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Angel Moore Jul 2013
If the "Twinflame", or what is better known as the "Soul Mate Theory" rings any truth,
then I believe I have felt this, even within my own disarray of natural human emotion and connections.

The "Love" emotion, in particular, defines the world "Soul Mate" to its truest definition, without question.

I'm a true believer that I have/had or maybe still will encounter this sort of spirit and that any lifetime spent with such a kind soul was a lifetime of riches and happiness beyond what anything mad-made could deliver.

I hope when we do find these people we let them them know and I hope they recognize this sort of bond as the most infinate form of respect and compliment.

I never imagined my story being a love story, but if I prove to be, not as smart as I feel, that is a flaw I would endure in every lifetime, just for the benifit of Love and Friendship.

When "THEY" say, you must love yourself, before you can love another,  I like to quote Oscar Wilde, who said
"To love thyself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."

Take careful consideration to this.
When you get to know yourself
and I mean, REALLY get to know yourself.
You learn not only your darkest fears, but you learn your most powerful comforts.

You literally create a world that only exists from within.
You are learning and loving yourself into an "inner beauty" so fascinating that modern "entertainments" become nothing more than mere distraction.

You become your own best friend.
This is the goal and perhaps the key to life.

You can be homeless, unwanted, and completley alone in the world (or so it feels in dark hours) and still have a place to run to, when you close your eyes, you're already rich.

Now add another person.
Who can compete with yourself and know your every move.
Every thought.
Every intention.
Every guilty pleasure.
Imagine someone else, who knows you in such a way.
What a concept.

Its real. You just have to be patient. Take the time to love yourself.

I'm not there, but I have an adventure of a lifetime awaiting me. How could I ever fear life, when life can be so beautiful.

With this other can see them, touch them.
Conversate with them.
Educate, learn and lean on them.
You will never find that, until you know what you are looking for.
Daisy Fields May 2011
there are in my opinion 2 differet types of doors of perception in the human mind.
the doors to darkness & the doors to light.
the doors to light have always been in everyone,
but the doors to darkness were built in our minds to confuse & control us.

everytime a door of perception closes a new one will open in it's place.
& i find that for every dark door you close 2 or more doors to light open.

