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Adarsh singh Apr 2019
3rd day in the row,
tik tik,
past midnight,but no sign of sleep,
tik tik,
instead,my brain is drifting into thoughts,
tik tik,
which no man can think in sanity,
tik tik,
sound of clock keeping me calm and awake,
tik tik,
if not for the clock i would have been grotesque by the thoughts,
tik tik,
looking into the abyss through the window near my bed,
tik tik,
thinking about the tree which is right now growing wood for my coffin,
tik tik,
than suddenly,
tik tik,
i saw,
tik tik,
just outside my window,
tik tik,
a face,
tik tik,
i live on 14th floor,
tik tik.

-tik tik by adarsh singh
Adarsh singh Apr 2019
Age 12,
not a single tension of this world,
standing at a standstill,
And shouting ,'**** the whole universe'

age 13,
failed first time,
everything was fine,
except my parent's pride,

age 14,failed again,
for my pride,
my mum made me change my school once again,
I didn't feed on sun,still for everyone I was an alien,
thanks to Harry, Ron and Hermoine,
I learnt friendship from a friendship which I never got,
thanks to J.K Rowling too,
she's the reason why these rhymes make much more sense to me than those value of pi's do,

age 15, failed once again,
but no worries,
cause I know I am going to change the game,
that doesn't mean I don't cry,
don't worry,
when someone asks me,
I never tell them 'why?'

I read Edgar Allan Poe to Dan brown,
did not leave even a single account,
but still the main question remains,
will these words going to take me somewhere,
or even anywhere else,
or I too, will became a 9 to 5 slave just like everyone else.

-my story by adarsh Singh.
Adarsh Jaiswal Apr 2019
Scratch The Wound
Until It Stops
Bleeding .

@Adarsh .J
Started from wuhan..
Took thousands of life.
We stared the news,
People were dying...
Bodies were lying.
Shortage of spaces ...
with huge boulder of cases
Hotels,stadium many big malls
turn to massive wards.
Then it crashed down worldwide....
With millions of cases.
Fatality was getting high,
Reducing supplies...
Doctors were on duty
whether it's USA, spain or Italy.
Then it started getting extreme...
Trying to put India in its claw.
Lockdown & social distancing were
Only two options....
Other than solution;
which was vaccinne to all.
Police Department without even thinking,
entered the situation in order to reduce the panic.
They danced, they sang,even distributed the food packets,
They even punished the people who tried to break this hope.
Religious places & trusts ensured our trust in humanity.
Not only adults or elders but children taught us...
Fund is fund whether its pennies or millions.
We can lose the LOSE but not the hope.
Sanitize your hands, sanitize your thoughts...
It's not good time to get into a religious war.
Don't be afraid of being tested....
Because it only needed some smear of your blood or dna...
From your hand or  from your nose using a wooden stick with snab like a ear bud which actually tickles & make you laugh....
Like a blood test or you can also called it in a fancy way i.e "ELISA".
Secure yourself like your credentials information...
Some IMPORTANT things which we should do to help these doctors, officers, garbage cleaners & most importantly us: -

Sneeze in TISSUES OR  ELBOW to protect your hands.

Wash your hands until the genome is miscarried. i.e about 20 sec.

Put on your mask & sanitize it regularly like you wash your clothes regularly.

Now mask is the newest member of our clothing styles.

We all know this won't work to stop it....
All we need is a vaccine.

But as  human & most importantly as a stubborn LIFE, we wont let ourselves down..

This fight we will took it last until the HUMANITY rise.

                                      ~Rajput Adarsh

— The End —