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When I was just a little boy,
When I went to sleep at night,
I used to stick to the shadows.
I was the thing people were supposed to be afraid of,
I led the monsters into battle.
I was in the shadows, and of the dark.

My mom used to keep the bathroom light on,
Every night it shone through my doorway.
The Light was coming my way, slowly but surely.
Why did I live in the dark?
Maybe because it was embracing my nightmares.
Maybe because it whispered "you are perfect!" in my ear,
Or maybe I was afraid of the bright of day.

Eventually it dawned on me,
That I could still be among the shadows,
And yet be of the Light!
There was hope for my pride, and sin,
And soon I began to shine flashlights in the dark,
To show it the way.
I'll be there for you, to the ends of the earth I'll go,
I'll find you when your lost, through storms and biting snow.

I'll help bring you closer, to The Father in the sky,
And I will always love you, even when you die.

When the light bulb's broken, I won't get another dwelling,
I'll just fix our hearts to shine again until with love they're swelling.

I love you over all the world, from the mountains to the seas,
From Earth to Heaven and back again through every deathly disease.

Thank you for always loving me, despite the uneven odds,
I know you're something special, your heart belongs to God.
Just a love poem. (I seem to be really good at this XD)

— The End —