when you shut the door to government the doors to real freedom, real privacy, & real truth opens.
how can we really feel free in the relaity we are in now?
we all have a false sense of freedom, to think, speak, & act,
but really nothing is free anymore, everything will cost you something.
how can you truley believe we are free when there are so many laws, rules, and confinments & so much we have no say in.
human's don't need laws or bibles or police to tell us what to do,
we have the sense of right & wrong built into us.
we know what is good or bad by how they make us feel,
and we all generally feel in the same ways.
with laws in place we don't take the time to really think about how our actions will make others feel we have alredy been told & there is no need for further thought.
also, people i find always have the tendacy to want to do what they can't do.
if you tell them they can't do things, they're gonna try.
so are jails filled with bad people, or freedom fighters?
people rebeling against the law.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to media you open the doors to true beauty, to inner beauty, to self love & to self acceptance.
how can one see real beauty in such a fake reality.
in people today judgement, cliques & suicides are at an all time high,
self confidence & self worth is at an all time low .
people judge people based on how they look, & what they're wearing.
they form opions of others without even talking to them.
we should love & celebrate our differences, not hate & divide them.
you could miss out on meeting an amazing person because you are so blind to real beauty.
think about all the things great things people don't know about you,
now think about all the great things you don't know about other people.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to technology, you open the doors to unity, to true connection with others, & to real experiences.
in our technological relaity we live in the illusion that technology is bringing us closer,
and that we are becomming more inter webbed to eachother when we humans have the capabilites to establish these connections without help.
we are like robots, expressing emotions based on how we are told/suppose to react, not because we are really feeling.
instead of going out to explore & expierence life, nature, & new relationships,we stay at home and watch them on t.v.
instead of talking to someone, visiting someone, spending time wth someone, we connect with them threw computer screens, facebook profiles & emotionless txts.
where is the connection?
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to money the door to free trade open.
to a reality where we help other not for money or for benifit
just to help another human bening like yourself,
just because it feels right, it feels good.
the reality we live in now is one with fake, bought happiness & of selfishness.
we try to make ourselves happy with big homes and nice cars and expensive things when we don't need them.
true, pure happiness comes from the love of others, from helping, giving, sharing,
& from making others happy as well.
nobody can take that kind of happiness from you ever.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you shut the door to war & violence the doors to peace opens.
the door to equality, to harmony to love.
to a reality where we work out our differences with words & not wepons,
it doesn't require money, or casual deaths.
how can we use the term casual deaths?
let's take a look into this relaity for a moment...
there was a solider in iraq who ran into a home & killed a man in front of his wife & kids.
this man was killed because he had weapons in his home which was viewed as a threat or possible terrorist.
in actuallity the man was not planning any attack at all he merely had thoes weapon to protect himself & his innocent family in the case of a home invasion.
back in the soliders home town a man wakes up in the middle of the night because he hears glass break. he grabs a wepon that he has in case of emergency to protect his family and goes to investigate. he walks in on a man intruding in his home, the man has a knife, the dad shoots him dead.
on the same day as the solider get his medal for killing an innocent man the dad gets sentenced to life in prision for trying to protect his family.
who is the real hero, who really deserves a medal, the solider or the man?
i guess ****** is a heroic thing if your doing it for the government..
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to religion you open the door to wonder, curiosity, and exploration.
to a relaity with less division & less disagreements.
where does all that money go to?
certinly not space exploration.
i strongly believe that by giving into the idea of god you giving into the idea of there being a higher power in anything race, gender, religion, ect.
i also believe that because of this and the idea of god it has created this huge power struggle all over the world of people trying to own/run the world.
people trying to be god/godly.
these are the most powerful people in the world right now.
and it is thoes people who have place these dark doors in our heads.
and who are constantly watching, and making sure the doors stayed open and all other doors stayed shut.
but we have the power to.
we are all god.
& we all have the power to view the world in any way we want it, heavenly or hellish
.'god created the world with his vision'
change god into we,
'we created the world with our vision.'
'god has the power to change everything'
'WE have the power to change everything'
but as of right now we are living in the dark.

so let's let in the light.
& let it shine threw every pore, every breath, every thought we have.
let it ignite us, & drive us to great heights.

don't live & act based on how you look to others/god/ect.
live & act based on how your feel inside.

don't have an idea of who you are,
know who you are.
live for yourself, not for anyone els.

i want real words & thoughts
i want real freedom & truth
i want real faces & emotion
i want real experiences & places
i want real peace & equality
i want real people
i want real happiness
i want real connections
real love, real light, real laughter, real life.

we can make things real again, just don't be afraid, don't be lazy, don't be doubtful, don't be fake.
Listed bookmarks of old, and baited non-benifit of the doubters.

A kind rewinded word of advice heard, pattern of choices and actions made a bested resounding thunderous sound,
near then , how come the doubters tested and warned to the trap not come, where graced benefit of the doubt be a stated consideration on that very **** day?

To the impact indicators blinking a sudden turn of the coat or is it the tail wagged the dog in the fog of a psychological electronic war that must be raging in the minds of the internet cheerful happy people as not it has in the walk and mind of mine, for i laid bare so as to share the scare i knew to find , and thus almost lost it all , wit correction, but you cast a guilt-ed hazy trash to one more that willing to best you and test you for the proven faith and trust he already gave, oh wait, or was that simply entertainment for the view of you ?  so, um, sit down, you could have listened to me and gave benefit of the doubt, or did you forget what all this is truly all about? saving those whom have and  are being manipulated into utter turmoil and death by these blood sport  games in these windows... remember there "friend"?  or is it ol craig and his lists are totally as bad off as little ol me, for shurly you see, that even she is free to some degree and will as i have walked all through , forgiven, yet my dear friend, do you think such grace for me? considering,most forget why the hell we have been doing all this and i walked you all through such ******* things... oh, sorry, i am sure you were getting around to that human trafficking thing, right? well, at least there are good people doing that as we speak, and for them we are grateful, are you?
Oh and no i am not mad nor upset, just disappointed, i always tell you what is coming and to choose. and still i harm you not even if it harm me.

