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 Oct 2015 Sue
Justin G Diaz
It's extremely dangerous to get so close to someone.
You don't know what to expect or what's gonna come out of it.
You start spending more and more time with them until you feel weird if you're not with them.
They make you laugh, they make you smile, they make you wonder how you lived so long without them.
But then things seem to change.
They know so much about you- or at least think they do- that they stop trying to learn more.
They stop trying to be more involved in your life.
They just settle for where you guys are at now.
And it ***** for the person that wishes the other would give more effort.
It ***** because it's not how it used to be.
No more laughing at everything, no more catching yourselves smiling at eachother.
Everything seems so routine and dull.
No life
No excitement
No more feeling.
Just a settle for how things are now.
Justin G. Diaz ®
 Sep 2015 Sue
When the stars align
And the moonlight shines
I'll hold you close
And make you mine

As the birds sing
And the church bells ring
I'll kiss your lips
Cause you're my everything

If ever you need me
At your side I will be
Always smiling
And filled with glee

Loving you with every bit of my heart
Cause it felt so right from the very start
No matter where life takes us
We'll never be apart

And as the clock ticks away
You will always be the best part of my day
You're all I'll ever need
So with you I'll stay
 Aug 2015 Sue
Jude kyrie
I need to write
you a love poem.
Not with
chocolates and roses.
But with firey passions
and intensity.

So intense you
Will need to sit down
as you read it.
So strong it burns
with passions you crave.
Causing your face to blush
In secret sinful thoughts.
Thoughts that slow
the time to a crawl
Before you will
share your bed
with me once more.

Words that tear
at your clothes
like an ardent lover.
Words that will
leave us as naked
as newborns.
Burning in fires
that are as
old as time itself.

You will be standing
at the edge
of a pit of flame
so dangerous we will
hold each other
in hard embrace.
So that we do not
fall into its
raging inferno.
 Aug 2015 Sue
A Dedication
 Aug 2015 Sue
She lends her pen,
to thoughts of him,
that flow from it,
in her solitary.

For she is his poet,
And he is her poetry.*

-Lang Leav
 Aug 2015 Sue
Seán Mac Falls
Before music was a poem—
Writ in an empty black book
And then a guitar played me,
The world was rung in stars,
Simple and real as spun light
On a staff of gold in the dark.

And word becoming structure,
Branched out into leaving sky,
The notes of the minded heart
Opened in modulation of keys
And time was rooted in beats,
The song tapping in our dream.

After— music was a poem,
Old as a birth from the lamb
And memories calling forth,
From landed dreams awoke,
Everything before led me on,
This journey into bright morn.
 Aug 2015 Sue
Edgar E Tobias
I am an outline of my life
White shapes made by black lines
Waiting to be colored by light bursting from your eyes
Oh how it shines through your glasses like a prism
Exploding into every color imaginable, and then some
When it hits me I cannot help but feel like I'm floating
Drifting with the softness of your spoken breath's speech
Like a thousand butterflies fluttering in me
Take me now; I'm yours
Don't be afraid if the colors clash
Or to stay within the lines
I want to be your most beautiful mistake
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