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3.0k · Jun 2013
Angels and Demons
Vierra Jun 2013
She was a fallen angel
dreary with the notion of abandonment.
She longed for redemption
but settled for oblivion.
She turned her eyes towards the sky and cursed the heavens.
She had fallen and fallen hard.
A wayward soul she had become.
Lost and tired, she carried on through purgatory stumbling though shadows and the 13 shades of night.
As she yearned to ascend
she fell deeper and deeper into mortality.
Unabled to find the path to salvation
she cut to release the tension from her weary mind.
Laying on the ***** subway station floor, bleeding and beaten,
She again looks towards the heavens
this time in prayer
'Let all the innocent be saved.'
She closed her eyes and took her last breath
2.0k · Jul 2015
Dance Partners
Vierra Jul 2015
There was, once, a love that was based on a dance that lasted for two years.
She was a partner that wanted to compete for first place in a county fair.
She spoke soft, gentle words to put me at ease.
We began the dance, mutually significant in each other's eyes.
As we started to sweat, far into the first three months, she gave in and collapsed.
My heart fell to the pit of my stomach, and my eyes welled with sorrow.
We continued with our dancing practices, and did quite well.
We entered other competitions, sometimes we made money and sometimes we didn't.
Soon enough the county fair came a-rolling through again.
We tried again.
This time, the clock was already against us, but we were older and with more practice.
We began the dance, we tried as well as we could, we sweated and took delightful deep breaths in the middle of this event.
We were both pleased with the outcome.
We ended up agreeing not to be partners again.

Anyone up for a dance partner?
Story of my relationship with a beautiful dance partner.
1.8k · Feb 2017
Vierra Feb 2017
There is a chaos theory that is dominate in my mind,
one of proper thought that has gone array,
visions of violations to our fellow man,
and whispers amongst the thieves.

If there is no honor,
then the point will be to survive in anarchy,
groveling and scrounging in the night,
to feed the pains in our bellies,

In my eyes, I will **** to feed,
but there is others who will not allow it,
and the storyline will be "I will need to be fulfilled before you'
maybe I will commit another act of treason.

After the rapture, those who live will be wasted,
like it was since ever since,
there will be title fights for structure and hierarchy
but it will still be life after Armageddon.

What will hope do to mankind?

its remains to be seen.
thoughts of anarchy and rapture.
1.8k · Jun 2013
Hard Rain
Vierra Jun 2013
She sat down at her seat in the train and took a deep breath.
The times spent squandering the daylight in  her lover's arms
was the only iridescent reality she'd ever known.
But even that seems as if only a long fond dream.
She now has to wear sweaters to keep out the cold.
With her headphones playing a soft Bob Dylan tune,
she closed her eyes.
That lump in her throat began to build
and a single
tear rolled down her cheek.
Memories that she was trying to run from hit
her as if all in once.
She held her head in her hands and clenched her teeth.

'Stop this pain.' she thought

'I'm  not going to live someone else's  dreams."

The train didn't  stopped till 5000 miles later.
1.5k · Aug 2013
Take me there
Vierra Aug 2013
The night, steeped in legend and mystery, has its own special place.
The cold  wind that blows through the darkness rustle the shadows under the moonlight.
The pitch black oceans move to it's  own rhythms.
The universe, full of darkness and light heed nights call and with the utmost certainty, the stars come out.
They exist only on the fingertips of fairies but shine like there is no tomorrow.
They are the main attraction and they do not disappoint, glowing the nears and fars within the infinite space.
Possibilities and wonder are a underscore; there are no rules, just imagination.
This is where I want to be.

Please take me there.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Vierra Oct 2014
She misses those around her when she is alone,
slowly, her mind drifts and attaches to something inside of her that wants desperately to leave.
Can she travel the distance to see those who notices her absence?


There is a jet plane leaving soon, about in a month or less.
2,352 miles away from me, she will land and enjoy the rest of her life with other people.
Enjoyment will come for her. Rest assure she will live a life full of excitement and company.
I on the other hand will live, barely but I will live. I will never see her and will wash the sheet where we used to sleep together. The smell will leave. As everything in this life does.
Will I notice her absence?
Will I miss her drool on the cool side of the pillow?
The water will never drip from the faucet anymore because I will remember that no one will be home when I get here.
It will be tightly shut.
No noise at night, no deep breathes when we awake, just the other side of the bed.
I will miss her bras hanging from the office chair in the room. I will miss her work schedule on the cork note thing, I will miss the one side of the slipper because that is the only one we could find.
But life will prevail, the honesty of this poem is unprecedented to my nature.
I am a liar; I am someone who cannot hold her here.