The Unforgiven I,II and III - Metallica - (LYRICS)
h ttps://

Motörhead - Ace of Spades (slow Acoustic version)
h ttps://

AC DC - Who Made Who lyrics
h ttps://

AC DC Ride On
h ttps://
Kathy Z Jul 2013
I've only written poems about love.
Most of them-
filled with angst, overflowing
not unlike
a flooded river,
maybe the Nile
in spring.

I don't really use lipstick,
or mascara for that matter,
because makeup,
is just something to hide behind
a shield that people are trying to cast off
every day.

writing a poem without inspration is like
trying to describe a chocolate eclair
without taste buds.
Maybe that's why
this is so hard to write.

But I had pleaded for another wish,
on a birthday candle, one day in May
Blowing the little flame out,
I rode my hopes on that little spark,
making sure that there were no embers left in the ashes.
Maybe I missed one,
I'm not sure-
because that wish still hadn't come true, to today.

The voice of an aucostic guitar strums into my ear
my only comfort
against this dismal highway.
And my earbuds are unbalanced
the right one louder then the left
and no matter how much I tilt my head
it's still uneven

Someone once told me
"Tears taste like the ocean"
that same person wiped away those tears, brusquely saying,
"Don't cry. I don't want you falling asleep tomorrow."
I held that as an act of kindness,
one of the few close to my heart.

The taste of coffee is too **** bitter.
Yet I crave it,
holding its warmth against my hands
and blowing the excess steam off.
Starbucks, in winter.

When flipping through paintings of angles and demons, I wondered
do angles really have halos?
do devils really have horns?
Who created the idea of supernatural creatures, at all?
"Superstitious freak" I mutter, slamming the book shut
and getting up to get another book
Lord of the Flies

The blinking crusor and the white screen that's staring at me right now
4:45 a.m in the morning
I couldn't sleep.
So I check my email-
it says
You have no messages.
For some strange reason, that's always the time when I feel the most alone.

I wonder
if people these days would ever write something,
just for their own benifit, and not for the lust of getting reviews
or compliments
of others.
I'm a filthy hypocrite, and I embrace that fact,
writing pointless stories just for the sake of getting compliments,
telling me
"You're worth it"
Ste Jan 2018
The Devil
makes you go hungry
and he fills you with greed.
The Devil whispers in your ears
until they both bleed.

The Devil
is the one that makes
you want to throttle your bird,
you can find the Devil at the
bottom of a bottle I've heard.

The Devil
is to blame, for your pain and your loss,
he fills you with rage,
and the Devil is your boss,
when you work  like a slave for
minimum wage.

The Devil
fills your glasses
and he empty's your cup,
That dark lord will make you
commit benifit fraud,
and he is the one,
who grasses you up.

The Devil
makes you stray,
with no regard,
for what your doing
to anothers life,
and while your away,
the Devil's in your house
giving it hard, to your wife.

The Devil
makes you bold
and he does fill you with fear,
the Devil turnes the young old
and can turn a strait man queer.

The Devil
took your daughter,
and turned her into
a wrinkled old hag.
Round our way, a piece
of the Devil is bought for,
ten pound a bag.

The Devil
never stays at home
and never will he rest.
The Devil is the one who
gives you a loan,
and charges double interest.

The Devil
is the one who the police pursue
he is the one that they do chase,
unless  the one on the run
happens to be you,
then dressed in blue,
the Devil you will face.

The Devil,
when the loneliness
can't be taken anymore,
he comes and disconnects your phone.
Need time on your own,
then the Devils banging on your door
and he just wont, leave you alone.

The Devil
resides, in your ex's eyes,
he made them say those words
that were not true.
And the Devil's already got his claws
into the next one, to tell you lies
and get thier filthy paws on you.

The Devil
makes you repeat what you've heard,
he makes your lips looser,
and next time someone's slandering you,
maybe its because they've had a word,
with Lucifer.

