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down river
with flowers
in my hair
is better
than sitting
on the bank
watching them
Haunt me,
I feel your arms like strong
vines wrapping around my
clouded judgement.

Look at me
when I am speaking to you.
You're only a shadow now, and
I am a hard shell.

Both broken, both consumed
by silence.
I am swallowed whole
by one night.

I was so close to you.
I felt the blood moving in your veins,
and the steady rhythm of your breathing.
Pretending for so long, we caved.
You may call it weakness, I call it strength.

You are a silent shadow now,
eyes that won't hold my gaze for even moment,
we may be strangers for the rest of our days,
but I will not forget how you held me
when you slept and how
I cried in the morning when I left,
dawn and bitter truth rising with the sun.
Imagine, glass body
Rich and full
Of reflections, call it character
Worn and cracked over a lifetime
Once smooth, replaced with sharp ridges
Cutting those who attempt
To wash away sins

Blow for blow against this cold world
Equal parts damage dealt
And recieved.
Accumulation of battle scars
Leaks an absolute darkness
A radiant aura of poisin clouds.

Hit hard and hit back harder.
Asking for the final blow,
Over the edge and out of control.
In a resonating scream
Shards of flesh burst into light
Twisting with bad vibes
Reborn, arise full and tempered.
 Jul 2015 Will of Alexander
i told my heart
im sorry
for all the times
loving you was wrong
many worls in progress.. this august.

— The End —