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Love is just a word,
until you meet your soulmate.
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
You know you are in love when

You go out for a great meal and nothing
On the menu appeals more than
His/her lips...

You are kissing him/her and
A tiger comes up to lick your
Hand (tasting?) and you don't
Even notice...

The thought of him/her
Sends a thrill through your
Entire body...

When you are around your
Other friends they tease you for
Being a bore because all you
Talk about is him/her...

You see him/her across the street
And rush headlong into
Oncoming traffic...

The mustache on her lip
Only serves to make you want
To kiss her MORE!

You love to run your fingers
Through his hair...
Even though he has more
On his BACK than on
His head!

It's been 20 years and the above
Is still true!
Can you add to this?
Please do! And repost!
The more love in this world
The better!
She leaves you and you have a huge empty space but strangely enough, your heart feels much heavier than before....

She tell me we are not a thing no more
She left me open, my mind tore
I feel a void , an empty space
My only love , my life , left me without a trace
Can't write anymore, Words are not coming to me , Just memories
I miss you.
Not the cheesy I want to kiss you and be all lovey-dovey crap
I miss you.
I miss staying up till 4AM talking with you about anything
I miss when we were just best friends
Still getting to know everything about each other.
I miss you like, I want to hug you and never let go
Cause I remember hugging you, I felt safe and being in your arms was the best feeling in the world

But I guess people change, but life goes on

We pass each other like strangers
And I'm going to be honest, it kills me every time but I won't ever show it

It just ***** because I miss you.
My heart twisted and turned
Convulsing erratically with acidic love
Hello. Its not that grotesque, just a break from midterms.
You can be destitute, dressed in rags
But you're a tycoon with pencil and pad
Your office a park bench under the sun
Your income the poem or song yet unsung
Your boardroom the corner of some shopping mall
Where multitudes gather
When you, the writer calls
No microphones needed
Nor fancy backdrops
The words of poetry ring forth
Crowds now do stop
Amazed that a man
Unkempt, dressed in rags
Can bring peace to the masses
And new heart to the sad
All this with no money, just pencil and pad
This poetic  tycoon
Shone in a world so sombre and sad
You don't need wealth or even a great education. All you need is a love of words and a love of people
Then you to can be a king, a queen amongst men
I looked at you
And I saw stars in your eyes.
The kind of stars
You see in a winter night
Hanging in front
Of a deep blue backdrop.
And every color of the galaxy
Was imprisoned in your irises.
The more I looked,
I found that your heart
Was more unique than your eyes.
It lacked four chambers
And arteries
And veins.
It was not like every other heart.
It took the shape
Of a crescent moon
That seemed to shine brighter
Than the sun.
And I was envious.
I was just another robot,
With a pulse
But no purpose.
But your captivating beauty
Was merely a test.
And seeing that my lips
Can no longer verbalize
Of anything other than your eyes,
I clearly have failed.
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