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How can I
love someone new,
when you kiss
my soul
so true?
For the blurred-faced man, who comes in my dream-

Are you real, or am I lost in the feel?
The Lily looks up,
the Moon gazes back,
both knowing well,
they will fall,
I remember the full moon night last year, lighting up my terrace. The flower plant looked sooo beautiful!!
One flower was shining exceptionally bright, its face turned up toward the moon, as if it was shyly glancing at it.
Such a magical moment it was!
The wind was howling,
the moon was glowing,
and me?

Trying to glimpse
the stars,
hiding from me.
trying to reach for something just beyond me.
I feel so small,
yet so do the stars,
when seen from afar,
they shine through the scars.

And now I feel better.....
What’s meant stays,  
quiet and sure.  
True love waits,  
even when we turn away.  
What isn’t ours  
like water,  
gone before we know it.
....sun will rise tomorrow

— The End —