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Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Blissing Out.

It is there at the inner edge,
where Self-awareness
meets the ocean of Being
that we can grow most.

There is the real threshold
beyond which lies
a vaster world, tension-free
and universally energetic.

If we allow the two room
to acknowledge and
subtly touch we can begin
the true blissing out.

Breathing feels suddenly
spacious and silence
seems loud, try it and you
will be sure to agree.

It is there at the inner edge,
where Self-awareness
meets the ocean of Being
that we can grow most.
I know a bit about
learning to dance in the rain
like nobody is watching


I know way more about
dancing like a *****
in the kitchen

despite the warden
standing aghast
eating up his own
billowy firebreath
soliloquy reprimands

I earbud block
shimmy, pivot and pop
raising vibration tornado
toss it a flippant middle
and cheeky smile
without breaking stride

devil dismayed
lips keep on syncing
as if I can hear demeaning
demonic procession

but I already know
what he’s saying

stop dancing like that
in front of our son

you mean…

to the beat of my own pulse
shaking divine creation
diffusing rainbow throes
undulating radiant orbitals
all for my own blissing?

one day that boy
will be a man
who knows


than to ever
call a goddess

a ***** in the kitchen
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
I went into the DeepWell this morning for another kinda,
wake up cup more like trying to be with some things need simmering down,
for the flames are bright and looking hot but but but warm and so soothing,
ooohing aaaahining awwwwweing inspiring rather blissfull kissfull blissing,
kissing idk bout hi'way 61 but for of you bro I know about your kitchen!!!!

Anywhohow way idk if I had much a drink at all with wake up or simmer down,
nor a nibble though some things are clear once in a blue year;

IDK like what's going on, down up once in a while or my preferred self setting dip flip switch's,
hahaha but reads are packing and that's good;

having to get back to too many responses 'um think 'bout the president,
the few who get through and we see a few presentations that should all be heard 'n seen too;

for I know we're all just blood bearing beings, counting on air,
but my cabinet I'm all of 'em unless you have more to say speak on this now;

staff, budget, readers, recorders, playback digitizers self routing pouting deciders,
all kinds of chaos chasers 'um not got;

I know so like all here 'um wat's wit dis cat;

what's he working three jobs or three wives 9 kids twelve ways;

nah not a drop so to say exactly 'dat way no more got a few getting on,
where I was and they was already born;

I'm thinking metaphysical then overly scrutinal to be careful both ways and wise,
she-it I can do more da better than a two way street try me I like 8's and 9's,
I lay all out there b4hand dey way den 'um say cats don't won't can't,
what ya ever think I've ever seen any reciprocity;

yah Solomon here we're working laughing crying all;

saw that movie "Anna Karenina" Leo Tolstoy novel base,
ya know the 'precious' 'Lord of the Rings' these sort of 'um things,
JC said along at least the 'Greatest b4 me Solomon' two kinds of exemplar,
(easy SO SO Bud Bud chill!!) one get demons off mans poor missions and happily,
doing 'Gods' love yet 'um well, I talk about these things with blood bearing beings,
I'm not even taking temperature into consideration;

just that I hear know 'dis 'da place gotta do 'da be greater things;

everybody knows Solomon a key why how hum 'um what ya kidding again,
oh so far off out heavy or fairy dust to me man, guess coming all together like JC,
just a bit may be out beyond such ganders of wonders what feelings lost looking down,
the land your feet are even upon, 'um man what about's;

'I'll be your solution if you'll be my remedy';

how does solution need remedy when they just bleed warm red blood a bit too bluish,
what if I say we need 'em all, does 'dat rhyme a chime of too like greedy who what me'eedy;

what ya want to "Possess Me!!!???"
hahahah !!!!<3<3##:):)!!!R

I just wanted to hit dat punchline while I was really in the middle,
but I do have a poem 'The Middle Riddle (in medias res)',

