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912 · Oct 2016
Black Nigeria
Once a dream begging for freedom
now a reality begging for liberation
The pigment of black civilization
Wealth is a meal prepared with the tears of the privileged

I see as far as i am,
buried in the ashes of poor growth,
A tale of the nagger stays short,
were illiterates speak with a loose mouthpiece,
were i live with my hands on my head,
My Soul to mouth,
A day for a knife and bread,
Another for the morn of sweet,

I see  graduates asking for a clocks,
As the future is now,
Make hail they say because the sun stopped shinning,
for my lamp is short of oil,
Just like in Xenadu- kubla khan said it flows but my vision is dull now,

Change is when you have changed,
For is there no morals for being different,
A preacher is as good as his book of salvation,
For his follower would soon build a tower of stone against his WISDOM
522 · Jun 2017
Binary Life
Do not live my life it's hot and boren
Do not wish I swing pin and Paul,
Do not wish my throat were dried from my thoughts that drown my chin,i wish I were younger to change what I have become ..a masquerade on the ledge...
Be as my binary fill with even numbers match.. for you wouldn't understand, free from a cage..catched by your eyes
I find myself in the middle of two walls, one on epifany the other on dialogue,
You bleed me dry from your work and  sweat...
I please all but myself I am pleased no more ..
I clap and you dance... Strange sounds of my land
A drum on a stick with a pack of frankincense
You beg me for unbelievable understanding when thy good dispises me..
Amitu the palm wine tapper was once a farmer so you said..
I will stay quiet till I meet you that day where the scorns and chains rebel for freedom....
Tale of Araje the village girl
501 · Aug 2016
President for a Day
The end is the best moment to quit,
The way I leave the podium,
I leave in your ovation,
I invaded the joy off all hearts,

What are you looking at?
I smiled all the way,
I did walk down the plague,
How did you know I won,
How did you wish it was you.

I have a face for judges,
This isn't your auditorium,
This isn't your moment,
Low your pride and be like me,
For who hid himself in the face of war,
Sang the song of a " Victor no Vanquish"
I did believe you stood by me when truly you left because my dreams ran you over..
I leave your good conscience if it still exist with a brush of icing..
I wish I stood for all but surely they didn't want the truth...
I played the game to your advantage.. Yes I tasted victory... you had no choice but to let me lead while you follow
...#senator Ududua #
493 · Dec 2019
My Father,My Hero
I can pour tears,
I can raise mountains,
I can draw the forces, but I could keep you,
For you were my pride and hero,
My fortress and Star,
Even do you left abridge the year,
I still miss you.
Everyday I close my eyes  I still see you,

I still dream of your words,
You never stop pushing me,
I felt you had the world,
I felt you had prime for time,

I still stand to you the general,
A legend with a thousand army,
You live on in my heart,
I love you,even as you watch over me,

I am joyed for you kept your home glittering,
I am proud of your accomplishments,
I am doomed to succeed,
You live on my general..
Ode to OJ Ududua
431 · Aug 2017
Today, Tomorrow, Forever
I will be here, I will be here, amdist all I will be here,
For a day to a month, let the year Show the rhythm,
I will be here for you knew me,
Out of nothing to something..
Even when am judged and marked..
I will be here...

I will be here through the timeline
When voices less unknown speak for me...
I will be here when I justified silence to be my punishment for aquitance.
Where the bee and the honeycombs dispare.
I will be here when I took the will and mantle..i know who I am to no avail...
I will be here casting my lot on fair reasoning.
I let myself fall on the petals of red rose.

I will be here  because I choose to be the judge's verdict.
I will be here when Silence burried my voice casting the scorn on me.

I will be here because of you,us and them, sharing a piece of literature while I let posterity judge.

I will be here for long even time might stop for my sake.
I see myself as a valley flowing along the Bermudian..

Oh cast my stone down the mountain for then my thoughts would rest, for thy table are filled with oester and leashes to welcome me.

I have no reason to say a hearty tone, I have more reason to drown on the mountain top, for whoever judges is fair. The wisdom of Solomon and the thought of pharaohs

God bless my thoughts pure and gentle

I remain a son of today, tommorow and forever.
Silence is a mytr
427 · Aug 2016
I would'nt Blame You
When we don't live with caution,
We live in vain,
When we stray with Anguish we pay in coins,
We didn't mean it off words,
We only played with our silence.