I am sorry, guapa.
1.2k · Apr 2017
Of A Drunkard's Veins
Vierra Apr 2017
Light will give way to darkness, ever challenging for the attention of mere mortals.

The dark will be thick and comforatable. A dim ahi flickers in pō and ka noe. It will be delightful when ke ahi make.

Lā will return and the shade will be the only cool the natives will have.

The gods smile in the background, ever watchful of the dance.

Lono and Pele dance in rythem, while Kūkailimoku kahea with Hi'iaka.

It rains here in Waianae because she loves me, the one from yellow and red. Bird feathers are her drapes of honor and bloodline. The anae will run again as the rivers open because of the ua. Her particular nature revolves around the seasons of unordinary times when plants are fed and coffee is feasted.

I am a drunkard of blood that does not belong to me. She is the one whom I yearn to taste. The blood of Royalty above Royalty.

Please hear my words that I cannot speak of.

He mea iki, Ka ikaikakapu. I am of Oahu and she is of Hawai'i.
Only a sea's voyage away.
1.2k · Jun 2013
A Kiss
Vierra Jun 2013
A simple kiss,
Is all I need,
To send me into complete and utter bliss.

Your soft lips pressed against mine,
Would be heaven to feel,
To have it again would be divine.

Your tender touch, soft as velvet,
Will stop the hands of time.
Your smile, brighter than the sun,
Will be my only sign.

To ask these things of you,
As a small request,
I beg only of your kiss,
To send me to my beloved bliss.
1.2k · Aug 2016
Rage < good thoughts
Vierra Aug 2016
I sit here quietly enraged same like the calm front that has hit on the western range of my property. I am a story teller who has no stories and a ear filled with melody for the summer rains. The greens will need trimming and sculpting soon. The pigeons will arrive to the corners of the property to breed and propagate the flock. Sometimes it's full of **** and sometimes it's not. Mostly after the squall procedes over from the lake is the promanant time of the winter cleaning over that portion of the foothills.

Now here where I live, in the adequate and humble living quarters of mine, there is voices that travel on wind breezes that wander through my jealousies. They bring the news like airmail every so often. But mostly news of bills collectors spinning in their office chairs furiously at the amount of **** that is nessecary for this part time profession.

Sometimes during the night my eyes go bad and I often wonder when they will get suitable for work again. I've been slacking a bit on the work and more on the suitability of my mind for processes like building a fireplace. You know, the theory of it all.

Just a small prose of a even smaller man.
Vierra Dec 2015
'When you look at me, what do you see?' She asked.
'I see truth beyond your years. I see youth that has no end.'  He replied calmly.
May I begin with a genuine smile and kiss? He thought.
He lent forward and began the breath of life, slowly aiming towards her half closed mouth. Her eyes closed, awaiting bliss.
'Please look at me and kiss me and only me.' He requested. 'I need you to be real because of your youth.' 'We cannot begin with a lie. You are of age but still so young.' He explained.
He was speaking of age requirements in respect to relationships with the opposite ***.
'Yes, my love.' 'This is my first in my ageless youth.' She said with a hint of melancholy.
'I am frightened.' She further explained.
Let's start again. He lent forward and began teasing her lips with his. He pressed his hot mouth over the top of her upper lip, then slowly and gently, released and continued with the lower. Attack and defense, attack and defense, until a slow, settled agreement with a warm breath and flick of her tongue. This small battle happened for fifteen minutes.
'I am moist and waiting.' She said in ******.
Let it begin, the dance, from ages before. A dance from lifetimes before us and one that will continue until there is nothing.
'Let it begin.' He stated.
Days later, she agreed to it again. Then he agreed to it again, days later.
A small hop to her step was noticed by neighbors and she smiled to herself often
Him, on the other hand, was already prepared for this.
Years later, they would reminisce of these small events gratefully  and with a fondness of their youthful experiences, at the alter.
They both smiled and agreed to private dances that they hope will produce sweat and blood.
i am shy but i manage
1.2k · Apr 2018
The Shepard of Sheep
Vierra Apr 2018
The world turns on a Shepard’s staff.
He, of whom the Shepard is, is a guide through the treachery and trickiness of the thick weeds.

The foothills have been passed and the plains of this earth is now the marked destination to rest. We eat there. Beware
the wolves

The sheep have been calm this journey, and it’s lax for the collie, our animal ally.
He is prepared at a beckoning and that is all that is required for herds safety. He comes and goes throughout the brush to scout and prepare reconnaissance. Again, a ally.

