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 Oct 2015 V
Kyle Fisher
I awoke to the sound of your voice...

Images of your face etched in with your white hot,
steel fingernails.
Graciously placed in my vivid memories.

For weeks I've been clear of troublesome dreams,
your snake like self seems to trek throughout miles of synapses,
just to laugh in my face for a night.

It's very rude...
Still ranting.
Just go with it.
©Kyle Fisher
 Oct 2015 V
You bear these blisters
And wear dry, blackened skin.
I take down my mane
And shake it out like a lion.
I take down my fire
And shake out the ashes.

Flowers whip at my cheeks
And thorns get stuck in my clothes.
I run fast down the hills.
My hair lights grasses and cloves.
I run fast before you.
My fire burns at your nose.

Through the overgrown meadow,
Embers lay on my path.
You run to get me
And take me back.
You run with a bucket of water
And take a pale for the ash.

Over my head you pour it,
And I shriek with searing pain.
I lay on the ground
And feel for my flame.
I lay at your feet
And feel only the coals I became.  

My searing skull, your blackened face,
You take me by the arm.  
You walk me back to your path,
A cement-paved sidewalk through a park.
You walk me out of the heat of the sun,  
To your shaded path where I’ll be safe from harm.
 Oct 2015 V
Drifting Away
 Oct 2015 V
Our time together is slowly,
Becoming more and more like a dream.
Turning into something vague and intangible
Its nature makes me wonder if it was ever real.

I’m forgetting so much of what I wish to remember.
Your face, your touch, your presence.
I want to embrace it all, to never forget;
But it’s becoming a task too difficult,
*I know now that it will never last.
 Oct 2015 V
 Oct 2015 V
Your soul is empty of feeling,
This *** is empty of meaning.
My head is empty of reasoning,
My heart is not so forgiving.

Turns out every vile word was true,
******* me didn't mean **** to you.
A body is a prize,
Alive, to use.

And all the lies strung out for hours,
I tortured myself for a truth.

I had everything for proof.
Deny, deny,
But that was your **** in her picture.
That was your mouth on her body.
Your hands on her skin.

It was so funny when you thought you'd won,
Getting away with having twice the fun.
Smoothing it over with compliments,
"You motivate me to be a better person."
So full of ****, I almost cried.
But you were so stupid it was easy to smile.

— The End —