"When the middle is...
just right, there will be no will...towards an ending...!!!";

so back where we're we before the mention, no introductions say already too far gone,
as a wife would have to be  able to have an introduction of such a silly notion no more;

re: refer to as; X'yzzzzzleeeeping;

with that illegally separated easier straighter to say Fb have not figged 'dat one up yet,
Solomon is calling 'em up everyday/night;

let me tell ya man of the woes of Solomon and to me I coined the phrase myself,
so I Google'd it up, for I just thought those cats yonder dare' might have downloaded,
my brain and some well of it's keys and you've got the rest better;

know now I understand it's out there by book, I don't dare look yet before it's clear,
who wrote that stuff and I'll tell by what it won't, by omissions, excessive unwarranted permissions,
I'm wondering, I scan the great collections, not so invasive of more personally assured permissions,
there were days where there were a hand full of very warm open hopeful receptive set of beings,
along some tour that said go west as I was east and by a rather large pond;

do I need go on here now,
I start your clock too 'den what,
I'll get nine codes running inside out,
backwards inside of you,
'den just what can ya do!!!
vircapio gale Jul 2012
a dream was never held
within the heart like this;
to caress and mimic make
the metamorphic yields
no image to allure, on swell of
blissing ribcage breathing:
field-horizons seethe for
gaze to set upon a focus-fix,
a cough subsides to utter sweetness
in the air, the intake of a blanket joy
to sweep the skin entire me
for being free, electric nexus-winds
to soften stances, slowly vibrate
perspectival nodes, and deeper nests
of echoed intertwinement
through the hall of gathered newness
breathed, breathing insight
sounds beyond the worlds imagined--
to sing the choice in serpentine,
throat cascades galactic chirping
carved flight of nimble-cover quickening
shines higher, pitching lust and thought
behind my ears revealing awe
ambrosia waves from sigh-blown
relics of a leafy launching,
spinning dust of nebulaeic tones
on ancient sprout-soul holding
true for humble new beginnings green and blue.
heave this newfound beauty
axis wing upon that giant
spiral booming where
imagined whims are gentlest
of all transearthly greatnesses--
simply sphotal sounds
on winds of changing colorflow--
sending quivers in the dark,
a smile-fire scree of charms
i've known along
us even while alone
sphoṭa (Devanagari स्फोट, the Sanskrit for "bursting, opening", "spurt") is etymologically derived from the root sphuṭ 'to burst'. It is used in its technical linguistic sense by Patañjali (2nd c. BCE), in reference to the "bursting forth" of meaning or idea on the mind as language is uttered. Patañjali's sphoṭa is the invariant quality of speech" (wikipedia).
He undertook
  Such a jolly folly
To search for his heart's twin

O'er plain, and peak
   Never sparing daring
Mad quest he did begin

He careless spent
  All his funny money
For he spared no expense

Heard of a man
   said to uncover lovers
Without a recompense

"He's only known
   as the Giant Bryant"
For there were none bigger

So off he went
  For how dare-he tarry
With the greatest vigor

Within one moon
  He did righted sighted
The giant's stone castle

And cautious stepped
  Midst the towers flowers
For he was quite facile

With guarded prose
  Lest he adverse converse
Relayed his quest of years

And though none be
  A more mighter blighter
Tall Bryant shed six tears

"Your search for love"
    Reflects gallant talent
And will surely quench thirst

In yonder vale
  In a deeping sleeping
A daughter who's born first
A true love's heart
   And hair flaxen waxen
Braids tressed with a blue fleur

She longs for love
    To keep-her deeper
Hope steels her to endure

It was just so
  For he found-her sounder
In the vale with fields green

Her braided hair
   In breeze saving waving
With the suns golden sheen

As he held her
  In their blissing kissing
Knew he'd ne'er search again

For in her eyes
   Shown a growing knowing
Reflecting his hearts twin
I'm not in love
with your words

I'm in love with
the way you think

not just
endlessly curious,
sufficiently bewildered
and longing to climb inside
the gears tick-tocking your mind

but that your brain takes me
into a state of utter awe
blissing me still

it's looking into
this distorted hologram
mirror where I'm seeing
more of me, but from
different perspectives
than the usual 2D
similar to me, yet,
inversely intriguing

it's live and undulate
reflective truth serum
rooting me in now

that's why I slid
right down your throat -
I speak your language
and apparently intuitively
know how to crack you
allkindsa open

(even if it takes a
white-hot light year
and unprecedented doses)

it's like with you
I'm the me-est me
I can be
it's so

magically delicious
I don't try to escape
inside me anywhere

you make me want to
be more here
with you

on the outside

share all the parts
I learned it best to hide
on the in

though I know
it's a wee bit ******,
if these treatises become
merely the sheer prologue
to The Most Unbelievable Tale
of Mystical Love Perhaps Ever Spun

the fact that
seeing you is
seeing me

loving you is
loving me too

this could be
- so -

like shots of
marine phytoplankton
chased with green smoothie

and my ponderings
keep meandering
around this one thing:

what happens when
it gets to the point where
your pictures painted of me
completely override
my false stories

- forevermore -

when I eat
so much of the mirror
I become - fully -
the me I see
through your
Windexed eyes

I daresay
that’s levitating off
the porch of full potential
outside our diamond-cut pyramid
with the gold-engraved signage
hanging in front of our
intergalactic portal

where one
might have

looked for a door

that now seems
completely archaic
and unnecessary
Tonight you are all mine
just lay there relax and unwind,
Have a glass of your favorite wine let your mind flow free.