The sun moves slowly and eventually rests past the horizon. Twilight and on a clear night, spreckels of stardust show their face over the herd and friendlies. The wolves do not bother the fire tonight.

We rest with a relative ease.
We wake and begin the day.
Pedestal talk from sheep
1.1k · Nov 2014
Differentials of Reality
Vierra Nov 2014
She glances at me with a glimmer of lust, the person who lays with me  in my bed.
She has approved the dance and we breathe the same air, the same hot and damp oxygen.
We share our thoughts within our created entity, the dance.
We share for a while then sleep for days. We order room service and eat the complimentary mints in peace and quiet.
Oh the thought of love.
Quite intoxicating.
1.0k · Jul 2013
An ode to circumstance
Vierra Jul 2013
How can i fight to keep you?
Involved and secure,
it's the inevitable that i can't deal with.
You're with another man
and that's what kills me.
I can't love you the way i do.
I can't think about you the way i do.
The finish line is creeping up,
slow and steadily.
A love so true and pure,
was never able to flourish because of circumstance.
I love you my dear.
If you have to leave i won't stop you
because I love you enough to let you go.
Please just realize that the time we had was special and intimate,
only happening between us.
That moment frozen in time,
is one i will cherish and remember always.
I will compare every love I have to us,
because it is you I will love until I am on my deathbed.
I love you.
1.0k · May 2013
Vierra May 2013
The memory of you still exists in my mind,
three years, two girlfriends, and a thousand bottles later.
The way i look for your eyes in a crowd is unsettling,
searching each face as they walk by in their own quiet parallel universe,
unaware of the longing for the comfort of your soft voice and gentle touch.
I look for you because you still are the one,
the one who suffered with me without question and saved me when i was in need.
Salvation was in large supply.
Redemption was a certainly familiar entity.
The road to your heart was a unpaved trail through the wilderness of time and space.
Let it be the one i stay on till the end.
861 · Apr 2016
Para siempre jamás
Vierra Apr 2016
How important to you, guapa, is  a word?
¿Se puede?

I have time to **** in between sun rise and sunset, between work and relaxation, between awake cycles and rem sleep. With the feel of isolation within a crowd, my heart cannot establish solitude properly. It's the chemistry that is wrong. Un poco despues, the midday sun will bring the mist to my heart. She, the mist, cools that fuego that burns dimly.

¿De donde eres, guapa? ¿Aqui o alli?

My mind is weary of the questions with no answers. All I see is rojo y todo lo que escucho es que lo siento.

Hasta la vista, guapa.
Para siempre jamás.
802 · Jul 2013
Vierra Jul 2013
You are the still quiet morning
Still cool with the nights breezes
How can the madness of night give birth to the beauty of breaking dawn?
The promise of a new day is enough to brighten the darkness of night.
The demons that make their way through the nightmare that the night commands, will die every morning and resurrect with every hint of the cool breeze that stirs during after hours.
You will see my eyes, my love.
With every shrinking moment of darkness and every gaining moment of the new day.
I love you.
792 · Mar 2015
The Truth Behind A Month
Vierra Mar 2015
They speak to me in whispers,
These voices that I can never get rid of.
They hold truth that I can find so readily available,
They mean nothing because their truths are only to them.
In the late afternoon hours, the questions build.
More letters to be written and sent to lovers
That will open them when their tired eyes need to be dried.
The world moves on, with a soundtrack that will last millennials.
Things will grow and things will shrink just like drift wood,
Left in the spring rains.
Alas my time here is done.
Time to return home.
Maybe I live under a roof for too long,
But a month is a long time.

Time well spent.
785 · Aug 2016
Graveyard Wraiths
Vierra Aug 2016
Let my body be brought to the wraiths of itself.
Let my body die slow by each breath after a million tiny burns.

Yet why do I hear birds singin in the heavens? Their gentle chirps and squeaks will bring the heavens to display and it is always at midnight when they do this. Always a constant song of the day's romance and hunt and sources of water.

Let the rain fall on our bright yellow raincoats.
Let it the graves be dug and covered.
Let the husbands and wives and children be placed to bed.

We will work through the night with no breaks.
This is life and I live it very well.
780 · Jul 2015
Vierra Jul 2015
The wind blows firmly amongst the empty homes
It flows through tunnels and carries hints of comfort on a sweaty back,
Invisible gods that see dusk blending into the dark night awaken
And begin their trek to their destinations.
In a parallel reality stars shine brightly onto a barren land.
Does a androgynous being exist?
Does that being even care to let us know that we are important?
Probably not.
This is all we know of our father's wars, for a lack of better words.