Yea the Devil is everwhere
but there is a way to get him of your case,
and tell him you'll see him later.
Grab that Devil by the horns,
look him in the face,
and tell him you belong, to the creator.
i have to catch up on all you sent. but yes very intense, and been my life for years now. to tell the truth, longer. but good news we saved the world , we all did, turns out there is this guy in the boonies of the ozarks who they say seems to be tied to all existance or at least powerful people with pwerful toys tie events to his moods , and he like suddenly fixed it all in the blink of an eye, with the help of everyone and of course our good Lord, and Grace and Love. wow, who would have thought , some hillbilly with flaws and a tourtured life , intensified in the last ten or so years, turns out to be that guy, yep that guy with the job no man would ever wish to have, the job of intitiating the saving of all existence by making it so, simple as that. jack. here check it out and be sure to read all the other peoples posts in the maion area thatr are rather interesting in the effects the world has when a man feels it as much as he sure does. wow the guy feels a lot and i mean wow, so much so the world reflects what ever people do to him, glad all the world love and not hate, and are caring to ensure he is hapopy as he ensures he is happy, cause arent we all tied to the existance just the same, . well most i would suspect, but if it is  hypothetically just him that is, then i cant think of a better guy to have turned down the parts that were offered, and just did the job that was needed for all to benifit and not just be greedy like so many have been to him, he really did us all a service by just being that rather wonderful and kind man he realy is. i thank the guy. truly. here is a link.
Oh p.s., amazing how well balanced the guy is, no massive ego, no power tripping, just forgivness and kindness with a tantrum here and there as well, a real person should have. but, yeah, amazing and he is not too bad looking , well, if you are into that  sort of look, but i can forgive the odd things he does, i mean, could you imagine the stress a guy must have doing that job and never asking for it, in fact refused it time and time again so people would not worship or mistake him for some other guy. i mean wow, freaking thoughtful and careing guy, he even humiliated himself several times just to cause the argument to be realevent that he could in no way be the main power guy, cause chossen one or not, he sure a heck held the good things in the right and justly chose to give and also recieve the possitive and teach all that pain is real, and emotions are more, and well a bunch of stuff that said, hey open your mind and consider the odd things, whether true or not, cause we can not have a future of amazing and joyous if we limit our thinking and feeling, and he did it all under the eyes of the world, even editted to look like a bad guy, not unlike bane joker or some weird o who uses crayons to paint the scenes, yeah, some folks thought that would be fun, glad the world saw through the lie of those trying to harm him, his family and the world, cause he really withstood and seems many great people really sacrificed a lot to keep them safe, and i am grateful, turns out hes not a bad guy. even if he endulges in things we all turn a blind eye to it, i mean, come on, you seen that level of preassure in a job with no time off ever? 24/7 365  all day everyday. wow the guy is , okay. i guess. just hope i can do half what he tried to do, cause i am sure it took one heck of a toll and he is just ready to heal and enjoy saving it all, with the help of everyone and well all only by the grace of God, God's will not his nor anyone elses, God sure did save the day when this guy decided to say, hey, enough. and asked the lord for help. smile. you saved the world matthew. thank you. really, i mean it.
Yep . so. smile all. in the blink of an eye. or as one can hope it to be. so long as the world and powers that be, allow for such good things, I mean didnt we all just choose to save the whole thing, and seems it can only be done by the will of God< gods will not mine, not yours not theirs, so, hum, yeah, thanks all for helping save the world in the blink of an eye here caught up in this wifi cloud of internet .
Amanda Edmonson Jan 2011
I put a wall up, around my heart
as i feel something's going to come.
I don't want to get hurt again
as i have many times.
My one last love, that i trusted with my life.
Broke it as i knew he would do.
Maybe i was just hoping he wouldnt..
i give them the benifit of the dout...maybe thinking i will love and trust a guy soon.
and if i trust them they will trst me..
but since my heart was broken the last time
i will put that wall up, until i know im with a guy that will protect it
so everyone called my heart "the walled up heart"
as it will be for right now.
and you can prove to me your worthy.
if you want to be the one to tare down my wall.
as its of stell for now.
you cant have my body and sure as hell not my heart.
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
I see it there;

by the living;
left alone.

