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once privileged Oct 2014
Here I lay
Sweet wormwood.
Silently awaiting
Oh I long for you
Joyous unknown
Do you await
The body tingling
The mind so clear.
What is next
This sweet harmony
Something surely lacks.
To feel the spirit
Hover above
But here it lingers.
I think I fear
This cords to short.  
Time or distance,
One not enough
The numbness
To great to forget
Only a taste
A reminder of a place,
Or perhaps a time
Places yet traveled.
Again you tease
Maybe tomorrow
Another chance.
Nicole M Grubbs Dec 2011
When I Leave, My Soul Shall Go Wherever She Please
10 word poem
David Barr Dec 2013
Delusions of grandeur abound. Sophistication and advancement are sold to the masses and deceptive merchandise is purchased with a commodity which is trivialised in the name of relativism: our soul.
Fixed false beliefs are embraced in the quest for enlightenment, despite the lunacy of such an approach. Analysis of the snowflake may be captivating; but fluctuations of environmental equilibrium reduce its beauty to a tiny trickle of moisture. There is truly nothing new under the power of the Sun. So, pursue anthropological evolution and astrally project into mystical horizons at your almighty will. But I appeal to the universe: bring back the medieval celebrations of lunar amazement. However, let us not forget that the trials of Salem are a perpetuating characteristic of our triumphant modernity. I want to take you Home.
ghosts I have known
lecherous dream beings
who curtsy with disdain
folly for their nourishment

a requiem to their ***
whispers of pluralism
seeking audience second advent
astrally disembodied onlooker

we shared some wine
flinched at entanglement
she asked me to stay and I did
we bumbled and the night lammed

forks in time birth specters
spooky children dally unquenched
suffering fools with great ease
because childhood is make-believe.
Since I identified myself as more than a number
I have been remembered by Orbs, Walk-Ins, channelers and elementals
  with all the work that has been carried out by Light-workers and care-givers, the Justice League if you will
  much attention has been drawn by the Pleiadians
  So at this time one wonders why things aren't coming alright instantly
   Besides wars and organized crime and famine
the touble has been food and birth control

The messages that come from the Dream School reveal that the Pleiadians as well as Carians, (the Parents of Reptillians) once helped mankind with planning pregnancy and avoiding dysfunctional births to breed a creed of children who didn't live according to a political plan, occult plan or a religious sacrifice
   They came to help man so balance can be restored because the problems that were found here were not found on other planets at the time
    there was a prophecy from time-travellers that scientists would one day awaken hormones of humans before they had spiritual identity and knowledge about the Universe and Creation
  --- with this generation upon generation it would be hereditary for children to birth children so then there would be no parents, hence no direction

but you see to get to pregnancy one has to understand ****** ******* or fusion first
  once a soul comes into awakening and knowing that it exists in a realm beyond the physical,
parents in Atlantis and Lemuria would then teach them about astronomy, astrology, history, sacred geometry, the arts, philosophy and generally galactic anthropology
with this evolution man was able to do what we'd call prayer and meditation today
   this connection with the Divine was man experiencing the Universe with the Father of this Universe, God, Enjilou, first, before journeying spiritually with anyone else
  Upon full growth, integration, upgrade and completion, only then would man, male or female seek a partner replicating his or her vibration, complementing his or her resonant frequency
  at this time both partners were evolved spiritually, etherically, mentally, physically and emotionally. From this bandwidth comes the coalescent enregy we call love
    with this energy both partners could explore the Universe, connect with the Divine and travel astrally or physically, mentally or psychically; finding ways to be together because they were sharing love

it was from these stellar travels that the couple would find a place to house their love, growing in understanding of each other
  -- they then made love, this was before marriage was created, for they were both married or bonded with God first and had understood and identified their place in the Universe
   from frequent love-making, clusters would be created from the third-energy that comes from the fusion of the two souls
the more this happened the couple would want to find a soul that represents them both best through the eyes of Divinity
then they would search for a star or a star system that complements both their energies (one that would allow them to fuse) then they can create a new star, what we can call a baby
    being birthed like a bang or a clash landing by an astronaut; which is why new-borns are clothed in space-suits to this day
     following the guidelines of the Law of One which govern creation: the lives of new-borns of babies are not compromised