Do we we care enough to even question it?
Just thoughts put together
Vierra Feb 2017
There's a reverie that still haunts me,
and the capability to be free from it makes me pay a fee,
I have a son and he is healthy,
I have a job, but not wealthy,
I have no wife, which makes me a bachelor with a bloodline,
I have no family, which makes me feel fine.

I am a rolling stone in the shallows of the sea,
I am the shudders of air on a the wingtips of a bee,
I am not expecting you to carry my load,
I'll play the queen then fold.

I miss my fiancé to no end,
she is the one that of whom letters should be send,
she will never speak to me again,
she is a lady who is, now and again, foreign.

I miss the mountains of a different land,
from a country of which I am a fan,
I will see you again Ha'aheo,
for I have, for you, a kaheo.

This is the end of my dream,
of which I explained and deem,
worthy of your critique,
for I am doing this to release and not to be unique.
kaheo - a vision or beckoning
Ha'aheo - to be proud *used as a name*
737 · Mar 2017
Nature and Instincts
Vierra Mar 2017
The permafrost recedes and the animals peeking their heads out of the burroughs they were buried in and they begin their quest for a lover, to repopulate the species again and to feed after the long harsh winter, and to gain experience and memories of how to do so.

The frosty winds turn cool and the sun warms their faces and souls. The hope of meeting their potential partners are enough to defrost and soothe the ice on their coats, rendering them capable to breed. With their legs stretched and active, they search.

They hunt and breed for the whole spring within their respective community. The revirie of their population gaining on other predators give them a better chance for survival amongst all odds.

I have been buried in ice for thousands of years. I have been waiting for my turn to hunt and search for my lover, my community, and my wife. I have been straggling behind my species for a lifetime.

Is it my turn yet?
Is it my chance to do well amoungst the Mohikans?

I certainly hope so.

Happy Spring, poets.
For memories of the hunt.
732 · Feb 2017
A Finches Return
Vierra Feb 2017
I pondered, in reverie, about the endless blue sky
and why the finches never returned for their morning bathe in the sun.
I suspect that is they have found grounds to feed down south but never understood why they left.

It was when the finches arrive back at the fields, that she came to me
asking for meat and bread for her belly.
My senses, finely tuned, remember how lovely she was.
I could taste her in my dreams, smell her in my sheets, and hear her whispers, putting me to bed to dream

Alas, she has left for business and is never to be returning. I send her absolutes through winds that pass through the valley. But she cannot hear the thing that would matter most.

These words that I speak of cannot be just spoken, but has to be noticed
by her and only her eyes for it is the acts of affection that turns the volume up in her mind. It is the acts of the pale moon to see blindly in the darkness.

I'm a ******* coward but so is she. We cannot see the light in a dark corner of the fools mind for he is a fool like I.  I will search for her in every woman I will ever meet and, perhaps, will see a lonesome road and forever think of her, searching for the finches of last fall.

I will spoil the dogs while I wait for her to finish searching for her birds. They will be decent, but I fear for her and her reverie of the birds returning. They are free birds like she and I fear solitude in heavy doses.

Oh, the return.
killing fields poetry
sadness, anger, hope and reverie
712 · Feb 2018
Vierra Feb 2018
In the wee morning hours, while the world sleeps, thoughts of my fiya burns brightly and with substantial heat.

My child is growing without her father, regardless.  It pains me that she will never be under my command. She is a seeker of a man's comfort and in all due rites, it is my comfort that she seeks in another man, a male.

A father's role in a child's life is a decent responsibility. It is honorable and respectable lifelong deal, or until the child exceeds legal commitment.

I find myself seeking her out, my sweet fiya, and finding comfort in women. Not the mother. I did not fully accept her, the mother, and we were forced to cut the courtship short upon pregnancy. It was forged in a manner that sits uncomfortably with me. Forevermore.
My intentions were to save and although it forced my hand many times, I do not see why her love is not reciprocated from me.

The flames grow in my guts and it leaves a charred taste in my mouth. My fiya, my sweet fiya, will grow free of a circumstantial monsoon rain. She will grow in size and warmth.

