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 Jun 2017 Winn
Corvus the Crow
The thought of me is a passing breeze to you,
But the clock strikes 4am. and where are you,
The thunder of my mind cracks and whips,
You aren't here,

You are off, long past my message goodnight,
Probably still awake enacting every betrayal,
Or likely just asleep without concern of me,
Which is worse?

Yet I will hold my broken spirit till morn,
Whenever you grace my humble figure,
I'll hold the betrayal to those same eyes,
That will always start with I Love You.
Why oh why, and what do i do
 Jun 2017 Winn
 Jun 2017 Winn
I long so hard to please you,
To live up to promises I bled
I swore this new life would save me
But I was wrong again my friend

Maybe I'll save up some money
To go in the fall far away
I say this because I've become more aware
Of the pain left in my wake

I could change with the leaves
 Jun 2017 Winn
Paul Butters
 Jun 2017 Winn
Paul Butters
I sit here again, my laptop on my knee,
Or rather, lay back in my armchair
Next to the lounge window.
Before me lies the clutter that is
My man cave.
If I just stare I see every little item
In glorious detail.

Yet even when asleep
I swear to you
I sometimes dream of scenes
Images of tables, cities or skies
Every bit as detailed as real life.

Which begs the question:
Where exactly IS this wonderful “Mind” of mine,
That can so accurately record and reproduce
Such multi-coloured panoramas?
Is it just “in my head”
As scientists assert,
Or is it located “somewhere out there”,
Even beyond the stars?

Am I merely squatting
In this body of mine
Until the day that I pass on?
And when I do pass over
Will my soul go whizzing down
Some spiritual “connection”
Back to where my mind is based?

I say again, we may all be but cameras,
Recording films and “programmes”
For other minds
Beyond this realm.
Even for Angels.
For it’s only through US
That this marvellous universe
Is brought to life.

Paul Butters
My sleeping dreams have disturbed me again.
 Jun 2017 Winn
South by Southwest
It's not the way you looked
It's the way you felt inside
The horizon is always booked
That's okay , I say with a sigh

Our days are long ago history
Our love just seemed to pass by
Tumbling into time's mystery
Leaving nuances between sad and why

I rub the rib I'm missing so
I no longer care to fight
I'm just wishing that you could know
How dark it is without your light

There is more than one star
Harboring in the sky tonight
But I'm looking just for one , so far
With all my earthly might
 Jun 2017 Winn
Elizabeth Squires
why don't we
plant more of these

below the many benefits
of trees shall be shown
and how wonderful it is
to see them fully grown

neath a goodly shading oak
we can shelter from the sun
whilst children run around it
having tons and tons of fun

the precipitation process
needs trees for dousing rain
were we to be without
them life wouldn't sustain

spreading tree roots keep
the soil's profile stable
by meshing together in
an excellent natural cable

why don't we
plant more of these
 Jun 2017 Winn
Mark Lecuona
I’m not going to conjure up
Rabbits blinded by stage light
Or with nothing up my sleeve
Prove my love will make things right

Even with the many hands of my sins
That I have extended like casting demons away
I was not the sorcerer that made love to you
Instead I was begging your heart stay

I don’t make magic
I only discover it
I’m not full of tricks
Only a shot of wit
Drink if you must
But first you better sit
It may not feel well
So drink only a bit

I am hardened by our world
The mystical nights we shared
Did not obey a man of tricks
Instead I found someone who cared

How perfect it was
We knew by our eyes
It was as true as a trick that lies
A soul mate from stormy skies

I don’t make magic
I only discover it
I carry no bag
That I will admit
Let it happen now
But first we must sit
This time is different
The magic is our spirit
 Jun 2017 Winn
 Jun 2017 Winn
Shoot me up, just a taste
Numb my core with sweet novicane
Poison my veins, rippling clear across my brain
So strong that I don't feel a single thing
Not a pinch of delight, veering on the edge of insane
In a dream-like state
Soundlessly floating away.

I've met you before, Lucy
But this time I intend to stay
I'm captivated by your prison, chained inside your domain
In this realm of impurity, you are my desired escape.
Not drug related. Just that numb feeling I'm so desperate to explain.
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