I really can't blame you even do its my fault,
I ran all through while you walked,
When you fell I didn't notice,
Less you voice was speechless,
Walk oh priest of evaluating valour,

For thy blame would save me less I fall
50 shades of Lust
386 · May 2017
Lead by the wild,
Mother Nature,
Our Tradition leads..
Amidst variance we are almighty
Made from the cavings of the supernatural,

From earth to the woods
We bowl to the furnace of Ogogi
I imagine thy presence for thy breath was drizzling...
Energy of thunder, rage of Olympus.. Figurine return

The vain of lightening...
Yet you permit and admit
For I didn't ask for fire or will
I asked a thoughtful questions..

I live in you even if you hold me in your hands..
I will place you on the alter of Sacraments..
I would watch thy supremacy bowl to God

The lord is mighty.. He that made thy image in his likeness... will thread with
Tale of Titan
365 · May 2019
Sweat, Tear and Blood
It pains the tree to let it’s fruit fall on a stormy weather..
It pains the rain to fall to till the earth..

It works a versel to the fullness activity of life...
How can I say ...for words forbid I be angry...
We all live in argony, disgust and penury..
I wish I could take your breath and dump your corpse....
For ballad is a remedy for remembrances...
To the words of deceit and the soul of wickedness is seeking your reproach....

Oh I wish you knew you were a foe among the sheep,I wish I never knew you....

For we all leave a memorial to kiss the sands of time..I wish the earth would leave you beyond the hemisphere....and the heat burn your flesh.

I wish you sweat on a running soul...Drain blood all the way....
Wickedness is an act no one’s heritage....

We all will go....beyond we will go.....were my will wouldn’t save you from Anguish and dispare
341 · Dec 2016
The King(M.E.N)
Down to the Biblical era . .we were looked upon, down to oblivion time wouldn't depart.
Drawn out from a rib...we made them(women)
We were meant to be listened to
We were meant to be understood..
We aren't the Almighty but we were made gods to rule the earth
When a voice becomes so high we ask who made you...its not my portion if destiny made me a king...
It only put you beneath me..
Its understanding that we soul to soul wonder the earth to a Vail and mount of wilderness....
I feel strange amidst thy sight
When you make me what you ought to behave like..
I keep the stings to feel what you go thorough.. But you do not feel my pain for thy cross is heavy and my Borden light

Sort out thy irony and veteran a way to hope and epidermal wisdom
When you feel your world would be blue with understanding...
The Strength of wickness
325 · Jul 2017
The Vail of heaven opens and the dew of oasis falls, no pain and gain, the parallel world of diacotomy.... Let my dictionary judge me...

I ponder on an obscure universe, while we blow in the vain of the Talibans.
So you plague  my future with your fault, I do believe  my vessel are thick and powerful, fire and brimstone.

Literally hear my voice while you crack a prank,while listening to my voice from a tripod,the villain came in summer.

I live powerful with my universal blessings,even your young 'pirates' wouldnt hold in,i came from above, I kept watching ,I bring blessings to all.

I wish we looked ahead,the voice of the voiceless, a mirage we all know well ,regardless I bowl in a million Silence let the crowd talk... Let the few assume.
#gifted hands#
304 · Dec 2019
The Sweetest Laughter
The world is funny,
It is filled with the memories of a thousand Laughter,
I imagine how intriguing the moments are,
When the world greets you good morning from summer and spring,

I imagine how we live one day at a time,
I just wish at the end our humor is built to live for eternity,
                         Your sweet laughter was born of aspiration and dreams,
As awaken as noon and as conscious as nightfall,
I wish for a generation of laughter
We all dream for tomorrow
We all leverage our will

I miss my past as i stand with my future,
I like to fall in your arms,
I love to sail in your ocean
I love to wreck my harbor with your overwhelming fog

We owe our destinies to our creator,
She builds and waters all souls from glory to glory,
You were never as good as yesterday
You almost lost it for my sake
I raised you and prospered you
I brought you here to read my story

I will burn all my bridges,
Just for you to hold my hands
I know with you i need no plane to walk on the earth

I stood by all and yet the multitude watched,
Turn yourself inside out and watch my movie,
Be my heroine over acts and scenes

A scandalous heart is what you desire,
A wilful past is what you achieved
So remember i love you
I wish you were near
But now it’s noon time
So i must say goodbye to rest my head

If i have written something
That has caused you to grief,
I say a happy Halloween
I wish you a rebirth

A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose
Along came a bunny bear,
And what do you suppose

We laugh and make merry,
We look along to the wind,
Ode to what we lost and smile to what we achieved
I will see more of your smiles for i know
All what you desire is joy above all.