Eternamente, filha, eu sou seu pai.
Eu te amo, linda.
674 · Jun 2013
Night and Day
Vierra Jun 2013
You leave a hint of glory in your absence.
You really don't know, do you?
You shine with a aura bright like the sun
Leaving in your wake the darkness of night
Like the longing the night does to become day, I need you to soothe my longing for your warm breath on my neck
Like the certainty that is involved with the changing of the winter winds, I need the absoluteness of your fingers intertwined in mine
You are a star, glowing bright and vibrant
I am the cold winter night,  the darkness is what nightmares are made of.
Please let me bear your absence for I am willing to endure the night to watch it turn to day.
640 · Jun 2013
Vierra Jun 2013
The night comes with a hint of cold.
The fading sunlight mixes colors with the gaining darkness,
until all at once there is no light, just cold.
I can see all the familiar shadows with a relative ease.
They make me feel comfort in my solitude,
like a lullaby upon youthful ears.

let me write you a story
of which you can read to your sons and daughters at bed time.
stories of times that enchanted the dreary eyes
of their never ending imagination

the night brings this magic.
dreams and faded reality are commonplace
upon the alter that holds these fantasies.
quiet solitude with the realization that you are alone in the darkness.

yet the night will turn to day.

i have seen too many sunrises through wayward eyes.

oh night will you return?
will my beloved solitude render during the day?

we shall see. we shall see.
635 · Aug 2016
My 'She'
Vierra Aug 2016
There is a woman in the distance. She is a vague silhouette but she is real. She is staring into the vast heavens, waiting.
I'll see you in the shallows she claims. Her long brown hair moves in the flurries of wind gusts.

She is real.

I can see her.

Which of your five senses will you give up or hold on to for her to notice you?

She is real.

She is not a mirage to be thrown away because of temperature. She demands respect, for she is a mystery still. Will you approach and engage her? Will you touch her in a way to tickle her fancy? What will you do?

She is real.

She is my hopes, she is my dreams, she is my reality and she is real.

She will always be a she.
For the she in me.
614 · Jul 2013
Vierra Jul 2013
We feed this emptiness inside all of us.
Love disguised as ***
*** disguised as love
It's one battle we all endure.
Should we show our hearts with reckless abandon?
One wise author once wrote:

'We are all manifestations of love.'

We as humans crave touch and tenderness just to fill that emptiness.
As of right now, my emptiness is fading slowly but surely with every piece  of your heart.

Your love is the cure.

I need your laughter haunting me.

I need your eyes gazing into mine.

I need your sheer presence to light my path to salvation.

I need you my love.
581 · Aug 2013
Vierra Aug 2013
the lines between reality and fantasy
is vague and blurry at best.
you cannot have one without the other,
for they compliment each other.
as i feel my mind is taking a turn for the worst
i cannot help but try and figure out
where this journey will take me.
will this trip last till my next life
or will it just end quietly
and leave me there in a desperate haze of both?
571 · Mar 2016
The void and the wind
Vierra Mar 2016
The winter winds carefully arrives with dreary wings, it's negative and pushing through the soft sunlight with relative ease.

My warmth is kept at a minimum at all times, for comfort, and my bones ache. They creak in the winter part of the revolution around the sun.

It will be a a eternity and a expired hour to when the warmth will take its turn. Then I will dip my toes in the cold, dark waters of a fresh water hole in a salt water ocean.

The earth will continue through the heavens as our dependency grows with each death of a star. They stick around for a millennia then alter shape to bring the balance full scale.

My life is not measured in the brightness of my comet tail, my life is measured by the depth of the cold, dark heavens. To see the colors of the tail, you must be in the vacancy of the heavens.
553 · Jun 2013
Vierra Jun 2013
Empty bus rides in ghost towns
in through side ally's and bike lanes.
That's what this feels like
Alone, dazed and confused,
just trying to not think about
all the lies and bad intentions.
Cutting just to feel something real,
to find your heart beating intensely
pumping blood through the scar tissue

Is it easier to end it all?

But what's the fun in that.
550 · Nov 2016
Sucker free.
Vierra Nov 2016
So I saw you on that day,
For the last time.
'I don't think I love you no more,
You have caused me enough trouble'
Is what she has exclaimed.
For the hardest part of me
Has silently dissolved,
And now I have found myself
In wanting but it might be in vain,
For there is another who tickles my fancy.
Already steady, I listen closely to those who will
Conspire against me and I have decided to
Believe those ever painful words,
react with the neglectful tendencies of a hardened man, and leave them to their vices.
I do not and will not respond to empty threats
and premeditated hatred because they can not maintain their required responsibilities.

Is it sucker-free wednesdays yet?
Stream of consciousness
498 · Jun 2019
The Pacific
Vierra Jun 2019
There's a hint of melancholy left in my breath,
a hint of cold in the summer

It's staples of nourishment that has lighted
pathways to salvation,
lighted pathways to safety and a distance from chaos
places like this on the horizon and a day's sail further
exist in a iridescent dream in my recollection

Islands of landmass proportions that rival the wonder of planetary revelations and celestial events that streak through the sky,
float among the ocean currents along side the ring of fire

The children of the Pacific remember these fiya skies and
praise those little portions of stardust lingering on the breeze
that create it.