Secondly the problem was that of food,
avatars have been sent to Earth throughout the ages to teach humans about harnessing the energy of Sun Food through manufacturing and farming
there has been a teacher in the Hindu religion, a prophet in the Islam religion, doctors from the Celtic Faith... All abjudicating the importance of harnessing the energy we receive, including rain, to produce food that is healthy for our bodies
   it is needless to say that there was no junk food then or many meals in a day, a bowl of leaves could last a child for weeks
   this information would be distorted and destroyed as many trees have been destroyed and mines have been opened to further eradicate the evidence
   it shouldn't be farfetched that man has a sacred and real connection to divinity, man is able to engage in ******* with angels, angels who will then cleanse his or her chakras, all this through a diet of mind, body, heart and soul
   cleaning out negative energies and inviting in healing positive energy
but how? Well if the body is a temple then your house that you live in should be a megastructure, how you take care, maintain that megastructure will have an impact on your body which is a temple
likewise how you take care of your body which is a temple will make you aware of the dysfunction and disturbance going on in your megastructure
  so you plant a tree and learn if you are responsible enough to sustain it
  then you will know that you can be responsible for yourself and become a watchdog being careful of how you eat, then you jog and swim. Pray.
These healthy habits have been disturbed by malicious doctrines of religion that promote animal and child sacrifice. Where problems should be sacrificed so we can emerge victorious as humans, achieving our goals getting closer to our dreams. These disturbances have been getting in the way of how we eat, what we eat, disturbing how we connect as souls resonating in the tender vibrations of love. Not the malignant greedy ambitions of tenders stemming from governing bodies high above. These disturbances have manifested the births of children  who are lost, don't stay in school, engage in drugs, early pregnancy and monopolizing the destinies of those children for selfish agendas. This then makes a dumbed-down and misguided race that keeps on forgetting where it comes from and thus constantly questions where it is going. It is with one's own discretion and will to choose to be better and connect with the divine to make one's path and journey here on Earth clearer so we can fulfill our purpose. The Pleiadeans love you all. Namaste
KM Ramsey Jun 2015
it's possible to lose yourself in loneliness

at some point
my solo reflection that
gazed back into
glassy hollow unequal pupils
began to claw hungrily at the glass
bated breath fogging the
thin membranous divider
keeping back the
most abject terror

that wooden grain
geometrically containing the
image who must stay
hidden in the holy of holies
or risk the ruin of all

she beats against the glass
that wraith girl with the
sutured mouth and
blinded eyes
and skin who cries out
for the slice of liquid mirror shards
and grasps the edges
of that rectangular prison
jagged pieces sliding sensually
keys into forbidden locks
surgically opening
the red liquorish vines
pulsing with a viscous
pungent poison
just underneath
onion paper skin

her nails scrape lead paint chips
off the crumbling frame
and i take them into myself
sewing them with the care
of a grandmother's arthritic hand
into the warm moist black
i can ever count on

she falls
like a newborn foal
glistening with those
maternal fluids
the literal matrix of life
hesitant steps on the
feet from that other dimension
where laws diverge and
perception is not relative
but horridly absolute

how can she manage
that leap which
knocks me straight out of my body
astrally exiled from myself
and filled to the brim
with a ghost girl
with painted sanguine smile
and strings attached
at each one of my joints
moving me with a flick
of some nameless fear

i think i spent too much time
trying to reconcile
the foreign body whose
defection left me howling with
a fiery bloodlust and an
insatiable hunger to vaporize those
staining contaminants
those long chain fatty acids that
deposit like stones in my pockets
weighing me down to the
river bed
whose mirror still reflects
the graven image of
a sinner-saint
whose sallow complexion
demonstrates her devotion
and in her death
though her sacrifice was no
crucifixion to relieve me
of any of my
or prevent me from
besmirching the god
i'm not sure i totally believe in

