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lemon Sep 2012
You're so far
936 miles exactly
If I got only one chance to come and see you
I would take it
Just to get the chance to maybe get to hug you
or at least sit in the same room as you
to know what you smell like

I think you would be just as perfect as I imagine you are
Cristin H Apr 2013
I have a million words to say to you
Words that I love the way I love my mother
Words that watched me grow into a synthesis of souls
Words that tucked me in at night and scared the monsters out from under my bed when memories weren’t all I had to fight the nightmares
Words that saw me broken and busted bleeding on the floor begging, “please don’t cry”
3 words.
It seems that all of my most powerful words come in threes
I love you, I want you, I need you
The most important to me
The most important because they start with I and end with you.
That is all that I want.
You and I with nothing but love and want and need between us
Rather than the miles that divide us now.
There are only three letters between you and I
3 letters is only about an inch and a half in length unless you’re using really big font
But even the biggest font is better than the actual 1646.2 miles that separate us now
That’s 2649.3 kilometers
Which means that my feet would have to strike street 8,691,936 times before my hands could hold yours and my heart could beat normal again
That is 7,691,936 more steps than words I have to say
Words that I love the way I love you
Words that planted love in my chest and let it grow like weeds, no crevice safe, love grows like vines through my rib cage
Words that slipped themselves in between my fingers and squeezed
Words that kissed my cuts and scars slit thick on my hips whispering “please don’t”
2 words.
It seems that the hardest words to say come in twos
I can’t. Just go. It’s over.
The most important to me because I started them and ended us.
But 3 words always beats 2.
So even though I can’t, I love you
And although I should just go, I want you
And “it’s over” never ended us because I need you.
I love you, I want you, I need you.
The most important to me
Because, like this poem, they start with I and end with you
the Sandman Apr 2016
You told me
(As I laughed at you for
Your draining phone memory)
That you have 7,936 images
Because you photograph everything
You fear losing.
                            I can't help but notice
                            In all our 2,190 days
                            You never took a photo of me,
                           ­ I suppose there isn't room
                            In your memory
                            For me.
March 31, 2016.

This Dust, and its Feature—
Will in a second Future—
Cease to identify—

This Mind, and its measure—
A too minute Area
For its enlarged inspection’s

This World, and its species
A too concluded show
For its absorbed Attention’s
Remotest scrutiny—
Babu kandula Oct 2015
Distance between us is

So short but, adventurous

Reaching you is my dare

Neither have it

Nor can get it somewhere

Am not afraid of reaching

I only bother about the response

A simple "Yes" can change my life

A simple "No" can twist my life

Driving myself in this unconditional

State of mine
Story of a guy who has no dare to express and who can only right better and cannot express
b e mccomb Jul 2016
I've been staring out of this
Hole in the wall
For about
936 weeks.

I say
Hole in the wall
Because they replaced
The window
Two years ago.

The frame is
Different, more
Energy and

Same wires, trees
Night and day and seasonal
Intermittent poser runway.

Headlights, I counted the
Headlights once

Gray skies
Snow and sunshine
The frozen summer exile of
My focus.

I've been staring out of this
Hole in the wall
For about
937 weeks.
Copyright 11/2/15 by B. E. McComb
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2016
and you now see what they made me do? i'd never thought it would come to this, that i had to crawl back to the mainland of europe to find a publisher, because the appreciation of publishing poetry in england is null, nil, zero, nothing, a mustard seed's worth of hope; this mediation of saving the amazon rainforest to save up on paper and the first yawn of the digital age, among cat videos and ****, there you have it, a massive blotch on the intended utility of this **** thing - i'm not even angry any more, just ****** nervous - or as the old writer said in his appreciation of poverty and feeling guilty concerning what he deemed to be his riches (a record collection and a private library): happy trails kids.*

Droga Pani Anno,

przepraszam za popszedni email, mianowicie że był on bez poważnej formy i tematyki, taki po prostu skrutem. Lecz przez osiem lat nie-ustannego pisania, pisząc do osoby w pozycji umożliwienia publikacji wkroczyła we mnie trema opisywania rzeczywitości - tzn. kiedy widze śledząc pisanie innych poetow na internecie - i tą marude znaną jako rozczarowanie jeżeli chodzi o szanse publikacji, nie tylko jednego wiersza w magazynie poetickim, a o całej książce własnych wierszy to już ża dużo można powiedziec o aborcji dalszych i utrzymanych ambicji. Myśle wiec ze 100 egzemplarzy nie jest asz tak nie realistyczne, wiem że poezja snuci swą muzyke dla nie wielu czytelkników, określone najlepiej dwoma obserwaciami: w angielskich gazetach można spotkać recenzje książek na wiele tematów (autobiografie najczęsciej), lecz o poezji praktycznie nic, oraz fakt że nie dawno tylko jedna książka poezji osiągneła sprzedaż ~10,000 egzemplarzy w Angli - a mówie że 100 nie jest nie realistyczne poniewarz na jednej stronie ( mam około 40 zawziętych czytaczy - 936 wierszy i wszytkie przeczytane przez tą skromną kadre - a na mam 178 znajomych których poznałem czy to na uniwersytecie czy też w szkole. Tak, a więc 100 egzemplarzy.

Mateusz Conrad E.
lemon Sep 2012
When i'm having a terrible day
you always fix it.

When i'm sad
you always fix it.

When somethings wrong
you always fix it.

And even though you live 936 miles away
you always fix it.
Infamous one Mar 2020
Remember those eyes full of life
Now a cold blank stare
Tried like existence doesn't matter
From being welcomed in to closed out
No emotions shown blocked out like a stranger
Shutdown feelings lost it all no reedemption
Flirting with a thin line the rush of danger
Love is gone dried up no second chance
The intense hatred to the point of no return

— The End —