If it had been tampered with ,
where would i be today?

thank the Guardian of Watchers for guarding it,
when i couldn't be there;
to do so myself.

Living in this disgusting time of life
everyone would want a chance to  exploit it,
find a use out of it,
want to benifit
from it.

Because , yeah;
No one ever seems to find the state of mind:
that  they can't give themselves permission
to unlock what isn't theirs.

© J-d S. J
Nathan Adams Jun 2015
The word “forgive” means to wipe the slate clean, to pardon, to cancel a debt. When we wrong someone, we seek his or her forgiveness in order for the relationship to be restored. It is important to remember that forgiveness is not granted because a person deserves to be forgiven. Instead, it is an act of love, mercy, and grace.

Granting forgiveness is as much of a surrender as asking for it. All too often, we take an attitude that we can forgive but never forget. How can we claim to truly have forgiven if we cannot give those who wronged us the chance to make amends? The chance to prove that we deserve this forgiveness?

I forgive those who have wronged me, and grant them the benifit of the doubt that they do deserve forgiveness, that the same forgiveness be given to me.

Much love to the people jn my life. None are perfect, and none should be punished for their whole lives for a mistake, which any person can make.
May not be exactly a poem, but from the heart nontheless
Star BG Nov 2017
Music is alive each melody a vibration
that touches hearts

Poems are alive each word a footprint
for eyes that touch hearts.

Music, and poetry are a gift
for all to benifit and celebrate.

bath yourselves
in love infused sounds
of songs and poetry to open heart.

Howsoever it may look,
it may sound,
But no other way till date,
I have  found.

For tasting the heaven,
the God's domain,
Give up the counting ,
what loss or Gain.

For God is not  loss and
  benifit you count,
Nor he can be bought
what be the  amount.

You hear the sound  ,
the whistle of train,
But never you find,
the whistle of train.

If candle will try,
for catching  the heat ,
And music will try for,
catching drum beat.

Can cloud get success,
in catching the rain?
And can a bird find,
sky the empty terrain.?

Like fish never fathom,
what water what sea,
And fruit  seldom find,
  the bud and the tree.

For  a Fish  is in  water,
and a bird in  sky,
Sea cannot be found  ,
whatever fish   try.

As breathing not separate
from body from life,
And  family  just dependent
on  part of a  wife.

God' business is different,
and different his way,
He is closest  of the  closest,
and still far away.

A man is not separate,
nor different from God,
No question disecting ,
the source with a sword.

The Proof  of heaven is ,
within you my friend,
Just venture your search,
in your heart's terrain.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
A man keeps on looking for God in whole of the world, but seldom succeed in his effort. His effort is  just like a fish looking to find the sea and a bird try to find out the sky. It is very difficult for them to find the sea and sky. In fact fish and bird are imseparable part of the sea and the sky. The only path is to took within themselves. Similar is the situation with Man. Man and God are not separate. When a man starts looking within, it will find the proof of heaven, ultimate abode of the God.
Greyson Fay Dec 2014
im afraid that i've become sour.
im looking for the bad in people.
i am no longer looking for the best.
there is no more benifit of the doubt.
i dont believe you.
i dont trust you.
the is always a catch behind your kindness
there is always a sneer hidden in your smile.
perhaps it is a loss of trust
in myself
in you
in humanity
are we really so selfish?
or am i seeing through tainted glass?
DC raw love Mar 2016
As you think your playing me....
I'm the one playing you....

To a fiddle tune,
that will mesmarize you.....

You make a move to benifit you....
I'll have you reach for a star and you wont have a clue...

It is a game,
so what's your next move...

You think you have options,
but it's always my move....

If it's something you want....
I'll throw you some change...

If it's feelings you seek,
I'm not that meek....

They'll give you a smile,
a kiss and a hug....

It takes more then that,
to get to my heart....

I'll play the game.....
I'll play the part...