The saline air collects in my lungs
beautiful coastlines with saltwater clouds 100 meters above the cliffs are home to those that ride on air gusts
they nest with their young hidden in caves a ways above the pristine and rugged rock face
the sun hits them quietly to warm and she leaves them the cooler at dusk on the ridge

Children of the Pacific all know this to be truth,
we established this fact through generations of life

It is how we ensure our survival as a people,
It is community collected lessons that we feed on and digest daily, to share this with the world is our privilege and responsibility,
one that we take seriously...
I am birthed of fire and nurtured by water all in the vast emptiness of the Pacific.
Vierra Nov 2014
A name in a sea of names.
Adrift, floating in oblivion.
Will you listen to compromise or will you hear reason?
Strategy in the middle of the ocean is useless. We will be cannibals.
No fish - no hanapa'a.
Words in a sad song fall upon deaf ears.
I do not exist in this world. I am a feather floating high on sea breezes crossing sun drenched oceans.
Do you hear me?
Probably not..
because at this moment,
Notes from the Pacific Ocean of my mind
485 · Jan 2017
The Reaper's Grasps
Vierra Jan 2017
My heartstrings are broken and you're taking out your dagger,
To insert slowly and forcefully, for it is what I deserve, to feel deaths grips upon your blade ever so gently because it does not lie.
Your eyes, cold and joyful to see my demise, will be the last I see because is my heart that you yearn for.

It is not yours to take but you do not hear my cries.
If it passes my breastbone I will cease to exist.
I need to think quick, to defend against the inevitable.

I will not let you take what is not yours.


Why is it the ones we love that we hurt the most?

Death is forevermore.
Thoughts, just thoughts of mortality and ******.
484 · Jul 2013
Vierra Jul 2013
Sitting here in my misery,
I'm wondering where you are.
Because I'm here,
ready for my trip down memory lane.
In through the deepest caverns of my mind
your tracks prove that you've been here before.
Just wandering around I suspect,
hinting at the addiction that you represent.
My veins are your highways,
in thru my mind and body,
spreading as if you were wildfire.
Please ease the burning in my muscles,
bring it to a dull warmth,
and subside the yearning that happens when I see your eyes.
I need to feel your pain close to mine,
honest and true,
together we will share the joy that will come with the ending of this suffering
That feeling that you see in me and I see in you.
438 · Sep 2017
Ode to a Ground Swell
Vierra Sep 2017
On a tiny Little Rock, in the middle of the sea,
It was fashioned to me,
The answers I seek,
Will forever be
Within me.
My dreams shall reveal
My reverie,
Oh rock in the middle of the sea,
Why you have done this to me,
And explained my fantasy to me, intimately.
For it is I, the wave rider, that is in need,
Of a adrenaline shot of the greatest capacity,
To fulfill my heratige in the middle of the sea.
Pacific Ocean of my mind.
399 · Mar 2015
Spoken Words
Vierra Mar 2015
There are stories of gods and goddesses that ride on tender ocean breezes that bring warmth and cold to the shorelines that
I play in,
I feed from,
and I plan to bring my children to.
The stories will grow with the salt air in their lungs and the cold, damp, packed sand under their toes. Every season will bring life to these stories, eventually gaining truth in each moment and event. The people will hear of these stories and choose whether or not to participate in them with their hearts and minds. They will grow in darkness and light as their own entity of truth. They will becomes the unbroken waterfalls of the sun and as important as the sun-drenched oceans.  
These are my words, as I see fit.
399 · Jul 2016
Vierra Jul 2016
Sometimes my mind wanders and I find myself within a cool ocean breeze thinking of you.
With the sun rays darkening the sweat on my back, you are paramount.

Please return my thoughts here intact and with addional heartfilled gestures.

It will never be the same as it was before. Maybe better, maybe worse. Time will be my only sign. I can not reach you through smoke signals that are carried on wind gusts and white squalls. I cannot reach you through open oceans filled with life.

Please speak to me, oh voice from my past and let me know I am doing well in your eyes.

Eu sou filho de meu pai e, embora nós somos diferentes você nunca vai encontrar um homem melhor.

