairs he works all day, and in him a war has gone.
NuanceResin Apr 2020
we all want breakes and bridges -

— The End —