Your sweet laughter is the water flowing through my vine
The wind beneath the earth with blowing leaves,
My breath drawn in
And my excavation moves beyond
It is the forces that push all things i assist
Three things that make my life complete

Our love for Mother Nature will remain in our clan,
It will console us at the point of our want,
Your laughter made me a soul humorous to life
The best feeling i have ever known is the feeling of happiness
You can feel it keeping you above us

I wish to keep laughing till you tickle me to stop,
We do not get a chance per day to be famous
As the world feels our joy from a distance
They bless us in a thousand folds
Blessed with grace.

I love a world with you smiling at me,
I know you would not leave me alone
I am happy you found me when i needed your care
I would love your sweet laughter when i can be with you
In the absence of the world

I love you blessing of my youth,
I love what you made me do
You graze the sheep and water my bans
You are blessed beyond your reach
Your generation is one without causes

I will walk with joy and live with laughter for your stand
I am glad you bring joy to my *****
Joy to my world, a nation above the mantel
I build a castle of ending laughter
265 · Aug 2016
This isn't a word,its is a vision
The main crust of a saddled soul
Its a kind gesture of uncertainty
A heart lost in the world

Standing in the center of the Bermudian
Every action being judged by precedence
Let me show you the way over lost
This vision seems blu
I cant find my way out

I denote being taking away
Its fetal and dark amidst the light
Trenton pumps my heart ablaze
Ode to the wind of the cold noon

I wish not found to you
I lost not warmth to be bitter
Life of a painter without a brush
I rush to the cardinal,astray of the wide

Do not look at me because no sight no vision
Having judged all but a path
I see a mast in thy eyes
257 · Aug 2016
I need you
What can I do without you,
Where is my life's pride,
Will you call,
Will you stare,
Will I lay arms to the ground,

I need the stars,
As I can't keep you for myself,
I wouldn't last for am frost,
I leave in a bloom summer,
I pour my tears when you leave,

Be cold and smooth as the peace of love,
Be calm and lost like the heart of the raven,
I am in love with you,
I lean on your soft rose,
I wouldn't wilder away if you smile..
..Love of "YOU"
242 · Aug 2016
Drain me, Desert me, Abandon me,
It hurts my raising
It's beauty builds a bloom Success
I am flying in your vision.
I am blue in your sight

I yeast your conscience
I ice your heart,
I plague your reality,
I have a lot above
I knee to grace of low gods
I live to the Almighty,

I am above the clouds,
I am the silver knight,
I possess a armour of all around me,

I am a thousand voice,
I am housed in a million souls,
I evade all,But blessed as a gift.
Phase Two
238 · Aug 2016
You don't know me,
You don't see me,
I am the ranging storm,
I blow alike as the hurricane,
Enjoy my presence,  love my absence,
I lay my worth so you know,
But care less if you don't.

In the line of men,
In the gaze of longitude,
I keep you in mind,
I learn your ways,
I look at my lead..

Oh thy mystery be covered for the TRUTH,
My will shall sharp and stray thy SOUL
...we all know it
196 · Feb 2022
Wake me UP
I woke up after a century,
I woke up in the after life,
no one sleep as long as i did,

My father was my brother and my Mother was my friend,
Life was a fiction,
Time was predicate,

I need you to wake me up,
For i slept from a lake and extended to the Sea
180 · Dec 2019
I just Love You
Are you in love,
How do you feel
Do you giggle and smile
Do you frown when you cry
Do taste your gushing tears down your  *****.

I love you right now,
I love you right when I touched your lines,
I loved you but your words opened my eyes
I just love you

We walked in your garden and watered your roses,
We walked in and painted your frame
No one could hear you,but I did
I lasted as much as you wanted me to.

You called out your love for me,
You brought out your light to shine
You said I brought you back to life
When he lasted you with a coloun of avogado
I wasn't there

I love you but we remained strangers,
We walk the Earth as we drown in life
We watch and build the vacuum of time
No doctor can cure the love of a broken smile
I love you

For a life without me is on lust with love,
I love who you become before me
I asked for all you had
You gave without asking me what I wanted
You just loved me even in my ways

I just love you because you are wonderful
I need you,
I want you even if no one does
I would watch over you
I would kiss you head and cast you in my arms and forever
A tale I never knew

— The End —