Para todo o sempre.
para o meu avô Português, Papa.
351 · Nov 2015
A Voice in the Night
Vierra Nov 2015
Her voice carries through the valley.
It looks for the one that doesn't see her.
It drifts upon one solitary cloud of silence, hiding amongst the heavens.
The one that it searches for doesn't need it, carefully peaking out from under rocks, behind rain drops, and through sunbeams.
The search continues, still, and she will never stop.
The tragedy is, her voice will never find the destination and complete the journey.
I will never hear her voice again,
And that is the best part about it.
337 · Jul 2019
Man No Sober
Vierra Jul 2019
There's a steel drum playing loudly in the valley,
the tinks are infectious and lively

The shadows are rolling down the cliff with the breeze,
everything is right in the world we know to be true and sane

The thicket is dry and full of keawe thorns,
the bush is rustling with critters that show their fangs in the twilight hours

Our dogs are satisfied with the cool evening gentle wind gusts while the shores are still being lapped from the strong
Pacific currents

The day was difficult due to the heat,
when this happens we all suffer

The streams of sunlight dwindle and night settles in.

The night owls make their runs to town and back,
while the guard dog is chained and fast asleep

The night is long and only gives way to only the heat of the
mid-morning sun,
the birds chirp again

See!! The world is correct while we sleep, while we are active and while we breathe the Kona winds off the cold Pacific waters.

Nothing in life is just one event. It's merely the rhythm of life that occurs.
Slow country livin'
303 · Feb 2018
Heavenly Occurrences
Vierra Feb 2018
The angels that occupy my slanted paradigm has created a stir in my life.

The monsoon rains are the tears of these occupants. The pain is real for all they do is work. I feel the cold sideways droplets stinging my skin at all times. I am alive.

The grass will grow quickly and **** out the unwanted. Nevermore will this natural occurrence happen, for once it does the job is completed it will never be second guessed.

The competence of a man is not judged by the amount of responsibilities, it is judged by the amount of responsibilities done correctly and without assistance. I am a competent man.

I live within my own means while the angels work and war. I am alive like no other in history. Be aware that this prose is my own judgement and I am coherent in my life, participating and eliminating.
From the Pacific Ocean of my mind
288 · Apr 2015
Vierra Apr 2015
There is a place amongst the stars where I lay. In the cold dark heavens, I stare back to earth. There are many places I have seen, there is many I haven't.
There are things that are out there, in far away distances where I can not lay my comprehension upon. Things vibrate here, and they do not rest. They change shape and colors to their own advantages, communicate within their own circles and disconnect with what they do not need. It will come in waves and last till there is no fight left on their blood-dampened ground.
Within these places, life gathers beneath the layers of reddened dirt. The stars see all these things happening, but cannot stop these events. They involve the shifted rebellions and the front lines of battles. It has happened for as long as I have heard these stories of gods, and as long as I have had breath in my lungs.
It will happen again, long after I have left my perch.
My eyes burn from these tears, that have welled in my lids. They fall from my cheeks. It happens. I feel; still like a living thing, but have no emotion to re-enforce correct information.
I will awake from this darkness to see the light on a horizon.
In 5 days time, I will enter this world.
In 6 weeks, I will gain salvation.

Let it happen.
259 · Aug 2016
Vierra Aug 2016
These days I let the cold in. I creak at the joints because of it. It's a constant reminder that they can hear me passing through the house. I wear sweaters for comfort and these days are more important for the whole and less for the moment. I have a future to reminisce about. Birds speak of procedures and pecking orders via airmail. And we will work, endlessly, until our bones peak through our fingertips. This is the life we are meant for. Ahhh to live and die in HNL.
My journal is filled with constant memos and notes. It is filled with my life and it's the overflow valve that worries me. It is at these times, I withdraw and observe. There's usually nothing going on. But sometimes....
HNL international Airport
231 · Dec 2019
Vierra Dec 2019
The embers of a dying fire
can still hold warmth
can still provide light

a sign of health
a sign of wellness

the tide pools at the shoreline
provide life
provide food

a sign of health
a sign of wellness

the promise that the universe will raise you as her own,
is a promise to all those of past, present and future
the cycles of life and death will always be present
the changing of this promise will never be doubted,
but it will be taken advatage of, be appreciated and be used however we decide.

a sign of health
a sign of wellness
for all those of past, present and future
from the Pacific with ALOHA
219 · Aug 2017
Such is the life we lead
Vierra Aug 2017
To speak such words that rise above the clouds and ride on unbroken waterfalls of the sun is not madness, it is the privileges of the poet.

The hearing of these words will continue to be indulgent and available for the narcissist as he, ever self deprecating, will use his ears to spread his ways to the reality of others.