how do i give myself to you
and banish the apprehension
that comes with the
crash landing of me into
this corporeal form
stolen from me ages ago

how do i tell you that
when your hands trace
the curvaceous line of this body
that it feels like a fire's touch
scorching me to the bone
burning me at the stake of
my inadequacy and simultaneous

it's too much.
ivory Jun 2010
The not-quite-last-minute
Turn away walk away driveway exit slow down blow kiss
She breathes on a bed
Inhales exhales
Invisible cigarette
Pink hair astray
Understands so much, too much
Eyes send fantasy and receives fact
Fact doesn't change, fact is solid, is Earth, is stable, loyal, disciplined
She nods and smiles too widely
Blushes with physical vulnerability
Mind detached, the doctor is in
Observation purposes only
This is a test
This is only a test
She turns it all around in that bright-side way she does
Some kind of odd redemption
The most perfect awkward closure
We've ****** the whole thing dry
The last tension black hole intensity anti-gravity
Astrally-inclined fly away now out-of-body-experience
Separate space from time
Follow me down to the cellar door
Open, something inside, the last ghost
Makes no noise as it drowns in the vaccuum
Closing, locking, throwing away the skeleton key
Nothing to open left, no more surprises, no more last kisses
This is the most something of a nothing
It speaks its silence in itself.
© AlyssiaAnderson

Awkward reactions encouraged.
james nordlund May 2020
Flying astrally

through the Universe,

filled with astronomical

violence happening nonviolently,

it's inconceivable to not know

serenity is, as beauty serenades

eyes that would it see,

un-beckoning unto Thee.
A Universe' song, cacophony, symphony ever beckoning thee   :)   reality
Designer time
making moments that hang off the bangs in your hair
and sharing the plan with the minute man,

missiles are made from marmalade, my
jam sandwiches from the half hours that
two chickens laid,

I'm inside an arcade game
machined into the square route

Dreams are peculiar
I won a toaster or one of ten
other innocent prizes, but I was
sat in my shorts, not satin shorts
but they should have been

then I woke up in Benidorm
or Bangladesh
with Oliver next to me
' another fine mess'

He travels freely
could be astrally
I'm not totally

They're in colour
which is tax deductible
on the yearly return

and what do I learn from this?
how to kiss like Valentino?
sing like Shapiro?
dress like Michelangelo?

Nothing like a tryer
so I always try to remember
which is nothing like the real thing
in the meantime
I dream on.
james nordlund Jun 2020
Flying astrally

through the Universe,

filled with astronomical

violence happening nonviolently,

it's inconceivable to not know

serenity is, as beauty serenades

eyes that would it see,

unbeckoning unto Thee.
A Universe' song, cacophony, symphony ever beckoning thee   :)   reality
Some things mean nothing
which makes them something
even if it is nothing.

Astrally projecting
just to keep my hand in,
practice makes distance
on the spirit plane
things look just the same
although names have been changed to
protect the innocent.
Onoma Jan 15
I astrally projected to the flat depth of a

specified sky--emptied out with upturned


saw lightning come down like a cracked


I heard no-sky move & the earth sink.

electric ants colonized me back to my

feet, on forest ground starving for dead

company--as the living lag between:

let there be light.

there was the same crack of lightning

that passed through me.

the supine speed of itself on snow,

motionlessly making brilliances more


turning snow ashen by comparison.

my awestruckness took longer ways out

of me to approach it.

as if reaching down repeated the initial

impulse to touch it--which felt like

translucently warm skin fresh between


it was to hold an imaginal hand more

real, all-knowingly possible.

all the way home--I held a blinding let go,

I couldn't let go of.

the plan was to stay up all night & look at

it with the lights out.

— The End —