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3.0k · Jan 2019
Someday Jan 2019
I'm a dreamcatcher,
You are a dream,
I saw you were falling
So I caught you.
To my best friend, I'd give him the world
1.1k · Jan 2019
Someday Jan 2019
They're loud and disturbing;
Clicking claws and teeth
Scratch against my skull,
I can hardly breathe.

Trying to distract myself
So I may clear my vision,
But the noise keeps seeping in;
My mind's in collision.

I can't close my eyes,
Neither can I keep them open,
New weird compulsions
Reinforce I'm broken.

My mind is a train
With many safety hazards;
No driver, prison bars,
Invasive monsters.

They claw and they bite,
They whine and they quiver;
It's just like a dream
While running a fever.
Sorry if it *****
789 · Mar 2020
I Almost Came Out
Someday Mar 2020
"Are you a woman?"
She asks
With such disdain
And my heart stumbles

"Are you a woman?"
He mocks me
And for a fleeting moment
I consider

Truth or lie or silence -
My heartbeat quickens
And in a perfect world
I'm loud and clear -

they say "don't dare,
don't you even go there,
cutting off your long hair,
you do as you're told"
531 · Sep 2019
We twist
Someday Sep 2019
I shift and I twist
And my thoughts twist away
And I shift to someone different
When I'm in front of you.

I shift and I twist
And my words twist away
And I twist to someone different
When you ask me why.

You shift and you twist
And your thoughts twist away
And I know you shift to someone else
When you're in front of me.

You shift and you twist
And your words twist away
And I smile through my mask
At the mask you show me
And I don't ask why.
"Everyone wears a mask," she says
And I think, "We'll be friends alright"
425 · Feb 2019
The Amazing One-Man Show
Someday Feb 2019
I've seen this show a million times
Over these long years,
And it hasn't changed a lot,
Maybe added a few tears.

It's an improvised piece,
And it's quite the gem
To see one person put on so many masks
And hold all of them.

This one-man show runs quite a lot,
And the performance is quite long,
So over time the scenes get rushed,
Like a rap out of a song.

It's her little show in her little set,
For all the world's a stage,
But her show has never new elements;
You've seen it all by this age.

Her words don't reach me anymore,
But their meaning is engraved
Into the hard drive of my brain,
So I just stare on, dazed.

I don't interrupt, for that's inappropriate,
So now there's a silent gap.
She bows gracefully, then leaves the stage,
Knowing nobody will clap.
"We need to talk," she said, but it was quite a one-sided conversation.
282 · May 2019
Ann, I'm fascinated
Someday May 2019
I love you more
Than numbers can count,
Though we keep them climbing higher.
I wonder if we reach 3.000
Before you know what it means.
You make me feel invincible,
Earthquake powerful
237 · Jan 2019
There's nothing
Someday Jan 2019
There's nothing in your words,
There's nothing in your rhymes,
Nothing I haven't heard before,
I don't care, I don't care,
I'm numb.

There's nothing you could say
I don't hear every day,
Those stupid talk shows and interviews,
I don't care, I don't care,
I'm numb.

I come home once a week,
And this is all I hear,
It floods me as it always has,
I don't care, I don't care,
I'm numb.

Prejudice and guilt,
Judgement in my ear,
It's my first thought and my last,
I don't care, I don't care,
I'm numb.

There's nothing in your words,
There's nothing in my voice,
There's noise and boys and prayers,
I care, I care,
I'm dumb.
She dedicated a poem to me, so I returned the favour
180 · May 2019
Someday May 2019
It's all fun and games
When we're face to face,
When we seem to agree,
When I lean to trust you,
When I trust to lean.

But you don't hear my voice
When I make my own choice,
When I quote word by word
All the **** that you think
Of the world.

No, you don't hear the tone
When I feel so alone
That I cling to your hate
To give me ground,
Give them something to relate.

And you won't hear me say
"At the end of the day
It's been justified,"
If you have,
I lied.

But it's all fun and games
While we're still face to face,
While we fake to agree,
While I see that I'm blind
And I'm blind to see.
You could buy up all the stars,
But it wouldn't change who you are,
You're still living life in the dark,
It's just who you are.

— The End —