I was the one in control,
right from the start....
AnEscape Jul 2015
I knew you would hurt me but I waited. I gave you the benifit of the doubt just in case you would appreciate what I have been doing for you..
Maybe I am wrong,
Maybe I should'nt have had tried so hard.
Maybe I should just realize many things...

I should realize:
1-You are not good enough for me.
2- You don't care about me as much as you did before, in fact, you sometimes don't care at all.
3- You only bring saddness and pain to my heart, unlike before, when you used to bring me joy and happiness.
4- You will never acknowledge me infront of your parents, sisters, friends or in public.
5- You will always demand for more but give me less.
6- You think you are always right.
7- You have a replacement for me whenever I decide to go.
8- You think we won't be lovers/friends forever and it is just a phase. I know that for sure.
9- You always guarantee that I will come back.. ALWAYS.
10- You like seeing me weaker than you, sometimes I think you even enjoy it.

I will leave you but for more than the 10 reasons above.. There are more reasons that you could even imagine.

But wait,
When do I need you the most?
and Who is your replacement?
Before deciding to leave you I should make sure I won't ever come back to you like I did before.
The solution, is a new love. Shall I accept the new love offered to me? Shall I say yes? Shall I open my heart to someone else? Will I commit to him the same I did to you? Will I be his comfort zone like I did to you? Shall I give him a chance? Shall I?

Or Shall I just forgive you again (as usual) and endure the pain...?
Hayley Oct 2018
Im in fear
I dont want you near
Its very clear
i wipe my tear
And move away from you
Evreyone else ought to
Nobody has the foggiest clue
What u did
They know the basics
But not what u did
Half a story
It eats me alive
To hide
I have someone so close to me by my side
But i stay silent
Because this tale turns violent

If people knew what u did
You would be killed
No remorse
But still i stay silent
Becuase of how violent
You were and your twisted games
1, i shifted
2. I didnt like it
3 i said stop
4  i begged

How long till your exhausted from fighting? He would snigger

So stay quite tattetale princess
But i fear
Each tear
Falls down my face
The way you gripped my ribs of lace
For your own selfish benifit
Dont let fear rule your life stay strong evreyone
Gary Jan 2016
They make their rules
Expecting all to oblige
But refuse to listen
To anyone elses side
Angered and pained
To be a force that's heard
Protesting in violence
So absurd

Let my shelter
Keep you warm and safe
May you benifit
From what you call mistakes

Yell my name
Use it in vain
Reassure all humanity
Has gone insane

White flags, black flags
Waving in blue sky
This not your land
But this land is yours and mine

Forgetful minds
Forget all times
The fist you wave now
Will one day be your demise

See with your heart
Learn with your mind
Judge nobody
With any others eyes
Xander B Aug 2018
One day.
It will be worth it.
One day.
Everything will work out.
One day.
The light will be lit.
One day.
Our voices will shout.
One day.
We will not sit.
One day.
We will not go without.
One day.
We will all benifit.
One day.
With God's grace, no doubt.
Xander B Aug 2018
We have all been decieved in such a major way,
Even though the truth is right before our two eyes, They cloud and confuse minds so we can't see it.
Are we going to let these men have the last say?
Let them continue feeding us supressive lies?
All for money and power in their benifit?
Please wake up to what is happening in our world.
Not everything that we are told is as it seems.
Do some research, feel, see, taste, hear, experience.
Youll see a reality hidden in plain sight.
We are living an economical dreamworld.
Fabricated by powers that be from their dreams.
We let them have control through inexperience.
Don't live in created darkness, let in the light.
There is more to this world that we have not been told.
We have a purpose on this planet thats unknown.
But everything is eternally connected.
Don't believe in the reality you've been sold.
We may not know now but our purpose has been shown.
Because with life and love we will be perfected.
Star BG Nov 2017
I will take today as opportunity to embrace everything about ME knowing that thoughts manifest into reality.

Therefore I shall celebrate love from life and benifit with love in abundance.
Inspired by Pinnocchio's twin sister
To be said three times at break of day or anytime you want.
Raj Bhandari Jun 2019
When you benifit,then say it is my
when things go wrong,then its why

— The End —