Tonight be my lover,
The lover not like any other,
Just for this night be my  lover.

Soft lips kissing your hips,
You feel my finger tips caress your chest,
Your heart beating crazy as you feel my body heat against you
I know you're ready for me as I  undo my belt.
You felt my excitement pressing against you

Just before I start I'm gonna pet your kitty cat,
Stroking her and play with her,
Tasting your cherry,
Eating that berry and telling you how much I like it.

Touching you everywhere,
Kissing  all over you body,
Giving you what you been craving and I think I  know what it is.
The blissing feeling of being inside you
moving you in every position,
Giving into your body.
While gripping onto you  tightly.

You tell me give you  all that I  got,
You want  every last drop inside you.
Go round one, two, three, four begging for more.

Don't stop you say just keep it right there.
Pulling your hair as I smack you hips  like that.
You say attack it, abuse it, you know I love it.
Give it up to me.
Push it all in, I can take it.

I'm burning,
Your burning,
Oh we're  burning and yearning together
We keep on going, satisfy each other
Keeping up the pace till I'm  about ready to come to my end.
I send chills throughout your body while heating it up.
This is what we both been waiting for
Mazen Edlibi Jan 2016
I promised myself to margin my feelings...
I promised myself not to pay attention to signal my body is sending...
I promised to keep my pen away from here...
But with her...
I felt the blissing of being alive...
But with her...
I felt the beauty of being awkward and unable to express myself..
But with her...
I felt the blessing of her name...
But with her...
I'm in Silence to seize every minute being with her...
with her...
I felt Love..
Oh, in you is the answer
to the meaning of my life
and the being of my soul
for without you I am empty and void.
Oh, god who made heaven and earth
made your soul from pure love.
Oh, how you can draw forth my love
like no other.
You are the light that shines in my darkest night
and lights the dark corners of my heart.
With your love the dark and troubled waters
in my soul are calmed.
Oh, blissing to my soul!
you are a love creature
come down from heaven's golden door.
And many are the thorns
you have washed from my soul.
Oh, how can your heart so pure and clean
love this dark and troubled soul.
One who from life's dark and troubled waters was born.
Oh, the star that presided over my birth
has cursed me
because you are not by my side.
and I ever longing, and ever searching
for the golden way to make you mine!
Oh, the way is hard
and the way is unkind
in all my quest to make you mine.
It seems this world is shrouded in darkness.
Such an overpowering darkness that I feel
that presses upon my soul
and my heart withers
like some rose fresh and green
plucked up and thrown into an oven
hotter  than any known to man.
Oh, hold me in your arms
and say those words I long to hear
"Oh, how I love you so"
and cure this sickness within my soul
and let all sense of time and eternity be lost
as we pass all the days ever to be in our love
Onoma May 2019
i have this nicely hewn

blusish, white and black

blanket rug i bring to the

park to lie and meditate on.

so i'm lying there blissing out

when i open my eyes there's

this ****-diesel beast of a pitbull

literally in my face.

his owner was nowhere to be found.

so i sit up as he circles and sniffs me,

all of a sudden this mass of muscle hit

my back in a collapsing motion.

i turn around to see that hulk had rolled

over and wanted a belly rub.

here comes his owner finally--laughing,

telling me that Bo really likes me.

he liked the vibes, surrendering to that

dexter Aug 2020
Not black
Ignore, destroy
Face the facts
Living last
Flailing, failing fast
Turn, burn, yearn
Emptiness so vast
Empty, half full glass
Race to complacency
Staples in my stomach
Staring at ceilings
Simplicity in feeling
What demands to be felt
Doing our best with the hands we’ve been dealt

Wild-eyed, sitting frozen
Feeling trapped in the life I’ve chosen
Revolting, molting, shedding dead skin
Shaking these bones, can never relax
I’ll never win.
Chagrin, baring my sins like the crooked smiles cloaking my lies.
I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine :)
Feel like I’m sinking, thinking of dirt, worms,
The grave I keep digging
Flinching at memories I wish meant nothing
Clinging to love I’m eternally lacking, somehow missing
Piiissing myself at the thought
Blissing out like a star in the sky
Lost in my own world, omitting the why’s
and who’s that got me here
Somehow I survived my 23rd year
Unwanted writer girl, suffocated by fear
Dreaming of drowning in beer
Lost in this loneliness
Regretting everything I’ve ever held dear.
Temperament means so little
to the one who lacks control
and  I fly off the handle
Because its all I know.