The night, beautiful and cold, will give way to the heat and excitement of the midday. This mundane celestial event is as beautiful as the mourning star, yet even of more importance to the universe we are a part of. The white dwarf will crumble,  ingest itself and shift towards a entirely original form of being.

The red dawn of this day will be seen over the span of a millennia and appreciated by unspoken words that mean so much to us all.

My wayward ears, finely in tune to the depths of suffering, will abandon all my hopes and dreams to make this world a better place, not for me but as a social agreement as a capable member of this great society.

It is my word and I am a man of honor. Tried and true, weighed and measured.
178 · Oct 2019
Crawling in the Darkness
Vierra Oct 2019
The night that commands these creatures has begun,
the creepy crawlers will emerge and begin the nightly routine of
the hunt, the nesting, the evading, the dancing with the ghosts

the capturing of the light is a a necessity and the creatures are aware of it,
the capture is almost like a health pack of absorbed moonbeams streaking throughout the canopy onto the underbrush and forest floor,
the creatures move among the the shadows hunting the light blindly
unaware of the loss of stealth as they peak theirs extensions into the dim moonlight touching the floor, sweeping the earth about

this is the life that the night commands and I await the break of dawn and the warmth of the moon's superior as
the wind rustles and the earth has spun for that bit of time

oh the deep dark night, let there be a dawn.
#canopy #forestkinetings #creaturesofthenight #thecoldstiffgustofair

*the night that brings forth a mourning star*
149 · Apr 2020
Vierra Apr 2020
She enters searching for the essence of us
Left from before time existed and from miles of distance apart
Her messenger waits outside my door quietly and patiently
She always makes sure to wipe herself clear from my recollection
So she can sleep at night, as prose will prove correct

The dry frigid air sweeps across the fallen land
At the edge of town there’s a open field that I lay in to soothe my mind
I have a lot of chatter there in the silence of the bewitching hours

Sometimes good, sometimes not so good
Spiritual messengers, earthly duties
137 · Aug 2020
Intended Remission
Vierra Aug 2020
The kiss of death has graced his lips
while we gawk and observe,
sitting in solitude and with crispy morning breezes that bring us small amounts of relief but shivers for frigid body temps.

The sickness that binds him to the old creaky bed frames
has taken hold of his lungs,
rendering him not capable of working in the sun,
for his valuable wages.

He worsens slowly but surely,
only to gain remission and feel the sun on his back in the fields
once again,
the breath of life fills his lungs once more,
for growth and sustainability.

To the ill and the lame,
be of assistance for your own health & wellness
and keep your cleanliness paramount,
for yourself and the "him" in everyone's life.
pops got covid
I don't
We all on house arrest
134 · Apr 2020
The Foothills
Vierra Apr 2020
there is enough room at the edge of this town to breathe,
wide open spaces and pleasent weather mix well with the butterflies and mice that inhabit the grainy and cornfed feilds aside the ranchers and workers.

the livestock has fallen ill this season from the construction of the roads along the fences,
the lack of grazing pastures are getting to the association this year
it's being brought up to the board this week

the air has just been thick with anticipation of the spring rains and chance for growth but the season is young
so many things have to happen for us to reach the endgoal of our bounties, for us to recieve our cut

we reap what we sow
from island plains
123 · Jan 2020
The End
Vierra Jan 2020
there is a beginning and end to everything in life,
the cycles are no more evident to me than it is now,
4 humdrum years later.

She has taken another into her bed while I made sure I was alive
after the last encounter of sorts,
a complex man I'm hoping for,
one who can identify all her triggers and signs of these type situations.

I wouldn't mind it if I wasn't haunted enough by the notion of knowing this is a definite and confirmed event in my life.

There is no fighting it.
Her critically acclaimed words are evident in the fact that it is
easy to acheive for her,
I can only assume in silence and darkness of her tactics and
I do not state this claim as falsehood for it is not a illusion

the thing is, she thinks I am oblivious to the situation,
I know and what would her penalty be?

maybe isolation and abandonment,
confrontation maybe not.
I have the black list on Megatron, my iphone, updated with my
exemption from this situation.

what will happen is a whole lot of work,
for work comes first
I will have no connection to the woman who has been
dishonest and decitful in the future
my elders have told be beware the water
yet the water is remarkably calm but so deep and treacherous

I will see the sunrise of tommorrow and enjoy her warmth
the darkness will fade and I will taste another on my lips,
as prophesy had revealed to me

maybe this time with respect and comfort
maybe with child and a wedding

exerpt from Samson and Delilah tho in the Pacific

— The End —