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809 · Apr 2014
I wish he loved me
Whatif Apr 2014
Yesterday I went to sleep at 3am.
And I don't like Ukulele anymore,
And I think kisses are the most beautiful things in the world,
And I think I'm attracted to many people but only one can truly have my attention,
And I wish I have stronger friendship,
I wish I succeed everything,
I wish I was smarter,
I wish I was special,
I wish I was prettier,
I wish he loved me
468 · Apr 2014
I loved you
Whatif Apr 2014
I don’t trust you. I wish I could, but I don’t trust you anymore.
You just constantly break my heart.
I can’t anymore, I tried very hard to be your friend, to become close to you. I tried, but now I feel stupid.
You don’t seems to notice it, I can’t pretend anymore, something in your magnetisum must have ****** me off.
I really wanted to makes you happy even if it was not with me, I could have done everything for you.
I can’t force you to love me.
I’m not blaming you, not at all.

I loved you. I loved you. I loved you.
318 · Apr 2014
Never going to loves you
Whatif Apr 2014
What is worth is not when you know that he's never going to loves you, but when you know that he could have loved you.
Whatif Apr 2014
I can't work. I don't feel like working anymore.
Yesterday was a sad and beautiful day as the same time.
I felt like an idiot. But I didn't want to think about it.
Today I wrote a little note, where I wrote all my feelings.
How my heart was hurting, now I feel so much better. I know that I will feel bad again. For the same reason.
I'm just lost. A bit. and I don't want to talk about it.

— The End —