Self guidance is something missing
From about a every single soul
Each one hunting for blissing
But getting stuck far below.
Sa Sa Ra Nov 2012
I went into the DeepWell this morning for another kinda wake up cup more like trying to be with some things need simmering down for the flames are bright and looking hot but but but warm and so soothing ooohing aaaahining awwwwweing inspiring rather blissfull like kissfull and blissing and kissing idk bout hi'way 61 but for your of bro I know about your kitchen!!!!
Anywhohow way idk if I had much a drink at all with wake up or simmer down not a nibble some things are clear once in a blue year; but IDK like wats going on down up once in a while or my preferred self setting dip flip switch  hahaha but reads are packing and that's good; having to get back to too many responses 'um think 'bout the president and the few who get through and we see a few presentations that should all be heard 'n seen too; for I know we're all just blood bearing beings, counting on air, but my cabinet I'm all of 'em unless you have more to say speak on this now; staff budget, readers, recorders, playback digitizers self routing pouting deciders all kinds of chaos chasers 'um not got; I know so like all here 'um wat's wit dis cat; wat's he working three jobs or three wives 9 kids twelve ways; nah not a drop so to say xactly 'dat way no more got a few getting on where I was and they was already born; I'm thinkig metaphysical then overly scrutiny to be careful both ways and wise, she-it I can do more da better than a two way street try me I like 8's and 9's, but I lay all out there b4hand dey way den 'um say cats don't won't can't, what ya ever think I've ever seen any reciprocity; yah Solomon here we're working laughing crying all; say that movie "Anna Katrenina" Leo Tolstoy novel base, ya know the 'precious' 'Lord of the Rings' these sort of 'um things, JC said along at least the 'Greatest b4 me Solomon' two kinds of exemplar (easy SO SO Bud Bud chill!!)one get demons off mans poor missions and happily doing 'Gods' love yet 'um well, I talk about these things with blood bearing beings and I'm not even taking temperature into consideration; just that I hear know 'dis 'da place gotta do 'da be greater things; everybody knows Solomon a key why how hum 'um what ya kidding again oh so far off out heavy or fairy dust to me man, guess coming all together like JC just a bit may out beyond such ganders of wonders what feeling lost looking down the the land your feet even upon 'um man 'that 'bout 'I'll be your solution if you'll be my remedy' how does solution need remedy they just bleed warm red blood bit too bluish, wat if I sat we need 'em all does dat rhyme a chime to too like greedy whoo what me'eedy; what ya want to "Possess Me!!!???" hahahah !!!!<3<3##:):)!!!R
I just wanted to hit dat puchline while I was really in the middle, but I do have a poem 'The Middle Riddle (in medias res)' "When the middle is...
just right, there will be no will...towards an ending...!!!"; so back where we're we before the mention no introductions say already too far gone as a wife would have to be tobe able to have an introduction of such a silly notion no more; re: refer to as; X'yzzzzzleeeeping; with that illegally separated easier straighter to say Fb have not figged 'dat one up yet but Solomon is calling 'em up everyday/night; but let me tell ya man of the woes of Solomon and to me I coined the phrase and so I Google'd it up for just thought those cats yonder dare' might have downloaded my brain and some well it's keys and u've got the rest better; but know I understand it's out there by book but I don't dare look yet before it's clear who wrote that stuff and I'll tell by what it won't by omissions, excessive and unwarranted permissions, I'm wondering I know I scan the great collections not so invasive of more personally reassuring permissions, but there were days where there were a hand full of very warm open hopeful receptive set of beings along some tour that said go west as I was east and by a rather large pond; do I need go on here now, I start your clock too 'den what I'll get nine codes running inside out and backwards inside of you 'den just what can ya do!!!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
So many regrets
So much missing

So much solitude
So little kissing

So few friends
So little blissing

So much sorrow
But I can't stop wishing

— The End —